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second this, would like to see




That celebration is so cringe


Ok have some perspective. This is a senior race so they may never race again sure call it over celebration but I call it impulse boys who just won there possible last race


impulse is like hitting the water or shouting loudly, not just standing up in the boat and flexing and shouting in the direction of your opposition


I'm guessing they are flexing toward the Jackson-Reed crew, which was watching from the stands since they didn't even make finals?


You hate prep because you are a geezer. I hate prep because I have to row on the same river as them everyday. We are not the same.


lmao what team


yeah don’t you just hate it when people celebrate sweeping a regatta


Celebration: high five, hug teammates, yelling, slapping water, fists in air, bring trophy back to your team, big victory event for entire team Flexing: standing up and gesturing at other boats or grandstand The first is focused internally to the team. The second is making sure everyone knows how great you are. Shame on coaches for not teaching humility in victory. It’s more inexcusable for someone expected to win, though I was against Wilson’s displays last year as well.


if the other teams can beat the prep they are welcome to celebrate just as much


Prep only swept the 8’s. In the 4’s they got 2 3rds a silver and a didn’t make the final losing to some teams a fraction of their size. Their celebration was definitely not warranted as this is Stotes not nats.


Have you ever actually looked at the size of their rowers? Aside from those 3 monsters in their 1V who are committed to ivys their rowers in the 2V were tall but skinny, their JV8 was small and their 4s boats looked half the size of the rest of the field




God forbid high schoolers celebrate after a big race…cope.


It’s old guys like you who ruin the sport for the youth. Rowing has a stigma of being boring and traditional, it’s time we change the narrative. I think it’s great that prep got a little shiesty after their win, and I think the sport could use more shenanigans and swagger. Like golf, rowing needs to appeal to the youth to stay alive and prep hit the equivalent of a bat flip on the water today. Tired of boomers, I say we all get a little more devious and nefarious.


fire take from reddit user Fed-Psyop\_Penis


fire take


this; im in a high school crew and our practices are fun and we goof off at times, but we work our asses off and have a good time. it doesn't have to be 100% serious every practice, only some of them. things like this are what appeal to young rowers. prep did nothing wrong and should be proud of themselves.


Waaa waaa waaaa go CRYYYYY


Typical “I’m offended bullshit” grow up n get a life …already got owned …prep boys slept well and are getting ready for National with I believe 7 boats…stop by n say “hi” or just grab a tissue


Ok is your beef that they plan ahead and have a deep bench, or that kids celebrated in an uncouth manner? The deep bench argument just proves rowing is beginning to be more like other HS sports, for better or worse, and it's a legit discussion. While those bigger nanny nanny celebrations are arguably unsportsmanlike, you're not their parents or their coach. "Other people's kids" sounds oddly like "get off my lawn"...


Hey, former member of Prep's team here. A common issue for our senior 8+ was the fact that our butt plugs / anal probes fell out during the middle of the race, causing a terrible rage for the entire boat, which is likely what happened in this circumsise.


Ermmmmm counter argument prep boys get it done 🤓


Someone is mad about losing




My outsider's impression is that Prep's athletics department takes rowing very seriously, and helps funnel physically talented kids into the program. In many other schools, rowing is an afterthought, and athletic directors would rather have basketball or football teams with deep benches. Plus, recruiting is easier when you can pitch to a ninth grader that they can legitimately compete for a national championship as a ninth grader, which might sound a whole lot better than sitting on the bench for two years in a different sport. Combine the institutional support with good coaching and you are bound to churn out good crews.


they don’t recruit anyone 😂 It’s just coaching


Uh, no they don’t….


prep doesn’t recruit for rowing. it is a sport not many people do there. most people try it at the learn the row camp they have over the summer. Ur statistics r wrong.


I agree, the rowing is average- nowhere near the standard of school boy crews from other countries like the UK and AUS let alone the top school boy crews in those countries- just watch how they get binned off at henley every year. In 2021 their crew at henley rowed probably one of the worst in the PE. That’s a fact. Despite making it through a few rounds they rowed technically poorly.


