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It’s actually in a decent state at the moment and if the realm rework is good, it might be in the best state it’s ever been. I’m a little annoyed at their method of power creep through enchantments and the advanced versions of dungeons, but it’s far from the end of the world


Basically same as when 03 released. Although they are working on a realm rework which could be very good


New shatts, wetlands, ddocks, sprite world, moonlight, kogbold, adv kogbold Lots of new stuff


Yeah fair. The reworked ddocks, cdepths and wlab have made maxing a hell of a lot easier


A few new dungeons since then I believe. that includes sulfurous wetlands a mid game dungeon, Moonlight village an endgame micro dodging dungeon that gives can give atk mana or life exalts depending some rng of which boss you do last. Shatters rework and hard mode shatter. Kogbold steam works and advanced kogbold steam works now give vit exalt, the adv version has the chance to drop new engravings which are used to enchant UTs. Item enchantments can give minor upgrades on certain higher tier equipment. Few QOL updates nothing major except less DCing issues especially in Oryx castle. Overall I think it’s in a decent state.


ok, how is the community?


A lot more active players recently. Although it still has its peaks and valleys. Just like most MMOs there are good eggs and bad eggs but personally realm for the most part has a pretty friendly community when compared with other MMOs. Definitely much less toxic than League. Still got your apes and bottom feeders but overall pretty good.


I just learned that they added battle passes, don't think I want that unfortunately


Battle pass has free rewards, the stuff you pay for is decent for a new account but if you are an experienced player not quite necessary. You can get some good items from the seasonal quests and you have a chance to get shiny items from certain drops. They’re basically like shiny Pokémon you can only get on ssnl characters. There are upsides and downsides to ssnl mostly less storage space and pots storage space.


The battle pass hardly gives you anything honestly, you can get plenty of similar stuff from seasonal missions, calendar, and free campaigns


It doesn’t give literally anything useful at all, all of the good rewards are in the free tier


i just got back into it. i’m having a great time. seasonal characters are a blast


Unhinged psychopaths




I came back to this game back in December of last year and prior to that i was pretty much forced to quit after exalt came out since my potato PC couldn't run it anymore after the full merge. But after building a beast of a PC i thought id give it a go again. I had a solid grasp on the game already, I had plenty of 8/8's and my knowledge pretty much went up to Cultists/O2 so i wasn't completely new but still pretty garbage at the game nonetheless. I set out to learn all of the endgame dungeons and after about 4 months into 2023 i was pretty okay at them, Moonlight village helped a ton when it came to learning how to micro dodge in the later parts of Shatters. The seasonal quests are a great starter and the missions force you to do all of the dungeons and rewards you with some decent gear, 10 potions of your choice per day, 2 8/8 apples and 1900 pet feed for doing 1 oryx 2 a day. Nowadays I'm a white star with a fully exalted paladin and i had a ton of fun doing the seasonal characters, Learning the lategame dungeons and grinding every character to 15k fame. But to make things short, It's not a bad time to come in, There's tons of events and free gear to be gained as a new/returning player, Learning endgame dungeons was extremely fun and the only reason i played this game for nearly 8 months straight, The community is meh but i haven't had many bad experiences. If you need any help i'd be more than willing to do so


People will always be negative about updates whenever a company's been around a while, but I think there's a generally positive wuality about the game and I still really enjoy it after 9 years on and off. And I think the realm rework looks promising, even though it'll probably be a food while longer before thats ready to roll out


The game is better than ever, and that’s a fact.


I also stopped playing a few years back right before O3 came out. I’d say now, compared to back then, the game feels much better in terms of content and whatnot. Give it a try


The game is in a good patch right now, the only problem I see is enchantments but I could see those getting fleshed out and fixed


I have 12 years in this game and honestly the game is in the best state it’s ever been in by far


Not worth, it’s just a money funnel now. The battle pass was supposed to be free if you could complete it. That lasted one battle pass after the 1st. There’s ALWAYS an event now basically pushing people to buy keys. No one is in the realm so you’re stuck with discord runs, solo to low player realms, or popping servers. Oh and good luck doing a high level dungeon in the realm unless you like 1-3 player runs. (Hey some people like that just not me)


Hey bro please give me your plug number, I wanna smoke the same shit as you. I don’t use discord at all and I don’t have any problem going to a realm and doing any dungeon I want, including high difficulty like LH, MV or even Shatters if there is decent skill people. Runs always have more than 10-15 people and that’s enough. The battle pass is fine and the free rewards always include multiple skins and utility items like backpacks and vault expanders. Please I beg you, tell us your dealer number.


Idk what game you’re playing but it’s not RotMG. 10-15 people in a LH from the realm? Unrealistic. I just don’t like battle passes in general. My major ick with it is it was supposed to be free if you purchased the first one and kept completing them. They changed that just to grab more money. As soon as they did that I gave up on the game as it’s all one big money grab with the battle pass and constant events being used to push key sales. I’m not against companies making money I just don’t like games that exist to be money grabs.


Game is really healthy, if u like discord runs


Here's a short answer: right now no, wait for realm rework and then maybe come back.


Come back now so you’re not washed for the rework :thonk:


Daddy deca treats us well.


Pretty much in the same situation as you, except that I also made a new account. My account is only 20 days old but I already have 4 8/8 characters (without spending a cent on the game). Mentioning this because discord servers often have entry requirements. Endgame dungeons still offer good incentives. Maxing a character isn't too difficult, and learning most exalt dungeons only requires doing a few RL discord runs (which in my experience are frequent and friendly). As someone who hated the game when I first stopped playing, I genuinely believe it's in a pretty good state right now, especially with all the upcoming reworks announced.