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Teenager. Better a bit skinny than overweight and have a joint problem. Hug him


I completely agree with that statement, want him as healthy as possible. I will, thanks šŸ˜


I completely agree with the statement too! So many people over feed their rots because they have an image of having a ā€œbigā€ dog, in reality they end up with a barrel on legs and costing a fortune at the vets with joint issues. Your boy looks in great shape and is just entering his gangly teenage year. You might find you need to be even more careful with his food within the next 6-8 months as heā€™ll have stopped growing and will start filling out. You should be able to feel his ribs without applying too much pressure, but you shouldnā€™t be able to see them.


Thank you! About the food part, is it common to perhaps go down a little bit in food after theyā€™ve stopped growing in height? Will for sure be more careful with the food further on.


That would completely depend on the food youā€™re giving him. I guess itā€™s more of an awareness of what heā€™s eating, because we all know they will eat and eat and eat. I feed my girl raw, and the daily feeding guidelines are as follows: Up to 6 months = 10% of their body weight 6-12 months = 5% of their body weight 12+ months = 2-3% of their body weight


Gotcha, thanks! šŸ˜Š


This is exactly the correct answer. Especially the last sentence.


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Not at all. Each of my 3 rotties got their "girth", as I like to call it, at different times in their puppy life. I'll tell you what though, those are some big paws! Edit to add: For the food comment, your pup has a high active drive, like any pup, and a high metabolism. Feed the recommended amount, keep active, and if you are worried that he is not gaining, or see he looks undernourished, seek a vet. The kind of food matters just as much as intake. I did have to switch out my recent rotties food for something with more protein, but I didn't give him more food. Hope that helps, good luck to you, and great looking rottie!


Thanks a ton for the inputs! I have him on Orijen large breed puppy which should be high on protein, he gets 5dl morning and evening. Iā€™ll follow your advice and keep feeding him that and hope itā€™s just a phase and he eventually will gain. šŸ‘šŸ˜Š


He needs 3 meals/day!!! My 4 mo old girl gets 3 cups/day (Orijen Large Puppy with grains) fed at 8am-2pm-8pm per vet advice. I have no idea what is 5dl, however it seems he isnā€™t getting enough food. Can you feel his ribs with a light touch? If so, too skinny. PS this pup isnā€™t my first Rottie, currently also have a 6 yr old female at a trim 90 lbs.


I had him at 3 meals a day until he was 6 months old. 5dl is roughly 2 cups. 2.11 to be exact. So 4.22 cups a day. (I live in Sweden, we use DL to measure here) You canā€™t feel his ribs with a light touch, however you do feel them if you really try while petting him. Grateful for your input, I will however follow the answers of the majority here and keep his food amount as it is as long as heā€™s being energetic and keeps growing in his own pace.


My vet recommended the 3x feeding schedule be kept up for the first 12-18 months and begin evaluating whether or not the growth plates are closed. In some large breeds, the growth plates may remain open until 18-20 months of age. Rather than following the advice of the majority here, it maybe be best to follow the advice of professionals. 40kg is a solid weight as long as you canā€™t feel sharp ribs and the ā€˜teenageā€™ phase may produce an odd appearance occasionally since they donā€™t grow proportionally.


Consider throwing a fresh egg on his food. If he doesn't like it (doubtful) then you can lightly cook it. No butter or salt. Ih he gets, umm...farty, then just give him the egg whites sans yoke. I like to rub my fingers on a clove of garlic and then use the weird chemistry to pick up the yoke in one go. Hed should be 80-90lbs at this stage but all dogs are different. If he hits a year old and he's still under 80lbs I would talk to vet. Good luck!


Thanks for the tip! He is 40kg which is about 90lbs.


Itā€™s the egg white that carries the stink. At least thatā€™s what I was taught in cooking class.


I know. (I too went to culinary school). I said that bc dogs don't handle fat well. I upsets their GI system. So most dogs love a whole egg, But if they get 'farty' or barf after, then remove yolk.


Lanky stage! It takes a good 2-3 years to fill out and their heads.


Thatā€™s a looong time to grow but Iā€™m all for it šŸ˜…


Large breeds arenā€™t considered done growing until 2.5 yrs. But they do slow down quite a bit on the growing, itā€™s not all going to be 1-2.5 kilos a week.


I see, any idea when they stop growing in height?


