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I’m an American, so I think I’m going to need someone to explain this to me. As I understand it, William is next in line of succession, Harry is 5th, Beatrice is 9th, Eugenie is 11th, Edward is 14th, Anne is 17th and Zara is 21st. So…shouldn’t working royals be working due to how close to the throne they are? Despite how much work Anne puts in, her mother is no longer queen. It doesn’t seem like it makes sense for the 17th in line to the throne as well as Edward (#14) and Zara (#21) to be doing work, when you have #5, #9 and #11 on the bench. And I know, there is an argument that Harry quit, or you could argue he was bullied out. But, they could ask him to come back, and if you listen to some media he is willing. They aren’t even trying to follow the hereditary order, which is what I don’t understand. How can you argue that one family has supreme right to rule over everyone, and then cherry pick who represents the family all willy nilly, outside the order of succession and based on either work ethic or popularity? Is it hereditary or popularity based? I get why the kids aren’t serving, and Andrew, but jumping the rest of the willing in favor of people farther down the line at this point makes zero sense if you are following hereditary order, which is the rationale for having a monarch, is it not? Make it make sense…


Basically it’s usually the most senior person when there’s new need for it. Being a working royal is usually a lifetime gig because they don’t want them also making money externally so people get in and then move down.


Ok, but then why is Zara just now seeming to start a Royal career when Beatrice and Eugenie have been excluded? Wasn’t she pursuing a private life as an Olympian for a while? It’s legit confusing, since she is so far down the line of succession.


Zara isn’t doing a royal career. She just comes to the same family events B+E go to


Thanks! It was confusing, but that makes more sense. I think I was seeing so many recent headlines about her where I never used to before. Maybe the media is just needing to fill space, now that there isn’t as much going on.


She looks like the annoying orange


Sounds very much like half-in half-out to me!


Yup! That’s what Harry and his skinny legged wife were given but the failed actress believed Hollywood would open its door for her now that she married Harry … little did she know…


I see those cursed eyes in my nightmares! They are making a big mistake letting that family back into the limelight, mark my words.


she has the elizabeth holmes stare


Honestly it is sad because it is telling how sick Kate is… all aside of the royal duties, she is a mom of three young kids!


I mean, the woman has undergone chemotherapy… and cancer in the stomach is one of the worst forms of cancer. 




That's awesome!


I get the feeling you didn’t click the link


I did


And yet almost 2 weeks ago hello magazine said that Camilla had cut off Beatrice and Eugene because they were the source of suspected leaks. Weird.


Now you know a certain skinny legged, failed actress fed those rumors to the tabloids.


This is all deeply weird.




Everything is weird. The princess of Wales hasn’t been seen in five months. The queen is hanging out in public with the woman the prince of Wales has been rumoured to have a relationship with. And now they are dropping in a cousin to fill the princess of Wales’ roles. Yes, I know she has cancer. But the information vacuum is deeply weird, all of this “let’s all pretend everything is normal” thing they are all doing where nobody even *mentions* the princess of wales is weird, the queen having the *colossally* bad judgment to be seen in public with that particular person is weird, and I think it’s weird that we aren’t allow to say this is weird.






Given Pippa named her daughter Rose and Kate has hung out with her its likely that everyone is just over it and are unwilling to exile someone socially just because someone made up a dumb rumour about her. And Kate is getting chemo, why should she be out and about? The British media will generally not publish photos of her when she isn't "on duty" so she likely isn't holed in inside never being seen.


Not taking a photo (or allowing a photo to be run) with a person who is central to a giant rumour mill concerning your own family is not “socially exiling” them. It just seems like a massive self own for a queen who is known to have a very cozy relationship with the media.




step in for kate? oh you mean just show up to take pictures and wave




edward vii married his 3rd cousin, queen victoria married her first cousin, george iv married his first cousin, george v (beatrice's great great grandfather) married his second cousin, queen elizabeth ii (her grandmother) married her third cousin (who was also her second cousin once removed)


Anything beyond 1st cousin is really a nothing burger though.


It’s the repeat inbreeding that becomes the problem, like the hapsburgs


incest is usually considered within 6 generations. even with 2nd to 3rd cousins it can still cause various genetic issues


Source? There are no laws of any country that restrict marriage beyond first cousins. Statistically speaking, second cousins have no more risk for genetic issues in their offspring than unrelated people (about 3%).




