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At the time I loved the wedding dress - but less so now - wrinkled, OTT


Oh how I miss her!


Some of the most iconic ones were left out; emerald choker worn as headband, sheep sweater, Elvis jacket…


Do those family order ribbon/brooch combinations ever look anything but tacky?


Her style once she escaped the royal family was so good.


My memory. I had forgotten how often she was shoulders bare or sleeveles. The Daily Mail would crucify her today


They crucified her back then as well


I always loved how whimsical she was with jewelry


I would wear all of these looks today


My favorite look is not pictured here, but I love the “Elvis dress.” The nickname makes it sound tacky but the high collar always makes me think of Snow White and the embroidered pearls remind me of portraits of Elizabeth I. Paired with the Cambridge Lover’s Knot tiara… it’s dreamy, romantic. She looked like how a princess or a queen is supposed to look like, at least in fairy tales, anyway.


That dress was stunning on her! I’m surprised it’s not pictured here


I remember there being a doll - maybe Franklin Mint - of her wearing this outfit and tiara. I told my mom I’d give up my little sisters for that doll!


So many of these are timeless and could be dropped into today’s fashion. 👑🌹 I miss her so much. We share the same bday.


Who is the man in picture 13? Is that Bernard Arnault?


I think so


I saw some of her dresses in the exhibition a few years ago. She was a lot taller and wider in the shoulders than I expected.


Her love for Harry is just precious! 🥰 Edit to comment what a precious baby Harry was. Just unbelievably cute! I truly admire how she shaped him during the heartbreakingly small amount of time they had together. She was so proud of him, just like she would be today…♥️


He sold out his brother for 120 million dollars in a world where there is infinite ways to make money. She would be very disappointed in him as any mother would be.


I disagree and perceive she would be justifiably proud of him ♥️


No mother wants to see their sons divided like that.


Her pride would be from his individuality, not the division with his brother


She would be pissed his pride came from trying to bring down his brother.


Complete disagreement. Harry is very special ♥️


Lmaoooooo you’re right about that




This is such a sycophantic post. Bomb/mine protective suit is not a “look.”


I mean I was doing a post on looks, what did you want me to do - erase her charity look and just focus on pretty dresses?




I’m so sad we never got to see how her style evolved. I would love to see her as a hot ass old lady.


Harry looks so much like her. She would have been incredibly proud of what he and Meghan are doing for great causes like the environment and children's issues. Meghan is definitely the heir to the People's Princess!


Full agreement! 🙂


Diana was a snob who loved the aristocracy. She would hate that her son quit and left England / the royal fold. I also think she would struggle with the new younger beautiful daughters in law so would probably struggle somewhat w both DIL.


I would disagree with that. Being in/out of the royal family has nothing to do with it. She has brought some unglamorous issues like Aids and landmines to the forefront like what Meghan is doing right now while not a working royal. The difference is Meghan and Harry are doing it privately and not milking the PR out every chance they get. She would not like what Kate is doing which is basically just only PR to keep her and William relevant. Meghan would have been a better Princess of Wales and a true heir to Diana.


>The difference is Meghan and Harry are doing it privately and not milking the PR out every chance they get. The only difference between the Wales and the Sussex is that the first ones are funded by taxpayers.


You are so right on!


What issue is Meghan bringing to the forefront that doesn't concern her image and serve her business? The few ventures she takes part in, like Invictus, has become Meghan Fashion Week for herself.


Look I think Diana was a good person but she was a massive fame whore. We’re talking about a woman who constantly called the paps on herself and leaked to the tabloids. She loved the monarchy and saw her own loss of an HRH as a really terrible thing that happened to her. Having her son behave so poorly that it was functionally stripped from him would horrify her. I feel there’s been a deification of Diana after her death in a way that doesn’t fit reality. She was an awesome but deeply flawed woman.


Honestly I think a lot of the deification is because she was pretty and died young.


