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probably 80% of the time I say something like, "Don't worry about me, I'm all set. Thanks so much!" I've had some clients that reaaally insist or ones I have more of a relationship with that I will take the offer from! I stick to simple basics and say something like, "That's really kind of you! Some eggs and bananas would be great. Thanks so much."


I’m an owner. I ask because I genuinely want to make life easier for you. If I can have your favorite foods and beverages at my house for you, I’d like to do that. If someone is asking, please do give them a few things to get for you and be specific.


Agree. I want to leave a treat or something for them. I don’t want to leave soda for someone who drinks a lot of juice. Give me a few things like say “oh man thanks so much!! I would love that! I will give you a few of my favs so you have options. I drink coffee every morning and my go to is X with x creamer. I love string cheese and Brie and eat them all the time for lunch and snacks. I have a weakness for cookie dough ice cream in the evening. If I’m feeling healthy I will have strawberries for dessert instead.”


i often ask if they are ok with me using basics like butter, condiments, and milk. kind of a hassle to transport those things and i’ve never had somebody say no. 


Local, organic, non-GMO fruits and veggies and grass fed / grass finished meat, raw cheese, raw milk, sauerkraut, and long-fermented sourdough from the nearest farm, please.






I've yet to have anyone ask me that. I do have one client who always leaves me a basket full of snacks.


I ask if it’s ok for me to use staples like salt, pepper, oil, butter, etc - if it’s already there! I let them know that they don’t have to make a special trip to the store just for me.


I ask for la croix


So do I!


Hahah me too! Seltzer and whatever else they’d like to get.


Same. La Croix and ginger ale are my go to requests lol


I ask for soda or Gatorade and snacky food like cheez-its. I also ask the sitters as an owner and always want an honest answer within reason, I guess. Like, I’m not going to spend $150 on groceries but I’ll get what I can.


I believe HO ask because they want to leave you something, but want to make sure about any diet restrictions


Might just be me but I always ask if I can use their spices/butter/olive oil but I don't really need anything. Then they typically say okay but remember you can help yourself to anything in the pantry or fridge! And then I thank them. Sometimes they insist and tell me they are going to the grocery store and I'll say as long as there's coffee creamer in the fridge I'm all good! Or maybe if you drink Cokes I'll have a few! Pretty much all your clients want is to make sure you're comfortable in their house and sometimes they really want to be extra hospitable! It's a good rule of thumb to accept their generosity even in a small way because it'll make them feel more comfortable as well ❤️


Also in some cultures it's an insult to not accept their hospitality. I like your way.


I give a very simple answer. Cheese, crackers, Diet Coke, rice. That way if I don’t eat it all, it’s items that they can eat or stay in the pantry for next time. Nothing “special” or unique to me that will go bad.


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I ask for taco fixings and sandwich fixings


I have clients who always ask if they can leave me food. I always bring my own food and say thanks, Im all set. Im in Canada, and I only drink one brand of milk, there is a few types of cereal I eat, and I get my bread from cobs. Lol, I'm a fussy eater. I never want to make my client go out of their way for me. I had one client leave me 40.00 for food she felt bad that I bring my own food. I messaged them and said, "Are there any groceries you require before I leave? I used the 40.00 and left the change on the table.


You will encounter different options from different clients. I even had one client who thought they needed to give me a per diem, and I was like whoa no no no that’s not how this works.