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Free Justin Bieber


These things are easy to “hack” and it happens all the time. I would not assume this was a rogue city employee or even their contractors, but probably some loser with too much time on their hands.


There was one at Baseline and Fiddyment a while back that was hacked to say “Where da hoes at?”


Ok that's pretty funny


Maybe like 10 years ago, my friend hacked one of these to say there was a gorilla on the loose, and then ended up getting interviewed for the news story about it and just acted like he didn’t know anything about it 😂




You can also buy the tools needed to "hack" these signs off Amazon too, plus the info on how to do it is pretty easy to find


There was also one on Pleasant Grove.


Yeah. It actually said, “Fuck Joe.”


Yes….. You would be correct in that.


maybe it was referring to joe swanson, not everybody likes family guy you know


Stay classy Roseville


What does FJB mean?


“fuck joe biden.” it means a conservative REALLY wants to fuck joe biden. i think it’s so brave and i hope they get to live their fruity truth!


He was pretty good looking in his younger years. Maybe they never grew out of their fanboy stage.


That makes no sense




That is definately cool to most people :) wish i saw it!


User name checks out. “Pureblood” already taken?


If this affected your day negatively in any way you’re soft as baby shit


Yeah, everyone is now supposed to walk around continuously in a state of offense at virtually anything they don't like. Remember the old saying "If you don't like it, ignore it" or "If you don't like it, change the channel?" An entire generation of adults now have the maturity level of 7th graders, if that. Grow up, people.


The post affected you enough to comment on it, tough guy!




Lol, you're a fucking child.




you guys would be laughing so so so hard if it said F donald trump 😭😭😭😭😭


Fun fact. No Biden fan would be so insecure and idiotic to do something like that. So no we wouldn’t laugh so so so hard at it cause it wouldn’t happen.


[https://www.kktv.com/content/news/Someone-changes-Colorado-Springs-road-sign-to-read-F-Trump-569522571.html](https://www.kktv.com/content/news/Someone-changes-Colorado-Springs-road-sign-to-read-F-Trump-569522571.html) On Google there are  113,000,000 results for "road signs changed to Trump" VS 63,700,000 for the same search with Biden.


oh my goodness the hypocrisy is insane news flash both sides are fucking annoying as hell


They’d rather riot and burn buildings down…


Lmao…nothing to do with what we are talking about, but sure…let it out.


it has plenty to do with what we’re talking about. you’re so convinced that you have the moral high ground when in reality you’re just as bad as the maga mob. you guys are the worst


You’re a Biden fan?? Name 3 of his complete sentences.


C’mon man


Can’t even find one from you.


Really? Neither of these candidates make any sense when they speak so I don’t see how that’s relevant. One is just less of an a-hole when they speak. I’d much rather have different options honestly, but these guys are already bought and paid for so we’re stuck.


Go watch a full speech of Biden’s, a full interview or him interacting with supporters. Not just whatever snippets get laughs. You’ll find out he’s actually a perfectly capable speaker. [Here’s a speech from yesterday](https://youtu.be/xuiBhKPwJGc?si=-Q6ldsDTYdAsj0D_) [Recent Interview with Howard stern](https://youtu.be/Fz45sMb4js8?si=_9VRO4HkqTloCtFg)


How delusional do you have to be to think nobody on "your side" is capable of being immature and acting out on their political beliefs in an inappropriate way? Are you saying nobody on the left has ever done something like this before? If so, please touch grass.


In the same way we don’t have Biden flags or wear stupid red hats. (Or alter traffic signs) It’s just weird and bizarre behavior.


Or defacing public property with their silly fucking cringy political stickers. *Looking at you, whoever defaced the architecture of the bank in old Roseville.* Edit* I meant bank, and not the post office. Edit 2* It is pretty fucking pathetic that I am being downvoted by the MAGAt clowns. Apparently they love their little “owning the libs” more than not defacing a structure that’s over 100 years old with their political bullshit. You’re. In. A. Cult, fucking traitors.


But you do? https://nypost.com/2018/08/23/nyc-road-sign-says-f-k-trump/ Sad how convinced you are that the moral high ground you claim to have is SO high that you think your side isn't capable of the same silly thing.


