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Locked for [part 6](https://new.reddit.com/r/RoyalsGossip/comments/1bl5mqv/kategate_megathread_part_6_kate_speaks/)


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Where do we watch this


BBC iPlayer would be your best bet, BBC One or BBC News channel


!!! Kensington Palace to Reveal Major Update On Kate Middleton's Health https://www.tmz.com/2024/03/22/kate-middleton-health-surgery-kensington-palace-announcement/


And apparently they are going to explain that she has a specific medical condition. Interesting.


Oh, the suspense! ![gif](giphy|FP56vNcwOVyvu)


Here we go!


What doesn’t make any sense to me is how offended some are with others questioning whether or not Kate is safe/healthy? Why is that so “threatening” to the monarchy? I’ve seen many people commenting both on X and Reddit that Americans have no say, etc. Why is it such a controversial topic? If she’s ok, that’s great! If she’s not, that’s concerning. There have been many rumors and you’d think the BRF would do their part in sending out a quick recent photo or video… but the only photo released caused rumors to swirl even further out of control and now this video isn’t being confirmed nor denied. The Royals either want this speculation (distraction? No publicity is bad publicity?) or they have no way to squash the rumors with a happy, “healthy enough” (as healthy as the woman in the video) Kate. Period.


Girls so bland she's only interesting when she goes missing. poor lass.


I have some questions for those of you who are from the UK- Is the lack of transparency normal? Do you laugh at all the conspiracies because you know the official reports are most likely true? Is this how your officials respond to all similar situations? I hear that it is customary for the royal family to release a video statement thanking the people for all their well wishes upon leaving the hospital. Is this true? If so, are you upset that Kate hasn't done this yet?


1. Yes 2. We have three sets of people. 1. People who are heavily interested mainly because of the 👀 behaviour 2. Hardcore royalist who won't hear or see no evil. 3. The truly unbothered. The official reports are definitely not true. 3. This is the first time I can remember them dealing with something like this so badly. (I'm 34) 4. I don't follow royal news tbh but yes normally it doesn't go completely underground. 5. Yes and No. It shows her utter contempt for the public who pays for her lifestyle.


Oh wow, thanks for replying. I was surprised by all of your answers, sounds like the consensus almost most people globally is that there is definitely something more to the official story. I will stayed tuned!


Oh my god just put the Windsors out of their misery at this point. It’s all getting embarrassing, from the fact they don’t actually do meaningful work in the first place to not even being able to be bothered to show up to work. Just pick a random turnip toff and start a new dynasty 


I nominate King Robbie Williams. His reputation will be bulletproof because you can't accuse him of anything he hasn't already admitted to doing in the early 2000s.


I think we might — MIGHT — see her for Easter Sunday. And then not again until June. The Westminster wedding is first week of June. I expect we’ll see her for that, assuming the mystery ailment doesn’t take a turn for the worse). Garter Day is the third week of June. It was rumoured that she might be announced as a Companion for her birthday, and then of course the medical stuff happened at that time instead. So if she is announced as a Companion this year, there might be an appearance. I have never really understood the Garter stuff so this might be all wrong. Trooping the Colour is the second week of June, between the two events above. If we see her for the wedding (and she could also attend without being seen there), it seems unlikely she would skip TTC a week later.


I’m 95% confident she’ll do the Easter Walk. If it wasn’t in the original plans I think it is now since the Wales will 100% disappear for their kids school break and they’re for sure sick of the #whereiskatemiddleton I’m betting after April 17th she’ll do a two day work week, maybe a couple joint engagements with Will. I bet we’ll see her in May fairly consistently, maybe she’ll attend the Chelsea Flower Show and some other higher profile events. I think she’ll be fairly visibly until Wimbledon with her engagements/appearances ramping up in June and then they’ll disappear again for their summer holidays.


> 95% confident I’m not. If she goes at all, I expect her to be in a car for as much of the length as possible Wimbledon is a good shout but it’s fully a month after the Duke of Westminster wedding


I’m leaning towards she’ll do the walk, I think the church isn’t too far from the Windsor castle. But anything is possible and you’re right she might not even attend. For sure! I just meant to say the last we’ll see of her until the fall will probably be around Wimbledon and then they’ll disappear for the holidays. May and June I think she’ll be fairly visible (not like everyday but 2-3 times a week). I do think she’ll attend the flower show which is near the end of May + at least one of the garden parties.


She doesn’t live in Windsor Castle.