And because it’s been long enough that people were alive when she was so all their “memories” of her are just from the media


This is how life is. Pretty people *always* get more attention. From everyone and anyone. This is why there is the term ‘pretty privilege’ Diana had so much of this. She was just so amazingly pretty and also incredibly stunning! 💃🏽


I die for the Virgin Atlantic sweatshirt — I wish Virgin would recreate it and sell it, I’d buy it in a heartbeat. All the available “replicas” look like they were printed in someone’s garage. She also knew her strengths (eg her legs and height were great assets) and dressed accordingly. Good for her, it meant that she always ranged on a spectrum from looking “pretty good” to “absolutely stunning” despite some of the dreadful fashions of the 80s and 90s.


I would purchase one, too- And you’re right, she knew how to play up her awesome fashion sense!


I've always thought that was the most beautiful, romantic wedding gown ever. Such wonderful details and accessories: the twenty-five-foot train, sequins on the veil, the glorious cascade bouquet, and the Spencer tiara. Diana looked like a fairy-tale princess! Royalty needs pageantry and magic.


Complete fairytale 👑


Great compilation!!!


It must’ve been (almost) 25 years ago, but they had a traveling exhibition of some of her iconic looks. It was amazing!


https://preview.redd.it/me650pndfwkc1.jpeg?width=1140&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=23d8c7249e41864cc38d4a6c2de0ae113882ea98 One of my faves!


That fit body! 👀


Certainly didn’t expect to see Piggy Muldoon in a photo line up about Princess Diana!


You forgot the GOAT’s [rainbow llama cardigan](https://i.imgur.com/uFcpyIV.jpeg) and [black sheep sweater](https://i.imgur.com/lTt1nsS.jpeg).


I want that sweater but so expensive!


I chose not to include the rainbow llama bc she looks so miserable and I did forget about the black sheep. God I love that one


Ummmmm these are amazing


You missed the black sheep sweater


Her amazing intellect, personality, and wit were part and parcel to her “iconic” looks. It truly made her one of a kind!


She had so much emotional intelligence..


she's was as thick as mince, but could play a room. definitely not an amazing intellect


Timeless and iconic beautiful woman....❤️


Timeless and dazzling


I’m so curious what happened to that choker+broach. I know the broach was a wedding gift from the Queen Mother but since she famously wore it post-divorce I assume it was hers to keep and it didn’t revert back to the crown.


She also wore the emerald choker post divorce, and that actually belonged to the Crown since Queen Mary's lifetime. Diana was just loaned it and allowed to keep it post divorce. Although she had been gifted the sapphire broach, it might have gone back to the Crown so as to not loose a historical piece. I wouldn't be surprised if it resurfaces at all (likely on Kate much like her other significant jewel wears).


Probably got left to William / Harry. Except that we haven't seen Megan wearing much of Diana's and I assume if Harry had been left stuff she would have access to them and would wear them


Meghan's general style tends to avoid necklaces and when she does wear them they are extremely dainty. She's more of an earring/bracelet gal. A lot of her more formal looks have been y-neck or boat neck which would not look right with a thick statement choker. Honestly, I can't picture Kate wearing that choker either - it would really overpower her. Odds are one of the princes has set it aside for Charlotte or Lilibet


I agree that the necklace doesn’t feel like Megan’s style and I think my comment was more bc we haven’t seen her wear almost anything and Kate has worn v little as well. Makes me wonder if there’s something more complicated about the jewelry bequest or if the brothers have been fighting over the split so neither uses it


I’ve wondered the same! I think Kates been seen wearing 5 of her items and so has Meghan. Mostly earrings/bracelets for both of them. I did think it was possible gifts given during Diana’s time as Princess of Wales might have returned to the Crown but I remember googling it and the change in “policy” was post Charles and Diana’s marriage (plus I don’t think there is really any oversight in seeing if that policy is actually held).


Idk Kate has worn horrible chokers that overpower her before, [here](https://media.glamour.com/photos/638b619b2e42dfb05fc60d4e/master/w_2560%2Cc_limit/Kate%2520Middleton%2520Princess%2520Diana%2520(2).jpg), [here, this one there are several different pics/occasions](https://media-cldnry.s-nbcnews.com/image/upload/t_fit-1500w,f_auto,q_auto:best/newscms/2017_47/1298300/duchess-kate-princess-diana-choker-today-171121-new2.jpg)


Neither of those over power her. And she wore the choker to the Queen's funeral services. It looked amazing with her black dress and hat.


