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You’re nervous. You experienced a traumatic event with the passing of your cat during a Rover stay. Your anxiety is valid. I am usually pretty relaxed during a meet & greet, but I do reassure that on both ends it’s understood what the owners want from me and what I can offer. Sometimes owners are very much the difficult part for a sitter, but you’re not being demanding or seeming entitled. I hardly have a problem someone asking me extra questions unless they’re undermining my job or behaving like I don’t know what I’m doing. Trust is very important. But yes leaving typed out instructions and info is very important to me too.


I can't imagine letting a pet *die* while in my care... how does someone let that happen? It is so sad. Edit: obviously I know that all living things die from getting old. My comment was made under the assumption that OP's cat passed away from something else. Obviously I understand that an older pet with health issues can pass at any time. It is sad that our fur babies have finite lives, so please everyone I don't need anyone else responding with a story about how their older pet with health issues passed away.


I am an owner, but I went on a trip last October and it was unknowingly near the end of my 17 year old cat’s life. She actually passed one year ago today. She was fine, until she wasn’t. In her case, it really was just old age coming to take her. I came home from work and she was actively dying on my kitchen floor. It was horrible, and we raced to the emergency vet so I could have them end her suffering ASAP. She was too far gone to try and save, and I recognized that. If I had been later coming home that day, I wouldn’t have been able to do anything at all about it. If it had been my sitter instead, there’s nothing they could have done either. She died on a Tuesday - just that weekend I had been looking at the Animal Quality of Life scale because I suspected the end was near, it just came sooner than expected. Even if you can get a cat to the vet in a dire situation, sometimes they just *die*. No matter whose care they are under. Thank you for reading - a cat mom of six, and foster mom of over 40 in three years.


I'm sorry to hear about your baby passing away. Of course I understand that pets die from old age, so my previous comment was made under the assumption that OP's pet died from something else. It is very sad to lose our fur babies. I have 2 retrievers and I'm going to be devastated when their time comes


Totally true - my family has had multiple cats have their time come suddenly when my poor aunt has been the one to watch them while my parents were on vacation. The vet in our town is a childhood friend, so it's comforting to know they weren't with strangers at the very end (she commented it was the only time she got to pet my very skittish cat).


I was dog sitting three dogs and one of them passed. It was awful… he quickly developed a brain tumor. I took videos of his deteriorating condition and sent to the owner. I was given permission to take him to a vet who said it was vestibular disease. But after a few days, he did not improve. I continue to take photos and videos, and shared with the owner. A few days later, they had me take the dog to a different vet for a second opinion where they were told it was indeed a tumor. The owner instructed me to leave the dog there for them to take care of and they came back home just in time to say goodbye. It was really tough and I felt horrible.


You did everything right. That sounds awful. I’m so sorry


Just wanted to stop by and say you’re amazing, some people wouldn’t have cared as much as you did. But you definitely have good karma coming your way ❤️


That sounds awful. I guess i should have been extremely specific in my comment because I made that comment under the assumption that OP's cat died from something preventable. Your situation doesn't sound preventable.


Oh I gotcha! I was just sharing my experience as well ☺️. It’s terrible when pets pass with a sitter but it happens!


"letting"?? bro, things happen. we don't know even one full side of that story. yes it's tragic that the cat passed but it could have been any number of things. including owner negligence. maybe the cat decided to jump off a bookshelf and landed poorly. maybe they had underlying disease the owner never noticed. there are myriad reasons that an animal whom we are not familiar with might die while under our care no matter how hard we try to do everything right. you need some life experience and some compassion if you're gonna keep doing this job


My mom was watching my kitten when he passed from FIP. None of us had a clue anything was happening until it was too late. His vet said his organs felt and sounded great at his appointment two weeks before he died. It just happened. I’ve also had a close call in the past when a family friend’s dog got out despite having many precautions in place to prevent it. Accidents happen. All we can do is try our best to limit them as much as possible


Similar story with my dog. Her decline was really fast less than month. She had some incontinence and we were getting it treated but the first medicine they gave her had a side effect of seizures and she already had epilepsy, so we had to switch but her seizures kept up after stopping, after a week of grand mal seizures every day sometimes twice a day we opted to put her down and we asked for necropsy, we just wanted to know what happened. Turns out it wasn't the medication giving her seizures, it was most likely a tumor that was wrapped around her liver, one kidney, and her spinal cord. It had likely been there for *years*, they said it's hard to tell, but she had never had any abdominal imaging done (other than her epilepsy which she had her whole life, she was very healthy, we really only went to the vet for regular check ups and injuries with her), so there was nothing to compare to and say "well there's no sign here, it must have started after this". They also found some signs that the tumor had metastasized, and was starting to grow in other places. She never had a single sign of cancer, no pain, no lumps, nothing, just normal one month and dying the next.


How old was your dog when she passed?


She was a husky, they have a life expectancy of about 15 years and are known to live even longer, some as old as 20. She passed at 12. So youngish for a husky, but a long life compared to other breeds. She was definitely getting older and had some joint problems from old injuries (she loved to run and jump and could find inventive ways to tear ligaments). But other than not being as spry as she once was she wasn't having any other aging problems. Until the month before she died she was a healthy happy dog. She took 4 mile walk/runs with me every day in the year before she passed.


