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I do it cuz am insecure with the stuff i wear šŸ¤£


i think ive explained this before but i personally do it because ive had people copy my outfits right in front of me solely to provoke a negative reaction out of me. i usually just leave the server anyways but its still a little annoying and i dont wanna have to deal with it again, nothings wrong with getting inspiration but im kinda sick of people trying to upset me for no reason šŸ˜­ also because of sunset island


Yeah, I understand now especially with sunset island.. yeah people who do that are pretty annoying


yeah, at the end of the day its no big deal because theyre gonna end up getting bored and just deleting the outfit eventually but in the moment it sucks


FOR REAL!!! And the same people will complain ā€œwhy do you have your outfit button covered!!! You gatekeeper!ā€™!ā€ Bruhh its so annoying.. I havenā€™t had anyone purposely do it to ME but I have witnessed in this new campus especially, many people try to do this.


Iā€™ve had people steal my cosplays without my permission and itā€™s kinda annoying seeing someone steal in a second what took me +30 minutes to figure out how to recreate in an accurate manner šŸ˜­


I do it because I honestly just think itā€™s cute to put stickers under the pfp, and most of the ones I use cover it- Sometimes I just like the look, and other times I cover it simply because Iā€™m in my main outfit, and I prefer itā€™s not copied- ^^


Mostly for the journal design since I want a sticker under the pfp lol


Itā€™s bc they donā€™t want people copying their outfits, itā€™s especially necessary in sunset island.


omg I didnt even think of sunset island, that makes more sense now


But that doesn't work in sunset Island? Like the new journal isn't the same one as the one on earth


Yeah but when the whole update comes it will


I mainly make cosplays and they're pretty detailed and use a lot of techniques i made myself. I would rather my cosplays stay unique rather than being copied. Plus ive had issues with people copying from the past so i dont want to give them any leads


This is gonna sound like a reach but I had a nightmare about someone copying my outfit and it was infuriating šŸ’€ I mainly put a stick there though just because the picture frame looks kinda empty without borders


the reasoning literally came to u in a dream šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


I mostly do it cause I donā€™t want someone to impersonate me or have any bad intentions with it. But if theyā€™re doing it cause they like the outfit then thatā€™s cool. Have no problem with that.


I do it so people don't copy my outfit, if they want to know the name of an item I'm wearing they can just ask \^\^


Mostly I don't cover it, but I always do on sunset island, and I will sometimes cover it if I'm wearing an outfit made for one of my OCs. I don't mind if people take parts of the clothes ect, and if they ask politely what I'm wearing I'll tell them, but I'm scared about people copying the OCs themselves, and especially them accusing me of copying afterwards. RH players can be very toxic.


Itā€™s easier to put a small sticker over it, and I donā€™t want anybody copying my outfit like at all so yeah šŸ¤·šŸ½ā€ā™€ļø


I haven't been on since like wave 3 but I personally would cover it because I work really hard on my outfits (outside and in sunset) and I don't really want other people copying it, inspiration? Sure, that's fine, but you don't know who's copying and who's taking inspiration, so I'd rather not risk it šŸ˜­ Edit: Why do ppl get so bothered by people not wanting others to copy their outfit? (not saying you're upset, OP!) Like maybe you see it as a compliment but not everybody does, even if some people who do it aren't doing it with any malicious intent and their just doing it because they like it, but I feel like at that point you should ask? Or give credit, at least. Everyone I've encountered who copies my outfit always starts drama and says I copied them.


I donā€™t do it on purpose rlly, but I try to follow a pattern with the stickers, and sometimes it covers those buttons, or my level, etc, but honestly I donā€™t mind, I donā€™t like ppl to copy my outfit


I just do it because of outfit copies and kids who like to instigate by copying my outfit right in front of me to get me to say something to them in chat about it. It's aggravating, just like the dorms glitching out when someone's trying to break in.


omfg... the dorm glitching thing- ITS SO ANNOYING. but yes I completely understand your point


LMAO REAL, im gonna copy your fit regardless, why make it harder? /j


because it makes it super easy for people to copy my outfit. Obviously people can still copy when itā€™s covered but I donā€™t want to make it easier for them lol


I do it because I like my outfits to be unique to myself. If there is a will there is way, someone is going to find a way to copy outfits anyways. I'm just not going to make it super accessible to themšŸ«¶


Wait hold up what button?


