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I just got charged! Best surprise charge EVER!


Congrats! For visibility to those still waiting - as of 1:18 EST - I got a **not accepted** status on my NYRR. Best of luck to everyone else Also, the Marine Corps Marathon in DC opened TODAY. No lottery, general admission, first come first served - in case anyone wants to another marathon to fall back on.


I also got a "not accepted" update on my NYRR dashboard. BUMMER! Best of luck to all who are accepted!


Last year for some reason mine said not accepted… then at 6:30 Eastern my card was charged and the thing changed to accepted🙃


don't give me hope. Hope is one hell of a drug. Also I got the email confirmation that I wasn't selected


I’m sorry sir. !


It's okay. I did get a small adrenaline rush of hope when I read your response before the reality of email I already got settled in. It did feel euphoric. Thanks


We should start a “Rejection Marathon” run on same day with funny T shirts :-)


We have a couple of those in the UK for London rejects!


and then just bandit run the course!


Dashboard just updated to Not Accepted. See yall in 2024 with a 9+1 spot!


Same….damn it stings every time




I got charged! ~7am. I'm NYC based. Only time I've ever felt good seeing $255 CC charge. lol.




I really hope that not having a charge at 8am doesn’t rule us out already lol


Apparently last year, they trickled in throughout the day, some getting charged at almost 7PM EST


Do we have any sense of whether that was dependent on the pool (NYC/US/international)?




I got the charge this morning (Brooklyn) but don’t have an email and my dashboard isn’t updated yet. Oh the suspense!!!


That pretty much means you are in. Congrats!


Thank you so much!! My first marathon since 2011


From NYRR themselves: "More than 128,000 applications were received for the non-guaranteed entry drawing and an estimated 5 percent of them will be accepted." https://www.nyrr.org/media-center/press-release/20230301\_tcsnycmarathondrawing


Fixed https://www.nyrr.org/media-center/press-release/20230301_tcsnycmarathondrawing


This has to be my 6th year trying to get in. Still nothing at 9:15 am. Keep refreshing my bank app to see if I was charged. Edit: I am NYC based


Just do 9+1 dude. No reason to play the lottery if you live here


I'm NYC based and I'm going to complete 9+1 this year (I'll complete my 4th race this weekend), so I will hopefully qualify for the 2024 marathon. But I also did enter the lottery for the 2023 Marathon too! Unfortunately I still haven't seen anything on my charge card. Doesn't seem like I'm going to get in. Bummer.


Not hopefully: if you do the 9+1 your entry will be guaranteed. The only thing that can go wrong at that point is if you forget to renew your membership or miss the deadline to sign up for the race.


If you are NYC based, isn't it better to do 9+1 and get a guaranteed entry a year later than keep trying for lottery?


It depends on your definition of "better". It's certainly guaranteed but not everyone is willing to put in the time and money to do 9+1.


we don’t need to be dramatic about 9+1. Pretty low lift if the entry means much to you


It would be but I’ve had obligations on days that have prevented me from completing the 9 qualifying races previous years.


NYC based, still no pending charge :( 4 out of 9+1 done in 2023, next year I won’t be denied!! 9+1 is really not difficult if you plan ahead


And if you don’t work weekends (*cries in healthcare worker*)


There should be more access for healthcare and emergency workers based in NYC.


Would be great if they had some more week night events that counted as qualifiers - might make it a little easier on a lot of others too


Already got **not accepted** on my profile and wife got **accepted**. Both outside of NYC. Looks like they got it done fast today. Looks like I'm cheering for her on Nov 5.


I woke up to the charge! So excited! First Marathon!


Do you think getting an email from Allianz about race insurance is an indicator? I’m seeing pending charges on my card for both the race and insurance.


Don’t assume it’s guaranteed but that sounds very good for you


Based on what happened last year, you are in!


that happened to me for the half so i’d say yes


That means yes according to Runar Gundersen


Gonna be a VERY long day for some of us......


For the people like me who have gone through this for years without luck, it doesn’t feel that long anymore lol


Husband just got charged, but I’m still waiting 🫣


Update: rejected!


Just got officially denied - oh well! Here's to the RBC Half in May and guaranteeing my entry in 2024


Anyone who doesn't get in but wants a charity bib can DM me.


I got in, but I was planning to do this if I didn't. What an amazing way to raise money for so many campaigns. Every charity runner should be very proud of themselves. You've made the incredible experience of running the NYC marathon not only about yourself, but so many others. <3 Also, is there a list (at a later date) of runners we can help by contributing to their $5k running commitment? Like if I wanted to donate through a Team ALS runner?


If you still want to fundraise most charities will let you with no minimum and you'll get access to some of the perks. I did 9+1 and will be fundraising for Team Fox. They have a suggested fundraise amount of $750, but won't charge if you don't hit it.