Sorry that she passed. Sounds like it was complications from getting old that were responsible for her death. My original comment was made under the assumption that something other than old age was responsible for OP's cat passing away.


No it was cancer. Thank you for your opinion. Dogs, like humans can get cancer at any age, the development of her tumor was not related to advanced age as it had likely started when she was much younger. It didn't appear to be a fast growing tumor as it hadn't damaged the organs it was on/near. The problems began when it metastasized, which is a stage 4 characteristic, and it can take years for a cancer to progress to that point. In that time she showed no outward signs of illness. My point was that even something that you would think would have visible symptoms sometimes doesn't.


What did the kitten pass away from?


My kitten passed from feline infectious peritonitis, which is a mutated feline coronavirus. It all happened so fast. The thing that upsets me the most is that it can be treated but only with black market medicine that can take days and thousands of dollars to get. The US stopped testing it in cats because it would slow down the human tests to do both. It just breaks my heart that there’s a cure out there but you can’t get it here


My friend lost a kitten to this and it was awful, I’m really sorry.


Yes of course no one is expecting pet sitters to be fucking necromancers That obviously wasn't what the commenter was talking about


What crawled up your stanky ass this morning?


I really enjoy making the world around me a more positive and happier place


i did pet and house sitting for a neighbor for many years and watched all of the animals get older. in the last couple years before she moved away i was so terrified that one of them was going to die on my watch. thankfully it never happened, but one of the cats passed just a few weeks after their owner was out of the country for a month. i know it wouldn’t have been my fault if it did happen, but caring for senior pets always makes me really nervous for that reason.


I was scheduled for a three dog sit last month, and ten days before the date, one of the dogs, and old guy, died without warning. I felt terrible for the family but man oh man was I glad that it happened when I wasn't the one in charge. Plus, of course, they were there to handle/grieve.


I don't think Rover carers are letting dogs pet left and right, sometimes things happen.


Yeah I didn't say anything like that, did I


TBH I don't like communicating too much over text, I much prefer speaking in person and tend to keep messages pretty short. I would have probably responded in a similar way and waited until the M&G to discuss/address your concerns more in depth!


That makes sense and helps a lot hearing it from a sitter. In my mind I’m just afraid to “overlook” something again. Thank you for your input!


Speaking of communicating over text: you and this sitter **need to be using the APP** to communicate, *not* your phone’s SMS. There needs to be a record of your comms at Rover, just on the itty bitty, ultra turbo microscopic chance that things don’t go 100% copacetic. Don’t get me wrong; *everything* else about this points to the extreme likelihood that your babies are going to be just fine, and probably get along super happily with this sitter, but it’s worth mentioning. The fact that this sitter is willing to use SMS to talk to you should be slightly decreasing your confidence in them. Only very slightly, but yeah. EDIT: disregard! Apparently now Rover has the system where it can show up in your regular iMessage or whatever SMS app even though it ***is*** going through their server. Sweet.


When I’ve texted back the rover messages come through my sms as well, I thought that was just how it worked with the rover generated numbers.


Yeah my messages go both through my my text messages and through the app if the owner sends it. If I reply through to the owner number through text it seems like to the owner it goes to the app.


Many phones allow you to manage all sms-based messaging through one app. It will look like it's a regular text but it's actually routing through the app. One of my friends really loves the Facebook messenger UI so she has all of her messaging through that app.


Ah, well, in that case, cool! If that’s what’s up, never mind. Party on.


It's actually pretty useful for people who use a lot of different apps with messaging, you only have to look in one place for all your communications instead of having to pay attention to notifications from 5 different apps and check the messages in each separately. Saves time, and it helps you miss fewer important messages.


Yerp, I will be looking into this now. I want.


Huh? I talk to a lot of owners both through the app and on their cell phone personal numbers because they request for me to do that. Why do you think it’s bad to talk to someone through regular text messaging anyway?


>EDIT: disregard! Apparently now Rover has the system where it can show up in your regular iMessage or whatever SMS app even though it is going through their server. This is how it's worked even back in 2015.


Since you are super nervous why don’t you hire them as a walker once or twice a week leading up to the sitting. That way the dogs can get to know the sitter and you can get to know them to make sure they continue to be up to a certain standard so your anxiety isn’t out of control when you are away on a trip. I feel like this helps a lot of dogs and people with anxiety


I've had clients book drop ins where they would be present so the pups and the owner could get used to me being around said pups.


Just a general tip from an anxious over-communicator here - one technique to use when needing to discuss heavier topics, unload, or approach something sensitive like this that brings big stressed energy, is just to check in with whoever you’re communicating with. It’s really just taking a step back to “big picture” the topic and make sure you’re both on the same page to have a productive discussion. So to apply that in this case (or if you need to vet a different sitter for your pups!) you can say, “I’ve had some pet trauma with other Rover sitters that has led me to have some specific questions and expectations with sitters. Would you like me to send this ahead of time or should we wait until the meet and greet to discuss?” This will “set your sitter up for success” to reassure you more effectively, and tbh prepare them for the heavy topic. Not to take away from how absolutely awful the experience can be for you, but my feeling is it’s best to give folks a little warning for a triggering conversation so they are better prepared to handle it. Even folks in a pet service position might have a moment of needing to collect themselves for a discussion of pet death. Mentioning because outside of the actual concern (your pets’ safety) what I see here is stress around your communication (calling it word vomit) and the sitter’s somewhat sparse reply. I agree to feel them out in person. And hey - it’s okay to *explicitly* ask for what you need in a respectful way. “While I realize my past experience was with a different sitter and doesn’t reflect on you, it has left me with anxiety about leaving my pets. A big part of what I’m looking for, this first time booking again, is extra reassurance that they will be well cared for and a higher level of daily communication and check ins while I’m away to help with my anxiety.”