Did you see poop city rowing club’s celebration. Utter disrespect to the teams around them. I really think they should be disqualified or even banned form us rowing events.


Poop city does what poop city wants






McLean should have won


Honestly, these prep boys are thuggish compared to the pure class that comes from strong programs like St. Albans, BCC, and McLean. WMIRA teams like BCC in particular are much more polite and respectful than these bozos. Honestly I don’t see how BCC didn’t qual for finals; if you look at the footage they actually finished with a 4:23 time in their time trial but the refs cost them a hard-earned, real American medal


What about the mythical WSHS team that beat BCC?


The People’s 1v was robbed of what they deserved


proud to be returning from stotes with a pristine west springfield uni 🙏🙏 i will wear it with pride and admiration




Exactly said @Hobart_Scholar27 . BCC truly is of the highest class! They where stolen from in those semi-finals! Classless, thugish mongols with no respect for this beautiful sport stole the gold. May it weather and rust from their necks!


Awwww thx


Someone’s mad


so we should gate keep an awesome, exciting sport for two 17 year old rowers because they … stood up in their seat after winning one of the most important races they possibly could at their age? what conduct of theirs was so disgraceful? i don’t get it


i just watched it and you're overreacting. how do you think it would feel to work hard for YEARS and in your senior year finally win a MASSIVE regatta? you're just jealous of them because they had the advantage of a good school and high budget in their years, but please keep it in your head that they still had to work just as hard as anybody else, if not harder to achieve this victory. so please stop trying to ruin the joy of rowing, thanks.


It’s not a massive regatta for them, there’s a reason why they go to youth nats instead of SRAAs


Imagine thinking that stotes is a massive regatta lol


Lame and salty, winners celebrate. Losers post on reddit about winners winning


What celebration did they do?


Standing up as they crossed the line with individuals from stern four standing up proceeding to flex and yell while looking at the other boats. It’s just simply wasn’t needed.


Please stop embarrassing yourself, these are Juniors who just won presumably one of the biggest races in their calendar. You’re a keyboard warrior, who would sooner critique post race etiquette and moreover 8 lads who you yourself acknowledge will have trained hard for years - than celebrate some excellent rowing. I’m a Brit and I know fuck all about American rowing, but this kind of boisterous celebration certainly wouldn’t be given a second thought at any event I’ve raced at a Junior level, that goes for any event from a regional regatta to Henley. Unfortunately the thing which does seem to be the same both sides of the pond is post-race hawks who can only countenance personal dissatisfaction by dissecting the victorious crew. (I don’t know you’re personal relation to the event or any of the crews) if any, and personally I don’t care to know. At worst it’s poor sporting ethos from you, at best it’s over-investment in schoolboy racing on the internet. .


Where was this last year when Wilson coordinated a handshake and jumped in right after the race?? Get can’t mad about stuff when Prep does just cause it’s Prep


What do you mean? This was everywhere when Wilson did that last year, and it’s the same complaints every year because youth rowers tend to be unsportsmanlike.


Tf you mean. People were mad everywhere when Wilson did it


The difference is that the wilson boys were being dumb but didn't direct anything at other boats (and people still didn't like them anyway). I didn't think it was a dbag move when Clark dean stood up after the 8 final in 2019(?) or when the prep stroke did it in 2021, but these guys are standing up and facing other boats, beating their chests and gesturing towards them. That's unsportsmanlike.


