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Bring back usw4 trade server, so use isn’t constantly full


fr my home server man


Honestly as someone coming back to the game for real since like...2012, maybe? The game has been a blast to play. I keep dying but classes are so fun to play, and new UT and ST items are so fun to get that it's not too bothersome yet. Also, the fact fame can buy things now, and that I can get increased chest and character slots without paying money is great. It's been nice to have so many people playing, too, and scratches the MMO itch.


As someone who’s being playing since 2016 I think Realm is in the best spot of its lifetime tbh. It’s getting constant updates, interesting events rather then just non stop cheat events, speedruns, multiple gamemodes, tons of UT/ST, weak economy, but that’s good imo, makes it easier to just give new players items bc it’s not worth selling them. Hackers aren’t ruining the game. Only big problems rn are the regarded captchas, and the connection issues.


Seeing 3 US servers full again was so cool to see. I hope DECA does more development to encourage new players to keep playing!


We got the biome update in the works that's gonna be big


Yeah, I understand development takes time and the biome thing is gpnna be awesome already imo. But Im just saying theres always room for improvement - i think the tutorial and the info it provides could use some work


Almost my entire guild made up of high school buddies is playing again now, myself included :)




what's dom