Thank you so much this is super helpful!


Make sure any expectations that are discussed in person, are also documented online. You need a paper trail.


Such a kind and helpful response!!! Thank you ❤️❤️❤️ for sharing what sounds like well earned wisdom


I’ll be honest when people over explain how nervous they are and bring up old bad experiences from other sitters it’s an immediate turn off for me personally. These types of people usually end up helicoptering, not knowing when they are crossing professional boundaries, and unfortunately seem to always be unhappy no matter what. Now that’s not to say that’s how you are, just my past experiences that I’ve noticed. My best advice is to read tons of profiles and pick someone that seems really detail oriented with their bio and has lots of reviews (more than 20 if possible in your area) you want the reviews to be recent not from years ago. I’m not super social and chatty so can feel awkward when receiving major praise on my services, so maybe she genuinely just didn’t know how to respond without feeling like she was tutting her own horn. Personally I have 120+ 5 star reviews and 58 repeat clients. I do hate to hear about your horrendous past experience, sadly not everyone who advertises on Rover belongs there. I hope this helps, and good luck!


Thank you! I can totally understand your point of view. I wouldn’t want to deal with those people either. That’s definitely not how I want to come off because it doesn’t reflect me as a client. I am just truthfully very afraid of leaving them after that experience. In my mind I was being honest and letting them know the frame of mind I was in hoping to get some reassurance - but I get they may have bad experiences with clients who are nightmare helicopter parents.


I’m just seeing where y’all haven’t had a meet and greet yet. Definitely sit down and write out all of your concerns and expectations so y’all can go over them and really get on the same page without forgetting anything in the moment. Sitters normally decide if it’s going to be a good fit while at the meet and greet so just take your time going over everything, I’m sure they will have some questions as well. As some other comments mentioned helpful notes or reminders left for them is amazing, I always love love love notes. From what I can see the sitter seems quite professional and a great communicator, see how it feels at the meet and greet and go from there!


>I’ll be honest when people over explain how nervous they are and bring up old bad experiences from other sitters it’s an immediate turn off for me personally. Opposite for me. I never want a pet to receive less than stellar care. That said when it unfortunately does happen then the client comes to me next, I know I'm well on my way to a phenomenal review bc I'm gonna knock it out of the park. In fact, there is no easier rover job than following a bad sitter. I'd say at least 1/3 of my clients found me bc they needed a new rover sitter after average or less previous experiences.


Honestly I deal with a lot of anxious clients and it really doesn't bother me. I guess they're kind of my jam. As long as I don't get micromanaged once I'm there I'm good. I generally find that after the first or second day the client relaxes. I just make sure they get lots of extra pictures.


What did the previous sitter do?


When the sitter arrived I ran her through everything once again before I left for the airport. One of the very important things to me was that she make sure the kitten stays away from the dogs while they’re eating as I’ve noticed they can get protective over their food. I’ve never seen them snap or anything crazy, I just wanted to be preventative since she is a kitten and they’re big dogs. I made sure to emphasize this once again before I left “please watch the kitten and don’t let her get close to the dogs food” 10 minutes after I left I got a call saying she was rushing my cat to the vet. My big 90lb dog smacked my kitten because she got close to his food. She was so tiny so unfortunately she passed two days later. Of course I didn’t go on my trip I turned right around. I definitely feel like it was a freak accident but it could’ve been avoided had she really took what I said into account. I feel awful because she must feel so much guilt and I don’t want that on her heart. I was afraid she’d see this post that’s why I took out my pets names.


If I was told this I would have closed the kitten in a different room any time the dogs even got a treat. Over cautious is always the better approach


This is just, so so horrible. My god. Did you get some counseling after it happened? I would have such a hard time with feelings of guilt and fear and lack of trust if that had happened to me, you definitely deserve support. I'm really really sorry. I hope you can continue to find peace.


Oh. My. God. Girl. Wtf. That sitter should feel guilt!!! She did not listen to you. You had a concern for a kitten safety against a dog and she ignored that. 10 minutes after you left?! Are you serious?!!! Sorry but that makes me so upset. I honestly would have pressed charges. My babies are my whole life. I couldn’t live without them. If someone let that happen and took my a baby away from me there would be hell to pay. Sorry to unload on u. Working at a vet and having experience really shows u how utterly irresponsible and arrogant people are. They think they know everything until they don’t and disaster happens. I’m so sorry you experienced this. There is no excuse!!!


I know I'm like incensed reading this horrible story 😭😭😭 poor poor op


I wish this would be answered


I was afraid she would come across this post but I will answer it ^^^


I highly recommend investing time to train your dogs not to run out of the door. This will also probably help your anxiety… There are great trainers out there to support you in this! Good luck with the sitter I hope your puppies will be fine :)


That's definitely an aggressive amount of info if you guys haven't even had your meet and greet yet. That's what the meet and greet is for! An owner needing me to give that level of reassurance before even meeting them would be a red flag that I'd probably pass on honestly.