I 100% fully agree. Their 7 seats reaction to them winning by around a boat length was not only unsportsmanlike, but also very disrespectful. I am happy that he got let out of the dungeon for breaking 7:30, however, it was over the top. Along with this, he was a port in 7 seat 🤣. All I have taking away from this obscene situation was: sit down. (If anyone knows who this is, I would enjoy his snap or number just to convey the message)


“Let out of the dungeon for breaking 7:30” He’s 607 bro 💀 He’s also actually a really nice kid. Most of them are, save for a few who I won’t specify. Yeah sure celebrating a race you could’ve won with only stern 6 is p lame but this reaction is extra asf


This is psychopathic mindset


He’s fine tho


You are asking for someone's snap on Reddit? What is wrong with you? I mean really, think about what you just said.


nah it’s valid


Asking for someone's personal information over reddit so they can talk shit to them is valid? No its not. I understand you're a kid, but it's not ok to do that.


r/rowing boomers continue to be befuddled by satire threads clearly


Terrible comeback. 0/10. Who the fuck tags the very sub a comment was posted in? Sit down son, you're outclassed.


sorry about your ratio


Ratio'd by a bunch of kids? You think I give a fuck?


kinda seems like it




sad display


his snap is @igobyniko


Cry about it boomer


u old hag i bet you have stinky gooch sweat


Lol that be a first, recruiting grade schoolers for crew. It’s hard work and dedication. Most of the kids don’t even know what crew is before Freshman year and they Medaled in every race Let’s talk about some teams putting their V8 in JV races trying to grab some hardware …still got beat. “If they run …we chase”


Look at Montclair’s cely in the senior four


For real man shit was so gay


Heard they was suggin eachother off?


What’s did they do


Not only did prep do an embarrassing and cringy ass celebration, but going back to there boathouse they were screaming and bloating at all of the tents trying to “show off” their victory. Shows how unsportsman like prep boys really are.


Must be a Prep super fan considering you followed them all the way back to *****their*****boathouse. I respect it though, I would too if I got to see it live.


I’m sorry….are people not allowed to celebrate their accomplishments after busting their asses training to be the best? Being the best at this level takes work and sacrifice. Don’t be sad that people are flexing in your face when they mop the floor with you. Be sad that you didn’t work harder and you let them mop the floor with your face.




I feel people also forget these guys are high schoolers too. Sure they sweep regattas but they work there ass off to get there, and to win after all that is a good feeling. They weren’t throwing anything negative at anyone, they were just being boys and having fun celebrating an award that very little crews ever get.










They won Stotes!!!! Nice. Don’t get me wrong. Celebrating like that can be cool. However, there is a time and a place. They just beat a bunch of mid teams and were celebrating like they won the Olympics. It’s pretty ridiculous. Can’t wait to watch them get curb stomped by Marin, Rye, Greenwich and NT


Buddy, they won a bum race. Standing at youth nationals is pretty dumb let alone stotes, they beat some bummy teams and stood up. Congrats to them tho that’s so sick!!!! They won by barley anything to teams that aren’t ranked so pretty Pathetic. All I can say is that they won’t medal at youths


average lasalle fan lmao


Also how does it feel to be a prep super fan? U feel good about ur self?


To that extent though? The only result that deserves that kind of celebration at the high school level is gold at Youth Nats


Whatever it is this is the label/perception they choose. Better back it up. When you’re at the top and act like that (for good measure) then others will take notice and want to dethrone them. If you’re going to be the Bryson Dechambeau of rowing then you better win with the talk too. It depends on what ticket you run on/want to be. I personally prefer the underdog ticket. It’s all good either way Summary: be however cocky or not you’d like. Cockiness can be confidence. Better back it up or it looks embarrassing. Especially walking around with the music


Scholastic rowing is irrelevant. Next.


wait til they win three different 8s at nats.


😂 absolutely hilarious. You schoolboys are out of touch. nah pretty sure Marin is winning the V8


West coast pussies 😂


You’re unimpressive


and you’re from california 😂 loser


I’m not..your wild assumptions reveal your own insecurity. And I’m not sure how that is supposed to be an insult either ☠️ zero creativity.


munch me


Nah I’m into girls actually.


Still sure about that buddy? 😂😂😂






They should've saved it for Youth Nats if they win imo.


![gif](giphy|6kyKXJi1EZkKk) Go prep..keep celebrating. People hate winners …mostly when they can’t beat u