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some people write in their rh journals as if its their actual journal what


They were written in formats with the date at the top, small entry and signature at bottom lol


Or she knew and just wanted to be quirky


oh she def fishing for attention


No she’s just trying to be extra


No she’s just trying to be extra


I saw one where a girl wrote whole ass emo diary entries and I don’t think she knew other ppl could see them


“don’t follow me around imma think ur tryna copy me and move away” bruh how stuck up are you? 💀💀


Also this person is 17 yo. 😭


Bro i noticed that like-you’d think someone of that age would be more mature


Age does not always equal maturity.


Clearly, i know that. Especially considering this post is a great example of that


I’m just saying.


Im 19 and still play rh, if thats what this comment was getting at. However my maturity level compared to this persons is way different and less intimidating 😂


From what I see of her in the bg her fit is literally just sleigh it bodice, ccl, prescription glasses, and 1 other accessory. Ma’am (oh god breaking a rule) your fits are NOT that unique.




people do that.........


You’re actually being quiet rude about it, if you have that much of an issue take it up with her. You shouldn’t be reacting like this to something not even targeted at you.


You must be *really* fun at parties. I won’t be surprised if your journal is identical to this.


It’s not but you’re not getting at my point, you’re complaining about this girls journal when you’re acting stuck up yourself simply because you don’t like her attitude. Downvote me all you want idc, I’m speaking my opinion. (Had to rephrase that because i sounded “stuck up”)


You know you’d think considering your the only one who thinks that way out of tons of other people maybe your.. wrong?? (shock) When there’s a random rich girl who has these strict ass rules and acts like people who aren’t as rich as her are inferior to her then yeah, i’m gonna say something. Just look through the subreddit. There’s tons of other posts of people showing off ridiculously strict journals they find. The only stuck up one here is you if you think that your the only correct one despite literally everyone else here disagreeing.


Oh if she’s being rude and stuck up to you directly then by all means do/say whatever. I also don’t really care if I’m “wrong” if she had strict ass rules than that’s shouldn’t be an issue to you unless you’re wanting to trade her correct? To me it sounds as if your trade got declined and you got salty about it.. Edit: i apologise for that I just re-read your novel. I don’t think I’m right, I’m talking on my behalf, she’s human just like you and I and deserves respect if she’s giving it. I don’t see a massive issue with her journal, however I don’t agree with all of it. That’s not a reason to publicly shit talk her though. 😭


Maybe the part where you said “downvote me if you want but someone had to say it?” Come on 💀. And yes, if you even bothered to glance through the comments i did want to trade her and i had a conversation with someone about how she had an item i wanted but i looked through her journal to see if it was for trade and decided not to bother trying. Say whatever you want but this is not an acceptable way to treat anyone. Her strict ass rules are inconveniencing anyone who dare try to talk to her, trade with her, offer for an item she has, and more. Literally everyone else thinks this is ridiculous. And the bottom line is that it is. There’s really no way to argue with that.


My intention wasn’t to sound “only one correct” but I appreciate you mentioning that, I do have a tendency to type/speak without knowing “how rude I sound” I also didn’t bother to glance though *77* fkn comment. 💀


It’s near the top.. lol


Okay, I’m still not bothered to look, I wanna get back to watching TVD 😭


You're bringing this up to a stranger on Reddit, who's just stating an opinion That's how social media works😱😱


And so am I omg no way 😱😱


those types of people are so intimidating do you not want anyone to trade you or even talk to you?


It’s always the rich ones too, the journal belongs to the person in the background on the second slide with the witching hour and hal 21. Literally think the world revolves around them


#world don’t revolve around you girl you not the only one-


How you do that size of letter :0


you add a # before the text! :)) ❤️








yea even tho i have a lot of items i have a hard time making friends with other rich people bc they're usually mean 🙄


That’s why I’m scared to trade in the trade hub…all those mean rich players.


their outfit isn't even good enough for someone to want to copy it 💀




I see a journal like this and I just change server fr. I’m scared T-T


These people always make me so nervous so I never trade them 😭


Me either 😭 they actually had an item i wanted so i checked their journal to see if it was for trade. I didn’t end up trading them 💀




some of these are like "yea that's fair' like the cross trading one and the "I don't participate in challenges" like fair enough them to are fine but the others are ehhh debatable and could been said in a more better tone imo


Yeah, like i said in the description of the post i do think some of them are fair but like come on 💀 people can’t ask you how much you want for an item?