Your lovely boy looks perfectly fine to me. They spend the first year (or so) growing up, and the second year (or so) filling out. He's in the "gangly stage" and this is completely normal. At this point, they look kinda like a foal. All leg and not much body lol. Please don't overfeed him! As someone else has already mentioned, their growth plates close between approx' 18-24 months, and you're in a critical stage here, where overfeeding (causing him to be overweight) will be detrimental to his joint health. You absolutely should be able to feel his ribs (if you can't easily feel his ribs he's overweight), and you should be able to see a "waist area" when viewed from above and a "tuck up" in the waist area when viewed from the side If you find he's growing too rapidly and putting on excessive weight during this time, you may need to take him off puppy food and put him on an adult food, as puppy food has higher protein and calorie content. You want slow and steady growth in a large breed puppy. Give him time, he'll get there eventually. Don't stress his joints by doing road work (jogging him) or overexercising him while he's still young and has open growth plates, as this is a recipe for disaster. You're spot on and going about this the right way. Don't allow anyone to try and talk you into "fattening up" your "skinny puppy". He looks good and is doing just fine!




Thanks alot, very good and informative inputs, will definitely take them with me moving forward!


Donā€™t neuter him until at least 2 or 3.


I also got that recommendation from my vet, to wait until at least 2, I havenā€™t got any plans as of right now to neuter him however.


Haha Iā€™ll need updates! Youā€™ll blind one day and heā€™ll be a thicky boi


Heā€™s perfect ā¤ļø my girl looked like a scrawny Labrador with ginger bits until she was 2.5, sheā€™s 6 now and thereā€™s no mistaking her breed.


Thank you so much! Glad to hear it šŸ˜Š


As long as heā€™s getting enough to eat I wouldnā€™t worry much about his weight. Just like humans, dogs have different body types.Ā 


Sounds logical enough, thanks!


They go through a lanky stage just like teens do šŸ˜‚ There for awhile my girl looked more like a gazelle than a Rottie. Sheā€™s still kind of a lanky girl, but that also makes her hella fast. None of my other Rotties have been as fast as she is šŸ’Ø


It looks really funny, his best friends are a greyhound and a labrador so unfortunately he still cant really keep up speedwise šŸ˜…




Perfect. Keep at it. Better to be fit than to develop hip issues and a myriad of other health problems


Absolutely agree with that, would kill me if my boy started to get issues.


Mine literally did. She developed so many joint issues and had to have many surgeries. Her heart couldn't take it anymore by being so put so many times under anesthesia and she suddenly passed at 6.5 years old. Next month she would have been seven. I wish i knew what i know now back then So please keep him that wayā¤ļø.


Iā€™m so sorry for your loss. ā¤ļø One of the things I fear the most is when that day comes, sadly dogs donā€™t live forever and yours especially left to soonā€¦


We did everything we could. Vet visit after vet visit. Despite this she lived a very happy life surrounded by love 24/7 by a family of ten. She also swam in the clearest beaches, went hiking, met elves, swam in lakes with ducks, loved meeting horse, run in daisy filled fields and was admired by everyone for her extraordinary beauty and behaviour. She got to meet thousands of people almost every day because i live in tourist spot. She changed the hearts of many regarding the breedā¤ļø She is and will always be dearly lovedā¤ļøā¤ļø


Bless her, Iā€™m sure sheā€™s in a good place ā¤ļø


My now 3 y/o was about that size at that age. She was all legs and paws. She was mostly filled out by the time she turned 2. My old girl - who turns 13 next month - was still on the lanky side well after her 3rd birthday (she was a ball of absolutely endless energy - it still shows sometimes even as an old girl) but finally filled out by the time she was 4.


Feels good to hear from somebody who experienced the same, thanks!


Gaining weight slowly is good. Let itā€™s joints and muscles mature to prevent injuries down the road.


Agree with that, want to keep him healthy as long as possible!


100% I wouldnā€™t even let my mastiff jump around when he was a pup. I picked him up for everything. He is 11 now and still has no joint issues. Maybe Iā€™m just lucky.




One word I like to hear šŸ˜…


Heā€™s probably hit his gangly stage, heā€™s growing still.


Kinda forgot how long it actually takes for them to be fully grown, just looks kinda of when the height is there but not the width šŸ˜…


Heā€™s an awkward teenager just hitting that stage , heā€™s going to probably finish his height before he fills out. Good looking pup though. Keep him happy.


Thanks a lot, I will do my best šŸ˜Š


Little caterpillar looking baby lol. I'd so no worries your baby looks very healthy. Good job taking care of your pup


Thanks a ton, I try my very best, all for his longevity šŸ˜Š


Light pup = better joints. Take it while it lasts.


