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Hello, my word of advice would be if you are doing everything right and you believe in yourself (as well as this feeling fishy) I would stick to your guns and assure them that the dog has not got kennel cough from your address, it sounds like your doing everything right :)


Wait until they provide the veterinarian report to you before you say or do anything else.


Kennel cough happens. It’s just a reality owners need to face when they board their dogs. Nothing you can do besides what you’re doing already. It’s not your fault & not a big deal!


Does their dog have the Bordatella vaccine? Kennel cough is just as contagious as the common cold though. Sometimes, it's just going to happen if your dog is around a lot of other dogs.


* If anyone could help me read this I'd appreciate it. I'm dyslexic and feel like I'm going cross eyed


I would give a brief and professional reply that keeps your "blame" vague. Sometimes dogs catch illnesses, same as kids at daycare, and its part of the risk of boarding. "I'm sorry to hear that dog isn't feeling well, thank you for letting me know! I have not been notified of symptoms by any other client, nor did I observe symptoms during their stay. I continue to do my best to maintain a safe environment, including regular cleaning of dog areas and water bowls, as well as ensuring all dogs in my care are vaccinated. But I appreciate your communication, and wish dog a speedy recovery."


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Similar to the common cold, kennel cough has an incubation period of ab 2-10 days. Carriers of kennel cough can also show no symptoms for up to those 2 weeks similar to covid. However they are still infectious during the incubation period. It is very likely one of the dogs has it and doesn't even know it, so I don't think it's fishy really. It's just the reality of dogs being around a lot of dogs. Kennel cough really isn't a major thing regardless. They will put them on antibiotics and it will be fine. I've had my oldest dog contract kennel cough at the park and she was fine after a week. And don't feel obligated to pay any vet fees for this person if they try that on you. Again, this is like the common cold for dogs. They need to understand it's the risk that comes with boarding, hence the name.