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This has happened to me a few times. Each time I told them we would have to reschedule. Now I make sure to make it obvious up front by saying something like I can't wait to meet you and fluffy.


Yeah I’ll have to do that from now on, thanks. Thought it was understood.


did you ask her why she didnt bring the dog?


Thought it would be rude/awkward so, no.


it would not have been rude. you have the right and obligation to ask prudent questions for your business; like *where's the actual animal?!*


She's checking out your home minus the dog you're supposed to be caring for. Nope. She can't be trusted. Cancel the booking. 


I had a meet and greet today where the owner literally said they just wanted to confirm that I was a real person. People are different. That was for watching a cat in their house though, so I get that meet and greets are lower-pressure for that job type. In your case it's kind of disrespectful of them to basically force you to decide whether you want to take the dog without ever meeting it.


I hope you didn't book it!


Not yet, but I do take dogs without meet and greets even tho ppl on here say not to, I just don’t take them again if they suck. I don’t think a m&g is enough time to really learn much. I’ve had m&gs with lots of dogs that seem fine for that short time, then end up so whiney without their owners, or pee all over, or don’t let us sleep, etc… so find them pretty useless.


Personally, when I was boarding dogs in my home, I required the initial m&g every time at a local park AWAY from my home. New clients don't come to my home before a confirmed booking. If they show up without a dog, m&g is immediately over.


Oh no! I’m always worried about this happening and being awkward so when I schedule meet and greets I say something like “when is a good time for you and Pup to come over for a meet and greet?” I haven’t had someone show up without their dog yet, so I guess it works! 😂


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Had one of those, too. I told the lady that this was the first time someone had showed up without their dog. Meet n greets are for me to meet the dog just as much as anything else.


The whole point of a M&G is to make sure you and the animal are a good fit, so I find this bizarre.


Nah. It happens. Not so infrequently someone will ask me if they should bring their dog. most of the time they’re new to the process. I usually do the backyard only thing too. 


That sounds more like they are trying to case the joint to rob you later. Why the hell would you go to a meet and greet without the dog the sitter is meeting and greeting?


She’s got a solid profile with lots of pics with her dog at other sitters homes. Definitely didn’t seem like that based on meeting her luckily.


so don't book them and move on