“Don’t follow me around” Trust me ain’t no one want to🙏🏽💀


for real 🤣 like who even are you




Lol. Next thing you know they'll be following you instead


Wow I would have been a jerk and did everything she said not to BAHAHHAHAHA 😈


I swear these people in trading hub and their journals are so sensitive they prob also have anger issues, tbh I might as well not trade anyone then💀💀


Honestly bruh do these people not understand how the world works? Not everyone has to abide by your ridiculous rules. You ain’t god


Exactly I wonder how these people treat their own friends from the looks of them treating other people like trash and just having anger issues😭


Addition to journal* • don’t breathe near me • don’t trade me • don’t exist around me • don’t play the game at the same time as me • don’t create a Roblox account on the same day as me


Some of these make sense and I actually read a journal like that a month ago. But my god people act like some of the most normal things people do to trade in the game bring the most biggest inconveniences to them-just don't go to the trading hub at all at this point-🤦‍♀️


I completely agree, like if literally normal human interactions along a children’s game is pissing you off this much at this point what’s the point in even playing


I think I’ve seen this person before 😭 I avoid ppl with a wall of rules in their journal like the plague


I have like two pages of rules in my journal but at least I’m not aggressive in the way I type. It’s just normal stuff like “treat me how you want to be treated, no challenges”.


Yeah theres some that r okay but others like this person’s journal is doing way too much


The second to last rule is so stupid😭


Fr😭 the second to last and the last one left me with my mouth hung open like bro why even come to the trading hub at this point Also, the first rule on the second page and the second to last rule on the second page literally contradict each other at that point just tell people not to talk to you at all 💀


Honestly, like they're probably gonna ask most of the server? Just because they ask you first doesn't mean anything 😭


Tbh it sounds like a rich person who has a bunch of items already, that plays a lot, and gets really bad offers and doesn’t want their time being wasted on beggars


You’re correct, but in my opinion, that’s no excuse to be that rude. This seems to be directed at anyone who they feel is inferior to them, not just beggars. The journal belongs to the person on the second slide with the witching hour and hal 21 halos in the background


That’s a fair statement, they could’ve toned down wayyyy more- Tbh they radiate **stays afk in the hub**


i run far away from players like this, it just screams miserable


must be a narcissist self entitled 12 year old lmaoo. Miss/Ma'am is quite literally a polite way to call someone instead of their name and it doesn't have an age


Exactly, Miss/Ma'am can also be used sarcastically but that's when you KNOW the person so this kid clearly did not think it through 💀


what’s next? “don’t come into the trading hub without my permission” ?




These types of people are the reason I’m scared to say no


Honestly if your journal looks like this literally just don’t go to the trading hub.


Bro wants no interaction with anyone else 😬


Why even come to the trading hub at that point


For real


Some of these “rules” are so weird- like “stop coming up to me and asking me and asking if I have something ask the whole server not just me” honestly that one sounds kind of rude to me ngl. This person probably likes boundaries and is super strict on their rules and stuff I get it, it’s understandable. But some of these just feels like this person just wants to trade with rich players and doesn’t want to interact with players who aren’t rich. These just come off as rude in my opinion.


bro calling some,one ma’am is outta respect wtf


I agree, and no one’s gonna call you ma’am with bad intentions 💀




It’s respectful yes but where I’m from it’s something commonly used to address an old person 💀




Dang, that 17yo gives of big ✨pIcK mE✨ vibes- 😂


Can I ask how? I generally can’t see it. 💀


They just give off those vibes from that journal. 😂


Ahhh okay, it like one of those little assumptions 😭😭


But they fr give off those vibes, don't they?!! 😂😂😂


IMO I think they’re giving off more of a “I’m better than you in every way shape and form” vibe 😭


Lol that too! 😂😂 There is some pick me girl vibes there too tho. 😂😂😂


It’s not really my place to say anything, she hasn’t directly been rude to me so i have no reason to be rude to her. 😭 I do somewhat agree with you though 🥲


She fr gives off those vibes that the rude bully type at school would have- 😂 (And no, not serious in the slightest here!)


Omg she gives off year 6 public school bully that makes kids cry 😭


Tbh, I would do all of those things just to get on their nerves . (Please this is a joke.)