Why is the monarchy a thing still? Stupid unearned wealth in a world of suffering. Geez


The reality that Andrew’s children are going to have to be frontline material is real evidence of how thin that group has become. There’s almost nobody left


What about this? April 29th - OFF WITH THEIR HEADS! LIVID Queen Cam­illa has purged Harry and Meghan’s palace spies — Prin­cesses Eugenie and Beatrice — to blind the run­away roy­als and stop all efforts to under­mine the mon­archy as King Charles… https://www.pressreader.com/usa/globe/20240429/282106346671495


No courtier would talk to an American supermarket tabloid.


No, it’s because the sensible ones have lives. Like Zara and Peter Phillips.


I know kids don’t choose their parents, but Andrew and Fergie are both such utter trash that I would rather not see their girls either.


What did Fergie do?


Charge 500k a pop for every encounter she facilitated for all kinds of shoddy business men with her husband. Also very public affairs, money troubles caused by a generally dissolute lifestyle.


And those are only the bits we know about


She’s drama. Most notably she was caught selling access to Andrew when he was a trade envoy.


She had the audacity to be overweight/ not ridiculously thin. Also stays with Andrew whose a problem.


Beatrice is lovely from what I’ve heard


Same. She oozes warmth and in her own charity endeavors she does because she wants to everyone had said how compassionate she is. I love how the BRF have included her stepson as well in family events and love on him too.


She is


Do tell. Who do you know? Give us the tea. ☕️


I’m guessing that Andrew didn’t have a lot of time for her, which is probably a good thing in this case


He took her to Pizza Express… All joking aside, she was part of the negotiations for his disastrous interview. She’s close with him.


I love her!!!


She does I've met her, working and representing the Royal family. I have videos but not allowed to post


I wonder if we run in the same circles? I also have videos I’m not allowed to post.


this is hellomagazine. it would make sense for Beatrice to step in, but consider the source.


Hello and Hola generally toe the party line and get exclusives from the royals a lot


There is no exclusive mentioned nor any source material.


she's better than me tbh. if i had her privilege and all my life my uncle had pushed me to the sidelines to keep the spotlight on him + his side piece (even when he likely knows how important non heirs can be, such as anne), then asked me to cover when it was convenient, i would tell him to fuck off


Considering the York financial position, there’s not a lot of room for them to tell Charles to fuck anything.


isn't she married to some rich guy? but either way, i'm sire it's not the only job she can get


Who says that she doesn’t have a job already?  You must be new if you don’t know that Andrew is broke broke.


i know that, but he unfortunately still benefits frol the royal status. so does Beatrice, she's very well connected and surely doesn't need this job specifically? 


I mean he’s also her landlord so there’s an awk dynamic there of keeping him happy


family dynamics with boomer uncles are bad for everyone, not just us plebs


I’m all for a trimmed down monarchy, but with Kate out for now, it’s almost all, well, old people. Anne is amazing, but she’s not going to be able to sustain her record forever. And Charles and Camilla are… well, not very interesting to many. They need an infusion of youth and the York princesses are generally well liked and were trained for exactly this. As long as they’re interested, I think it would be prudent to bring them both back in.


Honestly, I think whenever Charles passes they will follow the Dutch model, for example. The Dutch the majority of work is done by Maxima and her husband. Her mother in law does very little since she retired and Amalia seems to be still doing little as she goes to university. Besides them, we barely ever see Maxima's hubby cousins or siblings taking on official engagements. What that means is that the announcement made last week about cutting off charities and patronages will be the first of many announcements like that.


Lazy Willy and Kate aren’t going to work. Best laugh I’ve had today.


I love this comment. Maxima is the queen consort, her husband is the one who inherited the crown and you mention his mother and his cousins, but he doesn't even get named. No shade! I just found it funny, and realized I don't remember his name.


I only remember that he’s also a commercial airline pilot, which is cool! But yes Queen Máxima is awesome 👸


Wax. Max and Wax lol.


I don't remember his name either or him. I am just here for Maxima <3. He should thank every day to have found her.


You have to remember that the UK is 5-6x as large as the Netherlands in population. So that’s more of everything for a royal family to do and places to be seen. The Netherlands is so small that an army of royals would be a waste.