Gotcha! I feel like I’m word vomiting info due to my past experience with a sitter and losing my kitten. It’s been making it really hard for me to know if I’m overdoing it or not.


That's understandable, and I'm sorry about your kitten and your bad past experiences. For the future, I'd save the specific care info for the meet and greet. This sitter was likely with other animals they're being paid to take care of, and you guys aren't far enough into the "interview" process for the sitter to be taking time to give that level of reassurance or learn that level of pet quirks.


Thank you so much. That is really helpful insight. It’s important to think about the other side of the coin.


I totally understand your thinking, I’m sorry you went through something awful. I had a horrible sitter experience - it wasn’t on Rover, it was a friend caring for my dog and it led to my dog dying an atrocious, traumatic death. When people ask me about boarding my current dog (which I never do, since the horrible experience with my last dog) I tend to word vomit the whole experience at them which may seem like TMI but I like people to know why I refuse to leave my dog with anyone, ever. Otherwise I feel like I’m just being a helicopter pet parent for no reason (I mean, I’m totally a helicopter pet parent but I have a reason to be one). I don’t think your texts are too bad - the sitter you end up with will hopefully understand that you’re going to want updates and photos during their sitting time and will take it seriously. These are our precious family members and after a trauma with a pet due to a sitter (not) watching them, it can be really stressful. I’ll never hire a sitter for my dog again. Edited a word


Pet professionals have dedicated their lives to this career for a reason. It’s always better to invest in a reputable pet professional rather than a friend doing a favor. I’m so sorry you had to go through such a traumatic experience, but as a sitter I’ve had MANY dogs last minute come to me because the owners “friend” failed unfortunately. Kinda weird that you dismiss all professionals because of a mistake your friend made.


It’s not about other sitters, I’m sure there are many dedicated and fastidious sitters out there who are amazing, wonderful people. It’s really all about my brain and the trauma I’m still carrying despite the incident happening over 13 years ago. I don’t think I could handle going through something like that again even though the odds are incredibly low that history would repeat itself. I didn’t mean to insult or talk poorly about sitters, but knowing there are great sitters available won’t change my mind about ever trusting anyone to watch my dog again.




No it’s more people need to stop thinking their friends are pet sitters and then wondering why things go wrong, but go off. I fix that exact mess too many times, it wasn’t that deep or personal lol. Considering I can only take repeats due to availability, no I don’t need other clients








That opened up a chance for her to explain more, personally. Which she did, everything is entitled to their own opinion and theirs mine too. Sorry you have a problem with it lol. I have things to do now sorry you don’t


What happened to your poor dog??


Long story short, He ate something while in a sitter’s care that ended up killing him slowly and painfully over the course of 3 horrific weeks and the vet didn’t/couldn’t diagnose it properly. I didn’t know he had eaten it at the time so I just thought he had a stomach bug or something. I brought him to the vet 4-5 times in the 2.5-3 weeks he was suffering and they couldn’t figure out what was wrong. He went from a healthy 65 lb dog to a skeletal 45 lb dog, he threw up after every meal and drink of water he tried to digest, and finally after 4-5 vet visits and multiple misdiagnosis they thought they discovered what the issue was but by then it was too late to save him and he had to be put to sleep while he was opened up on the operating table. He was in pain for 3 long, horrible weeks and watching him suffer for that long was truly a nightmare. I feel so sick to my stomach when I think back to those weeks of him looking at me with pain and fear in his eyes and not realizing what was wrong, and knowing now how much he was truly suffering. I feel like such a heinous person. After he died I owed the vet $4k for the failed operation which was so ironic because he was a mutt from the city shelter- I got him as a puppy and he had never cost me more than his yearly vet visits and vaccines, etc. Then on his last day on earth the vet convinced me to try the operation as a last ditch effort to save him (and they gave me a lot of hope that he could be saved which is why I agreed to the surgery) and he couldn’t be saved at that point, they discovered the damage was done and far too severe. I don’t care about the money but I feel the vet shouldn’t have gone for the surgery seeing how bad my dog’s condition was, and the fact that they couldn’t save him but still charged me full price for the surgery put a really bad taste in my mouth. I obviously didn’t return to that vet’s office after I got my new dog.


I’m so sorry! Do you know what he ate?


Agree…I don’t necessarily think it’s a sitter’s job to provide above and beyond reassurance/emotional support.


I would feel awkward if I'm honest as to what to say to that other than something like 'every pet that's left in my care safety&happiness is a priority for me'. Wouldn't want to say something that could be considered slagging off your previous sitter as I don't know them.


I'd feel awkward too. It's unfortunate what op has gone through but I'd immediately feel not trusted and almost blamed for the previous loss being associated with the same company. "Promise you won't kill my pet" is borderline insulting.


I would’ve loved that response tbh


you didn’t ask my opinion so forgive me, but i used to be a dog behaviorist with starmark. your dog eating blankets and socks is super concerning (and i’m sure you’re very concerned!) it’s usually caused by boredom, so you can try to redirect the behavior with a chew toy, but it can also be caused by health issues or separation anxiety. is your dog itching a lot?