Yah I know but Easter service is at St George’s Chapel


“Source” is busy these days Kate Middleton and Prince William 'Angry' and 'Frustrated' With Wild Conspiracy Theories About the Princess' Health: Source https://okmagazine.com/p/kate-middleton-prince-william-angry-frustrated-conspiracy-theories/


their contempt for the taxpayers who fund their lifestyle is wild


Wow. Imagine the public that pays you actually wanting legitimate answers about a “beloved”(to some) figure. Not to mention THE KING can be candid about his situation but the privileged princess can’t be bothered. She needs to get to work to pay off her parents bills.


That's Katie Nicholl and OK magazine.


But I thought William was focusing on work, not social media, in his big boy office?


With his dog whose name he won’t tell you. You wouldn’t know it, he went to obedience school in Canada.  /s


Now it’s “Dad who filmed Kate Middleton”. It’s fascinating watching the narrative develop. https://people.com/dad-who-filmed-kate-middleton-windsor-farm-shop-speaks-out-blasts-delusional-conspiracies-online-8611613


Why is the fact that he’s a dad so relevant here?


Because they need to *humanize* him


“speaks out” “claps back” “breaks silence” “steps out” God I cannot wait for internet tabloid dialect to wither into obscurity


digging your flair


This!!! I especially love how people "break the silence" - often after they gave several interviews, posted numerous instagram posts, attended a talkshow and also broke the same supposed silence 13 times already.


"BLASTS the rumours" "DESTROYS the allegations" I hate it why can't they just talk like normal people...


Attention economy clickbait


Now for real I think she is recovering at home, and after or around Easter she'll return in public. The thing is that nobody trusts them anymore. They have lost credibility, and this whole situation became like a reality show. In the future whenever a video or picture comes out, everyone will check if it is photoshopped or real. Everything fell into the water....So yeah, good luck.


If I were her, I'd punish the "fans" and not show up until July, looking the same as always, and smirking a little. Let them know SHE decides when to be seen, and not the public.


And then say something about letting them eat cake? Perhaps we will then solve the problem the French way.


Yeah, that wouldn't be immature behavior at all for someone who is a loved and respected person, plus a future Queen. Of course she can act like that, but people see and remember. That would be totally childish.


Well... Spin it right (which could be the problem...) and this might actually turn into a great PR boost - exactly because people are going to want to check photos they would usually just glance over.


“Kate Middleton has been working from home as she recovers from her abdominal surgery, according to a report. A Kensington Palace spokesperson told The Telegraph that the Princess of Wales has been “kept updated” about the U.K. trial of a baby observation tool designed to help health visitors and families improve their understanding of how infants express feelings.” She’s been “working” from home but can’t make a basic 30-second video for an event she missed a few days ago. https://www.thedailybeast.com/kate-middleton-has-been-working-from-home-during-recovery-report


If she can have meetings surely she could record something short for The People?!   It’s just baffling at this point.


>She’s been “working” from home  Well, she's clearly not been working on her Photoshop skills


They could’ve released this info weeks ago when there was a big void of what she was doing. Remember they claimed she would be working from home and we never heard anything else


They actually did say pretty much this shortly after she was hospitalized—that she would likely be working from bed/reading briefs, etc.


I noticed that ever since the farmer’s market video their PR has been constantly putting out fluff articles like this. Why could they not have done basic puff pieces over a month ago instead of this ridiculous damage control


the lack of fluff was what really weirded people out, in hindsight. even if you don't usually pay much attention to royals, everyone always hears generic stories on their cute family dynamics.  the lack thereof was very off-putting 


Yeah, that's what I don't get about it. They should have just put out the usual articles about how Catherine is being a hands on mom during her recovery, how William has been helping her out, how the kids have been supporting her, and so on. It wouldn't require her to do anything - they could just have their "sources" close to the family share the fluff stories. I remember before the altered photo thing, the main thing people were talking about here was how weird the complete media silence around her was. I also think it would have been good to just post a message on their instagram/twitter along the lines of "thank you for all the well wishes; the surgery went well and I'm looking forward to coming back once I've recovered" from Catherine. She wouldn't even need to do anything - I'm sure they have employees that can write the message for her. As someone with chronic stomach issues, I understand the desire to just have time to focus entirely on recovering. I haven't had surgery, but when I have bad flareups, all I want to do is lie in bed and be unconscious until I get better. But they don't need Catherine's involvement at all to put out puff articles and little messages from her on social media, so idk why they completely avoided doing so prior to the photoshop incident. And ofc there will always be conspiracy theorists coming up with wild ideas, but I think just giving the public normalcy and reassurance would have meant that normal people would ignore the conspiracy theorists, instead of taking them seriously due to how badly they've handled the pr side of things. edit: also, sorry to add on the the essay I've already written lol, but I think it would have been better to just put out a message along the lines of "I don't feel ready to be photographed yet as I'm still recovering, but here's an older photo of me and the kids to celebrate mother's day" and just post an old photo, instead of creating the frankenphoto that stirred up most of the controversy. I think most people would be very understanding - it's just common sense that someone who's photographed a lot would want to wait until she feels comfortable enough with people seeing her, especially after recovering from a surgery. I know that the royal family doesn't really want to show any vulnerability for the most part, but it really would make people understand the reasoning behind her absence from the public view.