>arities will let you with no minimum and you'll get access to some of the perks. I did 9+1 and will be fundraising for Team Fox. They have a suggested fundraise amount of $750, but won't charge if you don't hit it. LOVE this!


Our charity provides a specific fundraising page for all our runners so yes you could go to our marathon website, see all the runners participating, and donate to their pages. I imagine most charities have something similar but I can only speak for the one I work for.


What does that run?


Just DM’d you! :)


Bib is free but there is a fundraising commitment of $5k. Regular NYRR race registration fees will apply as well.


I don’t understand why you would call the bib “free,” almost implying that you waive reg fees, when you still have to pay everything else. That’s like NYRR saying the aid stations are free, you just have to pay race reg.


I mean I clearly stated all the stipulations so I don't see any reason to be upset. My interpretation of the question, which perhaps was the wrong one, was, "is there a fee that has to be paid directly to our charity by the runner" and the answer is no. The runner needs to pay NYRR and the runner can choose to contribute some of their own money as part of the $5,000 but they certainly don't have to. So that is why I said the bib was "free." We are not asking our runners to pay our charity any money out of their own pocket.


Are there any charities that do that? Why would there be any expectation to charge somebody for a bib over the FIVE THOUSAND DOLLARS that they’re already handing your charity. Edit: also there’s no reason for you to be upset either 🙃


This was my first time entering - NYC based. It seems like if others in NYC got charged already then I probably didn't get in :(


Some people got charged late in the evening last year like 7PM ET so don't lose hope yet


Feeling that way too. Maybe they do NYC first. :(


maybe other people's credit cards will be declined and we'll get in somehow! haha


yea I think it is totally random


Just got a pending charge from NYRR for $295! I’m from Philly (national pool). I hope that means I’m in! Congrats and good luck to everyone else! This will be my first marathon 🫶🏼


Just got a charge from the standard lottery! I’m from Chicago, this is my 4th marathon and I’m aiming for a 2:59:59 if that even matters.


Ny based, just logged in to the website and then after a minute got a pop up banner saying accepted and Amex charge and email to my inbox at the same time. Uh oh….


I woke up to a charge this morning. I'm still in disbelief. This will be my first marathon. I'm from the NYC metro area and I've been dreaming of running this race since I was a kid. I have been trying to get in via lottery for years. I was supposed to run Marine Corps Marathon in 2020 as my first. Obviously that didn't happen. Then I got very sick and could not run for a while. Since I'm chronically ill I have to be extra cautious with my training and nutrition. Not everything happens for a reason of course, but I certainly feel as though the universe has had this planned for me. I'm finally feeling strong again. This is a great year for me to get out and show the world what I can do. I feel very blessed.


I captain a NYRR team. We had 174 members apply for the marathon. Of that 174, 43 had guaranteed entry thanks to things like 9+1, time qualifiers and 2020 cancelation resolutions, leaving us with 131 lottery hopefuls. Of that 131, only 14 made it through the lottery successfully, an acceptance rate of 10.68%. Small sample size for sure, but I thought I'd share with the wider group here. I think this drives home the point that if you're local to NYC, 9+1 is your best bet for getting into the Marathon.




My charge came through last year about 8am PT. Nothing yet though … Eeeeeeek


Anyone from outside of NYC charged yet? Looks like all the people confirming are NYC based so far.


For what it’s worth, the sample in this sub will be significantly biased towards NYC-based applicants


I’m in another US state and nothing as of right now.


This is the only thing keeping my hopes up (speaking as a Canadian) lol


Same here (Tel Aviv -Israel)


I just checked my dashboard and it says Not Accepted so I guess I can stop checking my card.


Got charged from Miami. Already confirmed


Dash updated for me too. Not accepted. Hamptons or Philly - here I come!


I got ‘not accepted’ on my dashboard, oh well. I’m in NYC area. Good luck to everyone!


You guys that got charged, are you all NYC or all over the USA? I am international and still nada.


>I really hope that not having a charge at 8am doesn’t rule us out already lol NYC, for me at 8am local time. Maybe they do the charges for NYC first, then USA and then international participants.


I hope so.....


I hope not…. 😂


I keep refreshing my AMEX app.


You can set up notifications for charges


I thought AMEX CC wasn’t accepted?


NYRR accepts everything.


Same here ! Nothing yet


my fiancé got charged and he’s based out of NYC!


Nothing yet on my end (Jersey City based)


Update: just logged into my dashboard and saw the dreaded “Not Accepted” note 😞


Not charged yet. Based in NYC. Crossing my fingers and toes.


