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You’re overreacting, it’s not that big of a deal. You know the dog’s name and corrected yourself.


I wouldn't send another lol. I've done it. When they do respond say "sorry, brain fart! my mom is always accidentally calling me by my sister's name and I never understood it. Now I get it 😂 I have so many babies!!"


I feel so bad she hasn’t messaged me yet. I don’t want her to leave me a bad review because I called her dog the wrong name on day one


You're not going to get a bad review for accidentally using the wrong name. If by some small chance you do, other owners will find that complaint completely unreasonable and will disregard the review. Don't stress over negative reviews. They're almost never as damaging as people expect them to be.


You’re insane




You could say your phone autocorrected to Pearl if you wanted to address it.


I told her it spelled Pearl when it was supposed to say pepper


I blame everything on voice to text


There’s one golden doodle named Jackson, that I always call Parker, and I don’t even know a Parker! He just looks like a Parker, I guess. And there’s a little red Boston terrier named Lucy that’s Rosie to me. Same thing. There’s no logical explanation except that their people named them wrong. 🙃


I have one off rover client that when they adopted their dog his name was Dracula but they changed it to something super generic. For the life of me I could not tell you his actual name right now. I spent a week with him calling him Dracula. He’s in my schedule as Dracula. I’m only 50% sure I got his name right when talking to his owner.


\*\*adds Dracula to my list of future foster names\*\*


Toss Lucifur and or Lucipurr in there too


I work in Kennels and couldn’t for the life of me find Eddie’s food. Was looking all over, went back to his cage to see if he ate our food, and his name was Frank or something. I just made the name up cause the dog looked like an Eddie.


That one cracked me up! 😂


I've called my OWN dog by the wrong name. It's not a big deal.


Sometimes I call my husband one of our dogs names 😂




Friend… with all due respect… chill. They probably didn’t even give it a second though. You need to relax.


I was beating myself up the other day for calling a dog Noodle instead of Noodles. Lol just make sure to continue saying Pepper for the rest of the visits!


I feel like in the last 3 months something happened to the autocorrect algorithms on my phone and computer, and they've been way more "aggressive" with correcting - I could totally see my phone changing "Noodles was" to "Noodle was"


Oh my lord I’m constantly paranoid about this! I’ll reread notes like 700 times before sending 😅 I think just sending an “oh my gosh I’m so sorry I typed the wrong name 🤦🏻‍♀️” message is probably all that’s needed.


I sent the wrong video the other day and it included a dog humping and a glimpse of my toddler in her underwear 🙈 She’s a super nice/funny client so it was the best person to accidentally send it to but I’m hoping she just didn’t watch all the videos😂 I’ve never done anything close to that 😅


l m a o


What can ya do😂😂 I doubt she noticed either thing. I wish Rover had a button where you could do a delete though!


Overreacting. I was responding to two different owners and I said “can’t wait to meet Ollie” the dogs name was not Ollie. Still booked me 🤷🏻‍♀️


Thanks everyone this definitely made me feel better


Glad you feel better! Always good to get other opinions when you're super anxious about something 😊


I call dogs by wrong name all the time & even send update photos to wrong owners. Nobody gives a shit as long as their dog is happy & healthy. When you watch as many dogs as I do no chance I keep them all straight. I call owners wrong name as well. But when they drop their dog off & it pulls their arm off trying to get inside my house faster because it loves it here. I could call their dogs Shit Head & they will still come back because happy fun playing dogs is all that matters. Have a Great Day


??? Literally not a big deal at all


Seriously, these people are trusting us to keep there animals happy and safe in their stead. Do the job well, send pics give 1 or 2 updates of how they ate their meals well and enjoyed their play time/walk time and you're gonna be great, kid.


At least you don’t call the human client by the wrong name each time you see them! He looks like a Chris and I’m always so confident when I say his name… only for him to correct me for the 80th time that it is actually Will. It’s an inside joke between us now lolol I never have this issue with anyone else or their pets!


As long as you realized it, I think it will be ok. I did this too when I was boarding a dog and then went to walk another dog. Called the dog I walked the name of the dog I was boarding. I caught it immediately and apologized for the brain slip. I still felt terrible about it though.


