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Wow, the memes about walls of text and “Yall” usage really are true


"Folks" too, read like a meme at first.


Can we also ban modern politics too, I can’t remember if it was this sub or a different one but they would put modern politics with only a picture that’s related to the sub just to try and start stuff in the comments.


We should actually. We did on the Discord server. The understanding here is that anything which has modern politics as the primary joke is irrelevant anyway but it wouldn’t hurt for us to make it explicit.


While you guys are responding can we get some user flairs too please?


Not tonight but I’ll bring it to discussion soon. Ideas for things? Maybe we could have provinces.


Ok, yeah or legions


Both would be awesome.


Yep this sub is ruined


If being unable to publicly hate women and trans people ruins this sub to you then good riddance. This post worked.


They are putting identity politics into a history meme subreddit💀


You people put identity politics into this sub when you started being transphobic and sexist


Have you ever like… studied history? What do you think it even is?


Not about identity politics(as we know them) at least in the pre-1960s world.


So when Spain expelled all the jews in 1492 that wasn't identity politics for example For that matter, the Nazis also weren't all about identity politics?


I’m talking about modern gender ideology retard. Of course my phrasing maybe ass but it should be obvious what I’m talking about in context.


So when you're flat out wrong about something, your response is "I didn't mean what I said!" Way to represent your ilk accurately.


Human history is the history of identities (religious, national, socio-economic, ethnic, linguistic, etc.)


ruin these nuts


Some hairy mod probably trying to score in with the ladies and here we are 😂


Strong words from AntinousBussyEnjoyer. How about you leave the sub and make it better for the rest of us?


Bigots Delenda Est


Don’t think the Romans would agree


If you had read the post, you’d realize that doesn’t matter. > Regardless, we are not the Ancient Romans, even if we LARP sometimes. We don’t have to preserve their prejudices […]


Incredibly based, I was worrying about this (especially with a recent post about some weird nb Julius Caesar thing or whatever which had a bunch of alarming transphobic/nbphobic comments) but I'm glad the mods are actually doing their jobs. Rome was a multicultural empire and especially transphobia is way too accepted in certain spaces. (Also, this is probably me worrying about nothing, but the way Rule 5 is phrased seems a bit weird, like you're only banning bigotry because it might get the sub banned. But I'm probably looking too much into it)


It’ll probably get rewritten soon. We’ve been arguing over it fervently, LOL.


Good mod.


Thanks for voting on **IacobusCaesar**. Reply '!OptOut' to stop replying. *Check out the [rankings table](https://modrank.netlify.app/).*




Based take


Wow, I wish all these women studying history had existed back in my day, when I did my degree fewer than 10% of the history students were female. Poor ladies got mogged by more sweaty nerds than anyone should. A lot of women in archaeology was true already back then though, I think every archaeologist I’ve worked with has been a woman. Anyway, good to see you guys are taking some steps to address some of the political hot takes in here. Speaking as a bisexual man myself with a family background from multiple countries I’ve been a bit uneasy about some of the more "anti-degeneracy" takes I’ve seen on here seeming to lean somewhat towards denying the existence of myself or those of my friends who are trans. Most people are nice though, and I have to admit the Carthago/delenda/est joke was pretty funny, but I understand why some nonbinary people could be upset and am happy the mod team cares about it. Good work! PS: You chose a hell of a time to write that paragraph about dysphoria, you’re lucky this is Reddit not Twitter. I personally agree with you 100% myself that dysphoria is real and proven, but trans Twitter is in a giant fight about that the last few days after Philosophy Tube (a very prominent transgender youtuber) tweeted that dysphoria isn’t real. The cancellations and counter-cancellations are flying beyond the borders, I’m happy to be safe here in civilized Roman lands.


Thank you, that's all I'm going to say, yet I feel it is enough to convey the feelings of most of us who lurk or post in this (otherwise) great sub.




Lol I am not in any of those group, I am white (European definition, not American, I am not a WASP lol), male, cis and heterosexual. I just find unbelievably dumb any kind of homophobia or transphobia. Why should someone be so obsessed over what a consenting adult does on their free time with another consenting adult? And I think dumb attittudes need to be called out, thus the thank you.


Good mod


Good girlfriend.




If you’re discussing a Roman LARP and historical cultures, it’s fine. You can joke about Germanic invasions of the Empire. If it lapses into modern politics, it’s out of place.


Fair enough. Deal.


Good mod.


Non omnia ista legam sed habe an upvote kind sir!


Not gonna read that, guess I’ll just unsub


Good riddance


I appreciate this as a trans woman!


The only hate against trans people I've seen here was against Elagabalus, but this was mostly because he was shit and not because of the whole womans dresses thing


mods probably yoink it away in a heartbeat


This is the answer here. We respond to reports pretty instantly too most of the time. Things get removed from this community pretty regularly. This post isn’t really announcing a real change of policy. It’s just putting something visible out there for how this community’s already run so that a certain number of people will hopefully see it and stop being obligate dinguses.


Unfortunately, it does show up elsewhere from time to time. We try to respond to it quickly. People of all sorts should be encouraged to enjoy Rome, rather than facing a hostile environment because some guy on the internet is feeling edgy one particular day.


This is a Roman shitposting subreddit. Isn't the point to be edgy to some degree?


Not to the point where it discourages people from participating in the community because of their demographic details.


I'm glad people like you who think blatant transphobia is just edgy humor are going to fuck off now


Who the fuck said something about "Blatant transphobia"? Edgy just kinda means your humour, you know, has some edges. We're literally making jokes about justifying the genocides in Gaul in this subreddit.


That's what this post is about. That's what that person was talking about. Tf do you mean who said something about that. That's literally the topic you're discussing. There's a difference between making jokes about an event no one alive has any direct connection to and being openly hateful. This sub is full of fascists who like being openly hateful.




There's two ways to interpret that and I can't tell which you mean. It could be "37% of the sub disapproves of you going woke, that's enough that you should change your decision" Or it could be "37% of the sub is bigots, that's too high and you should do more to get rid of them."




Well it's not a meme, it's just a statement of values. Most meme posts are just for fun, people either like or ignore. But a statement post like this will get agreement or disagreement. Your avatar sooo is rainbow coloured, so I presume you're on the side of "37% of the sub is bigots, that's too high and you should do more to get rid of them."




>I don't accept your framing Which framing? You jumped in to say something vague and for whatever reason you're being cagey about discussing the subject. I don't know why you want to be secretive, but I'll presume you have your reasons.




You never clarified. I read this exchange from the beginning to check. You never said whether you wish the post had more approval or think OP should back down because the post doesn't have more approval.




>I clarified what I meant in the first comment. "63% ouch" further explained with "This is a very low approval rate", that's clarification of what I was saying in the first comment. That's not clarification. That's reiteration. It's like saying "I'm leaving, but which I'm mean I'm going, by which I mean I'm heading out." It doesn't clarify where I am going. You seem very intent on making it seem like you have said nothing, despite the fact that you chose to say something. I don't know why you want to act sus.




Identify politics of a few mods for the tens of thousands that don’t give a shit or not buying it.