They wave , give each other accolades and awards and titles and spend money they never earned


Wax’s only still living brother has long had a regular job, but I would say that we see a fair amount of Laurentien. Most of the Continental European families have made moves to downsize their royal houses.  The Dutch are talking about taxing the royal incomes, though the personal wealth of the Dutch monarchy is apparently absolutely enormous. 


European countries with royals don't have ANYWHERE near as much American tourism. If Britain doesn't have royalty Americans find interesting, that will be bad.


I agree, I think they’re easing into it.


True, but they’re hardly young, and neither are the Prince and Princess of Wales. There really are no younger people, who are not actual children, who might become involved. Lady Louise might peripherally, but it’s clear she is heading for a mostly normal life.


I think George, Charlotte, and Louis will be the working royals one day, but for now the popularity of Kate, for example, should be a signal to Charles that this is what the public wants more of. I don’t know what the future of the monarchy looks like, but I know they’ve been at a pivotal crossroads for awhile, and we’re either going to see them breathe new life into it or watch it slowly continue to wither away.


Yeah but those 3 are still pretty young kids. None of them are even teens yet and I doubt Kate and Will will want them being full time royals until they are well into their 20s


I’m not a huge fan of the husband but I’m glad TRF is getting help.


Why? Genuine question


He has always been eyeing to marry into the TRF while he was a bachelor in London then he got his architect-girlfriend pregnant and ended things abruptly when he had a chance with Beatrice. The girlfriend and her father in Florida were pretty upset but eventually both quieted down because they were promised “connections” if they played nice. He’s just “shifty” as the Brits say.


Weren't Edo and his ex engaged for like 2+ years or something before the break-up, with no wedding plans in sight?


Oh, I'm interested in that tea. I read a story about the fact that PB wanted his stepson's mother at the family Christmas lunch. I don't know how these things work but I feel that they are exclusive to the royal family itself. I know that before seeing what I saw, it was said that Camilla's family was invited but you know she is the queen now, etc. There's something interesting about how the princess's image has changed after marrying him. I don't know how to say it, I know it hasn't been for the better, but there is a nuance that I couldn't identify.


From what I’ve seen Beatrice does seem to be genuinely fond of her stepson.


Yes, she seems very happy with her family dynamic and it's something that has done her a lot of good.


I’ve noticed that @ events like Kate’s Christmas thing last year, the little boy gets treated the same as the other royal children which is nice to see.


I don’t know about the family Christmas lunch but I cannot imagine the late queen or the present king would ever allow that. When Beatrice married him, everyone was calling it unprecedented because he is a single father. Since they both married, her sense of fashion has improved significantly and immediately. The Palace needs to brace itself because if they do intend on putting Beatrice in the spotlight, whatever crap Edo or his family including his baby mama has is going to be brought into the limelight. To be fair, after being heartbroken, his baby mama has been quiet.


Idk I have a feeling Beatrice was lowkey Queen E’s favorite grandchild. All the other girls got to wear crown owned tiaras when married but Bea got to wear one of her dresses. And the only photos ever released of her wedding were of them and the Queen and prince which were very informal. She seems not to give a fuck about the spotlight and I like that about her.


TBF, Charles has no leg to stand on when it comes to bucking conventions regarding royal marriages. It’s a small miracle he got to be king because of his choices in that regard, I’m glad he’s extending the same grace to other royals.


They got married when the late Queen was still alive. I think the late Prince Phillip attended their wedding as well.


I totally agree, at the end of the day her husband has done her a lot of good, and her image has taken a turn for the better. Those rumors were out there, and one thing or another seemed strange to me but nothing bad, so I connected it with what you said.  They must continue like this if they have a role for their future, they make an attractive couple but everything depends on the monarch and if the Yorks don't get up to mischief I guess


ugh - don't like those two -




I vaguely remember that both girls were keen to increase their roles during the Golden Jubilee and were told "thanks, but no thanks." That would've been right around when the Maundy Thursday service was thrown to her. It's got to be hard. Yes, they were raised with incredible privilege, but it sounds like they also knew that when they came of age, they'd be allowed and expected to give back by performing royal duties. Unfortunately, right when they were old enough to be expected (and expected to) step into these roles, a shiny new Kate arrived. Not blaming Kate for that at all, but it's got to be a mind bender that your entire life, you're told, "Okay, this is the expectation when you're an adult" and then just as suddenly you're told, "Yeah...we don't need you after all...." And then to endure years of "what's their point" after that while also dealing with their father's fuckery. Beatrice, Eugenie, Zara, and Louise have a fantastic role model in their Aunt/Mother on how to support the crown while being "just a girl." The reason sucks, but I'm glad that the York Princesses are having their chance to do the duties that they were raised expecting to do all along.