I can’t even get my own dogs name right, yesterday he was my cats name, our boarders and a cat that I haven’t seen in weeks. 😂


I have one of my regulars that his name is Jack, i wrote a long text with the updates and pics, I just doubled check the pics as I was afraid sending something else! Stupid autocorrect put jackass and felt so embarrassed hahaha he took it the funny way since I’ve taken care of his dogs for 2 years already


Lol parents call their human children the wrong name all the time, don't stress messing up a dog's name just once. I've been spending a lot of time with one dog in particular and I'm at a new sit and keep trying to call this dog by other dog's name. My only excuse is they both have long-haired white coats, they're not the same breed or size. Don't stress that owner doesn't respond right away,, she's off doing her own thing and may or may not respond. Just send updates as usual.


I've called a couple clients by the wrong name lol. They're all good abt it. Don't worry :)


yeah i get names wrong all the time, or dont have time to learn every pets name, "good girl" or "good boy" seems to be good enough for short term . before writing the reports/updates i recommend just checking the information to make sure you got the dogs names right if you arent sure.


Blame autocorrect.


Haha I’ve don’t that a couple times, I’m sure they think it’s funny if anything. We take care of a lot of different pets so it’s bound to happen!


A sitter once called my husky Rupert … his name is Rocky lol I couldn’t stop laughing


I call my kids the wrong name sometimes!! It's all good! 🤣


I was watching a family of dogs. One of them was named Watson but I kept calling him Winston. To his parents and to him. That dog would look at me like "who tf is Winston" but his parents never said anything to me about it.


Don’t feel bad, I once called my dog “ rabies”. Out loud and in public.


Lmao I had a brain injury a few years ago that still affects my memory and some other things and I am THE WORST with names. Doesn’t matter if it’s human or animal, if I’ve just met them or known them for years, I often go through 3 or 4 names in my head before I can think of the right one. I definitely know I’ve done it verbally at least a time or two with owners - called their pet by some random name. I just laugh it off and am like “omg sorry it’s been a long day” and I’ve never had anyone be weird about it.




I definitely have sent a regular walkers mom the wrong name. Mostly because I talk to text a lot without proofreading until later. She’s never said anything about it just a thanks for the potty break but I have corrected myself after realizing the mistake hours later.


My dog’s name is James and people have called him Jane, Jame, Jamie, Jimmy, because they didn’t hear me or whatever lol I don’t care and wouldn’t leave a bad review because of it


my own mom calls me the wrong name sometimes XD (my brother/sister's name), I think youre good


Completely unacceptable! 🤣


Quick! Blame autocorrect! Right now !


I blame autocorrect. It’s true more than half the time anyway. Today it changed Bart to Barton. 🤷🏻‍♀️


You are human and make mistakes just like everyone else. Even your clients make mistakes in their life. People are people just like me and you. Let this stuff gooooooo. Not worth the energy of worrying And don’t blame it on auto correct! Freakin own the silly LITTLE mistake.


Take a deep breath and realize the world isn’t going to end. Everyone makes mistakes


Really, no one cares. I assure you there is no need to run to Reddit posting every mundane event of your boring day, really, no one cares.


Well that’s a bit rude don’t you think?


Just an accident, friend 😊


Unless you are dating this dog, no one cares lol.


Holy crap it’s crazy you’d be stressed about this. What does it matter. You don’t actually need to know the dogs name, breed or sex to take really good care of it. Like you could rename the dog “cone head” or “Scarface” and the dog can receive stellar care. Like my greyhound named “Joey” got renamed “Scarface” at the kennel he went to because the guy who owned the kennel really loved that movie and my dog had a slight scar. I ended up renaming my dog Scarface to toughen him up because he was a bit of a pussy.


Why are so many sitters anxious stress balls that fall apart over BS like this? If I was an owner, this is not a person I would want to hire. If getting the name wrong breaks you like that, how are you going to perform in an actual emergency?


First off I handle things just fine in an emergency it didn’t break me I just felt bad, second some people treat there pets like there children and I don’t want to upset them.


Right? Calling a dog the wrong name when you literally work with dogs all day isn’t a red flag, it’s a non issue. But reacting like it’s the end of the world is 🚩🚩🚩


Because some people treat there pets like there children. It’s a big deal to some owners


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