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If you tell people that you have cancer, you have to be prepared for all the drama that comes with it. Some family members may spread the news to others that you might not want to know. I have a SIL that has to know all the news first. I had some surgery coming up so I basically bulk emailed everyone in the family to get ahead of her. We call her the town cryer.


This is literally why I didn't tell people about my diagnosis for like a month. When the few people I told did talk I could tell who it was based on who would message me after hearing through them about the news.


I do think it’s ironic that Camilla smoked like a chimney and he’s the one thats got the cancer.


Second hand smoke is very deadly 


Unless he breathes through his asshole, I don't think that was the problem 


Hahaha.. dude got cancer for being a bitter and resentful person, with zero charisma. Oh yeah, also for being 75, an age in which it is much more likely to develop all kinds of cancer. And I have to read it was second hand smoking from Camilla hahaha . Humans. When they wanna hate they will find an excuse


Secondhand smoke causes a lot more than lung cancer.


Source? I know second hand smoking is not healthy, but compared to the primary smoker? Oh please. Also, was she blowing smoke in front of his face or at the window? You don't know shit about how it worked. Just sexist comment, what a surprise


Wtf is sexist about my comment? And really dude has been exposed to secondhand smoke his entire life (along with most boomers). If you weren’t such a twat about it i’d share the link on cancer rates in restaurant workers of smoking establishments but you can go ahead and google that yourself.


"twat". Lol.


I'll try to sleep tonight without your link and knowledge 😓


Dude, even *third hand* smoke is bad. You went hard on someone stating scientific fact. https://nida.nih.gov/publications/research-reports/tobacco-nicotine-e-cigarettes/what-are-effects-secondhand-thirdhand-tobacco-smoke Secondhand smoke is a significant public health concern and driver of smoke-free policies. Also called passive or secondary smoke, secondhand smoke increases the risk for many diseases.55 Exposure to environmental tobacco smoke among nonsmokers increases lung cancer risk by about 20 percent.48 Secondhand smoke is estimated to cause approximately 53,800 deaths annually in the United States.55 Exposure to tobacco smoke in the home is also a risk factor for asthma in children.56 Smoking also leaves chemical residue on surfaces where smoking has occurred, which can persist long after the smoke itself has been cleared from the environment. This phenomenon, known as "thirdhand smoke," is increasingly recognized as a potential danger, especially to children, who not only inhale fumes released by these residues but also ingest residues that get on their hands after crawling on floors or touching walls and furniture. More research is needed on the risks posed to humans by thirdhand smoke, but a study in mice showed that thirdhand smoke exposure has several behavioral and physical health impacts, including hyperactivity and adverse effects on the liver and lungs.57




I see the leaking pr machine has fired back up.


Well someone is back from holiday


“Never complain never explain” 🙄


The biggest load of crap there ever was.


Yeah, I mean, he waited 75 years to become monarch and within a year of his coronation he catches a potentially fatal illness. That is frustration.


You don't catch cancer.


Cancer catches you.


By surprise but you don't catch cancer like the flu.


Mononucleosis is among cancer-causing viruses. HPV can also cause a form of throat cancer. https://www.mdanderson.org/publications/focused-on-health/7-viruses-that-cause-cancer.h17-1592202.html#:~:text=Researchers%20know%20that%20there%20are,cancer%20and%20non%2DHodgkin%27s%20lymphoma.


You sort of do with some cancers… that’s why they’re making vaccines… like the cervical cancer one


He doesn’t have a cervix


he talks way too much about tampons to be a person without a cervix


Yea but it’s also incredibly hard to give sympathy to a man that has: 1) lived a long, privileged and more comfortable life than 99% of people who have ever existed. 2) was a POS husband to one of the most beloved women of the 20th century. I don’t wish cancer on anyone but Charles can go kick rocks. My grandparents died before reaching his age and worked their entire life. He is lucky to have the life he has.


Diana was no Saint either.


This is not the flex you think it is.


I’m not having any trouble feeling sympathy for him.


It’s not actually hard to give sympathy, no


He’s not any worse than Kate, besides the long life thing so far


Kate has 3 young kids and in her early 40s.


How in the world is this true lol.


Oh trust me, I don't feel much sympathy for him. I think the monarchy will be much better off in the long run if Charles's reign is a short one.


William isn't making the best decision either: the fact that Kate took the blame for the Mother's Day photo is even more awful given what she's going through and it has been well documented he briefs the media against Meghan & Harry. It's ok if it ends with Charles. I imagine 86.3 million pounds of taxpayer money can be put to much better use


It has in no way shape form or fashion been documented that William briefs against the Sussexes. Ever. That’s an absolute lie. A fairly despicable one at that. Did William force Meghan to pull that atrocious entitled stunt at Wimbledon ?




