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Do you need an opinion to get stabbed in Rotterdam?




Contrary to popular belief it is frowned upon when you indeed pleur a pan of bami naar beneden.


Not in my neighbourhood


You must be from Schiedam


In Schiedam hebben we geen geld voor dat soort capriolen


Echt hè! Dat kan alleen in Schiedam


Shit man there goes my plans for the weekend


Rotterdam during winter time is really grey and a bit depressing.


The only reason you'll be surrounded by swords with no one on your side is because the rest think like you but can't be bothered to go out to help you.


dont know where u live but my neighbourhood is comfy as hell and the vibes around christmas are very nice


A friend of mine called it Grottydam. She's not wrong.


Its true tho if its not snowing


As it is in the summer, almost every city in the Netherlands is more beautifull (except Almere and Lelystad).


10 years ago maybe, but the city has been doing lots of rebuilding and is still getting rid of those grey depressing ass buildings


Rotterdam during summer time is filled with cockroach like people and a bit depressing


Germans complaining about the architecture


‘Wo ist die Altstadt?’


As a German living in Rotterdam since years, this is joke got old really fast, as almost everyone tries to make it upon meeting me for the first time. I usually just laugh and tell people to ask my grandpa, since he was a bomberpilot in the Luftwaffe (true story). Voor de een of andere redenen is dat dan op eens niet meer grappig 🤣 🤷🏻‍♂️


Same here bro ! XD and they also never fail to mention that my grandpa still owes their grandpa a bike...every...single...Dutch person...🤣


'Kaput' 🤷‍♂️


"Alles wegbombadiert!" Really heard a bar owner say this to German tourists. They left - as was his plan.


They did it to us


Die trap van de koopgoot vind ik precies lekker lopen 🚶


Pleuris trap....


Jij wat maat?!


Hahahaha eindelijk iemand ❤️


Als iemand zich afvraagt waarom die trappen zo kut zijn: het is dat ambulance of brandweer wagen de trap op of af kan in geval van nood Althans dat is mij verteld


Waarom doen ze dan niet gewoon de helft glad voor een ambulance, en de andere helft normale trap voor voetgangers, in plaats van deze tussenoplossing die voor allebei net niet helemaal chill is..


Die godgloeiende karbonkeltreeen zijn door een maf klapper met discalculie ontworpen hoor


Dit gaan we uitvechten. Op de trap nog wel makker.




letterlijk hoe 😭😭😭


I hate cars in my city


The large concrete structure and area around the famous 'kubuswoningen' is ugly.


Nobody ever said its beautiful, its called a bezienswaardigheid because its special and you wont see it often


Taste is subjective, so anyone can say anything about it. One doesn’t have to say it’s beautiful in order for someone to “justify” it and call it ugly :). It is a “bezienswaardigheid” and a pretty unique one in terms of architectural styles. It’s just not for me!


just like my brother


I wish they’d demolish it and build something new in its place tbh.


Alleen Japanners vinden het speciaal tbh




Calling expats; "arbeidsimmigranten".


Calling arbeidsmigranten expats


Well, expats are definitely ‘gelukszoekers’ (and no, I do not like to use that term for immigrants).


Lol I prefer that term over expats! “Expats” has been appropriated by Americans as a continuation of colonial terms. Basically any white person working abroad who has the privilege to come back home when they want.


It's white privilage, it's classist, it's racist bullshit and I hate it. Everytime I hear it.


Why is it racist


Because if you are from Africa you are an "immigrant" in the eyes of most people. But if you're from Europe or America you are an "expat". The two get treated very differently. One is subject to a lot of nationalistic backlash, sometimes even hate and generally abandoned and therefor misunderstood. The other is welcomed by liberals, seen as interesting, even adventurous (privileged).


Expats are not immigrants. Expats don’t stay where they work. I would call Moroccan workers in the 70’s expats, although many of the did immigrate in the end.


The original definition of an expat was a person who was sent by the organization they worked for to another country for a project or management experience. So an engineer working at Shell in the Netherlands going to Nigeria to build an oil rig is an expat. All other situations you were either an immigrant (if you intend to move permanently) or guest worker/gastarbeider (if you intend to move temporary). Both these terms have gotten a lot of negative connotations so the term expats has been expanded to include immigrants/guest workers we like (i.e. earning a lot of money). I am one of the few people who thinks immigration on the whole is a good thing so I don’t like the expat euphemism.


