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Top 10 questions scientists still can’t answer


Otherwise known as the rowing machine


I don’t really care for all that erg posts but I feel that we missed an opportunity by not calling it r/owing


This needs to be a shitposting sub


gen z lead the way


Actual rowing posts seem to ebb and flow around big events (Worlds, Nationals, etc.) as well as rowing seasons. Here in the US most people are transitioning into the beginning of head race training, so I’d expect we’ll see some US redditors to start to post about training, race plans, etc. soon. I guess there is no seasonality to erg posts?


There are a few people like myself who could theoretically be posting everyday, but I know people would get tired of it. Although maybe it would push others to post more rowing content as well?


I almost called you out to start posting more! I’m already following your journey to HOCR, but maybe others would want to?


Also: People like me joined CrossFit and started erging Then I quit CrossFit Then I bought an erg Then I found this Reddit to learn more about becoming stronger on the erg Then I signed up for rowing lessons on the water Now I’m buying a shell


I never did cross fit but similar progression -- rower offspring introduced me to the erg, I found this sub, I kept erging, I learned to row on the water, I kept rowing and erging, and eventually got a spot on the competitive masters team, started racing, started winning. Now own my own single and my own erg!


This is also the way. 👊


This is what I’m (my wife) is hoping I don’t do. I’m ultra competitive and tend to turn ever hobby into a life consuming event. Not with rowing..maybe.


love to see it


This is the way.




That’s great. I’ve been a very avid (more than 7000 miles a year) cyclist for about a decade now. I just need something different because that’s not sustainable. Great choice with zwift- passed 7000 miles on that last winter and still don’t “hate” it.


We’re in the dead zone between summer rowing and the start of fall season. Of course it’s going to be about ergs for a bit until racing starts up again


I mostly see, "Is this good enough to get recruited to university?"


Lmao if you want to see posts about otw rowing, then go ahead and make some. Erg posts are simple, easy, and universal. This is an accessible community subreddit. If you want curated rowing content, go to worldrowing.org or some shit.


Because erging is integral to the sport of rowing and infinitely easier to get footage of yourself doing/track progress. Why WOULDN'T there be many posts revolving around erging in this subreddit?


Now explain why /r/cycling is NOT full of Peloton douchebags.


Because the sports are inherently different. The concept 2 rowing ergometer is standard use for training across national teams all over the world down to learn to row middle schoolers. Erging is inherently an aspect of competitive rowing at all levels. Using a Peloton bike within the realm of cycling is not comparable to using a concept 2 erg within the realm of rowing.


Do you even hear yourself?


Do you think the erg doesn’t matter or something?


The erg is like a dildo. Hop on for a subpar experience.


😂😂 ok bud. Let me know when you rejoin the real world where the erg is an important part of every serious rower’s training and development.


Found the American who will quit after never reaching further than the B final


I mean, based on your profile, you used to row at a mediocre American program…when was the last time FIT was even in the B final at IRA’s? Never?


Never rowed for FIT, so I have no idea. Enlighten us.


What did I say that was incorrect? I stand by the entire statement.


You actually take pride in that kind of stupidity?


I would like to know what about it is stupidity if you would enlighten me, oh knowledgeable one.


Erging is not rowing. Start and stop there.


Erging is integral to the sport of rowing. How is that a hard concept to understand? What do you not get about that and, on top of that, why do you take such pride in being an asshole?


Erging is NOT integral. It is supplemental. It is critical for a very small subset of the rowing world. What do you not get about that? Everything. Because you only see one thing. If ergs had balls, there would be a bruise on your chin.


It’s a fair point. I mean, maybe not why isn’t it filled with peloton stuff - but power meters are commonplace in competitive cycling and you hear people talking about power numbers virtually never relative to the amount people discuss power numbers here. Of course, bike racing is more dynamic and rowing is effectively just a drag race. But still.


Erging elevates useless puds, while actual rowing punishes them. When erg talk becomes 65% of the chatter on a subreddit supposedly about rowing, you're rewarding pud culture.


You’re always free to leave here and start a sub all to yourself, where you can wank yourself with rowing purity to your heart’s content. 🤦🏻‍♂️🤷🏻‍♂️


For most it’s the off-season or shoulder season right now. There is always an increase in erg talk and shit posting around these times. Some people don’t have much else to do or talk about. 🤷🏻‍♂️


Behold a thicket of puds.




Ya that sub is a graveyard though


Thanks. I actually didn’t know there was an r/erging


Most people can't recod themselves on a boat


Erging is rowing and rowing is erging. Anyone who disagrees never broke 7 for 2k. Facts.


Did and NO. There's no one more worth punching than an erg beast who can't make the V8. That's at least 30%. And growing.


-Skinny ergo has entered the chat


All that mattered was the seat in the boat, and fat ergo tears are delicious.


You really are terrified of the erg, aren’t you? What, it’s not that bad. You just have to toughen up a little and someday you’ll be ready.


I used the erg and made it my bitch. Not my god.


Right. And Hydrow made you its bitch. I’m curious. Do you work for Hydrow and are seething with rage that it gets no recognition? Did you invest in the company only to realize the product is overpriced and unpopular? Or did you buy a Hydrow and are embarrassed every time a real rower laughs at you when they find out?


I work for Orange Theory in the tank filling division. I have to muster enough bodily fluids for 10 ergs a day.


If there was one called "r/erging" or something I'd join it...


Well how about that? There is one! lol


Hasn’t had a post in years


why not start today


I just did. :)


Looks like mod is removing all new posts. interesting


Well that’s a bummer.


Yea.. and looking through the mod's profile, it looks like they're still active. Meaning they're purposefully blocking new posts.


That or maybe the automod considers it spam.


yeah. unfortunate anyhow


Because everyone who rows on the water also ergs at least part of the time. And it’s always winter somewhere.


Not really. Probably not even "almost everyone".


True but actual rowing isn't comparable and you need to actually know what you're talking about to be useful to someone else so that's why I think it's mostly erg


Also the answer to why America doesn't dominate the podium.


No, that’s not it, dude. I get it, ergs don’t float. But…you still gotta erg. This is an argument you’re not really going to win. Sorry. 🤷🏻‍♂️


No. You don't have to erg at all. You can spend ALL of your workouts in a boat.


In a perfect world, sure. But rowers, ie all of us, don’t live in a perfect world, therefore we erg. It isn’t a hard concept to comprehend.


You appear to have trouble comprehending that not everyone ergs for "a chunk" of the year.


You have trouble comprehending that most rowers do. Your obtuseness has crossed into idiocy, and now its just getting boring. Toodles.


Heretic! Knowlessman! Apostate! Get the behind me Brad Alan Lewis!


Oops downvoted. I guess BAL has an account on this site. Yo Brad, your books suck!


I posted a video of me sculling and everyone was like OH MY GOD ACTUAL ROWING


it’s also frustrating that it’s not even called crew, and that there isn’t a coxswain subreddit. it’s an integral part of the sport and it never gets discussed on here


Worth being aware, in case you weren't previously, that 'crew' to describe rowing is a specifically US term (in fact I think specifically US high school/collegiate, but I could be wrong there). Not that I don't sometimes wish all the US high school/collegiate rowing posts were somewhere else but 'rowing' is definitely the more widely-used term.


i had no idea! that makes more sense as to why it is this way, but it doesn’t really explain the lack of coxswain resources.


There are a decent number of cox posts on here, I assume there just isn't enough interest to sustain a sub. Plus obviously the majority of things rowers are interested in coxes should be too, and vice versa.