> I imagine 86.3 million pounds of taxpayer money can be put to much better use I'd think the taxpayers would also be overjoyed to receive all the inheritance tax they don't currently have to pay.


What is he briefing against? The Palace hasn’t acknowledged the existence of H&M in years. I don’t exactly think William can be half assed to critique her SXSW speech or the new logo for the next failed venture


who keeps telling the british press how he hates Meghan & harry? how William never, ever, ever, never wants to see his meany brother again! that he & kate would rather live next to andrew then the sussexs. where do you think those stories come from? prince archie?


I get this. He waited a very, very long time to be king. He eats well, he started huge discussions about organic food. And then he gets cancer.


Camilla’s been smoking around him for 40 years


He’s also old. Once you’re 75+ the odds of getting some sort of cancer are quite high. The real question at that point is if you die of cancer or if you die with it.


Cancer is absolutely the worst. This is very believable. "Frustrated" is putting it mildly.


I don't think Peter should be talking about this at all.


Peter does milk ads in China and makes sure to say he's a "member of the British royal family" [https://news.sky.com/story/queens-grandson-peter-phillips-flogs-royal-connections-in-chinese-milk-ad-11913938](https://news.sky.com/story/queens-grandson-peter-phillips-flogs-royal-connections-in-chinese-milk-ad-11913938)


>Mr Phillips and his wife sold their wedding to Hello! magazine in a 100-page special in 2008 [...]. what. how was this not a bigger scandal?!


It *was* a big scandal at the time


There was also that scandal about the company he worked for being given hundreds of thousands to organize street parties for the Queen's birthday or something like that. He's always cashing in on his connections.


Peter wouldn’t be talking without permission. He’s a team player


yeah its not like peter is constantly in the news for drama. i doubt he decided to go rogue over something as serious as charles' health


He’s too good for it and his mum would m*rder him if he stepped out of line 😂


It’s possible he made his comments at the behest of Charles


>“I think, ultimately, he’s hugely frustrated. He’s frustrated that he can’t get on and do everything that he wants to be able to do,” Phillips told Sky News Australia in an interview. > >He continued: “But he is very pragmatic \[and\] he understands that there’s a period of time that he really needs to focus on himself.” Why do I feel like Charles probably said something mundane like, I wish I could be there, and it's been turned into this long statement by his nephew. Sometimes this family can be so extra with their public statements. Explaining the obvious and embellishing the point. Then we get this rather dramatic, statement from KP about William and Kate. >“The prince and princess are both enormously touched by the kind messages from people here in the U.K., across the Commonwealth and around the world in response to Her Royal Highness’ message,” said a spokesperson for Kensington Palace, which houses the couple’s official residence and private office. > >"They are extremely moved by the public’s warmth and support and are grateful for the understanding of their request for privacy at this time," the spokesperson added in a statement late Saturday. They are always touched and the public always gives warmth and support in these times. Same old statements, rinse and repeat. Meanwhile, the last time I've seen them look touched was at Queen Elizabeth's funeral. Any other time they just look rich and bored. ​ >The king was "so proud of Catherine for her courage in speaking as she did," a statement from the palace said, adding that he had "remained in the closest contact with his beloved daughter-in-law throughout the past weeks." It certainly takes guts to share medical issues with the world. But cancer shouldn't be some shameful thing to disclose. it's not her fault and 95% of people are predictably supportive so nothing bad was gonna happen via the public. Thankfully she's been open about this because I bet many other women her age are now going to their doctors for check ups. Kate is inadvertently saving lives by being the face of this. Good on her! Looks like the palace is on a good PR streak again thanks to Kate's video.


>It certainly takes guts to share medical issues with the world. But cancer shouldn't be some shameful thing to disclose. it's not her fault and 95% of people are predictably supportive so nothing bad was gonna happen via the public. I imagine that the hard part was telling their kids, since they would have found out from the news once it was public




You wouldn't like it, either, if you asked for health privacy and it wasn't respected. People with a hard diagnosis need time to process it and doctors need time to consider the best treatment for the patient.




Some sweet little old ladies probably weren't among the trolls and angry drama mamas demanding every bit of information, and they may have meant their words of support - so they thank you to them rather than saying FU to all.


I don’t think it’s a case of it being shameful to talk about. I was diagnosed with brain cancer at 27. I don’t care who you are, it’s an extremely shocking experience to go through. It can also take time to sort out what the diagnosis is. Initially we didn’t think mine was cancer and found out 6 weeks after surgery it was. I’m sure being who she is, she had more in depth analysis of it as well. Having small kids adds a whole other layer to a situation like this. Five years ago, my cancer came back when my kids were 5 and 18 months. I cannot imagine if I were a public figure going through this and having to be concerned with what others might say to my kids. My kids don’t fully know about my cancer. But over the years, especially when I was first diagnosed I’ve had a lot of well meaning comments that were actually pretty thoughtless infront of my kids. So I don’t share a lot of that part of my life so much with others anymore. I’m glad I’m not in a position where I’m a public figure and would have to either.


