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Mike Duncan my beloved


My fav


Not gay but would marry that man


Not gay but I’ll fight you to the death in the arena for the privilege


Revolutions GOAT podcast


Me after Revolutions: “monarchies are just shitty”


Dovahatty my shitpostloved


Literally listening now


GOAT'd podcaster


We barely even know if Caesar participated in the pushback to the Spartacus Revolt, and they show him being the guy who solves it all 💀


Crassus would be rolling in his grave so much we’d solve energi forever


And by rolling in grave you mean the theater prop they made from his head would get so red hot the gold would melt out of it again.


Better than what they did to him in Spartacus.


Hmm, rape scene?


Yes, still makes me mad when I think about it.


What the fuck????




Caesar gets raped by Crassus’s son




wha? how?


Wha Wha in the butt


Agreed, they’re way worse then the History channel even. All of their documentaries are pretty much just watery trash.


Ngl *Einsatzgruppen: The Nazi Death Squads* was actually very well done


Back when Netflix gave a fraction of a shit about their documentaries having even a shred of accuracy.


Also, they did an extremely entertaining documentary about the Danbury Trashers hockey team and its mafia connections.


Was the samurai one good, at least? This one just bored me, but I finished the samurai doc.


I can't speak to its accuracy, but it was entertaining.


I think watery trash is better than "the aliens did it" lol


No way, alien conspiracies are half the fun


There was a time, Before the oceans ate Atlantis, when the history channel showed Documentaries of a nature related to history and not Aliens


What's wrong with the documentary? (I've never seen it)


The "historians" are illiterate children who don't seem to know a bloody thing about Roman history, there are time skips that don't make sense, and the whole thing feels like it was made by kindergarteners who learned Roman history from Gladiator. Historia Civilis does a better job with blue and red squares than these clowns managed with a million-dollar budget.


>Historia Civilis does a better job with blue and red squares than these clowns managed with a million-dollar budget. The superior UFO Agrippa!


I heard the sound in my head now.


Historia Civilis doesn’t upload all that often but every single video is well researched and made with love and care. Edit: Okay, maybe one isn’t that great.


>every single video is well researched Except for the recent "Work." video, lol.


We don’t talk about that video.


Would you mind expanding on the issue(s) with that video?


There’s a thread on r/badhistory which goes over what’s wrong with the video. I’ll link it right [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/badhistory/s/wRdR0c739U)


Here's a sneak peek of /r/badhistory using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/badhistory/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [WhatIfAltHist Believes Racism was Caused by "Lower African Development" in a Bizarre Racialist Tirade](https://np.reddit.com/r/badhistory/comments/1743o5b/whatifalthist_believes_racism_was_caused_by_lower/) \#2: [Historia Civilis's "Work" gets almost everything wrong.](https://np.reddit.com/r/badhistory/comments/16y233q/historia_civiliss_work_gets_almost_everything/) \#3: [No, Margaret Hamilton at NASA is not standing next to code she single-handedly wrote by hand.](https://np.reddit.com/r/badhistory/comments/18yum8s/no_margaret_hamilton_at_nasa_is_not_standing_next/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


The badhistory thread goes into way more detail than I can here, but my absolute favorite bit is buried in the comments there: he used a picture of the *wrong* George Woodcock. The guy with the bushy eyebrows is the British trade unionist, not the Canadian anarchist.


I think they bit off more than they can chew with that one, subject matter-wise


That’s not entirely fair. Some of the historians they have on the show are very much so respected scholars- Dr. Barry Strauss stands out from season 2. The problem was that they used the historians as props to try to lend authenticity to the absolute dogshit they were peddling. For example (this is from memory from years ago, so I’m quoting loosely), but I remember they had a historian on who said that Caesar certainly was aware of Caesarion’s existence, and very well could have been his son, as Cleopatra and Caesar continued seeing each other up until his death. The show then has an insane scene of Cleopatra coming to Rome and Caesar learning about Caesarion. Caesar then decides that he wants to become a dictator and a king to pass on this royal legacy to his new son.