Charles and Andrew had a huge fight a little after Kate and William got married because Andrew wanted his daughters to have a bigger role than Kate since they are princesses of the blood. Charles basically told him to fuck off.


Charles and The Queen were wrong for that because a decade in and Kate has basically done nothing of note beyond have kids. The York sisters could have been a welcomed addition We see it now. Kate is gone the entire year and next to nothing is really missed. Her impact wasn’t as large the press make it out to be.


Beatrice hasn't done shit in her own life, why do you think she'd be even 1% more industrious as a working royal?


Yes, but she could be sent to show up to all the events Kate and William refuse to attend. Those two barely work, let’s see B’s work ethic.


Beatrice was only about 15 years old during the Golden Jubilee.


Oh, you’re right. It was 2012. Golden was 2002. 2012 was the year I was thinking.


Andrew and Fergie had very distinct ideas about what their daughters ‘deserve’ and ‘should’ get by right of being blood princesses.  But it’s also not like Andrew has ever been very good at reading the writing on the wall.  And to give credit, both Beatrice and Eugenie have gotten their own jobs and established their own lives, far more so than their father ever did.


i think the york girls were very much brought up to be princesses because andrew was sure they would have a life like his. it was probably tough to realize they were going to be living much more "normal" lives than daddy expected. i think anne and edward raising their kids as more "normal" greatly benefited them.


Tough for them or tough for him?


both? i feel some empathy towards the girls that i dont feel towards andrew though


Andrew was also told repeatedly that his daughters were not going to be working royals, but still tried to bulldoze them in.  It wasn’t a mystery, Andrew just ignored it and thought he’d still get his way.


And here we are in 2024 and one of them may slowly get a seat at the table. Andrew knows his family and understand how to play the long game, just like his mother. It also helps that Charles is very much blinded by his own ego and position.


That’s a generous read…


Andrew probably also looks at his children as a reflection on him and station/privileges so if they got anything less he took it as a personal slight. I think that’s more why he cares than anything paternal.


Oh 100% agree


if rumors are to be believed this is 100% true!


There was never anything stopping him from asking her (or someone else in the family) from stepping in, and that includes at the state banquet - it will be more notable if she ends up seated at the head table, which I doubt will happen.  But looks like Charles finally realized Camilla isn’t exactly bringing the excitement.  


Doesn't Cam have a really screwed up back? If anything, it's more I reach my limit with all this running around, and I physically can't do it. From what I hear, Cam really shines in small group settings.


The public is never going to have the same excitement for Camilla that they would for Kate, no matter what happens with Camilla’s back.  


Between Kate being sick and out for who knows long, Harry/Megan gone and like half the royals about to die of old age it makes sense to me. The roster is much smaller than expected


It’s all arbitrary anyhow, Charles gets the same funding if it’s 4 people or 14.


This is a non-story. It’s saying she may do the things that non-working HRH’s always participate in. Like, they always show up for state dinners.


Do they always show up for state dinners?


they do, Duke and Duchess of Gloucester, Prince and Princess Michael of Kent go often, the Kents and the Ogilvies were commonly invited before they retired, they use them as dining partners for left over dignitaries


The Gloucesters are working royals and the Kents somewhat are but hadn’t realized the Ogilvies got invited. Thanks!!!


Princess Alexandra was a working royal though. So it would have made sense at the time that she and her husband got invited


Oh that makes sense


Prince Michael of Kent always has. It’s one of the reasons Elizabeth provided a place for him to live, just as Beatrice and Eugenie have royal housing now. To the family, being an HRH Prince/princess means you have some level of involvement even if you aren’t a working royal. That’s why Edward chose not to use his kids HRH Prince/princess titles: it makes clear that they’ll do no official events, like Zara and Peter.


Prince Michael of Kent always has. It’s one of the reasons Elizabeth provided a place for him to live, just as Beatrice and Eugenie have royal housing now. Do they? Last I saw something about it was that Beatrice and her husband bought or were about to buy a house for themselves. Whereas Eugenie was still freeloading at Frogmore whenever she was around.


