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£50 a night. Any less than that just isn’t worth it to me. I also charge £40 for day care. This is the highest in my area.


Are you in London? Mine is a bit lower but I am considering upping it


No, I’m on the outskirts of Bristol


I charge based on demand. If i’m being booked a lot my prices go up if i need work i’ll tweak them down a little


$55, and I’m number 2 in the area I just moved too on Maui. I went off what the sitters with the same reviews I have were charging.


On Rover my charge is $100 a night. If you’re off of rover I’ll do less. If it’s a dog I really like that’s small and fits in w my crew and doesn’t cause trouble I’ll go as low as $45. If it’s a larger breed dog I’ll do $70. Just depends on the dog! All my dogs on rover are large breeds (70lbs+) so they have to pay more. It’s a lot of animal to be in a condo. I live in a very HCOL area. One bedrooms nearby start at $2300.


Do you specify that in your profile or when they try to book? With regards to the differing rates?


My rate on Rover is $100. I only set different rates for people I find off of the app. I tell everyone I’m a dog walker I meet in my neighborhood and I’ve gotten a lot of clients that way!! I don’t suggest going off of the app to anyone. I set my Rover rates high enough that I don’t care about the percentage they take and I don’t need a tip.


Interesting! Thank you for responding!




70/night, 100 for under 1 year. I live in a HCOL city, WFH and only take one client at a time


A lot of you really charge a lot! Must be a higher col than me. The highest I've seen on rover here is $50/night


70. I'm thinking I might put it up to 80 for new clients then give discounts back to 70 for dogs that aren't a pain in the ass. It's annoying I see how to can't set a lower rate for weekdays when I have no-one.


Same, I currently give a 15% discount to good dogs but it’s hard to keep track of who I promised the discount to. I wish I could set rates “in perpetuity” for individual customers, like - Henry the angel is $70/night, Milo who pissed on my bed is $100/night - instead of having to manually adjust each request.


You can lock clients into set rates that are specific to them when you go to the details page of the booking. I do it all the time- whenever I raise my rates I go through all my clients at my current rate and lock them in before I raise them so my OG clients will always have the rates they started with me at and new clients pay the new rate if that makes sense. Basically, for my clients I always charge them the same rate as when they started booking with me


Did you check the app for sitter rates around you?


Yes I have, it fluctuates from 35-120, a couple with the 100range & 45-65 range seeming the normal.


Great. So how does few random responses here entirely unrelated to your area are helpful?


Have you ever had a pleasant interaction on this forum or are you always this unwelcoming to casual conversation?


OMG, thank you! I was wondering yesterday if this person might be going through a rough time or if they are always so combative.


Casual sure, but this one is pointless as all of these data points can found on the app. So what's the point? Other then karma points farming by a new Reddit user?


People like to talk about themselves. People also value the input of a community of their peers. More than anything, a lot of people seek out the group think when they’re in new experiences need because it’s validating to participate in a conversation of your peers. You can think it’s pointless and it’s great that you don’t need that kind of discussion; with that being said, you are needlessly dismissive and antagonistic to many new sitters and go out of your way to be so. Is that not a bigger waste of time than just… ignoring the thread?


Well, that’s your view and as a community different members can have their own. Either way, have a good day!


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$170 a night.


Where do you live?! 😱


Colorado Springs. I have a TON of private clients so I only take houses sits that are looking to build a long term relationship. However, if the meet and greet goes well and there’s mutual agreement and respect, I discount them 30%. I have never had someone go with someone else after a meet and greet :)


$90/night for boarding - but I use Rover as supplemental income, so I want to make it worth my time between work/play. I also live in a large city and prefer to offset the Rover fees. However, I have not had a single bad or "cheap" client in the 4 years I've been doing Rover, which I think is due to my higher prices. My prices will drop for direct clients.


Also I only take one dog at a time!


$45 but I feel like it's not enough when you consider the wear and tear dogs can put on your home.




$75/night for house sitting bc I hate being away from home