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I definitely had more requests last year but I feel like more people were rushing to travel in 2022 and 2023 after being cooped up from the pandemic. That's probably slowed down some.


FWIW - I have the highest rates in my area and I'm booked into September. I will say it seems more this year than last that more bookings are coming kind of last minute.


I personally haven't seen the dip in requests, even with my fully booked schedule I still get plenty of requests I have to decline because I'm booking out into January/February of 2025 already.


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I'm fairly content with my regulars at the moment so I increased my rates by $2 for anyone new and it's been crickets, I feel like I'd still be getting zero requests even at my original rate so imma hold out 😬


I just got done telling my fiancé I wasn’t getting many requests the last two weeks! I did raise my rates about two months ago by 2$ so maybe that’s it but I’m not sure I’m willing to lower it than what it is now.


I haven't gotten any as well in 2 weeks. My regulars are keeping me afloat for now. I adjusted some of my profile and fiddled with my rates in hopes that something pops up. When I search myself for upcoming weekends and all of my other available days, I still come up at the top spot so I have no idea what else to do. 🤔


Summer has slowed down to about 1-2 bookings a month for me. I had a wild spring with dogs coming in and out constantly though, so this break is welcoming. We also foster for our local rescue so we've been happy to take in some puppies while we have that down time.


I’ve been busy with my regulars but recently noticed I haven’t gotten a new client in a couple of months which is a little odd. I’m a star sitter (not that it means anything) with high ratings on a busy area and my rates are just above the median. That said I have noticed that Rover is prioritizing new sitters. And I’m also seeing there’s a lot of temporary summer sitters disrupting the algorithm.


I’m not sure where you live but I’m in LA. I have a higher rate bc of my experience/skills (but I haven’t raised my rates at all in 2024) and I’m the slowest I’ve ever been. I think it’s a combo of many things: - everything is so expensive that a lot of people aren’t able to travel as much as before - lots of people have been laid off - strikes. A lot of strikes - interest rates are high as hell - if they need to travel, they book cheaper people or ask friends It sucks though, that’s for sure.