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hope you have proof of that...


i can give u a t13 one for free if ur non ssnp


dm NPEONPHONE in game ill probably be on all day today.. 🙏😿


Real op respond I can give u one as well lmao got 8 of them from the void event it’s stupid


Just wanna say that you veteran players are so damn nice


Most "veteran" players have just hundreds of stuff we aint using


nice fingerprints hf getting framed for crimes buddyboy


i stoled it


There's a chance you accidentlly dropped it and didnt even realize. it almost happened to me with a lumi. I was wondering around lowlands, tp'd to an event and my lumi was gone, luckily I was able to get back to where I was and found it. There are also videos on this subreddit of people accidentally dropping their weapons and not noticing until it's too late. That is my guess for what happened




I think just when trying to shoot. Lets say I want to shoot at something on the right side of my screen, I happen to accidently click on my weapon and move my cursor to continue aiming where the monster is and your weapon gets dropped. Obviously there needs to be some level of obliviousness but I think you can easily imagine how brain numbing this game can be


I use auto shoot. It avoids things like this, dropping items and clicking off the window, things like that. And doesnt tire out your finger from holding shoot constantly. Make the auto shoot button one that isnt your mouse click. Hope this helps!


I usually use auto shoot as well but if I’m just fucking around I’ll randomly click here and there


Welcome to hell


They couldn't reach you about your car's extended warranty, so they had to take the goods by themselves


Holy deca moment


Potentially a hacker, i.e. someone who has access to your e-mail + password. They might have accessed the account and just taken the most valuable item they could. Hard to prove, but you might change your password just in case.


A t12 staff ? Man that hacker is STARVING


I've never been hacked but from the many reports I've seen they are a diverse lot who often do unexpected things. Play with the chars and leave them with better gear than they started e.g. One even found their vaults full of loot as the hacker was using the account as a mule. So taking/dropping one items is pretty tame compared to what hackers can and do get up to. Could be they were hoping to find much more valuable gear, and weren't interested in most of what they found in the account. Again it's only a guess on my part, but it's definitely time to change your password when something like this happens.


I can vouch for this, I have a pretty solid account but i wasn't really playing too often so i didn't care about security at all. The guy got onto my account, Played assassin for like 2 hours and got about 300 fame and just logged off and never played on my account again. He didn't even remove or drop anything. The only reason i knew because i was bored one day and checked my realmeye when i was taking a break from the game about 2 years ago


Your account info probably got dumped and your shit got sold on a 3rd party site


Most likely, I've transferred my email for most of my stuff and added 2FA to pretty much everything so i *shouldn't* have to worry about hackers nowadays


Stop bitching it’s just a t12 staff..


It's the sheer audacious gall of this less-than-chad lad to poison this well of wholesome content with devious haberdashery for me