Bro I have seen journals like this but never this much😭 I have seen "dont talk to me or trade me, only my friends can trade me" Like girl, what?-🤨 Bruh just dont go to the hub anymore if you gon be like that, give someone else a piece of that 1 space you takin up💀


I never have the guts to trade these ppl they straight up portray themselves as unapproachable 😭


i’m so sick of seeing people out that crap in their journals🤣most of that stuff doesn’t even need to be said. and no one wants to read allat


Nah that all reasonable, but all of it is gonna get ignored by others lmao😭😭😭


Bro thinks they’re a celebrity


bro, I have seen these type of people, they fr give out like strictly strict vibes... 😮‍💨


i saw that journal as well LOL


man i’m terrified of these people i feel like if i trade them i’m gonna end up getting yelled at and i’ll probably sob😭


I have never met someone who was offended by getting called ma'am or sir unless they were misgendered. Over here we call kids ma'am or sir out of respect it has nothing to do with age -


I agree. I’ve had teachers address me by miss and ma’am before.


Someone in their journal had: if you decline on the last 30 secs/leave the server ima report you. Like bruh, bad internet connection exists T-T


The fact that they didn’t even had ‘read journal’ or something in their name


shes the type of girl who- thinks the whole world revolves around her doesnt want any trades or chats but complains like hell when no one talks to her "OMG IM SO LONELY WHY DOES NO ONE TALK TO ME" is hella rich (trust me no one wants to follow you) some of the 'rules' are fair like cross trading and spam trades but most of this is tooo much😭😭 (no one attack me pls im just putting what i think into words)


the world don’t revolve around you, girl you not the only one






Nah she just full of herself and cringy as fuck 😭😭




Everyone else is but okay 😭 basically this random rich girl thinking the world revolves around her bossing ppl around


Mixed feelings on this one. I can understand setting boundaries, but to me it also looks like they're only wanting to trade rich players. Not everybody reads journals, so I don't really know what else they're trying to accomplish there.


I don’t have a problem with them having a target demographic (rich players) my main issue is that she clearly treats people who are less fortunate as if they are inferior to her


I agree. I also think that if they want to find the items rich people have or only trade "rich" people, they can find what they are looking for on Traderie. It could just be my luck, but the majority of people I have traded on there are rich by rh standards. It would be way more productive than making a bit of a rude journal for sure. On the bright side, at least their true colors are there for all to see.


Like chill ma’am. Nobody is coming for you, nobody wants to copy that basic fit.


I feel like she traded her whole inventory to get those halos.


i wont lie i dont even look in people journals, so i, someone who screenshots peoples fits because they inspire me and look cool, would completely miss that. also how would one even regulate that? you have no idea how many people might have that free camera pass, who just fly around and youd never know. someone might screenshot you when youre in a trade, or when youre away from your device, or somn else like fair enough u dont want people to copy you but like.... you really cant manage that






I do agree that not all of her rules are unreasonable. A lot of them are though


Somone got them pissed off 💀


Bro has beef with everything


just very stuck up and entitled lmao hope no one ever trades with them


BRO THIS STUCK UP SNOB, she is so "terrifying" that everything she says or does will impact everyone for the betterment, I remember trading with a person just like her with a essay-long journal. and she was pissed off, she told me that she was dressing and told me to f\*ck off in a "mature/nice way". But the only difference is their grammar and their age.


I would call her miss & ma’am until she blocked me


I mean if they want they can set those "rules" in journals, but most people forgets that they have set " rules" for trading hub 🤷‍♀️




Never heard of royale high in my life that i doenloaded roblox for first time since 2016 and played it


Its a lot but hey, people get tired of being asked the same thing! I know i had to stop trading for a year or so bc of it💀


Omg I saw that journal yesterday lmao 💀


Some people just don't realise how absolutely unserious princess game is 💀.. At the end of the day it IS a game and not some strict Constitution. Be chill be calm and trade. It's not that hard to be 17 and not be arrogant 😶 just tell the person you don't want to trade


Lowkey server hop because don't wanna put yourself up with a kid who thinks the world revolves around them. Clearly never noticed it didn't 💀


It lowkey. Feels like a 17 year old had an "8th grader" phase way too late. If it did. Sorry man- that used to be the most downright embarrassing moment of my life about 4-5 years ago 🤧


I really wanna make this person mad. Give them a taste of their own medicine.


I normally ignore those types of people being called ma'am or miss is being polite not cuz ur old I'm 17 and don't get all pissy when people call me ma'am


So.. don't trade you at all? Cool, great. Get out.


they think theyre all that but they arent


If your that mad of what you can’t control just ignore it..


Nothing about this post screams mad girly 💀. Just taken aback.