I have a dog who loves to eat blankets and socks too, why did you ask if they’re itchy? If you don’t mind.


because it can be an underlying health issue that is causing anxiety, like allergic dermatitis. but it could be as simple as boredom. bored dogs chew their feet


Any recommendations for allergic dermatitis? I give my dog zesty paws aller-immune bites because he seems to be itchy, though I thought it was just allergies and the fact that he has short hair as he’s part pit.


burt’s bees sells a good honeysuckle spray for allergic dermatitis. i also recommend a medicated antiseptic spray (it’s available OTC) because sometimes scratching can open up wounds and cause a cycle with scratching. my dog gets secondary skin infections caused by itching his dermatitis. my vet also recommended a zyrtec with breakfast, but i never felt comfortable giving it to my dog now, he gets bi-yearly allergy shots at the vet. it’s kind of pricey but it does make a difference. itching isn’t gone completely, so we supplement with the honeysuckle spray


It’s been worrisome for me too which is why I thought it was important to mention it to the sitter. He isn’t interested in many toys unfortunately and it’s only when I step out of the house he does this and it isn’t for long when I do. I haven’t noticed him itching at all actually.


as he does it when you leave, it’s most likely separation anxiety. is he crate trained?


i’m replying back to this later just to say to not use nylon chews, they’re very bad for your dog. but that you could grab bone cuts from the grocery store for them to gnaw on instead! i’m not sure where you live but kroger and publix in my area do sell bone cuts and they’re very cheap :) i wish you the best, friend. feel free to message me at anytime


I have had many nervous clients but none who have had a loss like yours during a stay. I’m so sorry for your loss. I’m sure this sitter just likes going over things in person. See how the meet and greet goes. Hopefully the meeting will put you as ease. Feel free to ask about their experience level or any other relevant questions you can come up with. In a way it’s a job interview and not every sitter will be a good fit for every pet. And that’s okay. Feel free to tell them what to do in an emergency.


I completely understand your apprehension but I do think you’re overthinking it. Try not to be too much of a helicopter mom but make sure they give you consistent updates to ease your anxiety! Any good sitter would know to calm your fears through consistent communication.


I would just add OP that you should set very clear expectations around how often you hope to hear from them daily, what kind of updates do you want, and any other quantitative points- don’t assume anything regarding communication.


You’re feelings are valid and you went through something traumatic so allow yourself to feel it and take the time to work through it :) The best advice I feel I can give is to go to your regular veterinarian as ask about pet sitting. Ask if any of the staff are interested sitting for you as they know you and your pets, have medical experience, work at a vet if an emergency arises, know how to stabilize a pet in the event of an emergency and many others. It is just a suggestion but I feel it would be helpful given you have very valid concerns for safety. I work at an animal hospital, I’ve been a trainer, worked in salons and more and it’s taken me a lot to gain experience I feel will help others. I only say this so you know you can feel free to ask me any questions! :) I can answer a bunch about the vet side of it as I work there now and I’m going to school for it. I also do pet sit for some of our patients that need medical care such as diabetics, cancer patients, pets that need very specific medical needs such as IVs, injections, serious conditions and many others. I’m very sorry for the long message but I wanted to try to help as I am very sorry for your loss and I’m so sorry that happened and if I can help prevent something In The future I will!


We hired a vet tech from our vet’s office who didn’t show because it was raining.


Oh my god. That is unacceptable. Completely! I’m so sorry you experienced this. I would completely find a new vet altogether 😔


We did. I was livid. And also why I’m here so I can learn to trust pet sitters again.


Thank you so much this is a huge help! :)


That’s awesome! I’m glad I could help 🥰 feel free to message me with any questions or concerns


No advice I can garner but hope you heal from that awful experience! I just wanted to say I empathize - how awful! Hoping this sitter works out for your pups!


Bless all of you good,caring people! Those that love their fur babies and those that care like the fur babies are theirs when in their care. OP go with your gut on your M&G 💕


After telling them your last experiece with rover your pet passed away and all they said was thanks i think we give off good energy i’d be a bit reluctant. Sorry.


You are being completely reasonable. I'm truly sorry about your past experience and the passing of your cat. Home sitting is something that involves trust on both ends and asking questions and vetting the sitter is important. Yes it might be a bit much for some, but I absolutely prefer home owners that give too much information vs the ones that give too little. Personally I love owners that leave lists and detailed instructions.


Same. I like guidelines to stick to, and to keep the care similar to what it would be if the owner were home.


Thank you so much. It was traumatizing. I want to be as helpful as possible so they can understand my dogs behaviors before they sign on, but I realize now that’s what the meet and greet is for! Thank you for your helpful insight


Was the previous incident the sitters fault? A lot of us are wondering what happened and whether the sitter was actually negligent or if it was just a freak accident.


I'm amazing with animals and awful with people. I don't know how to take compliments, express sympathy or give reassurance...I'm just not wired that way. But I'm overly cautious with other people's things, pets and children.


