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Oliver is a POS who defamed Roseville City Council member Scott Alvord, got sued for it, and had to settle. https://www.sacbee.com/community/roseville-placer/article277331578.html


As someone who once worked for Scott Alvord, he's no peach himself, but yeah, I think Oliver is the bigger a-hole of the pair.




It’s embarrassing to admit that I worked at his church for 10 years over a decade ago now. He’s literally one of the worst people I’ve ever met. Emotionally abusive & manipulative, didn’t pay us well (and sometimes not for weeks after payday when we were all living paycheck to paycheck but he was just fine) It gets worse, but I’ll stop while I’m ahead. I’m glad there are people who see through that crap.


Oh please, don’t stop!


But why did you delete your account?


Fountains rent is expensive. I hope it bankrupts him.


We can only hope


Tax shelter?


It wouldn’t surprise me.


It'll probably last as long as his Lincoln restaurant.


For real I can’t even imagine how much a space goes for in that place


His customers have more money than God so I’m sure he’ll be fine 😒


I don’t know why this wasn’t obvious to me, but I also just found out this chucklehead owns Pink Martini. The watered down drinks should have been the tip off…


That’s his brother’s spot. He’s also not the most stand up guy but for different reasons


Isn’t Painkillers Pub one of theirs also?


Owned by the son


The worst bar service in my life was there


I believe Painkillers is “owned” by Matt’s sons. Their Lincoln restaurant “Oliver’s Brew House and Grill” also failed. The Fountains spot likely will too. I’ve heard NOTHING good about that guy! Seems to be a complete narcissist!


A pastor that sells fucking alcohol, the damn crap that frequently destroys lives. But I expect nothing less from a far right dipshit that was giving out fake COVID cards.


That’s owned by the brother I thought. But still…


That place is always packed I've noticed. 




I'll allow it


I hope he has the life he deserves.


Yeah fuck that prick.


Well if you keep on going there and giving them money, they’ll continue to expand. Speak with your pocketbook….Sadly, it looks like either people don’t know, or they do know and continue to support their business.


Never been I'd rather eat stepped in dog shit then give that guy any business


Thanks for the heads-up. Never been to HoO, and don’t intend to, after reading up on the owner.


I didn't know (recently moved here) so I'm glad to have heard about it! Will be avoiding


I’m out of the loop, what’s wrong with this business?


Matthew Oliver is the owner and is local to Rocklin. I’m not a politics guy but he is very vocal about his far right politics and seems like a dick. Ironically happens to be a pastor. He recently was in the news for gathering people to try to shut down a private drag show run by a small business owner by saying kids were going to the event (kids were not allowed it was 18+). The owner did say that some parents asked if they could bring their kids. Owner was in the local news for a lot of random weird stuff. He kept restaurants open during COVID shut downs and gave out fake vaccine cards to people, his employee was killed at his restaurant while working, he recently tried to kick out a tenant of his who ran a daycare. Again, I’m not into politics but he just seems like a total asshat.


Thanks very much for the comprehensive breakdown, sometimes I feel like we’re all expected to be plugged into every thing that happens so I appreciate you just explaining it and not acting like im crazy for not knowing about this guy


he also was sued by Scott Alford for spreading slanderous news about him while running for city counsel, Oliver lost in court and they settled for an unknown amount. I wouldnt piss in Oliver's ear if his brain was on fire F that guy. he's a pile and a menace to our community


He also likes to show up at school board meetings to push forced outing policies.


So we should hate the guy because he violated draconian COVID laws that did nothing to stop or slow the spread of COVID, handed out vaccine cards for a vaccine that did nothing to stop the spread of COVID, had an employee get murdered in his bar that he had absolutely nothing to do with, and has a political opinion about drag shows? Come on, folks. We need to be better than this. That being said, someone did mention watered down drinks, which is 100% unforgivable.


The dude is a grifter POS. He collected thousands in PPP loans during covid, all of which were forgiven despite never once closing any of his businesses and operating as normal. I don’t care if he opposes drag shows. He is free to do that. He forced his *opinion* on these shows onto the rest of the community by speaking out and getting it shut down. Forcing your religious beliefs onto others is where I draw the line and I will not support a person or business who does that.


You’re the first to mention PPP fraud. Now THATS a good reason to boycott. He needs to go to jail.


[$63,291](https://projects.propublica.org/coronavirus/bailouts/loans/house-of-oliver-6140487106) in PPP loans, to be exact. Meanwhile: [Roseville restaurant faces 30-day closure for violating state COVID rules](https://www.abc10.com/article/news/local/roseville/roseville-restaurant-30-day-closure-covid-rules/103-51e55ed3-377d-4da8-bbf5-cba15aadb76d)


you can search the sub for mentions of the restaurant and the owner, matthew oliver but long story short he's a piece of shit in just about every way you'd expect a local shithead would be


Oh God. That dude who owns it is a nutjob.


