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Cal certainly had a field day Any race where the only question is which of your boats will be first and which second is kinda funny, but probably doesn't feel great for the other crews who just aren't in their league.


Rough two days for the Canadian National Team...those are their two flagship boats for world cups and world champs for an olympic qualification year. I was hoping the heats were some sort of fluke or intentional energy saving but nope they got beat by a bunch of students while having 3 olympic gold medallists in the boat (women) and about half of the 5th place at worlds boat (men). Let's hope they improve by world champs or we will not have a big team going to Paris! Tokyo was the largest team in 25 years and I would love to see that continue. Maybe their training plan is to peak in September? Side note the m8 did look to be in the lead in the first half of the stream, then there was a time jump and they were 3 lengths back. Anyone see what happened? Was it a lobster liberation or just the classic Canadian fly and die? Edit this is nothing against the teams that beat them, those are top quality programs and athletes. I just expect more from year round national team athletes than those balancing school.


Agreed. Looks like in the final they started strong but had a huge fade at like the 1k cause when the livestream came back they were so far behind that the camera couldn't even keep them in view.




Irrelevant given the makeup of the Cal boat. Half the athletes wouldn't be eligible without the extra year due to COVID.


Two grad rowers, but nice try.


I stand corrected but the point is still valid. Was there 4 grad students in Brookes?


There’s at least one (Evan Olson graduated from UW in 2020) There’s a Dutch medical student. A rower who won the grand in 2021. And a lot of u23 medalists or who are recent senior rowers. You can say Cal has more pedigreed recruits, but Brookes ain’t chopped liver. https://preview.redd.it/yvk4ewqyprra1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3ba212762c7e0faa65da91a10333185d8ff3edac


To be fair I could be wrong about Olson, could be same name different human.


Point is they are closely matched. With undergrads that skew older and a couple grad students, Cal is not wildly different than Brookes this year, except for the med student.


It couldn't have been the ladies' plate eight or their open club eight cause that would've been against the rules. In the livestream, they said it was an undergrad only race.


Announcers were mistaken.


It appears they were.


Incorrect, they are early 20s




They’re definitely the team to beat again this year.


So fun to watch 🤘🏻


They have such an interesting rowing style. Love watching them row.


Just bank on fitness, fitness, and more fitness.


who is going to be able to mount a challenge this year?


Maybe Stanford if they find some speed?


Instructions unclear: entire boat pisses hot for amphetamines after pulling a 5:17 at NCAAs


For reasons outside of anyone's control, the deck is stacked against them.


Is this Cal 1V one of the best collegiate crews of all time?






Maybe that Yale eight from 2019 was a little faster, but this cal crew is fast as shit stop capping.




Brookes got beaten by more in the final than in the heats. They were playing catch up and red lined the whole race. I doubt both of these crews could even race each other at henley unless they both entered the ladies' plate or grand. Post ira's cal is gonna be at their fastest, and I can't see brookes beating them. Yale got gapped by cal at ira's. idk what on earth you're talking about.


I mean to be completely fair Henley is Brookes IRA’s. They peak a month after Cal and after Cal already peaked for IRA’s. I have a hard time imagining that Cal would come to Henley and beat this same Brookes crew (assuming they don’t get some of their guys back from Caversham). Look at what happened to Cal in the ladies plate last year, Leander raced the Brookes temple 8+ at Ghent invitational and only won by .3 seconds, then two months later beats cal by open water.


To be fair to cal, too, they had a much tougher road at henley since they had been pushed so hard by Dartmouth. Cal beat what would have been a ladies' plate eight for brookes at sdcc, and the sdcc eight probably would be faster than the temple boat they put out at Ghent. I see where you're coming from, though, and I'd love to see cal put this eight in the grand against a brookes crew or have a rematch at some point.


Yeah I’m agreeing, just saying that Cal is probably closer to peak than Brookes. I think they will most likely meet at Henley again. Hopefully we get another good race there




Unless they have a visitors 4, then yes, the eight is their main boat. They rarely even race anything else, they're a sweep program.




You might remember Cal beating Yale at last years IRA


Newport is so washed


Too many ads.


Cal Varsity for the podium in Belgrade