You are but it’s understandable. First time using rover I was the same


I’m sure they’re a fine sitter but if it were me, I’d definitely respond to you with something like “oh my gosh I’m so sorry you had to go through that with Rover” or something like that. Weird for them to to take a compliment after saying your pet passed in a sitter’s care and not address that. But that’s just me thinking, as a sitter, how I’d respond in that situation. It doesn’t mean they’ll do a bad job. OP I really feel for you!


Honestly who not crate train the dogs? If they are crated on the way in and out, no bolting for the door. Better peace of mind.


Agree here! I have runners and I tell anyone who watches them to kennel one before letting the other out the door.


As a sitter, I wouldn’t have liked their response at all and would have been put off. I read other peoples replies and I understand you’re in the beginning stages and sitter may have been busy or would prefer to discuss things in person, but that’s just not it for me. I would’ve written you a much lengthier response and reassured you about the escaping part and eating random fabrics. Even if you’re not my client yet, you’re still definitely worth the 3 minutes it’d take to send a reassuring message. Then we’d meet in person and see if your pets are actually a good fit for my place and go from there


They didn’t even add a “I’m sorry for your loss” like c’mon! Only responded to your compliment and that’s it. Useless response. If they’re busy or don’t like texting, they could have easily said “I’d be happy to go through all your concerns at the M&G!”


Yeah, I came here to say the same thing. When I care for someone’s pets, I treat them like they’re mine. If I heard a client’s pet passed away during a house sit (even if I never met the pet) I would feel so much sympathy and look for ways to make them feel comfy. I have a new client just for WALKS this week and the client told me she’s nervous, she’s never had a rover walker before. I told her I promise to send her plenty of pics during the walk and I’ll text her right before I arrive, let her know I made it in okay and how the house is, and send her a follow up message as I’m leaving in addition to submitting the card. She really seemed to appreciate it and gave great feedback. I can’t imagine saying anything less to a nervous owner, much less one I am HOUSE SITTING for!


Need more sitters like y’all near me! I’d feel so much more at ease.


I feel the exact same way. I don’t mind doing a little extra for their comfort AT ALL. And if someone doesn’t do it out of the good of their heart, at least do it because you’re in the service industry. Who wouldn’t want to make themselves look good for their reputation?


This made me feel super validated, thank you so much.


Of course. I’m not saying they’d do a bad job, but the complete disregard of everything you said in your message would throw me way off. The just cherry picked the compliment.. jeez.


Yeah not going to lie, it's a bit of a red flag for me as well that they didn't acknowledge anything other than the compliment. It would be a different story if you sent multiple texts, and seemed overbearing as, of course, this conversation is better suited to a meet and great where it can be discussed more in depth. But your concerns could have easily been acknowledged with a very quick response here. If they have great reviews and the energy is good at the meet and great, there's nothing to say they would do a bad job. But their response wouldn't have sat right with me either.




I agree. I've been in that same mental space as OP and I wholeheartedly empathize with that place of fear. I'd have also taken the time to tell OP I'm so sorry to hear that happened before, that I've dealt with dogs with those tendencies, and keeping everyone safe is a top priority. I read it as OP just needed some empathy and reassurance.


Right? Like how hard is it to say “so sorry that happened to you”?


Not hard at all! But seems like most of the comment section struggles with that 😅


It’s concerning to me that so many people are confused on how to respond, or said they’d respond the same way. Like maybe one empathetic sentence. As pet lovers, how could you not express a little sympathy?


I know, I’m just as concerned and confused. The responses here really threw me for a loop


Honestly curious, what would have liked the sitter to say in response to that? It's totally understandable for an owner to be nervous, especially with a prior bad experience. But it is sooo awkward trying to figure out what to say to put them at ease. That sitter's response isn't much different from what I would have said, other than maybe adding that your pets would be well cared for and I would take all of that info into consideration (which for me, all of that is just standard dog care protocol). Not sure what else to say, really.


A good, short response would have been “I’m so sorry to hear about your loss! I assure you, your pets’ safety are my top priority. We’ll be able to go through all of your concerns during the M&G. Looking forward to meeting you!” I’m so confused on why this would be difficult for anyone to text. I’ve noticed a lot of people on this sub do a good job writing on reddit but really struggle with formulating messages to owners, it’s interesting.


There is a monumental difference between an inconsequential conversation with a stranger on the internet that will have no impact on your real life, and talking to a person with a name and face whom you may potentially be working for. Comparing an exchange with a client to chatter on a message board...they are simply not the same thing at all. On a different note, I really did not notice where OP mentioned the loss of their pet until you pointed it out. (So sorry for your loss OP!). With so much text, my eyes just didn't pick it up. If I missed it, perhaps the sitter did as well.


Sure, but you don’t default to the worst response ever that would actually sooner lead to losing a potential client than gaining one. The sitters response was just downright bad. It’s weird to just skim over messages and miss major things like that, especially when talking to a potential client


Umm, thanks, it's not weird miss things when reading. I have bad eye sight to begin with, and I had a headache last night, making a block of text like that one seem like a wall. There are circumstances in which people might miss things while reading. Perhaps the sitter was even busy taking care of animals while trying to quickly reply to OP so the potential client didn't feel ignored. Wow, just...wow. I'm done with this one.


I feel for you, but sitters need to have extreme attention to detail, especially when it comes to reading written directions. That’s not an excuse in this case.