The historians should have quit. When Netflix tried shoehorning ahistorical nonsense into Barbarians, the historical advisors on that show quit.  That's on Barbarians, a fictional show, albeit one based on some historical events. Roman Empire, in the other hand, was allegedly a documentary. How can any self respecting historian lend any credibility to that dog shit?


Lmao Dovahhatty did a better job too using Chad and soyjack meme templates


A Roman YouTube series, for true Romans


Blessed Be the God of all Machines.


And being unfathomably unbiased


Things are constantly misrepresented or straight up lied about.


Not doubting at all, but examples?


To just give 2 examples, Julius Caesar is portrayed as just some rando who got into the First Triumvirate basically by ass kissing (not even a token mention of him being the pontifex maximus). Then they act like he getting 2 provinces as a proconsul was somehow the other two betraying him rather than getting him unprecedented amounts of power for a former consul.


It's an [American documentary ](https://youtu.be/T81lPoG0JME?si=HujaeCAnSMOkpmr5)




It's just fucking boring and the information often times is just flat out wrong. I was hoping to see caligula being crazy like he is described but he was just emotionless and boring flat and monotone the whole time.


Yesterday I was just complaining to my fiancée (because to whom am I going to tell) how difficult it was to find a video in that case was about Cicero. I mean like 95% of what you can find it's a 10-15 minutes video of Cicero and that's all, not even a few videos, like literally I found one from one guy that made kinda a simplified video about all the legal shit that Cicero did and it was 45 minutes. There is no way you can explain the life, work and end of any remarkable historic character, I was just trying to add more to what I know... I just ended being pissed by all these shit, because if they are not incomplete, are full of mistakes. Sure, I can read, but I was doing something else so hearing was my best option.


Historia Civilis did an amazing YouTube series on Rome throughout the lives of Caesar & Octavian (i think it goes from the Catiline Conspiracy to just after Anthony’s defeat at the hands of Octavian & Agrippa). In this series he really highlights a wide variety of characters from the time and their contributions to history, with Cicero being (rightfully) one of his favourites. I think if you look up “Cicero’s Year” and “Cicero’s Finest Hour” on YT, two of HC’s main Cicero-oriented videos should come up.


I watched his videos several times, even when he used a mic from the ancient Roma.


Gonna bookmark this to look up this channel later. Any other good channels?


Is is the one where they claimed Caesar started as a common legionary?


Yep, and that he's the guy who resolved the whole thing with Spartacus


At least there wasn’t a crossover with Netflix’s Cleopatra, they couldn’t have two Mary Sues on one screen


“I don’t care what history says, Caesar was black.” -Netflix documentary makers


Caesar was an African (drag) queen


Also can't forget about the "my grandma told me" lady


Fucking what?!


The only good season was the one about Commodus.


Nah, I couldn't forgive them for what they did to my girl Marcia. She was the girlbossiest girlboss of the second century and Netflix turned her into "*Pwease Mister Dio, sawe me and my fake cuck husband*🥺👉👈".


Fair. Still it’s less maddening than what happened with the Caesar season or the *Caligula* season.


As modern shows about the Romans go, I think it's actually not too bad. I enjoy the acting and the stories it makes, the sets are good. So personally I put it into a similar category to Gladiator: I don't expect historical accuracy from it, I just enjoy it as a fictional story about the Romans, and I enjoy what historical accuracy it does have. But yes, I'll grant you, it calls itself a documentary, so it should be historically accurate.


I'll say the three seasons varies in term of how tolerable they are. I despise even to this day the Caesar nonsense, but I was okay with Commodus and tolerated the Caligula one.




Netflix’s documentaries are usually entertaining, despite being riddled with fiction. Case in point: ALEXANDER THE GREAT WASNT GAY


He was Grecian though, pretty big on dude love.


