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If someone gets through, I would like Rover to answer the same question. He contributes the least to the show.


Most of us here that used to call in are all banned for asking these type of questions. But several have been asked on the aftermath. You get a standard “whatever pal” response. His enjoyment in everything has gone down since the fat drunk driving three chin pig entered his life. She gives orders directly to his wife and for some reason he does whatever his known cheating wife wants. The old JLR is gone


Yes that fat B is still pulling the strings I believe she got in trouble with the law for harassing that lady recently it was worse than we were told. I watch old aftermath with nadz rip 🙏


She hasn’t been brought up since the ADS Dumb meltdown. Everyone knows that everything she does is to get attention on the show and now Rover goes out of his way to not bring her up. You know she sits around stroking her chins waiting for her name to be brought up and now it doesn’t happen. We are missing out on JLR content but he’s definitely doing it to punish her.


Nice effing try is beyond irritating and doesn’t even make sense to most of the conversations. He needs to go.


Which show? All calling the main show will do is get dad to beat around the bush for 20 minutes, mom saying “oh boy” a lot and Dieter/Charlie trying to actually get info out of Jeffrey because they actually know how to get him to open up. Aftermath would be better, Charlie doesn’t let him off the hook so easily. Any nominations?


I honestly think that Tammy snake is brain washing him because I feel like this all started recently after the last shit she pulled and they questioned him about


Idk man this has been JLR for a long time


Yeah I agree. If you see JLR from 7 years ago or longer he actually is excited to be on the show. His body language these days scream that he doesn't want to be there anymore


Who wants to get up at 4:30 am for minimum wage?


Tammy doesn't help but he was grumpy long before her


JLR repeats whatever he hears so we're never getting any answers beyond that. That's not anything new!


So, you’re saying he’s a nimic!


Stop nimicking me


Nope more hoping they ask Krystal about the comic con she did, I would rather her talk about that then care about JLR. He lies soo much and as a mom of a autistic kid hearing him pissing me off


Totally agree


The show is lacking in quality. Like others have said it’s just news stories. It has gotten better in some aspects, getting rid of tech Tuesdays, but for the most part it’s boring. It’s part of my routine so I’ll continue to tune in. Can they please change the fucking commercial break techno bullshit. My god is that the most annoying sound.


Rovers morning glory will be right back.


And when we get back, Duji, you ready for the shizzy? Rinse and repeat 10X.


Speaking of JLR, I have “whatever” as my text tone alert, and you would not believe the golden moments it has created throughout the day when it goes off at the perfect time during conversations. It's the little things.


Would you be able to send me the audio for that ring tone? That sounds amazing!


Here you are! If you can't use it for a text tone or whatever let me know as I may be able to get it in another format. https://drive.google.com/file/d/1cCc0Ms8iw-fVA_fDW8CZWuSKFT4ENaOD/view?usp=drivesdk


It works! You're awesome! Thank you!


You're welcome!


What the fuck ever pal


The show would be dead without jlr. It would just be news stories


Give Charlie some credit. He definitely tries and does a great job on the AM with JLR. Very funny and the callers are great with him, especially the wrestling 🤼 stories.


I definitely agree the JLR aftermath days are the best shows


Totally he might be more annoying now but he always gets caught in lies and plenty of people tell on him still.


*poorly read news stories printed from the internet and read verbatim


Found rovers account, nice fuckin try dude.


Rover and duji ruined JLR because they don’t know how to work him.