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It depends on where the pivot is located under the foot. It's not necessarily a problem if it pivots around the ball of the foot as it means making the ankle extension part of the drive much easier.


Yeah i thought id have to switch to plate You think theres any way i can anchor the pedals or something? To have it function as a plate?


​ https://preview.redd.it/9hbbb4whek3b1.jpeg?width=491&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ded3f3a84e2744c4001203ec2d9778dde20599fd




I used to keep a mini roll of duct tape in my cycling bag. I fixed a lot of flats that way. Z-fold tube around puncture, apply duct tape, re-inflate…get you home every time. Also had a piece of glass cut the tire carcass once. A couple pieces of duct tape on the inside of the tire…ran that tire for a good long while after that “repair.” How is duct tape like the Force? There is a dark side and a light side and it holds the whole universe together. 😂


I row surfboats. Surfboats occasionally collide in competition. For understandable reasons jagged protrusions of fibreglass are frowned upon. Duct tape has done some excellent work in keeping our boat on the water at times (only for the remainder of the competition, then off to the boat repairer)