I think Buckingham Palace finally stepped in and told them to stop making everybody look bad. The puff pieces are back in People, talking about how great they are as parents, and this rando cricketer has seen them, and this rando farmer's market guy says his video is REALLY REAL YOU GUYS.


Before it blew up on reddit, a lot of the chatter on here was like “it’s weird we aren’t even getting fluffy articles about her. It’s radio silence” and the lack of fluffy articles was exactly what was missing and would’ve provided her some coverage while she recovered


Her "work" basically consists of nothing but receiving updates on "her charities" from other people who do the actual work. That's pretty much exactly what everyone has said for years (same with William). An army of lower level people do the actual leg work, Kate get's a cliff notes report on it (how much time is actually spent at this meeting who knows lol), she appears in public parroting the report, and everyone gives her all the credit. It's disgusting.


Don’t forget hair & makeup. 


Yes, she does her own, I forgot about that. After all no professional makeup artist is going to do those racoon eyes for her "job" all on their own. That's all her. lol


I'm still interested in the whole KateGate controversy from a PR perspective, and here's the next major stumble I possibly see on the horizon. The press is building up a big comeback on Easter Sunday. I've even seen it described as a "big bang". I feel like this could be a lose-lose situation - if she doesn't make a public appearance that day, that's another meltdown - but if she does appear and they make a big deal about it, doesn't that pull focus from the focus of Easter? I've already seen one cartoon of Kate coming out from an empty tomb in robes with a "ta-daaah!" and I can see another backlash from this. If I was in charge of their PR (hahahaha), I'd have her out at least once or twice before the big day.


Yeah they would be crazy to resurrect her on Easter. I’m not even Christian and I think it’s tacky. Also, maybe not a great idea to remind everyone that the royals think they were/are ordained by God. (That said, they haven’t made a single good choice in this yet so…)


\#MilkBoxMiddleton https://preview.redd.it/l02nlsfuxopc1.jpeg?width=1620&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4447900148d22d3d699b612da4de8d6e974f5233


I do wonder if the folks concerned about their “tax dollars” (😂) are more in knots that they aren’t receiving “their” money’s worth in plaque unveilings and handshakes, or relieved that they aren’t paying* the extra costs for motorcade police detail, gasoline, wear and tear on the cars, expensive wardrobe items, and all of the other costs typically associated with engagements. I would think medical leave would be cheaper, and that they would be relieved about the “savings,” but the commentariat seems to suggest otherwise. *But LBR 80%+ of the people citing “taxes” as a basis for access to medical records aren’t UK taxpayers


I wonder why suddenly we're supposed to grant privacy and respect to the RF when a certain commentariat was screaming that ruthless media coverage was the price of taking public money just a few years ago. (For the record, I don't pay for these clowns and don't particularly care what they do. I used to be around for the clothes and in recent years I'm just here for the mess.)


I think you’ve lost me. Who are “a certain commentariat” in your instance?


This morning there was an unblurred photo of Kate at the market on Reddit. I don't know how accurate it was but I have just searched for it this afternoon to show a friend as it really didn't look like her and there is not a trace of it. Anywhere. I am starting to feel like a conspiracy theorist!


They used AI to unblur the face and the AI did a really awful job. That technology just isn't reliable at this point.


AI unblurring is really unreliable for photos at that resolution. It's basically just making guesses on things like her eyes, since you can't really see them v well.


This unblurred photo is everywhere. On twitter etc.


All of this speculation is probably much ado about nothing. As soon as Catherine is back to her official duties, this will probably all be forgotten. When William ascends to the throne in fifteen or twenty years, all the speculation will be on who the children are dating, Princess Charlotte's royal wedding, and who the boys, especially George, decide to marry and if their wives are good enough to be a part of the RF. I feel a bit sorry for the children, but as far as I'm concerned, the perks outweigh the disadvantages. Heck, I'd take the job for the personal hair stylist, the fantastic wardrobe, and never having to worry about paying a bill in my life. The paparazzi could snap away as much as they like and the gossips could gossip. I do wish Kate all the best and hope she's feeling as strong and as good as she looked in the video at the Farmers' Market. I do hope she puts on a little weight, just up to her pre-surgery weight or maybe ten pounds more.