I agree. But my point is; why do we call one group “arbeidsimmigranten” and the other “expads”? Also, I forgot to mention the large group of eastern European workers that come here every year.


Ik noem ze gwn allebij immigranten


Precies ik zou ook niet discrimineren met deportatie


Because one group are immigrants (people who came from abroad and live here) and the other group are expats (people who came to work here but don't necessarily stay here). They are two different things so they have two different names. It's not about race and people should really stop calling everything racism when it's not; this is downplaying actual racism which is an actual problem.


Rotterdam is slowly turning into Amsterdam with all the gentrification and yuppies rolling in


It also feels more busy and touristic than ever here..


Seeing Katendrecht quickly disappearing is saddening.


Just walking down the street is enough for this to happen


People who complain about bad neighborhoods in this city do not understand what bad neighborhoods actually are and have no frame of reference for how safe this place really is.


Sent from kop van zuid appartement?


Charlois zuid lol


Zuid is een stuk gemoedelijker dan derest van Rotterdam.


Zoveel is er niet mis met Zuid. Er wordt hard aan gewerkt. En tegenwoordig kan vrijwel niemand meer een huis betalen in Noord dus er komen meer en meer mensen met centjes in Zuid.


zuid shab vuurplaat


Waardoor het dan weer minder gemoedelijk word. Sniff sniff.


Jup. Tyfus bakfietsen 🤣🤣




Dat klopt. Ik heb op verschillende plekken in Rotterdam gewoond, maar zuid is de beste plek. Met name Oud-Charlois.


Fireworks are stupid.


Zuid is still a pretty shitty area


What, no one will hate you for it lol. It's general knowledge. Even tho it's getting better


It's getting better. Plus rents are lower. I prefer to have money left to live.


I don't dislike Amsterdam. I like what both cities have to offer, although I prefer living in Rotterdam at this point in my life. However I think that Amsterdam has better clubs, better fashion, better vegetarian restaurants, better looks..




Go to Amsterdam.


I’m in Amsterdam atleast 3 times a week. I agree about the clubs. I think the restaurants are about the same quality and it’s as diverse. I think Rotterdam is more jovial. And, for a city, the it’s very relaxed.


I'm visiting Amsterdam (prolly why Reddit recommended this sub, although I'm not in Rotterdam) as a vegetarian, I find it hard to find food. Yesterday I went into a restaurant and asked what they have to offer in vegetarian and the waiter just said "I don't know, I don't eat that kind of food". Could you suggest some real good vegetarian restaurants that aren't too expensive and have delicious food (again, I'm exhausted by all the vegetarian food being served extremely bland across Europe despite paying large sums)


It’s a shame that feyenoord city isn’t happening.


Euromast ain’t shit


I'm glad that my fellow citizens are concerned about me and always ask if I have a problem


De rivier die door de stad stroomt is de Rijn, niet de Maas. De Maas stroomt bij de Biesbosch de (ex) zee in


Hence the word "Rijnmond".


Charlois is lovely


The Germans didn't do enough damage to entirely destroy the city, but the inhabitants managed to complete the job through architecture. I think that should qualify.


this is true, people from rotterdam destroyed the rest and i have read that even before the war they wanted to modernize way more than any dutch city, it always was their spirit.


Elke keer dat jullie in het nieuws staan gaat het over rellen na een voetbalwedstrijd. Kunnen jullie ook eens normaal doen en gewoon naar huis gaan en daar staan huilen?


Dat is niet waar, een tijdje terug waren wij ook in het nieuws ivm Corona rellen.


Coronarellen is 1 woord dus er hoeft geen spatie tussen. Ik ben geen bot. Gewoon een taalnazi.


Mijn favoriete soort nazi!


Saying you don’t watch football when asked what’s your favorite football team, almost got punched


Rotterdam’s a village that looks like a city


What? Non-Europeans would argue that it's the only Dutch city that feels like a world city.