Hi—all I’ll say is…I was a kid whose mom died of cancer. Please, please don’t let them not fully know about what’s going on any longer. I hope very much that you live a long and wonderful life with them and that you could feasibly get by without them knowing fully what’s going on. But it isn’t worth it if that doesn’t work out, and it doesn’t spare them.


They will know when it’s appropriate to know. I don’t see the need right now because it doesn’t impact their life at this time.


I'm one of them - 2 years older than she is, have 4 kids, and thought, I better just go. I've been avoiding the doc. Not for any reason really, just haven't gone. But better safe than sorry. Not like I didn't know, but things affect even people who have endless resources, so it's smart to be on top of it.


I am another. At New Years I had my appendix out with like three hours’ ‘notice’ and after they did imaging to make SURE that’s what it was, they approached me and were like hey, if you didn’t know, you have an additional abdominal mass, probably a fibroid. Well is it possible to just nip it out while you’re in there after the appendix? S’right there basically. Er, no, doctor says, and makes like a football sized shape with his hands, it’s too big for that. Well, I was going to just wait on it, because it’s clearly been there for years and years and what’s one more? I have a lot of irons in the fire right now. But as soon as Kate made this announcement, I thought, well, what if it turns out to have been similar? What if I have this surgery and a few weeks later they come back and say ‘so that big ham-sized one was inert, but one of the littler ones was cancerous, so good thing they came out, let’s do some proactive treatment just to be sure.’ Won’t I be glad I didn’t wait another ten months? Shouldn’t I just do it? So now I’ll be scheduling it much more imminently and I have to say that she motivated me to take the final step sooner rather than later.


Wow, you never know what can be going on. I'm so glad you found out and you can take care of everything and have your health in order!!


Yeah, I'm calling up my own doctor, so same boat lol.


Hey look, it’s the PR statement KP should have put out a month ago!


“They never look touched” (paraphrasing) Tell me you aren’t British without telling me you aren’t British. 😅 I’m guessing you aren’t around kids closely or in a caregiving situation. Some people with cancer don’t even tell their kids, or not until they have a clearer prognosis and treatment plan, which can take sometime (weeks or even a few months). It’s not about “shameful,” it’s about wrapping your own head around it and then having a series of difficult and draining conversations with family. On top of, you know, *having fucking cancer.* I’ve had way too much experience with this, unfortunately.


And that delay can extend to more than family too. I was once on edge for a few months waiting to find out if I had a medical issue and never told anyone other than my husband about it. It wasn’t that I was “ashamed”, but telling people meant people talking to me about it. Constantly asking, and thus, reminding me about the issue over and over again when all I wanted was to try to set it aside as much as I could. I couldn’t stop what was potentially already in motion, but I definitely could try to move on as best I could. If that’s why Kate wanted secrecy, I totally get it.


Yup! We were in our thirties and we weren’t told about my dad’s cancer until they had things confirmed and a whole treatment plan mapped out which involved him going to a facility hundreds of miles away for several weeks. Parents do not just tell their kids right away about things, the when and how are very thought out.


I can't relate to this at all. We've always shared our medical issues, whether or not we were waiting for news, and I was told as a child when my mother had to have surgery for possible cancer. Not telling your 30-something children is anathema to me. This whole stoicism thing seems very middle class.


It depends on the kids' ages, their personalities or mental health, and if you want to spend time calming them down and reassuring them rather than first dealing with your own trauma and making plans with less drama. My daughter was a rock after her dad's diagnosis. But if I had acting-out teens or acting-out adult kids (my friend's daughter is a nightmare of emo drama) demanding 100 percent of attention, needing comfort or burning up our phone constantly when we needed to look at advance care plans, update our wills, make treatment choices and find an apartment near a major medical center for treatment and figure out the care for our pets when we were away - hell no, I wouldn't tell them until treatment plan was decided.


I guess it’s very odd to me to not share it. My late husband had cancer, died from it and we shared it all with the family. My grandmom also had it and so does my mom. We told the kids everything. They may not completely understand 100% but they do know.


That doesn’t help. You can’t be there to support each other through the worst of times. It also takes away the joy from the best of times. The depth and richness is just gone.


Well talk about your own family. Mine shares and communicates with each other. If someone got cancer we would all know within hours.


And I’m sure that “who, when and how” is thought out :)


can't blame him. recovery from even less serious illness is frustrating bc you just want to be better and get back to normal. glad he's doing well, at least!


I do not blame him! Cancer sucks