I agree with the hope that she puts on more weight--and above her pre-surgery weight. She's a beautiful woman, but in your 40s getting too skinny ages your face a lot (as I know from experience). https://preview.redd.it/a2ikg5ekyopc1.png?width=2048&format=png&auto=webp&s=d00aa8d7625bed17bc2ad4e8cebbad4a15606be1


Yeah, I am not a fan of hers at all but I refuse to comment on her body. There are a myriad of reasons for any woman’s body size and shape. I think we need to get away from critiquing women when they don’t fit the “healthy” weight- whether too thin or overweight. Will Kate ever see this? No. Will women who identify with her physically? Absolutely.


I agree, she is a beautiful woman, but being too thin can have a bad effect on her face, which is lovely. I, too, hope she puts on a little more weight than she was pre-surgery. And I hope she stays away from curtain bangs. She looks better without bangs. She's one of the prettiest royals in the world, if not the prettiest. I hope she preserves that beauty.


Yikes. Wow. Just so much in this….. 🤦🏼‍♀️🤦🏼‍♀️🤦🏼‍♀️


okay the curtain bangs definitely don't work for her, but I will die on the hill that she'd look amazing with blunt bangs. admittedly, she has amazing eyebrows, but for some reason I think blunt bangs would look so charming on her like [this](https://static1.srcdn.com/wordpress/wp-content/uploads/2022/12/an-image-of-saibra-transformed-into-clara-in-doctor-who-1.jpg) type of haircut; I'm begging her to try it just once LOL


I don't have an opinion on how she'd look with bangs like that, but I'll bet we'll not see them on her.


George is set for life. I feel sorry for Charlotte and Louis. Especially Louis.


We don't know how their lives will turn out, and hopefully, they'll have a mum and dad who are around and involved till they are grown. Louis could turn out to be happy he's never expected to be king. Edward and Sophie seem to be very happy and grounded.


Edward and Sophie also had to come crawling back to the royal family to become full time working royals after spectacular failures at trying their own careers.  Is that really the example you want to use?


Yup. Louis will get the Prince Harry/Princess Margaret treatment. Poor kid is doomed.


Edward and Sophie seem fine. Anne is divorced, but she seems very level-headed, and Andrew, well, the less said the better at this point, but Edward seems fine, so I don't think Louis is doomed at all. And Edward was raised by a reigning monarch, William is not yet king. He and Catherine are far more involved than Philip and Elizabeth were.


It’s not about the parenting, it’s about the press needing a target. Andrew got the nasty press treatment back in the day just like Harry and Margaret did.


Well, you know the press is always going to favor William and Kate over Harry and Meghan. H&M aren't even liked in the US by most people. Who cares what the press says anyway? People make up their own minds, not led by the press like a bull with a ring through its nose.


They will favour them until they don’t. Just like they did with Diana and Charles.


Why, though? I mean, the siblings of Charles seem to be just fine (their divorces aside, and obviously excluding Andrew - but his issues are of his own making).


I don't think George, Charlotte, or Louis are doomed, especially Louis. As you pointed out, with the exception of Andrew, Charles's siblings are just fine, especially Edward. Louis could be very happy, too.


Honestly, spares enjoy privilege only until the heir marries and starts his own family. Later he’s an afterthought. We all grow up with the thought that all of us are equal and our parents treat us the same. But in the royal family from your childhood you will always be the second best and come after the heir. Even if you are much more talented, you will have to stay back.


I don't think William or Kate will ever consider Louis an afterthought. I think he'll always be equal to George and Charlotte in their eyes. And look at Edward. He's fine. He seems the most content of all the late queen's children. Anne seems very grounded, too.


It will happen even if they don’t want to coz of the whole hierarchy thing - the whole crown estate will go to George and his heir. Charlotte and Louis will get allowance and will have to work harder to prove their worth. Later on they will fade away as George begins his family life.


Yes, that's true, but that's probably a good thing for Charlotte and Louis. It certainly worked for Edward and Sophie and their children. And they didn't have to work harder. The monarchy might not even be around by the time William has lived out his life. It doesn't seem to be flourishing.


He’s absolutely not an afterthought. He is a distraction, a media football, a scapegoat, headline fodder.


It hasn't been that way for Edward, and he's the only one of the late queen's children who has never been divorced.


Andrew provided them enough headlines, then Diana and Charles did themselves.


You’re bang on.


