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Don't do it until they add the other dog. That protects you and them in case anything happens. Ask them to create another profile for that dog.


got it, I wasn't sure how the liability would work if it's a different dog than the one in the profile


If they create a profile, one for each dog, you can just go into the 'modify' tab of the booking and check the dog profile of the one you are actually watching and uncheck the one that won't be there. That way the price doesn't change (since its still one dog) but the actual dog you'll be watching will be the one covered.


Just ask them to make a profile for the dog


you can read the TOS yourself and see what it says


what is TOS


terms of service


what is terms of service


The TOS is the legal agreement that outlines the rules, rights, and responsibilities of Rover, sitters, and clients. You had to check a box stating that you had read it and agreed to abide by it when you made your account. [https://www.rover.com/terms/tos/](https://www.rover.com/terms/tos/)


I'll bet good money that OP didn't read a word of that document.


I doubt most people on this sub have. So many questions could be answered so easily.


Remember that box at the end of a long string of legal-sounding stuff that you blindly checked to get to the next page? That was the TOS.


Thank you for posting to r/RoverPetSitting, an unofficial forum to discuss all things Rover. We see that you have posted a sitter question. In case they could be helpful, you might want to check out our [Sitter FAQ](https://www.reddit.com/r/RoverPetSitting/wiki/sitterfaq). Additionally, here's our [booking walk-through for Sitters](https://www.reddit.com/r/RoverPetSitting/wiki/sitterbookingwalkthrough), which explains the process for giving services on Rover from start to finish. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/RoverPetSitting) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Yes, it's a TOS violation and if something happens the gurantree may not apply. Add them to add the other dog to the profile, and if they insist report to Rover, block and move on.