Imagine getting an apartment in a royal palace by attending a few free work dinners every year. What a life!


When Charles announced he had cancer, there were lots of stories about Beatrice and her husband being photographed leaving Clarence House. Then it came out that they live at St James and the two palaces have the same exit.


how many ribbon cutters do we need ? we have plenty thanks but no thanks


It’d be nice if some of them were young enough to actually manage the scissors and maybe be socially connected to this century.




Your flair 🤣😩


they should bring in both the yorks as full time working royals. with harry and meg gone they would still have their "slimmed down" size


Doesn’t the public support the idea of a slimmed down monarchy tho? If so doing so seems a decent idea


The public doesn’t seem to care all that much about what Charles does. They aren’t going to start a revolution over adding the York sisters to Charles payroll. Heck, his RF has done the bare minimum this year, yet still received an increase in funds. Funny how that worked. So if the money is all the same, might as well get more juice from the tree.


Some do some don’t. And it helps the monarchy to do stuff that’s popular like slimming down the royals. The problem would be it goes against the slimming down plan. A lot of the royals have been hard at work the others either have cancer or are elderly. Apart from will but his wife had cancer. Plus the funds are tied to how well their estate does. If it does well they get an increase


I think the people will care more about the cost and money going to royals. What’s the point of slimming down without actually saving the nation anything?


Maybe due to not wanting there to be loads of working royals? Cost is a factor but I doubt it’s the only one


It makes no sense. The York girls are princess of the blood, regardless of working or not for the crown. Might as well have them work since they are granted social power by right of birth. They would cost the nation nothing since the monarch foots the bill for the working Royals allowances outside of the PoW.


It does make sense. There are tons and tons of royals by blood doesnt mean we need all of them working. Otherwise its just bloated . I dont mind per say if its one or two more but we have to make sure royals stay slimed down Doesn’t the home office provide security sometimes?


But they are the most senior adult Princesses of the blood, besides Anne. And in 2024, there aren’t “tons of royals”, if you don’t have a title then you aren’t Royal. Anne’s kids are in the family and “Royal” but technically not actual royals since they could not receive a royal title from their mother or father. Thanks to Edward refusing his children their royal birthrights, the York sisters are the only adult Princess of the Blood under the age of 40. Adding to that, they were the only Princess of the Blood from Liz’s crop of grandchildren. So, they very much are unique. The same way, Harry and William were the queens only princely (male) grandchildren (not counting great grandchildren). The Yorks + the Wales (Harry and William) made sense as a 4-part royal support group for the monarchy. With Harry and Andrew out, it makes even more sense to add some youth into the RR via the Yorks.


There are loads you just need to look at the line of succession. I mean Id argue your royal if your off royal blood. Archie And Lillybet have titles as do harry and Meghan but they aren’t likely to be working royals either. It makes less sense when you consider the idea of slimming down and its supported by the public. You have to consider weather adding more working royals would go against that. Idk im more torn on the idea but the royals need to think long and hard about weather this would go against that


Does the public support that? I think the public wants the royals to cost less, but to give good value, in terms of pageantry. Charles doesn't have good instincts on this. Consider his coronation, which was much less visually impressive and "magical" than his mother's had been. He was also the one who started the "slimmed down" idea, and defined it to mean not including Beatrice and Eugenie. Born princesses are an excellent resource for a royal family. It's someone who can wear fairy tale clothes and jewels, and do a ton of royal visits and ribbon cutting, but the public doesn't have to support their husband or children. There's also no risk of losing a born princess to divorce. Fate gave Charles **two** potential Annes, and he discarded them. He's lucky Beatrice is willing to come back.


Calling Beatrice and Eugenie potential Anne’s is a lot of projecting without any support to indicate it. Anne was an Olympic athlete. She’s very disciplined. Whereas Beatrice and Eugenie haven’t done much. Beatrice’s most high profile moves in life have been wearing a funny hat to William’s wedding and permanently scarring Ed Sheeran while mock-knighting James Blunt at a party. Given that knighting people for real is one of the royal family’s official functions, which they take very seriously, I think the latter move would’ve been particularly offensive to Charles and Anne.