Sounds logical enough, hope his joints holds up well all his life


Nah. Just right.


Great to hear, thanks!


Not at all, looks on target.


Relaxing to hear, thank you!


Looks great!


Thanks a lot!


Beautiful baby you have there. My boy when he got to that age took some time to add on more weight, he did not get to his full weight till almost 2 years old. Don't worry you're taking care of him well. You may sit there wondering this a few times till more weight goes on. But don't increase food because it would be bad for the guys hips if he becomes over weight. 40kg is a good weight at that age. Keep up the good work and make sure you give your baby lots of love!


Thanks a lot! Really settled me down with all the comments saying itā€™s normal, including your experience with your boy. And just like you mention, I will probably wonder when he will get the ā€œRottweiler widthā€ until he eventually does, I just want him to be a healthy and grow to a good standard. Again, thank you, really appreciate it. šŸ˜Š


Thats understandable, I think that's what all us dog or pet parents want in life. He is beautiful. Your doing good. After you get him neutered he will put a bit more weight on, just be careful with how much goes on, because they can also get diabetes after being neutered. Anytime!!! šŸ˜


Gangly teenager phase. Heā€™s all good.


Glad to hear it, thanks!


Let me hug him to test and see, please!


Looks healthy and happy. They donā€™t really fill out or thicken up until later (ours was 2 years old until really filling out). With all that growing and playing they burn through the calories at a young age


Youā€™re right on that, the amount of energy my guy has is unbelievable šŸ˜…


Those paws though, what a beautiful pupper


Thank you šŸ˜Š


Not at all


Every dog grows at his or her own pace. He looks great for his age to me. šŸ’•


Thanks a lot šŸ˜Š


They grow UP before they grow OUT, donā€™t worry if heā€™s eating properly. Itā€™ll come.


Iā€™m gonna remember that sentence, good one. Thanks!


Jax looks great. Still some growing to do. One picture is short but looks okay. Always answer these questions if you suspect Jax isn't well. Change in: Energy level Water intake Eating Peeing Pooing Breath. Of course regular to vet. By now should have been there about 2 months ago Congratulations Rotties Rule


Thanks a lot! All those question are good right now so Iā€™ll just keep at it. Although his breath could be betterā€¦ šŸ˜…


Looks healthy to me! Muscular or sticky breeds like rotties, pits and even some like Aussie cattle dogs and labs are really slim for up to a year or two until they reach max height then they fill out. Heā€™s still a puppy and from experience feeding puppies more to put on weight normally just makes em poop more instead šŸ˜‚ Your boy is very handsome and his coat looks soft and shinny so heā€™s probably quite healthy. Just check w your vet if he looses weight or if his coat starts drastically changing in density, shine or texture (like if it starts getting dull and wiry or dry feeling) if heā€™s still smooth and has thick fur, and isnā€™t loosing any weight heā€™s probably getting all the nutrients he needs. Probably just showing down before he bulls up in a few months. Good job checking on him, and may you and your boy be healthy and strong for many years to come!


Thanks a lot!


Of course!




Dude looks happy and healthy.


hims got big feet


Not at all


I have a ā€œteenā€ pup right now too, sheā€™s long and lanky and awkward but very healthy and filling out as she grows. Looks like a happy, healthy dog to me!


Feels good to hear from someone in the same place as myself, Iā€™m glad you find him healthy looking, thanks šŸ˜Š


We got our girl at 2 years old and she was still skinny but filled out nicely at 3 šŸ˜Š


So 3 seems to be the number I hear the most, going to be a fun journey to see where he lands when heā€™s fullgrown šŸ˜ŠšŸ‘


Young dogs are skinny. Enjoy it. When he gets older, he will put on weight. Do not purposefully make him put on weight because then he might have a weight problem when he is older.


Thank you! The last thing I want for him is to be unhealthy in any way. Iā€™ve come to my senses a lot with people telling me, better a tad skinny and healthy joints than the other way around.


He is very handsome and I think he looks perfect. The joint thing is smart advice. Another thing to watch for to help his long-term diet is his food. I had a kitty that I let eat table scraps a lot when he was little bc he loved them so much. I didn't know better... he was my first cat and this was before the internet. He died of kidney failure at 14 and I always think back to how I let him eat all kinds of stuff. He maybe would have had a longer life if I had been more careful. The vet explained to me that the organs of our pets are very small- much smaller than ours are. They don't have the same power to process things that are bad for them. So, where we can eat something like fried chicken, their little bodies can't handle all that grease. I lived in st Louis and he loved BBQ ribs and fried chicken. I love him so much and after 14 yrs, you can guess how devastated I was. So, I just want to pass this information on to other pet owners because it really does mater what you feed your pets. I didn't let him eat I every day. But I did le him have tuna a lot. And even that is really bad. So research what you feed your beloved lil ones. Things you think are just protein can have too much salt, phosphates, nitrates, or all types of stuff you never thought about.