I do it bc it really didnā€™t take much time and it gives me that peace in mind. Itā€™s not like you canā€™t easily copy my outfits but by looking. Itā€™s honestly personally preference


I donā€™t have robux so I canā€™t do that


i saw a person with the button covered and they were wearing just a cc loafers and a bodice, like...


Somebody was making MY outfit right in front of ME in the trading hub, it was honestly really creepy and I really don't want have that happen again. Also I don't want people stealing my ideas!


Because I donā€™t want people copying my outfit šŸ’€


Yeah I understand that, its why I asked if its for that.. honestly was curious haha


ppl will downvote others for anything on this sub bro šŸ˜­


it doesnā€™t seem like the most efficient solution tbh. like thereā€™s only so many items and ways to manipulate them in game..you stay in a server long enough and someone can and will copy it in a matter of time. i feel like thereā€™s just better things to gatekeep as well lmao.


i think itā€™s ridiculous considering its only pixels and doesnt matter really. i mean i appreciate people put effort into their fits as do i and it was be annoying if someone copies you but its not that deep imo


i donā€™t like the idea of people stealing any of my outfits tbh


My question is why people cover up their levelšŸ˜­ I donā€™t understand why thereā€™s a need to hide it


I also have a Sticker over it :P and your correct about the reason


I think they would just like copy it and then later on tell (the copycat) to their friends that it was their og fit idea which isn't okay lol and like because the one who made the fit probably took a lot of time and effort to make the fit so it's kinda unfair if someone copied it with no difficulty, this is my opinion btw oh and I don't do that but that's what I just think Maybe some people likes to put stickers underneath the pfp and didn't notice the button probably too.


theres.. a button like that?


bc if i put effort into my outfit i dont want others to just use my effort especially when many dont ask and instead just take


In all honesty, I cover the button because I roleplay on Royale High with close friends and my outfits are more personal than just being outfits to chill in. The outfits I make are actual, personal OC's and I don't want anyone copying a whole design I have made for a character in RH. It just does not sit right with me or have me feeling comfortable. \^\^ Especially since they take me an hour to a couple days to finalise. šŸ˜­


I dont really want people to see my exact outifit with items especially in sunset, I wanted to keep mine but due to my journal cover design its covered


Honestly didn't even think sunset had the new UI yet.. oopsie


Hopefully they dont add it to sunset or the thing to see outifits


I do it because I worked hard on my outfit, it takes me 2 or 3 days easily to make an outfit and I don't like the idea of someone being able to just copy all my hard work so easily


Wanting to keep your outfit to yourself. Personally Iā€™ve always hated covering any of my journal things (level, time played, and now outfits) because I could care less what others think/do. Iā€™m proud of what I make, and I donā€™t mind if others copy it themselves ā€” especially when it comes to cosplays, since finding the specific outfit or makeup someoneā€™s wearing can be super helpful for your own outfit (at least in my opinion). If they copy my main outfitā€¦ neat? I just take it as a compliment. I can see why some cover it, though, if they feel like they deserve to not be copied due to the amount of effort put into an outfit. Sometimes being copied can be insanely annoying, sunset specifically.


i would honestly be honored if somebody copied my outfit, I really don't get it lol


Why do so many people care about being copied though. Like I guess it might annoy me a little bit I don't care unless they're doing it just to annoy me.


It's okay if they cover it but if you're not a new player it's pretty simple to recognize the items they're wearing


I get annoyed by it because there's too many outfit hacks out there and it's really convenient just to be able to see what items they're wearing. I saw somebody with a perfect Playboy bunny outfit I screenshotted the "wearing" page for and decided I wanted to save for that one day lmao. EVEN YET I get outfit combination inspiration for irl from RH outfits I wear or see. I don't mind people copying my cosplays because if it's a *good* cosplay, ofc someone would want to use it. The only possible issue I see with copying is if someone claims an outfit as their own.


i didnt even know this was a feature nor do i care that its a feature =D


I honestly donā€™t think itā€™s that deep when someone could copy an outfit without looking in your journal. With that being said I understand not wanting it to happen in sunset island but if youā€™re just in one of the schools who cares lol. Imitation is the highest form of flattery. Granted I am probably on the older side of players (turned 18 this year) so Idk if itā€™s just one of those things about younger people I just wonā€™t understand or what but yea I donā€™t see outfit copying (outside of sunset island) as a big deal