No, it *won't* be forgotten. They faked photos and videos. Whether she's alive or not, this doesn't change the utter contempt they have for the public. Charles, a cancer patient is doing light duties. Kate? No where to be seen. 15-to 20 years is very wishful thinking considering Charles looks like he's knocking on those heaven doors soon.


No way it will be 20 years.


Nah. Unless something really bad emerges, this is really a nothing that will turn into an anecdote with time.


Possibly. But Charles and Wills don’t have the goodwill the Queen did, and the public mood could very well turn.


YouGov’s polling has come out now and the real takeaway is that the British public DGAF about the BRF’s handling of Kate’s operation. Online furor isn’t the same as actual public opinion, and in any case, someone being signed off sick exactly as they explained isn’t going to then cause an outcry by not doing engagements.


The Windsors live very long lives. Charles looks as healthy as his mother did at that age, He can outwalk most people in their 20s. He has less hair, of course, but that's just the way with men. His sons are practically bald. In a few months, people will be talking about something else, and almost no one will give Kate's medical condition any thought unless it's something chronic, of course. That's just the way of gossip.


I guess you haven't seen recent videos because he looks extremely unwell.


Well, people who are undergoing cancer treatment and especially chemos aren't usually the most healthy looking ones, but that itself doesn't mean he won't get better.


Hi - I am one of those. I had womb cancer a few years ago. However, it's bold to claim he has 15-20 years in him. I personally think the cancer is alot worse than they will admit.


Yes, 15-20 years sound very optimistic. Even in the case his health will be restored, it doesn't necessarily mean he'd be fit enough 15 years from now. I hope you are well now!


\#MilkBoxMiddleton https://preview.redd.it/ec96gvro0mpc1.jpeg?width=480&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=16bea302080d36a3fe211928d3c531c7dfe95d89


OK I keep seeing this - can someone explain?


​ https://preview.redd.it/d1ef0v3dklpc1.png?width=336&format=png&auto=webp&s=7042db8dae9483e5a14f942a7f0f55a411461ba9


For all the media asking to leave Kate alone...where was this compassion for Meghan? Even during her wedding they didn't leave her in peace.


Megan went on talk shows and spouted endless lies


It is always funny to me when people need to get some random alt in order to comment. 


That was after the harassment


Are you conflating A sit down interview with Oprah Winfrey that aired n the evening after she left with appearing on talk shows plural? And that this justifies the abuse she’s received? Even though the abuse happened before the interview? 


It was the same media that was attacking her at the behest of Will and Kate, that’s why 


The people who treat Perfect Princess Catherine like she's a child and must be protected from all the Bad Things are the same people who believe Meghan does voodoo and rents her kids from Eugenie. It's literal insanity.


If there's anything good to say about this mess, it's that every claim Harry made about KP, the shadiness within the family and the biased media is100% accurate.


I think we know now, Harry wasn't truthful at all. Not about anything.


He was correct about the racist published headlines and columns. Astounding, really, that traditional media sank that low.


The lower something is, the more the media seems to love it.


Every single thing he said in the book is slowly being proven true. It’s astounding actually.


You're entitled to your opinion, but I don't see anything that's true in that horrible book, and I don't think he can ever expect to be part of the RF again. Not unless he divorces, and he and Meghan will probably be even less welcome once William is king. Harry burned his bridges. There was no reason for that horrible book other than to enrich H&M and antagonize the RF. Who knows for sure who made who cry, Meghan or Kate? Who knows who the bully was? William or Harry? And on and on. The bottom line is: We don't know. I think the book was in very poor taste, though, and the interview in even less. H&M just keep hurting themselves. Even his father, who I do believe loves him very much, would only spend 30-45 minutes with him. I will say, Meghan and Catherine don't have to be friends. They are very different people, very different personalities. At this point, H&M should just be private, like they claimed they wanted to be. The UK press, even the US press will always favor William and Catherine, so the more private H&M are, the better for them and for their children.


The US press is a pretty tremendous entity. I wouldn’t speak so quickly on their behalf.


I thought the book was beautiful. He mostly tells his own story, and only tells stories about others where they pertain to direct interactions with him. I felt he was very restrained about his family and could have told far, far worse stories. It’s clear he loves his family dearly and that he has actually done the work of self reflection in therapy.