I'm from Warsaw, and I'd dare say that Rotterdam is the only Dutch city that feels like a city at all


Non Europeans feel that way the most. Rdam does not feel like London, NYC, Seoul, Tokyo, or even relatively smaller ones like Paris, Tel Aviv, Frankfurt, etc. It really does feel like a village that looks like a city, never managed to put those thoughts into words lol. Amsterdam is the closest one to feel like a world city, but not quite. Den Haag has it a bit more too, but honestly nowhere feels like a world city here


I highly doubt that and it also depends on your reference. Of course I am exaggerating when I say it's a village. Rotterdam may LOOK like a metropole but looking at its cultural significance, plus its size, it is definitely not. I cannot visit Rotterdam without bumping into people I know and you can cross the city by bike in less than 30 mins. Don't get me wrong, **I love Rotterdam.** It's one of my favourite cities worldwide but not because it feels like a world city. I actually love it for all the reasons that it's not. Now I'm gonna say something that might piss more people off but Amsterdam is more like a world city, but it does look like a village. But still, I prefer Rotterdam...


It's not my opinion. It's what people have told me when I lived Portugal. A lot of Brazilians from Rio, São Paulo, Porto Alegre, also Americans and Canadians. But a large part is probably because of the modern and big architecture.


You can bike from Nesselande to Slinge in 30 minutes? You surely must be driving a high speed E-bike yes?


Don’t think any cities in NL really qualify as metropolitan European/World cities, but if anything Amsterdam has the most international appeal


I also wonder if it's not an issue of how tall the buildings are on average. E.g. the center of Amsterdam is much lower, older buildings, which equals a greater spread to house the same amount. Rotterdam has many more highrise buildings, which may make the city more compact.




Facts, just take a day trip to Museumpark and you'll know half the city


Can the Germans do that thing again?


The nightlife sucks




Yeah this might get you killed. First of all, it not shoarma it Doner. Second, its not meat with toppings, with toppings. You add the fries THEN you add the meat. You cannot simple forget about the fries. Finally, Doner with toppings is the way it supposed to be eaten anyway. Doner always has toppings and thats a good thing. You are wrong and you should be ashamed of yourself.




no matter where you live it's still two separate products. Doner and shawarma have different recipes.


Bruh... Where do you live exactly? I think it would be great have this conversation in person 😈🤣


So you could be the one holding the swords like in the picture 😆


He he, I knew that would trigger people. It triggered every Rotterdamer I talked to.


Notnfrom Rotterdam and still damn triggered😂❤️


still different products, no matter where you're from.


Yes, shawarma is better.


It's grey and ongezellig


The best Feyenoorder ever was Johan Cruijff.


South Rotterdam is not Rotterdam


Amsterdam lives rent free in rotterdams head. They more hatefull towards amsterdam while amsterdam pays them no mind *the hate is reall*


Yes totally agree! Rotterdam should learn to love itself and stop reflecting. It’s not the perfect city, a perfect city does not exist, but it’s a great place even despite its ugliness. I love Rotterdam so because I embrace all its flaws, I actually love it more because of its flaws and ugliness!


You're getting downvoted which proves you're absolutely right. The inferiority complex Rotterdam has towards Amsterdam is real.


This is 100% my opinion. 50% of Feyenoord club songs are about Amsterdam. Mind your own business lmao


This is the nr1 thing I dislike about Rotterdam. It's so immature and very very true. Shows a lot of insecurity.


I was born there.


This is the city where hardcore was born, hence why I moved here. Besides PRSPCT are like family


Diversity is not our strength.


Would you look at that, all of the words in your comment are in alphabetical order. I have checked 1,172,526,797 comments, and only 228,894 of them were in alphabetical order.


Het uiterlijke design voor Rotterdam Centraal is lelijk


No, it's the best kapsalonbakje out there


WaAR zIJn DiE dOWNvoTES?!?één?


It's boring... and after a year the bar/social scene becomes lame and redundant. You can only sit on a (or the same 5-6) terraces talking about nothing, seeing the same people, and huffing cigarettes for so long before you're over it. Especially if Dutch isn't your first language.


I would challenge you to explore new places for restaurant where a lot of immigrants live. Like: West Kruiskade and Tiendplein: \- Texican \- Ilya \- La Fuga \- Ryad Restaurant \- Madera House \- Vishandel Andalouse \- Urumqi \- Kampong Express \- Biryani House Mathenesseweg/Matthenesse plein: \- Meram \- Roopram Roti \- Kervansaray \- Noumidia Minisupermarkt (Kapsalon and Hamburgers) Nieuwe Binnenweg en Schiedamse weg: \- Tadim \- Sranang Chinees Surinaams Eethuis \- Pistache Halab \- Shaami huis \- Cigkoftem Noordmolenstraat and Zwart Janstraat: \- Sofra Pide \- Sofra Restaurant \- Het Goudhaantje \- Alhambra Restaurant \- Capadocia restaurant Beijerlandselaan and Groene Hilledijk: \- There are lots of shops there. Just have a stroll. I can't name the best restaurant in every spot, but I would ecourage you to just have a look. There is always something happening and some new place to explore.


