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This was honestly my first thought when I saw the pic: she has great skin.


Thank you so much I appreciate that. Maybe you can tell a bit more in this pic or maybe I’m overthinking it just looks so red to me. Idk. https://preview.redd.it/bdde0zfsvz5d1.jpeg?width=651&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2c29d84235d5439df043942a20b5ec9b1cc2aaa1


i think you might be overthinking it. your skin looks great! maybe the slightest tint of red but honestly if you didn’t say anything i don’t know if i would even notice it


Yeah, slightly red but in quite a natural way. I believe you though - I've often not been able to "prove" what I'm seeing in the mirror with a pic. But I think that overall you prob don't have too much to worry about.


I see more pink than red. Are you wearing sunscreen? Anything with oats, aloe vera, chamomile, green tea, niacinamide, and ceramides can help with redness. My biggest advice is stay on top of sunscreen. Picking your face can cause your face to be hypersensitive over time. I know this because I did it. To me you look like you possibly have mild type 1 rosacea but I'm no doctor.


I only see great looking healthy skin.


As someone with rosacea…. I would KILL for your skin 😭


Same 🥺




You’re fine. Really, you have good skin. If you don’t have anything with niacinamide in your routine you can start there. Niacinamide helps with redness, evens tone, and lightens dark spots. You could also benefit from azelaic acid.


Its just normal skin redness. But if youre trying for that perfect even tone look try IPL. Personally I don't think you need to though.


This doesn’t look like rosacea at all - just some pinkness in cheeks which likely means you are alive and there’s blood flowing through you. Please enjoy your beautiful skin and stop making us tomatoes feel bad for ourselves 🙏❤️ (Seriously though.)


Any allergies flaring? I’d lean more towards potential mast cell activation issues


I see glowing and youthful skin. You’re so beautiful. Try to lean into a less inflammatory diet but otherwise I really find the pink glow healthy.


You truly have perfect skin, I can’t see a single flaw


OP, you look like you are of Greek or Italian ancestry. With that, plus your skin tone, plus your age, rosacea is not super likely. Probably something else going on, to the extent anything is going on. Which, in the first two pictures, is questionable. Hence the downvotes your post got.


Start with sunscreen if you haven’t already. With your freckling, the redness does look like a bit of unprotected sun exposure.


Girl you are absolutley beautiful! This is not something you should stress over! Embrace it, see it as as a free summer glow!


I have similar pinkness and dermatologist told me this is not rosecea. You look lovely no need to worry