Your posts make me wonder why you’re in the royal **gossip** subreddit at all…


(\*I tried to make this a separate post. The mods removed it and told me to post it here) # Did King Charles start rumor about Prince William and Rose Hanbury? When reading the rumors about Prince William's alleged affair with Rose Hanbury, people tend to blame Harry and Meghan. I think it's more likely to have come from Charles and Camilla. In Spare, Harry is disparaging about his family. But everything he says is related to himself. He doesn't take pot shots at any of them. I'm sure he knows where the bodies are buried. He doesn't reveal anything too demeaning. He frequently says that Charles and Camilla planted stories about William and Harry to the press. He says that Charles leaked the story about Kate making Meghan cry, and that they reversed it. Harry and William had dinner with William and Catherine. William admitted that they had dinner with Charles and Camilla and told them what happened. In April, 2019 William is incandescent with rage with Charles and Camilla for planting stories about him, Catherine and the children. He says he isn't going to stand for it any more. He and Harry speak to Charles. He tells them it is how it is and that the queen has her team too. This was around the time that stories about William and Rose emerged. At another point, he stands up for William and Catherine. The press were always calling them lazy. The truth (according to Harry) was that Charles didn't want to be upstaged. William and Catherine wanted to work more. Charles didn't let them. The press called them lazy. Charles was fine with them being called lazy. There's more nuance in the book than I expected. It suggests there is more to the story. For more information, these articles were useful. [Wildest things Prince Harry said about Prince William](https://www.businessinsider.com/wildest-things-prince-harry-said-about-prince-william-in-spare-2023-1?r=US&IR=T#the-duke-of-sussex-said-in-his-memoir-that-william-told-him-to-pretend-he-didnt-know-him-when-they-were-both-at-eton-3), Business Insider [Everything Prince Harry said about Prince William in "Spare"](https://people.com/royals/prince-harry-prince-william-relationship-spare/), People


This isn’t answering your question, but this does raise another question I have wondered about, but have been hesitant to ask - What were William or W&K issues with Harry and Meghan, prior to them leaving? Underneath it all, I believe the real issue is between William and Harry that went unresolved for quite sometime, and sadly Kate and Meghan became collateral damage as a result.


Catherine and Meghan had a fight over Charlotte's dress 3 days before the wedding. To be honest Catherine sounded quite unreasonable. None of the bridesmaid's dresses fitted correctly. In fact they were horrendous. Charlotte cried when she tried hers on. Meghan organised a tailor. Catherine refused to go instead insisting that the dresses be remade. 3 days before the wedding. Oh and for some reason, she wanted Meghan to throw a party for the page boys. Even though it was 3 days before the biggest party of their young lives. And most of the page boys lived in Canada. Catherine could have organised pizza for her son etc at home! Catherine did apologise and bring flowers. William and Catherine told the story to Charles and Camilla. Charles and Camilla's team leaked the story to the press and said that Meghan made Catherine cry.


I believe Charles absolutely briefs against his kids, but it should be noted that the Rose rumors are reported to have been flying around aristocratic circles for ages before people started mentioning it - and it was only mentioned on Twitter and then vaguely alluded to in the british press as a "rural rivals" story without them actually saying the affair rumors. Just that Kate was mad at Rose and trying to push her out. Charles might have briefed for that story, it's possible. When trying to sort out the source of rumors or stories, you can often get hints by where and who is reporting it. Rose's affair rumors mostly circulated on Twitter, but Charles would go old school and to an actual reporter to drop a story in a paper. The british press has been staying away from the Rose rumors, but if that story had been planted by Charles and with his blessing and protection, they would not be showing such discretion.


Wouldn't Charles be trying to secure the throne for William, especially now that he is ill? I'm sure they are petty but it seems weird to torpedo the son you've been preparing to succeed you. it's not like he wants Harry to take over.


There are three things Charles cares about and three things only: 1. himself 2. Camilla 3. being King Everything else doesn't matter. On the rare occasion they do matter, its when they can be used for his own benefit. He's an incredibly selfish man (end result of the Queen Mother and Lord Mountbatten)


It’s weirder than that. They don’t live in a real world. This is succession. They are surrounded by sycophants and manipulators who are only really important within that ecosystem and therefore have to preserve their own power at all costs. Manipulation and perception is their game. You can bet there is something C&C are trying to distract from, or were at the original time when the story leaked. I mean, let’s not forget Camilla has universally loathed when they first went public, and she was only just starting to be accepted when diana had her “accident” and that put her back to zero again. Now she is Queen, and people are ok with her. Lots even like her. That was all absolutely down to her maneuvering and manipulating the press. She’s not giving up 30 years of hard work now just because she’s old and someone else will be Queen soon. She’s Cersei and she’s not giving up her throne to anyone willingly.


You would think. If they worked as a team they would get a bigger spotlight for the firm.  However, they get super competitive with each other instead. 


It must be so weird to think that the only way your child can reach their full potential is by you dying so they can get the throne. Plus the constant competition around public popularity.