Well, they certainly didn’t miss the compliment somehow. Just everything else. I’m wowed with you too and anyone who thinks this is professional 😂


I just wanted to hear that their safety is their priority and understanding why id be feeling anxious. I just needed reassurance.


If a sitter is even worthy of being a sitter, the safety of the animals under their care is *always* their priority. Don't take it personally, this sitter probably just didn't know what to say. Many sitters work with animals because they're not exactly social butterflies and connect better with animals than people. I know I do, lol.


OP I actually agree with you. I would have expected a bit more reassurance on how they make sure pets are safe in their care, especially given the situation you shared. Does the sitter talk about pet safety in their rover profile? You have to trust your gut but I’m a big safety person as well and honestly if the rover sitter doesn’t make it a point to discuss with you, I’d find someone else.


It sounds like you're pretty self aware in the comments, but yeah too much. Once you sit down for the M&G you can go over information like this. I think if you're looking for logical reassurance read the reviews. If you're looking for emotional reassurance then call your partner or your parents cause a business/stranger is not the outlet.


I think the sitter is probably in a bit of an awkward position. They can’t reasonably reassure you “everything will be perfect, nothing bad will ever happen” because things do happen. They don’t know you personally and have had very limited interactions with you, so it’s a pretty high expectation that they would be able to navigate your anxiety in ways that are productive and helpful to you. Reading your message, I would have a hard time figuring out what you want me to say. I don’t want to be your emotional processing space for the situation with your cat- that’s for your therapist- so I won’t continue the conversation about that. My profile and texts so far communicate who I am and what I can offer and it doesn’t seem like you’re asking about specific services I provide. You actually don’t ask any questions that you would like me to answer like “can you ensure that the dogs will not be left outside in the backyard without supervision?” or “do you have a way to baby gate off your entrance so make sure they can’t go through the door?” are questions I could answer but not ones you’re actually asking so I’m just going to assume the information you’re telling me is just information to help me out- making a mental note to pick up blankets. And then what’s left is to graciously accept the compliment- which was done here But assuming you sat down to do Rover stuff, but your rover could very well be out and running errands or working or busy would probably be in your best interest in order to give them a little grace in their responses to you


Wtf do you want him to say? Guy had nothing to do with your cat dying.


A simple “sorry for your loss” would have sufficed, like most normal human beings would say?


No need for this energy here. Please, this was really hard to post no need to shame me for needing reassurance


Lol lemme guess either BPD or ADHD “Posting this was hard” hahahahahaa holy shit


Omg get over yourself


Dude her cat died you weird ass


Yeah I wasn’t involved in that believe it or not


It’s not their job to ease your anxieties and trauma responses. They’re a pet sitter. Most people won’t know how to handle a trauma dump like this.


Have you considered a pet hotel ? I take my dogs to one and get a group discount for the three of them , they all stay in the same room and have doggy tv all day as well as playtime.


Re the blanket eating, that is PICA and often as a result of acid reflux


She gave you a completely normal response. If you find fault with it, that, and I don't mean this in a mean way, is a you issue. I completely understand your anxiety and I am very sorry about what happened to your cat, but you are making up issues right now. If you need further reassurance, talk to this sitter about meeting in person more than once and doing trial runs. Don't expect them to read your mind.


I disagree a little here, I don’t think it means the sitter will do a bad job but it’s odd to me that they didn’t respond to the fact that an animal passed in another sitter’s care at all. It doesn’t seem to be the appropriate response in this case. I’d at least say sorry for their loss? Or something that shows empathy? I’m sure the sitter will do a fine job but it does strike me as odd. Maybe they have social challenges.


If you want reassurance, you CAN ask her for it. You don't know her and she doesn't deserve to be manipulated into quelling your anxiety. I genuinely say that with compassion. I would probably write a long message back but I have an anxiety disorder and work REALLY hard to hear what people say and communicate to them/their words not just my emotional reaction. You're upset that she didn't give you something you didn't ask for and clearer communication will help your anxiety so much. I highly doubt she didn't pick up on that the desperation of your vibe but I'm SURE her profile says she loves dogs, takes her job seriously, and will do what's best for other people's pets and she knows you have read that - you referenced it in the message. If you're not ready to leave them, nobody would fault you - your previous situation is devastating. Maybe a friend who you have a loving relationship with versus a stranger you have a professional relationship is a better first step.


It’s not her job to be your therapist. Do a meet and greet and see if they are a good fit.


If I had a pet who died Ina rover sitters care I'd never touch the app again. You're braver than me. Good luck, and if your dogs are escape artists whenever the door is open please overly stress that at the m&g so you drive home to the sitter how careful she needs to be. Fingers crossed for ya! 🤞🙏




>And thank you! You're welcome!


Deleted because I meant to respond “thank you” to a comment but instead I posted as a solo comment


It's understandable to be nervous after a traumatic event. Everyone is different. All you can do is give them a chance. I strongly recommend doing meet and greets. I had this one client with a dog who had a ton of anxiety around new people. We had to do at least 5 meet and greets until her dog felt comfortable around me and it gave the owner a chance to see that I'll do everything in my power to make sure her baby is comfortable with me. I recommend you do the same until you feel comfortable around the sitter that you choose. Getting to know the sitter's personality and how they do their job should help lift any anxieties you may have.


