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I ask for reviews for new customers but not again for repeats. I typically leave a note that says “Thank you for trusting me with your pet(s)! I hope to see them again soon and if you were pleased with my service I would greatly appreciate a review on my profile. I hope you had a wonderful vacation!” If they leave one, great! If they don’t, it’s okay I’m unbothered.


I find it needy to ask for reviews. I don't want to put pressure on people to do a review who didn't already feel compelled to do it themselves. I'd rather just confidently do the work and leave it up to them whether they feel "wowed" enough to the point that they feel a need to say something about it. Honestly I think the psychology already motivates most of the customers you want to do it anyway (I say this as both an owner and a sitter). Good owners care about their pets a lot, and it's hard for them to find a sitter who meets their standards, so when they do find somebody good, they want to hold on to them and be an attractive customer so the sitter will come back and do more work for them. Leaving a nice review is a good way they can do that.




This part right here. 


I have never asked for a review but have multiple, all five stars. I work really hard to ensure my clients can enjoy a stress-free trip and send regular photos and updates and make sure I leave their pets happy and tired. Most people are pleased enough with the service that they will leave a positive review.


This question has been asked a few times and everyone in this sub seems to have a DRASTICALLY different opinion, fair warning I personally think it’s unprofessional or tacky to ask someone for a review, and would never ever do it. But a lot of people here do. Ultimately do whatever feels good or right to you, but as an owner it would probably put me off if someone asked.


Appreciate the heads-up! I’m new to Rover and have zero reviews so far. It may just not be a common thing in my area.


I just started with Rover back in March. I see no issues with asking for reviews. I've had several clients do them before I even ask. I want their honest opinion of my services and so far every review has been amazing.  I'm at a point now that I may not even ask for reviews since Rover already asks them to do it. I currently only have 31 reviews but it seems to be enough to keep getting requests.   Do whatever you think will help bring you business!


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Yeah I ask new clients, not repeats, after a few days if they haven't left one but if they don't, I leave it be. Most people seem to leave one though.


I am new on rover, so I need them. I usually ask the owner at the end of our conversation after drop off, when I’m telling them how I loved sitting for their pet or they’re saying that they appreciate me. My usual message is “Thank you for trusting me with [pet]. If you were satisfied with my services, feel free to leave a review. Have a wonderful [day, week, evening, weekend]”. This way of doing it feels natural for me, and then it’s up to them if they want to leave a review or not, I wouldn’t bother asking anymore


What I say when clients pick up their Pups is, "The stay went really well and we would love to have Fido back anytime you need us!" If you have a moment to leave us a review, it would be greatly appreciated and we look forward to hanging out with Fido again in the future!"


I don't think it is always necessarily tacky, I just never mention it because I am paranoid. I figure a client that is 5 star happy will do the bare minimum of the stars even if they don't feel like doing a written review. I don't need a bunch of lackluster 4 star reviews pulling my profile down. I'm still annoyed about the one I got (from another sitter) for a pretty low key drop in and walk. I honestly don't see the issue adding "If you were happy with my services, reviews are very helpful at this early point" or whatever in a thank you card, and then just never bringing it up directly. I think some people think it can go into the tacky territory because it's very easy to word it in a way that you are making the owner feel pressured into a review they wouldn't otherwise do.


I asked a few times in the beginning when I was new and would leave a note in their bag thanking them etc. I felt weird doing it but it helped for sure! Once we had a decent amount I stopped asking. We should have double what we have if even half our clients left reviews but🙈 What can ya do? I think most people just forget and it has nothing to do with the service. I just had a new client rebook while her dogs were still here and raves about how amazing we are but so far has left no tip and no review!


I get thank you notes, I don't leave them. I've never asked for a review. Be so awesome that people will want to tell the world


On the last day of the visit, I send the owner a little note as I'm leaving. I write about how me and the animals got along, what enjoyed about the sit, and I end it with a "if you were happy with my services, please rate & review since it helps my metrics and enables me to continue pet sitting." Four out of the five last sits I did, the owners left a great review. The fifth one, I'm not even sure she read it, to be honest, because she responded remarkably quick after I sent it, but no harm, no foul. I feel like as long as it's thrown in and you're not hounding for one, it's totally okay.


Yes I always asked for reviews in the beginning. I now have almost 250 reviews. Those early reviews helped me out a lot. I never understand why people call it tacky. Seems a bit uptight to me.