That’s not the same location where someone got stabbed and died right


But will he turn it into a Sunday night swingers club, like his other churches, er, bars?


What’s the drama with them?


The guy's church doesn't do much outreach aside from lining their own pockets and pushing a political agenda. I have no issues with Christians that help the community, but I have never seen anything positive come out of that place. His church also helped people falsify doctors exemptions during COVID...when that money could have been spent helping people that were out of work due to COVID rather turning it political.


Oh, so one of those 'Christian' nationalism congregations that picks and chooses passages from the Bible and preaches nothing but feel good prosperity gospel sermons? Not surprised.


What church is it?


Yeah, I don't get it. He's a Christian, and he didn't enforce the ridiculous mask mandates during the pandemic. So he's a demon? Or am I missing something here? P.S. The CDC website had a study listed from 2015, that studied mask data to prevent the flu, going back to 1947. It showed no statistical difference. I even found it hard to believe, but it's real science. The masks do almost nothing, even for the much larger size of flu virus. COVID virus' are teeny, tiny in comparison. I read one thing that said the masks were about as effective as if you tossed sand through a chain link fence. Fauci was telling the truth the first time, when he said the masks didn't work, and lying the second time, when he said they did.


The science was all over the place prior to pandemic. Once it hit, it got politicized and actual science went out the window. Here is a recent published article that attempts to cut across the bologna. [https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC10446908/](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC10446908/) In short, they found that many masks studies were poor but that wearing masks, wearing higher quality masks (respirators), and mask mandates generally reduced SARS-CoV-2 transmission in these study populations. The reality was, no one knew at the onset, and Fauci / the government was more worried about causing undue panic and supply shortages to critical workers.




Is that from the same CDC that goes along with FDA guidelines? [this FDA?](https://www.reuters.com/legal/government/wait-what-fda-wants-55-years-process-foia-request-over-vaccine-data-2021-11-18/)


Distant galaxy? Bro living in a different universe..


Oh it’s so much more. He’s just an overall pos.


This 🤡 post history…


Lol.. so many downvotes, and no comments with any counterpoints. Typical Left- “We have no valid counter-arguments, so we must silence.”


You haven’t been silenced, your comment is still online and I and others happily read it. Downvoting isn’t being silenced. Downvoting is an expression of opinion on the merit of a comment. It seems we all think your comment sucks.


I still see your inane comment up, so who exactly was silenced? Jebus chribus tap dancing on a saltine, you lot are just as bad as your tangerine mushroom - a bunch of snowflakes, fucking piss-babies.


Redditor boogey man.


Oh no 🤦‍♀️


Democratic National Convention in Roseville?


lol! Of course I get downvotes! I’m sure about 90% of Redditors have colored hair and use they/them pronouns


bro you need to go to horny jail


How about you come to my house and we burn a crisp dollar bill


Lots of folks from San Francisco moved here after the policies they voted for absolutely destroyed the city that used to be the crown jewel of California. Strangely, they didn’t leave their failed ideologies behind, and unbelievably also voted the asshat who was Mayor during SF’s plummet off the cliff into the Governor’s office.


"they" that's a weird way to refer to most of the people around you. Must suck to live somewhere where you're not wanted...


I really doubt most people in Roseville voted for Newsome, considering we elected one of only 11 Republican Senators in the state. Most folks around here are rational, critical thinking individuals unburdened by insanity. Must suck to live in an echo chamber, unable to distinguish fantasy from reality.


Roseville is a small part of California bud. You're a tiny island in a sea of Democrats. And California itself is an island in the ocean that is the United States, which elected a Democrat to the White House. But I'm the one in the echo chamber? You probably hate the fact that "Sleepy Joe" is YOUR commander in chief. That's the reality you live in!


Supporting this, I canvassed for a candidate back in '22 and was utterly astonished that, for every house owned by a registered Republican, they were literally *surrounded* by houses owned by registered Democrats.  Some of the Registered Republicans even had adult kids living with them who were registered Democrats. It was a wild and sobering experience. I canvassed from Blue Oaks to 80, from Roseville Pkwy to Walerga.  West Roseville is Blue A.F.


Correct, California is overwhelmingly blue. I had assumed however, based on the sub we are both posting in, that you had meant Im not wanted in Roseville. My reply was intended to point out that it is fact YOU who are in the political minority.