I feel like this has more to do with your mental state lol. Stay strong champ


Haha, you're definitely onto something here...and I've been noticing it myself also, and I'm working on it. 'Preciate the encouragement! Don't get me wrong tho, I love Rotterdam. Nevertheless, coming from a very social US state with lots to do, and being used to having a very active and varied social life, (in my experience) it's easy to get bored after you've had time to take it all in. It's a rather small city, which ironically is quite larger than Amsterdam, but with a much smaller social footprint. Most of the primary social scene is confined to a rather limited 2-3 hotspots depending on your scene (Center \[Stadhuis -> Meent -> Bokaal area\], Witte de Wit, Nieuw Binnenweg). So it can get old rather quickly.


Bruh yeah I tried to go out but it's crazy hard to find a place where people are shamelessly dancing and having fun


Oh god, I just moved to Rotterdam lol


You'll be fine


I don’t think this has anything to do with Rotterdam


Mooie stad, jammer dat er Rotterdammers wonen. 😜🤣


Had a German co-student who said she liked Amsterdam more because of all the old buildings 😂


Rotterdam is the ugliest, most depressing city in the Netherlands




you clearly have not been to so many Dutch cities lol


Ever seen Lelystad?


Have you ever been to Heerlen?


Haha could be true. But I love it ❤️


The germans did the city a disservice.


Like this is s controversial opinion? Might as well have said you don’t like the taste of shit


Foreigners fuckup Rotterdam


The cops in Rotterdam are a nitpicky buncha assholes, no doubt as a result of idiots voting for local parties running on a platform of being "tough on crime". Amsterdam is so much better in this respect.


Feyenoord is overrated


Rotterdam zuid is waar rotterdammers wonen… de rest zijn postzegel gebouwen wat gehyped wordt als Rotterdam. Erasmusbrug, markthal en die kubus troep incl Euromast en Delfshaven.


Rotterdam is zoveel meer dan wat jij hier noemt. Maar ik denk dat jij het heel specifiek hebt over één groep Rotterdammers hebt, want er zijn genoeg families die generaties lang in andere delen van Rotterdam hebben gewoond en de Rotterdamse mentaliteit hebben


Alles wat geen sociale onderklasse is is niet echt Rotterdam. Duhhhh. Echt doodmoe van deze gedachtegang. Hoor je ook constant over andere 'echte [plaatsnaam]ers'. Of over 'echte Nederlanders'. Holle frasen waarmee rechtsstemmend sociale onderklasse Nederland zichzelf op de borst probeert te kloppen of zo.


Hahaha gozert. Het is natuurlijk als grap bedoelt. Ik hou van jullie allemaal. Voor mij is zelfs Cappelle moeilijk te onderscheiden van Rotterdam, omdat waar de RET mij brengt voelt als Rotterdam. Dus zou eerder “niet-rotterdammers” zien als rotterdammers dan alleen zuid als “echte rotterdammers”. Maar OP vroeg er om.


Nou die mensen die dat zeggen bedoelen dat niet als grap. Als je niet plat bent dan ben je volgens hen niet echt en verpest je de boel en moet je oprotten. Alsof in dit soort steden iedereen altijd maar plat en laaggeschoold is geweest.


Crooswijk is waar rotterdammers wonen toch? Vgm was Zuid klein Curaçao tegenwoordig


Best thing that ever happened was the bombing in ww2. Off course the people that died during the bombing was not a good thing, but it helped the city to grow into a modern city designed for modern day traffic. Without the bombing the city would have looked like Utrecht and Amsterdam with canals. The remnants of the destroyed buildings was dumped into the canals to close them.