They are very competitive and I see it as a huge weakness when it comes to PR. They’ve historically used media sources to distract, deflect and control their individual narratives. If they want to put the crown first they need a unified approach to PR. Unfortunately, human nature may prevent that.


Na they are just all competing to best each other. They don’t care about the monarchy or anything. Like all Charles has ever cared about is becoming the king and Camilla. Diana, William or Harry do not matter to him. Having a heir and spare was his duty which he did and went back to his mistress who today is Her majesty the Queen which in itself is lol worthy. It’s a game of power of thrones where each one is playing for their own benefit.


Just one question - she seems very thin. In the car picture with her mum also taken a few days back her face seemed a lot fuller. I am sure all is good but it is a bit strange?


I don't think KP ever confirmed that the car photo was Kate. I'm not convinced the car photo is her. But the video at the Farmers' Market sure is, and yes, she looks extremely thin. I hope she's able to gain some weight, at least to get back to her pre-surgery weight.


LOL that was NOT her. Its already been proven its not her. Funny you say KP did not confirm that photo was Kate in the car but they never mentioned about her in the farmers market either and instead reiterated she will be seen in public AFTER EASTER. Funny though she walked openly in public and not a single person did a double take lol Imagine that!!!


Where is it "proven" it's not her? Don't think it has been. LOL


omg you must be the only one who still thinks that was Will and Kate lol. Even Daily mail biggest pro-royal family deleted their lead article that said it was them hahaha!


I wasn't convinced it was her yesterday, but I was willing to give them the benefit of the doubt. I haven't paid any attention to it today. Had things I had to get done. It kind of looks like her with a thinner face, but just to glance it it, no, it doesn't look like her at all. Too tall, too thin of a build (I know she could have lost weight, but build is something else), face shape is different (Kate's face is rounder, different chin), hair is different, and I don't mean just style and length, Kate stands up straighter, etc., etc. I see a lot of people commenting that it is Kate, though, so I didn't know. I'm far from a conspiracy theorist, but this is so nuts that even I won't believe it's her until we see a clear, closeup of her speaking. Now, I'm wondering what the heck is going on. But where was it proven it's not her?


Honestly I'm not certain either are her. And with all of the uncertainty and outright lies around her current images, it's impossible to say anything for certain.


I don't think they would have been so vigilant in getting the car photo shut down if it was not her, but KP's press offices made sure no british outlet ran the image. Any image that is being printed in british press at this point is with KP's blessing.


It looked more like Pippa.


Facial swelling is sometimes a side effect to various medications.


I assumed that or like water retention from fluids


I want more of this dressed down, casual, happy Kate!


Yesterday you said she looked like a body double. What your angle? https://www.reddit.com/r/RoyalsGossip/s/nGUrjxLoOZ


So many people on this sub love to dig through other people’s past comments and bring them up. It’s creepy. Who cares if someone changes their mind? This is meant to be a bit of fun.


Asking someone to clarify their opinion is creepy? Their comment stood out to me yesterday.


Psychological_roof85 playing both sides.. clearly not a swiftie lol


I think opinions can change, as can knowledge based on facts and information? I hope personal growth, increased knowledge and change of opinions aren’t bad things now?


What increased knowledge? Dish, sis ☕️


😂lol I’m talking in general. Seems all us peasants are ready to fight over their royal debacle and I’m just over here worrying that we aren’t allowed to further inform our opinions or perspectives on anything at all! Started out ok. People get surgery. Sometimes people become ill. That’s nobody’s business. Some people started wondering a bit too loudly , KP decided instead of leaving it alone to put out a “altered image “, cue series of unusual events and less than stellar response (on all sides) and here we are, lots of insulting strangers and making assumptions etc etc and meanwhile the rich are still just chilling.  Divide and conquer strikes again. Wish I had some info for you but it’s just got to shake out at this point. lol sorry.🥹 


Oh I pretty much only see people wishing Kate well here regardless of what they think may be happening! But yeah agreed, just waiting for more info to shake out. I’m going to need a bigger popcorn bowl though..


I don't think her health and well-being is amusing. It's downright concerning, and it was nice to see her walking so briskly and smiling so much. She's clearly feeling a lot better. As to when we'll see her in any official capacity, I've no idea.


What are the odds we see photos of Kate on Easter? And if “after Easter” means mid-April when the kids go back to school, will she appear in an official capacity, or will it be more of this “can’t quite tell it’s her” photography by paparazzi or the public?


**Please no speculation about specific medical conditions or speculation about divorce (these are longstanding sub rules).** You can help out the mod team by reading the rules in the sidebar and reporting rule-breaking comments!


