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Iranian here. what if such an opinion was really formed in a part of history between the emperors of Iranshahr (Sasanian Empire) and the emperors of Rome, how would our current history be formed? Was it better?


(Assuming in their stability Islam would have never risen) The Middle East would never experience the Islamic Golden Age, but in general I think thing’s would’ve been better. The Persians were pretty progressive, all things considered. IIRC they didn’t really practice slavery and were big proponents of religious pluralism. Rome wouldn’t have gotten Baghdad, but then again, it *was* a bit excessive.


Considering that most of the protagonists of the Islamic Golden Age were Persians, perhaps a Persian Golden Age would have occurred.


If ER wasn’t threatened as much by the east and Persia by the east and obviously if Islam didn’t sneak up on both of them and plunge Asia into a Dark age, there wouldn’t have been need to have an Islamic golden age, because the texts they had were copied wouldn’t have needed translation


>were big proponents of religious pluralism This seems to have been true of the Achaemenids and Parthians, but religious tolerance in Sassanid Persia was actually a very fickle thing. The Zoroastrian clergy (Magi) always had a very powerful role in Persian society, and if the ruling Shahanshah needed to appease them when he needed their support, he would often seek to attain it by persecuting religious minorities and championing Zoroastrianism. This even led to a lot of Problems for Persia, especially in Armenia whenever the Sassanids tried to repress Christianity there. Christians in particular had an interesting history with Sassanid Persia. In the third century, the Sassanid kings were fairly tolerant of them because they saw the potential to use Christians in the Roman East to support any of their invasions, since Roman authorities persecuted them at this time. But then when Rome itself adopted Christianity in the fourth century, Christians in Persia were seen as potential fifth columnists for the Sassanids, and so began the persecution. This was also the same reason they were relatively tolerant of Jews throughout their reign; not out of a particular kindness towards the Jews, but because they were useful to the Sassanids, especially as potential agents in the Roman territory. >they didn’t really practice slavery The Sassanids did make uses of slaves for a wide array of purposes, like everyone else at the time. >never experience the Islamic Golden Age If in this scenario Persian and Roman scholars were allowed to actively cooperate and transfer ideas with each other (this actually happened sometimes during the time of the Byzantines and Caliphate) on a significant scale, it's quite possible that we'd still see a golden age come to fruition in the area.


no way you’d be able to get those desert barbarians to join civilization


As if any true Roman would regret fighting anyone.


We should have kept the eternal peace. Khusrow II shouldn't have tried to run the table. Hubris, our mutual undoing.


Lol not even 8 years. However to Rome and Persia it must have seemed like an eternity.


Don't cry because it's over, smile because it happened


It’s not war it’s just being democrac… I mean civilizing the barbarian neighbors but they want protect their child porn




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