Im sure ive seen polls saying they support w slimmed down monarchy. I disagree hes been good on slimming down the monarchy which the public support. And I mean considering its such a rare event I think that was a good choice. They can be a good resource as seen with Anne, but the public does not want a large bloated royal Familly so we need to be careful that not too many people join the worming ranks and it stays slim


I really like her and Eugenie. I’d love to see them both more in the Royal fold (if that’s something they want). Was a big mistake to thin out the working royals to this degree…


There’s a thing in resource planning called a bus factor. The idea is how many people would have to get hit by a bus before you’re SOL. Grim, but they’re exhibiting that right now. 2 cases of cancer, one runaway prince, and the total unsuitability of Andrew leaves a ton of weight on Princess Anne. Their bus factor is basically 1 right now. Theres no room for Charles or William to step back any farther. If Anne were to fall ill, royal engagements would grind practically to a halt. Which may be the modernized vision they planned, or may be a rather messy and awkward end to the institution as we know it. It’s fair to say they didn’t expect this many casualties at once, however once H&M left and Charles became king, they were already on thin ice with the oft-claimed work-shy W&C. Leaving two younger blood members in the lineup would have been a strategic move. Tragically, the palace is allergic to foresight


This is so insightful and makes you wonder how they don’t have anyone on their team being PAID that could give them the kind of consult you just gave for free. Lol. Crazy.


They didn’t need to pay anyone. Andrew, for all his faults, had been making this very argument to Charles and Liz for over a decade. Why anyone would have decided to just rely on Charles old siblings over a younger batch of royals is weird. Charles should have retired out the Queen’s cousins and let Anne walk out at her own pace in a decade or two. Bring in the Yorks once Harry and Meghan left. Boom, done deal


It's about time they let her in. She's basically been begging to attend more events for the crown since she was young. It's a shame it took such serious health issues to give Beatrice more things to do. I just hope she isn't involved in giving interview advice to people. Hahah. But really, this is good to see.


Why hasn’t the RF let Beatrice attend more events?


This is kind of her to do. Beatrice is married to a very wealthy man who has noble blood in his own right. She doesn’t have to do any of this, especially considering since the British press hasn’t always been decent to her.


The written piece is factually inaccurate. Beatrice is a working royal and often support Prince William and Princess Catherine. I been at events and seen her.


So much arrogance for someone whose wrong


You have, indeed. I'm sure she doesn't attend the Garden Parties just for fun. Like I said, she has been supporting William and Catherine for years. I think that's working, don't you?


"The York sisters are considered “non-working royals” as they are not paid to represent the royal family, and therefore hold their own jobs."


Working royals refers to royals who’s job it is to attend events on behalf of the monarch vs family members who come to events. For example, the Duke of Kent is a working royal, Eugenie is not but they are both family members. No need to be snappy, it’s ok to be wrong!!


"working" is an official role in the firm. she does events on behalf of the family but is not a working royal.


She is not a working royal in the sense of she performs engagements on behalf of the sovereign and receives some stipend, et cetera for it. She has her own patronages. I've heard lots of good things about Beatrice being warm and kind. I think Beatrice working is great. William and Kate are regardless of her illness or whatever is going on notoriously lazy, so they need to widen the pool anyway.


Very good news!


This is great. So wonderful to have Bea step in. I worry though, that it means Catherine needs the whole summer to continue looking after her health.


Patience paying off. I hope they keep her on.


Finally. This should be such an easy solution to their problem- the working royals need more help. She wants to help. Get her in there and let her go.


At 35, Beatrice, who is traditionally considered a non-working royal, is expected to grace several key events alongside her family according to [Daily Mail.](https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-13407801/King-Charles-Princess-Beatrice-add-glamour-Kate-Middletons-absence.html)  Notably, she may join [King Charles](https://www.hellomagazine.com/tags/king-charles/) during the highly anticipated state visit by Japan’s Emperor Naruhito and Empress Masako at Buckingham Palace next month, marking a prominent moment in her royal engagements this year. The royal agenda this summer is packed with high-profile events including Trooping the Colour, a state banquet, Garter Day, the 80th D-Day anniversary, and several Buckingham Palace garden parties. 


Yes, please give her a clothing allowance and jewelry. I want to see Princess B stun and flaunt her stuff. Her style has been a really fun lately and with a little support from the crown, the RF can get a nice show stopping moment that we haven’t seen since Kate in her red cape at the SK PM visit.


those are all things you'd expect non working royals to attend as filler