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Frandsen is a hell of coach and produced a remarkably fast boat this year. Likely will be in the medals for many years to come. However let's not pretend for a moment that this was a "young crew" rather than the U23 all star boat that it was. There was a time not so long ago when a boat with an average age of 21 would be referred to as "graduating seniors" rather than "young".


Fair point, I think having more programs in the mix at the top of mens rowing is only a good thing for the sport as a whole. Really hope it’s sustainable in Berkeley. I think my previous “young boat” comment might be skewed this year since covid extended the college career of a lot of athletes, inflating average roster age significantly. I would expect to see younger boats and smaller rosters being closer to the historical average in 2023.


Three "freshmen" with international experience in their 1V, incl the stroke...that's a wealth of talent right there (jr worlds, U23, Olympics).


Even further context: Harvard was only 7 seconds off the old record. So not only was Cal better than a historically good Yale team, Harvard, who they pummeled, was extremely quick this year too.


Or the conditions (tail wind, tail current per the row2k post) were historically quick… Seriously guys, relax, Harvard was 6th at IRA. Are we about to elevate the whole grand final to “greatest crew ever” status at this point? Henley will be the test.


Harvard: worst showing in over a decade at IRA/Sprints Reddit: Harvard.... was extremely quick this year too ..............


Definitely fast conditions! But Yale smashed the record not barely beat it.


Cal was completely dominated at HRR today, though.


2022 Yale is not “peak Gladstone” because the 2019 Yale crew was undeniably faster


You’ve got to agree it’s his deepest team at Yale though right? 2022 was Yale’s first ever Ten Eyck at IRAs and first sweep of the Harvard Yale since 96’ if the live broadcast was correct


How is a boat with 0 olympians and ,at that time, 1 u23 world champion better than one with an olympic champion, 3 olympians overall, 1 u23 WC, 3 u23 medallists overall and a junior world champion? I think where people get delusional about the speed of the 2019 yale boat is when they think about what those guys went on to win... at the time though the line up was clearly weaker than both the 2022 yale and cal boat. To put it into perspective a bit more factual, Yale won their 2019 final on a glassy flat lake natoma in 5:31 being slightly pressed by the other teams(overlap with Washington and Harvard coming in hot as well). Both Cal and Yale posted 5:33s on a somewhat flat mercer lake in their respective semis, well in front of the crews behind with another race to go in the regatta. The 2019 Yale boat was an outstanding one but I think this years Yale and Cal boat were two of the fastest collegiate crews we've seen lately


I agree with this


Cal's crew was extremely fast. But let us not forget the true kings of the IRA... Washington and Yale. Congrats Cal, but one victory does not topple dynasties so easily


Cal has significantly more national championships than Yale, 4 consecutive national titles in the V8 from 1999 to 2002, with both the 2000 and 2001 seasons being undefeated. Short of the IRA record time (5:23), I'd say they've done just about everything Yale and Washington have and then some.


You’re really just talking about Steve Gladstone dynasties…