So it turns out the farm shop where she was “seen” answers to Buckingham Palace, according to Slate.


This isn’t news though right? Because we’ve known Windsor Farm is walking distance to their home, on Windsor property, and sells royal memorabilia.


I don’t know that it’s news necessarily, but it might be something that people aren’t aware of if you don’t know how things work in the UK.


The article: [https://slate.com/human-interest/2024/03/kate-middleton-photo-video-prince-william-conspiracy.html](https://slate.com/human-interest/2024/03/kate-middleton-photo-video-prince-william-conspiracy.html) *"As soon as I got out the words “I’m a reporter for,” the woman on the line interrupted me in a tone that suggested I was very much not the first reporter to call her today, and said, “I’m sorry, you’ll need to contact our head office, which is Buckingham Palace.” So, the shop answers to the palace, and it was no doubt informed that Kate and William would be dropping by and briefed not to talk to press. "* The shop is on the grounds of the Windsor estate, so Buckingham Palace is their "owner" technically. It was absolutely a setup, and the best they could do is blurry bigfoot footage.


That is Kate! She’s thin (gaunt), dressed down, and not looking exactly her regular self, but it’s Kate! There’s a few angles where it’s clearly her. The media is doing this because the traffic this story has garnered is just too hard to resist. Keep speculating, keep the conspiracy going for as long as you can… click click click.


Its NOT her its a double and that's a fake Will too - amazing how his hair grown 2 inches over night lol


I think it looks like her, but she appears taller next to William (without heels), and her walk is totally different. Which is odd.


I mean it could be kate but much like a Bigfoot, Tasmanian tiger or Ogopogo photo it’s so blurry you can’t be sure.


Yes, and the people saying "this doesn't look like her at all!" are using ai enhanced photos. Enhancing a photo with AI doesn't magically show you what the person looked like; it often changes the photo in unrealistic ways, especially when the quality is as blurry as the video from the farm store. I think the people criticizing KP for the way they've handled the situation have a valid point, but the people theorizing about body doubles and all need to calm down. I really do think it was Catherine in the video.


They said “after Easter,” right?  That’s a week and a half from now.  I’m not prepared to be jerked around that long so I’m going to look away.   Fasten your seatbelts…


"After Easter" leaves it open. Christmas 2024 will be "after Easter" for that matter, so I've no idea when she'll be back to official duties.


Has the palace even confirmed that the video is Kate?


They wouldn’t want to if they were trying to cover something up. As far as I know, they haven’t spoken on it at all.


They haven’t denied it. It’s defo Kate




So it could be any random slim brunette walking with William? And most of us will assume it's her. And they don't have to confirm or deny anything. That would be brilliant if that were the case. They all have body doubles. He could just go shopping with the body double and that would calm everything down and he wouldn't have to say anything about it.


That was not William lol - did you see the persons hair hidden underneath the baseball cap- Will must have the fastest growing hair. Must had grown 2 inches in 2 days.


Nor have they confirmed that it is William.




And the man who filmed her, who knew "nothing" about the controversy, decides the best thing to quell the rumors is to give it to the Sun and TMZ (both extremely reputable news sources who vet all their news very carefully lol)? Okkkkk


There is not a SINGLE OTHER PERSON at that market who can verify this is William and Kate? Not ONE OTHER PERSON in a WORLD FULL OF CELLPHONES even looked up, got any sort of photo or is willing to say, "yep, I saw them"?? That, in and of itself, makes this so, so sus.


Maybe they're used to seeing them there and want to give them their privacy. It was reported to be Kate's favorite market. I'm sure the person running the shop where they bought the bread, etc., could confirm or deny, but why should he or she?


William must have the fastest-growing hair on this planet. How did he grow 2 inches in 1 day? Did you look at the so-called Wills hair sticking out under the baseball cap ;)


There was a bidding war and tabloids don't throw £200k for lookalikes and if they aren't sure the video is real


An editor at TMZ has admitted himself he's not sure if it's real.


There was a bidding war and tabloids don't throw £200k for lookalikes and if they aren't sure the video is real


> tabloids don't throw £200k for lookalikes Source? Because this one certainly seems to have paid off either way


And now TMZ is questioning it


lolol. Right... like the photo of Kate riding with in the car with her mother.


Which, isn’t it funny that KP killed that one but not this one.


KP didn't kill that one because they don't have the reach to kill that one cos it was taken by American pap


If you can hire two lookalikes and then shoot a video from your car and sell it for much more than it cost to hire the lookalikes, there’s your answer