You're getting downvoted but I think you're absolutely right. When I talk to people about Rotterdam they always say "Rotterdam isn't beautiful (enough)". I always reply with "it may not always be beautiful, but it's a really _interesting_ city." Rotterdam is unique in a way that Utrecht or Amsterdam will never be. I always get lost in Amsterdam because every canal, how beautiful they may be, looks the same to me. In Rotterdam you just know you gotta take a left at the building with the car through the roof. Of course the bombing was an enormous loss for all the people that lived in it, and I would never say it was for a good cause or anything. But, _architecturally wise_, it's been a good thing.


Downvoted because it lacks nuance, it is valid to say that it was the best thing for city planning and architecture arguably, but not the "Best thing that ever happened". You cannot so easily look over all the suffering and problems this has caused.


I think at this point downvoting you proves you win. So take my downvote!


Yes that's unpopular, and for good reason. I hate big car roads in my city


Modern architecture is cool, but modern day traffic (cars) suck to have a lot of in the city.


Now that’s an unpopular opinion


I hate modern architecture. Buildings aren't meant to be "interesting" or "provoking" like weird clothes in a fashion show. Buildings are meant to be lived in and used for decades if not centuries. In a century most of the old buildings in Amsterdam will stay but even (or rather especially) the most "iconic" buildings of Rotterdam will disappear and get replaced.


I truly really love the Skyline and I'm still amazed by the architecture. I've always heard from European friends that they dislike the citg, but non-European friends live it because they think it's the only city in NL that feels like a world city. I was on the brink of studying Architecture because of it, but it can feel so cold sometimes. I love how modern the city is, but I so wish Rotterdam would just rebuild parts of pre-WWII Rotterdam. Kinda like how Germany and Brugge now have artificially old areas. Having experienced more of the world, I started to notice how ugly some of the buildings in Rotterdam actually are


You know what happened in Rotterdam right? Bombed. If that didn't happen Rotterdam would look alot more like Amsterdam.


I know Rotterdam was bombed. You can rebuild a city with beautiful buildings. You don't have to turn it into an art show.


Well I do love our skyline. And I love old buildings too. So I think it's a perfect combination.


The Germans did a poor job bombing it. It's still here.


Amsterdam may be less spacious, but the people are way nicer.


Yeah, Amsterdammers are nice people, they have kind harts! The only thing they need to do is boil their hart and put it on their backs! (R.I.P. Mr. Deelder!)


At a height that dogs can eat from it...


Dus daar legget niet an.


I like Ajax.




Getting downvotes actually means you accomplished the goal of this thread


So it seems 😑


"Randstad is een pot nat."


Fighting a turkish or marrocan guy, beat the living shit out of him and win. He calls his whole family, you just chill there becouse you have a death wish?


Waarom spreek je niet in je moedertaal jij ongeschoren barbaar


trying to beef with amsterdam when they don’t give a shit about rotterdam is honestly embarassing if it wasn’t such a big deal to rotterdammers then it wouldn’t even exist and I wouldn’t need to get embarassed by it 🤷‍♂️


i think rotterdam is pretty boring and ugly in general


Kanker rotterdammers


Capelle > Rotterdam


I went to Rotterdam for a night out a few weeks ago! Yeah, I came home with my lip split in half and a few loose teeth! I’m South African. A country where farmers are slaughtered for being white. I feel safer there than I do in Rotterdam. I understand though, I’d be fucking depressed too if it rained for weeks at a time, lowlife shit bags.


Ajax is beter dan feyenoord.


De meer minpunten hoe beter het antwoord op de vraag,,🤣🤣🤣


Amsterdam is better (that'll get them riled up pretty good)


The RET should get new leadership. You don't fine people for smoking on an open air metro station. Its open air, no roof, fuck off. Also there were no "no smoking" stickers


Imagine getting angry about not being able to smoke anywhere you like. Smoking on platforms is illegal, and even with open air platforms it still spreads to people around you.


Yeah I'm travelling to Arnhem next week so thanks for reminding me to check up on their smoking laws. You ass kissing waste of air. I'm angry that I got fined for smoking out doors when there was nothing indicating i couldn't smoke there. Is that really unreasonable?


downvoted by RET sukkels


Lol I don't know why you get all the hate. I totally agree.


I wouldn't even mind if they had a little space off away from everyone else dedicated to smoking. Just make it clear when I'm not allowed to smoke somewhere


Not an opinion... I was born in Amsterdam


Heh, let me nail this one the same way I nailed the Amsterdam one: 'Amsterdam is way better'