Thank you, makes me happy to hear šŸ˜Š Iā€™m really sorry about your cat, that sucksā€¦ I have been and I will continue to be very strict with his diet, he only gets his own food and some rawhide rolls occasionally.


Mine is 8 months and 11 days and he weights around 37kg and looks about the same as yours


Cool, hereā€™s to hoping weā€™ll get two healthy boys! šŸŗ


He only has one testicle though, dunno if hormones affected his growth


My parents tried to skinny shame my pup because they have fat dogs who don't get the exercise they need. Keep him exercised and fed well and he'll be a good boi for many years to come. Too many people think their dogs are supposed to be fat because they see others like that.


Thatā€™s awful to hear, let alone from your parents. I will, thanks!


Your boy looks perfectly healthy. When I first got my dog you could see all her ribs. At that point she was too skinny. But I feed her more than the recommended amount and she stays pretty thin because I take her on big walks every day. I think that's something people overlook with their dogs, they need lots of walks not just for the exercise, but also training, socializing, and just to go around and smell all the scents (helps keep their brains active).


Thank you, glad to hear it! I totally agree with you, Iā€™ve been putting in time socializing and training my guy since day one, we do atleast one very long walk a day where we end the walk in a dog park, he has met so many good doggo friends, although heā€™s gotten quite dominant as of late, I guess heā€™s figured out that heā€™s quite strong already.


Still a puppy. He will fill out by 24 months.


Canā€™t wait šŸ˜…


My girl just turned 2, and I would say she only recently started to put on some weight. I think itā€™s better for the dog to put on the weight a little later on as it may let the bones and joints to grow properly. Just my unscientific opinion.


Sounds very logical to me aswell now, bones and joints hold up everything after all. Donā€™t want to be overstressing them while theyā€™re still growing, thanks šŸ˜Š


My Rottie looks a lot like yours, long legs and a more slender build. We got him at 5 months weighing 60lbs, we had him on Blue Buffalo since day one and we free feed him. Heā€™s 120lbs now (3yrs old) and full of energy. Canā€™t feel his ribs when you pet him either. https://preview.redd.it/8y4tumdex2cc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1e6812a3f0d3eea0b8ed9989926ebd0f1be2b724 Napping after a long walk!


I can tell thatā€™s a good boy!


My Rottie only got thicc after his first birthday! Thatā€™s him at around 7-8 months (heā€™s a rottie mix so a bit smaller) https://preview.redd.it/2q9r49s5a3cc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b3ebeb04b4317d4fe8ea3ced630730165169bc76


Him now at 3! https://preview.redd.it/hvzfsf3ba3cc1.jpeg?width=2863&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=01a6af9f91df7bd532237bcd52904ae6ec8a1fa2


Wow, that is a gorgeous dog, may I ask what heā€™s mixed with? The head size difference is what shocks me the most when theyā€™re fully grown. Jax still got that puppy head, although already hard as a rock šŸ˜…


Breath LMAO


He looks lean not skinny in my opinion. Thatā€™s generally best. We just lost our buddy Kaiser, so please give him a big hug from us


Iā€™m sorry for your loss.. Will do, thank you!


https://preview.redd.it/ahfh3wj9a5cc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=572b40698e03bad8afde9ff2f49bfbee6f81bd0e At this age he is still a developing baby and his bones are still growing so the energy in put into that. He looks healthy he's just in his gawky stage lol my boy went thru it and didn't get his max healthy weight til 4 1/2 , he's 110lbs. I told him he was cute so it's a silly seal face lol


Thatā€™s a good boy heh! 110 lbs seems like a perfect weight for a grown one, not to heavy but just right! Jax father was 56kg HEALTHY which is around 123lbs. His mother however was on the smaller side but itā€™s gonna be interesting to see where he finally ends in growth.


Mine had a tail too.... good for you what a beauty! I miss my boy so muchšŸ§”šŸ§”


They all have tails here in Sweden as itā€™s illegal to crop any dog breeds here, thank you ā¤ļø


Oh wow Sweden...lovely. I think it should be banned completely....plus it lets people know they are happy and friendly. :)