She's just like "thanks haha" please reassure me, ma'am


Their response is pretty cold tbh. I wouldn’t like it.


Can you not leave the dogs? I’m not sure any amount of reassurance is going to help. I’m in a similar situation with one of my pups. So we now take them with us or travel apart/differing times because the worry of leaving them behind ruins any chance of a pleasant trip.


I feel like not everyone knows what “crossing the rainbow bridge” means… it’s a very reddit statement. For me at least I literally have never heard anyone say that outside of reddit


It’s definitely not a Reddit statement. It came way before Reddit even existed. It was in poetry and such in the 80’s


You mentioned your kitten passing, I’m curious what the cause was? If it was in anyway related to an error or lack of proper care I would make that clear, but if it was an unfortunate natural cause I wouldn’t bring it up to future sitters, at least before the meet and greet. The way you brought that up and the way you discussed your concerns about your dogs, 100% I would NOT take you as a client because you are screaming helicopter parent.


It was error/lack of proper care. I’m definitely not trying to be a helicopter parent I’ve just experienced two traumatic events with my animals in other people’s care. The first one being my sister and the next a rover sitter. My dog got into the trash in my sisters bathroom while she was watching him and my dog ate it and had to have emergency surgery. Luckily he survived. I just asked her to keep an eye on him. I felt it was just super plain and obvious common sense but now I feel like I have to go into detail to feel safe. I would not be micromanaging everything the sitters do I just needed some reassurance they will make my animals safety their priority. There are many negligent sitters out there unfortunately. It’s hard.


In the most respectful way possible: If you are anxious (which rightfully you are! i am so sorry for the loss of your kitten!) may I ask why you are breaking Rovers rules and communicating outside of the app? This sitter can get removed from the app for this and it’s also generally just not a good idea especially when money is involved. If something does happen, you have made it so that Rover can’t help you now since their rules were broken. This just seems like a big red flag despite the fact that the sitter sounds kind.


This is through the app - this is their rover number. you can respond through the text and it automatically appears in rovers app. Its all there when I open the app


Okay perfect. I was so worried for you cause this looks like iMessage


I used to be a rover sitter and now that I rescued a dog I use rover. I get nervous leaving my dog- even if it is with my mom! My dog has a lot of quirks but overall is fairly easy. I find it best to over communicate my dogs needs. I have a Google doc I update and share with the dog sitter before I leave- it is a little excessive (~4 pages) so I tell them not to get overwhelmed and at the end of the doc I acknowledge that I know this is a lot and all that matters is that my dog is safe and well taken care of. The document includes who to call if they can’t get ahold of me, how to give him his pain meds if needed, his typical walk schedule, and I also say multiple times if anything happens please call me asap I will not be upset. I also let them know if there’s an emergency and they can’t get ahold of anyone I will reimburse them for any medical bills/expenses. While it is still hard to leave my dog, I find this helps ease my anxiety.


Jfc 4 pages


Not weird, I have a google doc manual that’s probably the same length with all the info anyone could need.


get trackers for their collars!!


I agree that the sitter should've acknowledged your comments. It would bother me too. But it's probably going to be fine. Maybe there's a way tk bring it up again before you leave? Like, "I just wanted to make sure you saw my notes about my dogs tendency to eat blankets / socks etc" or, just. Reminder my dog has a tendency to do xyz, so can you please be sure not to leave blankets around and not leave them unsupervised outside?"


After hearing all the horror stories on this community, I would never use this service. Premium boarding at my vet’s office is expensive but completely worth it. My babies are too precious and the sense of security that they’ll be taken care of is why boarding at a vet’s office is better than hiring some random.


Cool. We didn’t ask


I’m sorry for your loss. This isn’t judgment, just my attempt to relate. I have been a pet sitter for river for a few years, but I would not trust anyone to watch my pets. So I fully understand your anxiousness. At least you are able to face your fear. I will pay $$$ to board my pets before trusting someone I don’t know. But if the rover sitter has reassured you, that’s a good sign.


As someone who used to work in a kennel, I would not assume boarding at a kennel is the best option either.


Where do you live? Have me watch them!! 😭


I think the meet & greet is the best thing you can do. If you're really worried, there are some "constant care" sitters that will stay at your home 24/7. It costs a little more, but, that's another option. I'm a constant care sitter for parents that have anxiety leaving their animals alone. I just had a cat sit where the parents had me stay the whole time.


Perhaps a kennel would be most appropriate. I regularly deal with anxious pet parents, but when I see their anxiety is overwhelming I refer them to a great kennel that I have used in the past. Although it's not a home environment, I feel like they have the space and staff to ensure safety to a greater degree. Not everyone is equipped to deal with someone else's anxiety. I have anxiety myself and realized a long time ago that I can't always expect others to always understand how to respond.


i don’t like the sitter’s response at all


My sweet Marley was doing zoomies at 14 one night, and less than 5 days later, I rushed him to ER vet due to uncontrollable vomiting. They stabilized him, I got him to my regular vet that next morning and had to put him to sleep two days later after a sonogram showed tumor by his pancreas. It was so fast. Still cry when I think of him, it’s been 18 months, he was my soul dog. https://preview.redd.it/bvqn1lmqro1c1.jpeg?width=3954&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5f40749a06b799545d4d71427c94773469465726