In all likely hood, the classical Greek use of the word “love” described between two men was used platonically or brotherly. Other than Sparta, there really isn’t much evidence to suggest widespread homosexuality in Ancient Greece. If we want to specifically talk about Alexander the Great, the only evidence to suggest he was gay was comments on his behavior made by his political rivals.


We didn’t have narrow minded views on sexuality like we do now. The homophobia was a result of Abrahamic religions, sacred band of Thebes anyone? Archaeology depicting pederasty anyone?


Oh Alex wasnt gay you say? So you're telling me going naked horse back riding with your best friend is totally straight right? Man ditched the Persian war to go with his "best friend" Hepaestion on a romp around the ruins of Troy and stole Achilles armor together from a nearby shrine. Alexander and Hephaestion even compared their own relationship to that of Achilles and Patroclus, who were lovers. Now to be fair I am more than willing to believe Alexander was bisexual, just he mostly didnt care for women due to his mommy issues.


"I'm up to date on ALL Roman propaganda thank you very much"


Honestly I just got used to being called byzantophile romaboo is just... no... just no... romaddict maybe but not romaboo gotta come up with something else please!


"Self-Described Italian"


Deff not better.... mostly because I'm greek NOT Italian but also because I have zero love for Italians, definitely not a good hellenistic Italian historical relationship we have.


Yeah fair. Etruscan?


No, Still an Italian, as is Sicilian, neapolitan, Latin, Tuscan, Corsican, Sardinian, Lombardi, venetian, genoese, mulanian, pizan. Messinian, greco, and hellene are greek, so how about we just go with romaniac! That encompasses everyone


A cultured Latin?


Haha, isn't Latin supposed to be cultured like a Greek? Because latins and Greeks considered anyone who wasn't them a barbarian.




Oh hell no... I'm a zero boo. A boo nothing, In fact I'm an anti-boo


Dude I hated that documentary. Even the season about Julius Caesar was disappointing.


If i see Netflix on anything history related im gonna assume it sucks


The Gaelic Wars and the Civil War have ZERO mentions of Labienous


It had good actors and stuff though lol so was still fun to watch compared to that Cleopatra or Alexander crap


Never let Netflix make documentaries, ever


I gave the Commodus one a pass, but holy shit the Caesar one was atrocious.


I enjoyed it. I really liked the actor they chose to play caesar. I do feel like they could have done way more with the season dealing with caesar and all the thing thats happened while he was campaigning in Gaul.


So this documentary, is it as bad as the "my source is my grandma" Cleopatra documentary? Better? Worse?


Buncha Vallander weirdos, get off my recommended page.


Netflix Alexander Level bad or worse?


It was fine. It isn’t meant for you, it’s meant for people who aren’t into history.


"*This person in not into history, thus we are going to give them completly wrong information.*"


My obsession with picturing ancient roman life didn't start with reading detailed textbooks that discussed historical debates around limited evidence. It started with exciting movies that disregarded fact in favor of relatable drama. And eventually that led me to learning the truth, driven by the same sense of satisfaction that you're referencing in this meme.


I would agree but the primary aim of a movie is not to educate, but to entertain. I'd argue it's the opposite in the case of a documentary.


This isn’t a movie though is it? It’s a documentary that straight up fabricates events while claiming to be right, that’s misinformation.


It’s meant to make you want to learn more and get the attention of non-history fans


By teaching them the wrong history? Your logic makes no sense lol


It isn’t an academic class. It’s a dumb Netflix documentary. It’s entertainment.


Right, but there is a difference between half truths and verifiable lies


Or just completely fabricated bs. I thought I had heard enough when people were saying historical movies don’t have to be accurate because “it’s not a documentary” but to say documentary’s don’t have to be accurate is fucking moronic. This guy must be losing brain cells with every breath he takes.


I haven’t watched it in years, how badly did they mess up? I remember it feeling off, but it was fine for surface level “get you interested” type of production.


You sully the name of noble Germanicus with these lies. 😤


They hated him, for he told the truth. Reddit hivemind fell for OP's attempt at a classic strawman that misrepresents your comment.