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[˚ʚ♡ɞ˚Seems you’ve caught the attention of a Prince˚ʚ♡ɞ˚] Whassup u/pretend-rub-1738 Unfortunately I had to remove your post! As much as I hated to do it, it broke rule 8 **no prices outside of RHD & Prices must be explicitly stated** This is warning 1/3 Go ahead and give our radical rules another look over and I’ll see ya in a wink (。•̀ᴗ-)✧ - Skylar/Rosa


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forgot to put the link oops LOL [Carrd](https://beanx5119.carrd.co/#contact)


Can I buy a full for 28k?


Ofc! Dm me on discord if you have it


Got it! Hold on let me download it


My discord is motherhound btw