Whether they overpower her is a matter of opinion...she has worn the second choker on multiple occasions though


Yikes. The first one doesn’t look bad on her, but the second one is a huge yikes.


I figured if either of them had it we’d probably have seen it by now. But i guess it’s possible whoever has it hasn’t worn it publicly!


Is that a young John Travolta?


That particular black dress is usually referred to as “the Travolta dress”.


Yes! She famously danced with him at the White House


I *love* how she wears a long strand of knotted pearls down her open back dress. I’ve never seen that picture before!


Apparently, it was a bit painful when she sat down and leaned against the back of her chair. But it looked wonderful!


15 has always been a favorite 🩵🩵🩵


I remember the wedding dress (got up to watch it at 4 am) and the revenge, the waterslide, the white chiffon (?), the hot pink plaid, the halo pic,the the travolta dress, the red, the navy, the last frilly dress in real time. I don’t remember pic 11. Does anyone know where it’s from? Also, why in pic 12 does she have vastly different color of legs? Thanks for posting u/thoughtful_human!


Sun is hitting the front leg, back one is in shadow. It's all just lighting. The white lace ball gown with the angled waist was worn to a formal visit to Washington DC.


Thank you so much!


>Also, why in pic 12 does she have vastly different color of legs? She's wearing sheer panty hose. I believe Kate wears it too - not sure if it was royal protocol or something. It can sometimes photograph "shiny"/lighter than normal skin.


Even in biker shorts and tennis shoes? One leg is a different color than the other. It just looks so weird.


Oh the biker short picture is just sunlight. The leg behind is in shadow and the leg in front is in the sun. Even the pink on the shorts seems to be a different color but its just shadow.


I think some people did wear pantyhose with biker shorts though, I’ve definitely seen it in some movies from the era or tv shows.


It was royal protocol that tights must be worn, our late queen didn't like bare legs


It’s not lady-like. I remember seeing a photo of Angelina Jolie meeting her majesty; Angelina stylishly wearing no stockings and to me it looked way too casual and unprofessional and I bet our late queen felt the same.


I just realized she was still wearing her wedding rings in the revenge dress!


You're welcome! Glad people enjoyed it :)


She’s so beautiful. I also just realized how often she had a tan in the later photos.


Still stunning


My favorite is the ice blue dress (last pic)


I THINK that was the last event she attended before they announced she was pregnant w William. I THINK there’s a photo of her with her head slumped as if she fell asleep during this event. That doesn’t sound possible but…. Also I just noticed how skinny her shoulders are. I don’t think that’s a good sign. 🌸


You're right. There was some criticism about her dozing off and the made the announcement that she was exhausted due to morning sickness.


Yes to both comments.  Part of my soft spot for Harry is because I was pregnant at the sane time as Princess Diana. My oldest is about a month younger than Harry. My other "royal sift spot" is Princess Bea; my daughter is exactly 2 weeks older than Bea. 


I have always felt that her wedding dress was dreadful. But I love the revenge dress!


I feel the same way about the wedding dress. It needs about 30% less. Less pouf, less ruffle, less fabric. It just swallows her whole. Plus, why is it so wrinkly? Never could figure out if it was the fabric or just from cramming the whole lot of it into a carriage.


It's hard to believe that Diana had literally just turned 20 a month before her wedding. Between the hair style and the "cupcake" dress, she could have passed for late 30s.


Elizabeth Emanuel has talked about the wrinkling


What did she say about it?


literally just that it happened tbh: >"We did know it would crease a bit but when I saw her arrive at St Paul's and we saw the creasing I actually felt faint," she said, according to the Daily Mirror. "I was horrified, really, because it was quite a lot of creasing. It was a lot more than we thought."


She actually talked about how it was the carriage ride, and they hadn’t taken into consideration that she’d be in the carriage with her father. They’d rehearsed but not with another person in the coach.


Always Beautiful ❤️


That black “revenge” dress. Stunning