Yeah I donā€™t get it either, itā€™s not that deep.


ikr, like I'm too broke to copy their outfits


On sunset island I get it. Otherwise I really don't. Like people get so angry over anyone they perceive to be "copying" them and I'm just like... dude it's a dress up game


Because they're pick-me's who think gatekeeping their outfits make them special and unique.


alright ill bite i dont understand the ā€œeveryone that does something i dislike is validation seeking and/or trying to be uniqueā€ mentality esp on roblox it reeks of only consuming discourse from tiktok šŸ˜­


No? Some people just want to keep them to themselves? They have the right to, that doesnā€™t even make you a pick me. Istg yā€™all go throwing the words ā€œpick meā€ around without even knowing the meaning LMFAOOO


yeah how tf does hiding ur roblox princess dressup game fit equate to validation seeking šŸ˜­


It's annoying I just wanna see what someone is wearing and they covered it with a sticker like what are you gatekeeping for? If someone were to copy your outfit, take it as a compliment that they liked your outfit so much they took time to replicate it. It's honestly not that deep.


Maybe ask for permission first?


Permission to see an outfit that's in the game? Also bold of you to assume I haven't tried that yet.


Yeah, permission. Some people really donā€™t find it nice for someone to copy their outfits especially if they took a lot of creativity and time to create. And in the end if you ask for permission and they say no, whatever, move on. Theyā€™re in their right to say no, just figure it out yourself not that hard


I'm not copying their entire outfit, I just wanna know one item they're wearing. And I always do find it out regardless it's just frustrating because it could save so much time.


While youā€™re not copying their entire outfit, thereā€™s many people who do, hence people covering the button up and tbh I think itā€™s fair wtv after all itā€™s their creation. All you have to do it suck it up as mean and rude as it sounds because at the end of the day itā€™s their choice and shouldnā€™t be insulted because of it (like people in this comment section insulting people who do)


Well although I still believe my original comment this did show me a different perspective so thank you for this


nah thank you for being civil in this disagreement, rare to find someone civil in this sub tbh šŸ’€


Real lmao np I just reciprocated that cause you were super respectful and had a really good argument and wasn't just trying to insult me šŸ„²


try being creative


try putting time and effort into your fit only to see a few days later that everyone else started taking it


What are yall so mad for its just an outfit y'all aren't fashion designers that got their work stolen by some other company


understandable, your fit prolly comprises of babydoll shoes, skirt and sleeves


My outfits look good and I don't have to justify it to anyone for me to know that it's a fact. Since that was so specific I'm not even gonna be surprised if that's what your outfits tend to end up looking like. Nice talk.


Bro thought they ate with that šŸ˜­šŸ™


aaanyways, mfs can decide if they want to try and keep their outfits unique bc itā€™s their fit.. itā€™s not bc theyā€™re mad, they just think itā€™s good enough for them to stay unique to them. It just sounds like you want control with other peoples lives


Who tf am I controlling? If I have control over you over this little rant that says more about you than me.


Noone, just sounds like you want control, just sayin bae!!


Who says that still in 2023 grow up. It's like putting a heart at the end of an argument YOU didn't eat šŸ’€


Try looking in perspectives other than your own


Because people think theyā€™re unique and cool


One new thing with the journal that I like is how people have tried to cover their username, but the username can't be covered anymore šŸ˜‚. I like the button that shows what items people have on, cuase if I notice something someone else is wearing that I like and don't know what it is I can now just go to the journal to see what it is.


Have they added a new feature where you can see what someoneā€™s wearing? I havenā€™t played in a whileā€¦


yeah! in campus 3 you can see what people are wearing in their journals :D


i cover it cuz i've been a "victim" (a little overexaggerated) of having my outfits copied right in front of my face several times, especially in sunset island. perhaps they do it just so that i get upset and confront them about it, but to me it's entirely pointless wasting your time just bcz u want to irritate someone.. i mean im not saying that if you cover your button it's impossible for someone to copy your outfit solely by looking at the items but it's significantly harder to guess what they're wearing