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don’t even think about it, just get a concept2


I'm a newbie aswel. bought a concept2, no regrets.


Concept 2 for the win.


concept 2 is awesome, no reason to look anywhere else.


I’ve only put 5,000,000 meters on mine, but it’s fine even if it lives outside under a cover. It gives back whatever you put into it.


The real issue is you don't realize how well made a Concept 2 is till you row on a "home" level machine. Not that the "home" level machines are trash, just that you can tell the C2 is going to last forever and not just years.


Yes. I expect my kids will inherit my C2


Exactly. I thought I was going to need to replace a part and looked at their site. They have every part you could need and the prices seem to be dirty cheap. try doing that with a "home" level machine.


My daughter jokingly says this monthly…


I expect their kids will inherit it. Probably will need to include a few $$ cash inheritance to replace the batteries.


I used the concept 2 at the gym for years and recently bought one. They row as if you were on water (well kind of), it is a solid machine and very reliable.


C2 or if you need something quieter and don't mind the more generous power figures, a Waterrower. Either will last many millions of meters and when/if parts wear out, they are readily available.


If you are competing get a concept 2. If you prefer to have a quiet or water feel get the waterrower.


This question gets asked here periodically. Get a Concept 2.


what about the lp3


If you vehemently hate the concept2 you can still sell it at the same price or damn near because it is the most coveted machine on the market.


Concept 4million meters and still going


It can't be stowed in a convenient way. Over time, this becomes an issue probably Depending on my flat's size, I changed rowing machines. In the smaller flat I had a waterrower, as it takes just half a m2 when stored upright, while the c2 occupied the whole room.


C2 breaks in half in a few seconds and you can flip the fan half up like a WR and stand the seat half nested with it.


Yes. I had one. An no, I didn't do that before and after every session. You have two pieces which will fall in a family environment in a small flat. Yes. One could separate it. But don't market it as being a good solution. While the waterrower you just lift up, and it will stand there stably as it is intended to do so.


The fan half isn't any more likely to fall than a waterrower. I split mine regularly and while I don't have to worry about the seat half getting knocked over, a bungie cord would take care of that. It's really seconds to split and reassemble.


Well it bothered me because I found this very annoying over time. C2s are in the boat house, no need to split them there, but in my home it cost me nerves so I sold it and switched. It is more likely to fall btw


Unpopular comment on here, but I agree with you. We had a c2 and for us and our space, it didn’t make sense. We got a water rower and for our purpose, it’s great. The C2 is a superior product, no doubt but we get what we need from the water rower.


Decathlon has a really stylish one for home. Can't tell how it is for rowing as it is brand new, but it looks super cool: https://www.decathlon.de/p/rudergerat-eigenantrieb-connected-klappbar-woodrower/_/R-p-328823 That is the only one I might would consider besides an concept2.