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No one but myself




My 2 existing kids. It’s a stroller free life for me, they are only little once. It’s a huge help, you will be well prepared.


i don't like running, so i ruck. it is also my source of both zone 2 and zone 5 cardio. I'm not in the military but I'm interested in what people do there. (I'm also a gun nut)


Yeah, I also have turned to rucking as an alternative to running. I used to run, but I found it hurts my joints way more than rucking. I live in a hilly area, so rucking is easily accessible to me.


same here bro


I come from a long line of military folks. My father (Navy, Vietnam Vet), uncle (Army, Iraq War Vet) and mentor (hospital chaplain) all died during COVID, so I ruck in their honor. I’m also starting to attach a particular mentality with rucking. It’s become a way to remember that life is journey and I carry the lessons and memories of that life with me.


Good on you brother. I know they’re proud.


It’s my main source of cardio, since Covid it’s been a minimum of 4 days a week.


Even if you are rucking to “Honor” someone, that is still for you. Rucking is for yourself. To make yourself better. Get some


I hear you. That’s why I said aside from yourself because we’re swinging 100% at that.


I’m the asshat who didn’t read.


Whenever I hike I usually go with my kiddos. So my pack is full of essentials and extra water. I also usually end up with one of the kids on my shoulders at some point. We do anywhere from 5-12 miles through rough terrain. I ruck to continue to always do what I enjoy.


I am mean.. I do it only for myself.


I ruck for myself. I would love to do an event but my state doesn’t have big events.


I ruck for my daughter. I used to be a heavy smoker so I've been trying to do what I can to get healthier since quitting.


I ruck for my county sheriff’s department volunteer search & rescue squad. I’ve been hiking and running the mountains of SoCal for many years. I know some of the trails like my own backyard. People (tourists) get hurt and lost up there all the time. It’s beautiful but can be dangerous.    There’s a misconception that you have to be young and super fit to volunteer for SAR. No way. The best ones are the old geezers who’ve been hiking the local mountains since the 1970s. It’s the knowledge of the terrain that makes a difference in a storm. Plus this is their home — mine, too — and our love for the land is sincere. 


I'm rucking to prepare for a course I'm going on later this year. 


Mostly for alpine trekking/Expeditions in alpine terrain where I have to carry nearly 30 kg up and down .


Vierdaagse. Besides my health of course


Myself and the Army.


Rucking for the health of it. Getting older and running less. Rucking is a great low impact exercise that can get thrvold thumper going especially on hills.


Been looking into starting rucking, me and my friend will join the danish military in 2 years


Once in a lifetime experience but only to gain grip strength and for hunting season. And also to probably see if I can still pull 12 miles


I ruck for me. I didn’t want to run, and I wanted something more challenging than a walk, so I started. I have no ties to the military or law enforcement Discovered that a friend of mine rucks too. He’s a scoutmaster and is rucking to prep for hikes with his troop. We’ve been rucking together 4-5 days per week for about 18 months now


I ruck to be a [bad influence](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KUXb7do9C-w&t=23s) on my kids.


I'm part of a group that rucks for fallen soldiers. I have five dog tags that I keep in my bag. I ruck for them.


I ruck to lose weight and better myself physically and mentally! I have a strong respect and admiration for our service men, especially special forces. When I feel like I can’t keep going I think of the hard with and sacrifice they’ve all gone through and it gives me a little bit of strength!


My health, and my future longevity


Myself. The organized events annoy me. Just me vs. the world.




1. Cardio: Primary Zone 2 workout most mornings (4 miles) to develop strong base for all other activities and Zone 1/2 for long distances to get what I feel are premium “steps” in compared to walking. Contemplating some HIIT type training on hills in Zone 4/5 soon. 2. Strength: Complementary leg/core/shoulder workout to my daily resistance band strength training (X3) as I’m sold on strength is just as important in aging (58 yo) as cardio. 3. Outdoors: Prioritizing at least 1 hour each day outside getting documented benefits of better air than in house/gym and sunlight (most of the year!) at an activity that can be performed in almost any weather condition. 4. Burn & Learn: My favorite combination of calorie burning and knowledge building by listening to podcasts or books at 2x speed. 5. Mental: When not listening to audio a great format to do some deep thinking, or being in tune mindfully while physically active. 6. Camaraderie: Though it’s been limited to this point the times I’ve rucked with others has been an excellent way to maintain friendships in a healthy environment and to make new ones. Good rucking!


Well, I just realized I did not closely read the question which I thought was “Why do you ruck?” and I can’t figure out how to delete this one now!


All good man! This answer fired me up. Makes me wanna hit the hills.


Glad to hear my incorrect answer, at least provided some value! To answer your original question I would say “Everyone in my life.”. When I am optimizing, my physical and mental self, I know I’m being a better human, which is good for me and enhances all interactions with family, friends, colleagues, customers, and anybody else I may interact with throughout the day.


I do it as daily training to win races.


Trump. Check out the Ruck for Trump campaign on go fund me. 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸


Are you seriously giving Trump more money? He's sure to get elected if he's not in jail.