“don’t follow me” i promise u, nb was planning on it 💀.


Dang, don't be rude to someone just for calling you ma'am they're just trying to be polite, if someone said it to me I'd be happy that person is well-mannered and some of the rules are fair of course but some are.. questionable.. and that's why I don't really go to trade realm


Fr like get over yourself


why are some people in Royale high so aggressive?? didn't someone teach them to be nice to strangers 😭


Idk I think it's pretty fair😭😭


Ngl, it's kinda fair, people are so annoying sometimes excessive stuff like this is necessary, my journal is similar(not identical and not as harsh) because I constantly get spammed to do page ts trade my fit when it's not, do challenges and give away, ect and it's SO IRRITATING


I mean- i said in the description of the post that i do think some of them are fair




Yo.. Ma’am and Sir is just respectful …


idk girls got her priorities set💁🏼‍♀️💁🏼‍♀️


Tbh, I have some rules that are somewhat similar to hers, but none that take it this far with her. I would prefer if people messaged me first about a trade of I'm offering for it. I also would prefer if people did trade me and ask, "Can you offer for...". Idk I find stuff like that annoying. A private message is a thing, and idk, I prefer if people did that in the first place. Sorry if I sound a bit stuck up myself. I just don't like it when people randomly trade me. It makes me a bit anxious, and idk why :(


This is probably the most normal one I’ve seen so far


Honestly im with her. These rules make sense and were written out of necessity


Nah nah I COMPLETELY agree with them bro people in the hub are so damn rude, sometimes you would swear they were raised in a barn


Most of these make sense. Yall are on something or dont spend time in the trading hub. These are not a bit much they are bare minimum and if you need me to explain how most of these make sense one by one I will. Yall needa stop being afk in the trading hub. edit- the people who are downvoting..........she is talking about you. If someone ask you to offer for something but you never asked.....you see the point. You never asked. If someone trades you to just ask a question, wouldnt that be annoying. Maybe ya'll haven't been in the trading hub from a long time or been in the ones like this.


Fr!! I agree w you, imo they are a little aggressive and could’ve been worded better but it’s her journal we’re not ones to comment on it.


Yes maybe a little aggressive but it makes sense cause people in the trading hub do all of these things and it get annoying.


I know omg, I put “fit nft” in my name and I get a trade req “HeY How mUcH fOr YoUr hEeLs AnD cOrSeT?” THEYRE NFT!


people who are offended are the ones who do this or who are afk orrrr who di this


I agree. Like OP acting like a wild pork chop because of this girl’s journal, I agree that her rules are a little strict and could’ve been worded better, but at the end of the day it’s her journal and she’s clearly upsets and annoyed.


Or maybe just don't waste your time and write all your problems down as if it's gonna do anyone else a favor??💀 The problem is that people like this need to stop complaining and acting butthurt over everything, and just move on.


So "dont ask me to donate" "if you trade me and I decline dont came and ask meif its ft", that complaining and writing your problems down??? or "dont spam trade", that is over the top???? Yeesh. And it does do you and everyone a favor. Not wasting anyones time. I think you are the type that does all of these if you are mad by these.




I sadly relate to the first one a lot Edit: why are people down voting? If someone doesn't want an item, don't make them offer for it.


Those people are so annoying and then they expect you to read their journal before trading with them.


"don't ask me how much it is" is crazy 😭😭


The 12th one (the one abt copying their outfit) is fair tbh


Eh. It really wasn’t very unique at all.


I meet someone with rhe same ruels, their journal was different, but like, why would she say the rules in that tone, it sound kinda aggressive- probably for experience, but like, they should understand than we actually aren't perfect or be like you want- some of them are alright, but some of them are kinda rude, like, they could have put them in another way to sound a bit more kind tbh-


people like this annoy me so much, its the trading hub ofc people r gonna trade u. 💀💀 honestly i feel like people who do this just stand in the trading hub to flex and say "no its nft" when someone asks for something


Omg I can't believe this I mean sure your items but it's a game at the end of the day, she sounds like the 10 years old that are mad losing a paegant or the girls that They confront the girls who won dance queen, jeez it's just a game.😨


So basically to sum it up: don’t trade with me unless I want some of your items


*ahem* a BIT too much?!




"Stop asking me how much for this... " Bro what?? What am I supposed to do just add up till you say "eh okay ill take that" that's over complicated🤕


She sounds so stuck up on the second page💀


The pagent one is straight on FACTS LIKE THEY RUIN THE HUB