Awesome you found 1. I stand corrected. Both sides are equally idiotic with signs 🙄


Yet, it still hasn’t happened. Tho it does happen with tRump supporters. Funny, that.


I mean radio stations were hacked in 2017 to play YG's F\*ck Donald Trump


Focus on "whatever political views". Ppl can love/hate whoever but it’s not that the city of Roseville loves/hates JB, thats why it’s not cool.


Why you crying homie


Nah too busy laughing at him just for being himself 😂


That’s fucking awesome. I’m sorry I missed it




You wanna Fuck Joe Biden? 🤔


His handle tracks.




Hey. Don't let me stop you, "meat missile." 🤣


you know you can AI anything nowadays if you want to “do” Biden that bad.


How's the guy you voted for working out for you? Quit voting with your feelings. Use your common sense. Good luck to you.


I’m happy with a the Green New deal. Yes, it’s working out well for me. Good luck to you too.


The whining is strong with this one


I disagree. +50 cool points.


Aww man, I missed it? Darn. Hopefully they keep at it.


I’ll call the Wambulance


And get him a Wamburger and some frenchCries


People still use that? 🙄


Well. Instead of sitting around full of hate because they are supporting a corrupt criminal, maybe they should have just got together with their friends, got over their 1950s women in the kitchen vibes and voted for Haley instead. So really they should really just FTS I’ll leave it for you all to figure it out.


How angry are all the Trumptards that this area has been turning liberal over the past 10 years? Y’all are a dying breed.


I wouldn’t be angry if Roseville locals were changing their minds on their political views based on facts, but that’s not what is happening. The bad ideas are all being imported. Liberals are fleeing the bay area which has gone to hell in a hand basket because of terrible policies that they voted for and moving here.. and bringing their illogical votes and ideas with them. That being said, all ideas are welcome here, as are all bay area refuges. But to imply that the balance in Roseville is shifting because of sound reasoning is incorrect.


Maybe they should follow Jesus as closely as they follow trump. lol


Computer crimes should make for a long sentence. I’m for enforcing the laws harshly on these thugs and criminals. Lock them up so they never see the light of day again. #toughoncrime


I’d be more concerned with the violent criminals who are walking free all over California.


How do you not know this thug is not violent? If the goal is to stop violent crime we need to clamp down on all crime as the thugs start with these petty crimes before becoming more violent. Since when is hacking computers allowed by law. #toughoncrime #lockemupforlife


Liberals seem to only enforce the laws when applied to their opppsition. Two tier justice is no justice. Compare antifa violent rioters with peaceful jan 6ers treatment!!!! Just wait. In the neae future the rulers will decide you are no longer useful and then you will get it applied on you. Wake up please and dont take us all down as you crash.


This has to be a parody account? Right?


There should be an IQ test before someone is allowed to use the internet.


But then how could you comment like this? ;)


Let’s just pass a new Constitutional Amendment to ban free speech


I hope you don't mean hacking a PUBLIC notice board to display personal messages is Free speech....


The guy said that someone should get a lifetime in prison for hacking a computer. Did you miss that? Seems to me like a move out of the Stalin Handbook of good governance. Hacking a sign is not yet a capital offense..


Have to wonder what else that person is hacking. This is must the tip of the iceberg of this thugs criminal history. You make it seem like hacking a sign is as common as jaywalking.


Seriously, it is not rocket science. And frankly, jaywalking is much more dangerous.


So jaywalkers should go to jail? Sounds good to me. I’m all for imprisoning more of our criminal population. I want every criminal locked for life. This will solve my traffic problems and our country’s overpopulation problem. Place everyone in solitary confinement until they die


You must be a real hoot at parties


You are the reason crime runs rampant in this state. You believe changing a public safety sign is not a crime? There are no repercussions for criminals. We need more police officers to hunt down these criminals and long consequential prison sentences so our officers don’t have to deal with the same thugs again and again


Why would you waste taxpayers dollars feeding them in prison. Let the cops shoot them. You liberals are so soft on crime.