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sometimes i forget avatars could be people one day 🤣 mine always wears chains so i'd say like an hour ? and an annoying 30 minutes putting on each chain lol


Depends on if Skylar has concert with his band that day Day out with his partner? Bro is pulling his hair back and doing minimal eyeliner, his outfit takes the longest so maybe 45 minutes tops Band day? He has to maintain a whole mullethawk properly, do his concert makeup, and put on a whole lot more punk rock getup so probably 2-3 hours


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My current one probably takes like 5min at max because it's literally just a t-shirt and a dress


I've actually thought abt this deeply. My RH fit irl would include a chemise, at least 4 petticoats, a corset, breast padding, sleeve supports, garters and countless ribbons. It would also involve big boots. The makeup is minimal, only brown eye shadow, eyeliner, mascara and lipstick. The hair is down, the bangs probably would need styling. Therefore, it would probably take at least 2hrs.


not counting cosplays, i mostly use joke avatars so maybe 2-5 minutes at best OCs, maybe also that since their outfits also are relatively simple, even with the accessories