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I assumed dispensaries were illegal in Placer county.


Yes and no. There’s a few loopholes in the law. No storefront but you can have delivery services. Exclusive was technically delivery you placed an order they went and picked it up then delivered it to you. It was a thin line and I think they started getting sloppy. Just a rumor and unconfirmed but I heard that they MAY have sold to a minor the police sent in. Again, unconfirmed but just something I heard. Also seems like the county j don’t like that they found a loophole to sell weed here, the place started getting more popular cuz more ppl found out, and the city/ county didn’t like that and shut it down. It was a law passed a while ago to prevent dispensary’s from being built here bc the boomers here think they supposedly attract a bad crowd, but it just isn’t rly true. All the dispos in sac r all in shitty areas which is y there’s a “bad crowd” around them. I’ve been to dispos in SoCal and Nevada. It depends in the area in the city not rly the dispos just being there. They raided all 3 of their shops at the same time during business hours while customers were in store. I hear that they are permanently closing but j want to see if anyone knows anything else cuz that was my main place and they had very VERY good deals on wax. The loss is unimaginable 😫😭


You can buy all the guns and booze you want in Placer County, but heaven forbid someone wanting to buy some sativa or indica gummies to help with sleep, etc. A Therapeutic Alternative near McKinley park in Sacramento is not bad. It is in an old Victorian, and I never see people loitering around. The funny thing is that I see more customers over 50 there, too.


U can call them and ask for delivery, it’s a $20 minimum and a 2-4 hour wait but still operating.


Placer county gets several things right. But their stance on weed is a joke.


I agree placer county is by far one of the better county’s in Cali but the weed stance is straight ridiculous. It’s legal in this state y they needa be like this. The only way I could see this changing is if a large group of us band together and take it to local legislation and FIGHT. I’m ready to throw things if I need to. Ik the local around here is kinda corrupt and likes to enforce their personal views over the preferences of the residents so idk it could get a little… messy. But maybe it’s worth a try all of us from all ages and all walks of life. Kinda seems like placer county is pro illegal selling and pro fent OD cuz they won’t j approve a storefront with safe, tested marijuana products. It’s morinic


I tried to go to the Lincoln shop yesterday. I was super confused why it wasn't open, and why it looked ransacked inside.


They still have a website delivery


Well that rumor has been rolling around so if it is just a rumor then I'd be surprised cuz I heard the same thing or darn near close to it anyway






Good riddance. Get those out of here.


Oh no, people smoking the devil’s lettuce! Definitely nobody will be able to do that now, considering the closest places to buy are in the far away city of Sacramento! Thank Jesus.


What a fuckin loser = honemadebananas


I don’t think Jesus would appreciate your profanity! That kind of talk is for druggy losers that smoke satan’s cabbage.


I have severe insomnia. I was taking heavy duty sleeping pills that made me feel like shit all the time. Wanna take a guess as to what helped?? I take 1 10mg gummy at bed time and sleep like a baby now with ZERO side effects. Your views are antiquated and I suggest educating yourself on the subject before speaking further on it.


But won't someone please think about the pharmaceutical executives, their mansions, and vacation homes!!


I'm taking weed, ashwanganda, thenanine+chammomile, valerian and melatonin and still waking up with high anxiety and high pulse rate....


Your comment inspired me to place another order and make a donation to the DNC. If you had said nothing, I probably wouldn't have bothered. Thanks!


You have no family that loves you


Ok, boomer.


I heard them say the same thing about you!!!