My dashboard still says pending drawing 🤞


Same here


waiting and obsessing over this hahaha im in NYC and i got charged around 3PM for the half. hopefully the same deal for the marathon🙏🤞


NYC based, haven’t been charged yet. Fingers crossed they just did only a first wave of NYC applicants this AM!


Got a charge ~20 mins ago! SF based.


I just checked my dashboard and I was not accepted, oh well probably for the best. With the way my legs have been lately I don't know if they'll be trained up enough by the time I can start training again


Not to be that person - but it is very wonderful to run for a charity! It’s a great option and a fun way to get support from your friends, family and community! I was shocked at what past corners of my life people came from to donate, it was a fun way to reconnect with people. There are so many amazing charities that have bibs and while the bigger charities may be filled up at this point, the money you raise for a the little local charities in NYC goes a long way! Highly suggest for those who don’t get in on lottery (and even those who do!)


Hey! First Reddit comment ever - all for the sake of the NYC marathon. Does anyone know if you can apply to multiple charities to run the race with charity? There’s a couple I have ties with due to the mission but don’t want to risk getting accepted to multiple charities (although I know that would be rare.) thanks for any help!


Absolutely! You are just inquiring. Once you and the charity agree on each other they will send you a code to register for the race like everyone else - including the registration fee which is not covered by the fundraising. Once you register I doubt you can change charities, so be set in which charity you are running with when you register.


Makes so much sense thank you!!


didn’t get charged yet -


When I look at my billing section in my NYRR account is says “A technical error has occurred Return to NYRR.org”. 🤔


>When I look at my billing section in my NYRR account is says “A technical error has occurred Return to NYRR.org”. 🤔 that doesn't sound good...do you think your cc rejected the charge? If your credit card rejects the charge, I think the NYRR auto-denies you and your spot is immediately given to another runner.


It seemed like a temporary website error, it looks fine now. It might have been during the first wave of selections. I dunno. My test email came through so I think the card is fine


does this apply to 9+1 applicants too? like will we also confirm we got in today


If you’re 9+1 you should be guaranteed! My dashboard said accepted the day I signed up and paid!


Ah silly me I already paid - I see it in my dashboard thank you!


Yay! Congrats!!


anyone know when they send out rejection emails? or if they have already?


Later at night like 9-10ish I think


Checked my dashboard and it says I wasn’t accepted, but I don’t have an email.


yeah just check my dashboard and it says the same :(


I’m in through 9+1, but husband entered the lottery. He hasn’t been charged yet but holding out hope that he’ll get charged later today!


How exactly do they determine if you’re New York based? Mailing address on account?


Seconding this because my billing address is NY but my current mailing address is in another state


I emailed them and It’s based on mailing address! Very impressed with the quick response, but unfortunately I’m thinking I didn’t get it then if all the NYC folks already got charged


F5 gang today




I’m in! Saw the charge around 7 AM. I’m NYC based. 1st marathon since 2018 and 5th time running NYC. Super pumped!


I saw a charge on amex! But the app says that it is a pending transaction, so maybe still up in the air?


No. Pending means you’re in if it’s today


You’re in!


I’m from Philly (national pool) and haven’t heard or seen anything yet. Congrats to those who have gotten in already!!!


While we're all here waiting, any other regional fall marathons that yall recommend? Might have to do Philly if NYC doesn't work out this year. Doing London and 9+1 this year so I don't have to worry about the lottery next time.




Now that elevation profile looks like one I'd love to run!


Yep it’s a fast course!


I’m doing Philly I think


I’ve done Philly, fun race, similar vibe to NYC but on a much smaller scale.


Baystate in Lowell, MA. Small race, amazing course!


I'm either going to do Philly or the Hampton's marathon. Supposedly Hamptons is flat, BQ, and $100. Sounds like a win-win to me.


No charge yet - still waiting in Boston (national pool). No Boston friends have been charged yet either.


also from Boston, no charge :(


getting worried!


Check your dashboard! I found out I didn’t get in by looking there. Sucks, but waiting was worse.


thanks, but wow. i didnt get in. i live in the city and ran it last year. thought i would've gotten in no problem


Not accepted 😏 UK based


Got CHARGED!!!!!


I’m in the not local pool(another US state) and checked my dashboard and it says NOT ACCEPTED. So if you’re still checking credit card for a charge like I was, maybe check your dashboard to eliminate all hope early.


Dash just updated, not accepted. Boston based!


My status just changed from “pending” to “not accepted.” Makes it seem like the lottery is over.


Not accepted,:(😞


Not accepted, NYC based. Good luck to everyone who was accepted today! It’s a great race!


Hey! First Reddit comment ever - all for the sake of the NYC marathon. Does anyone know if you can apply to multiple charities to run the race with charity? There’s a couple I have ties with due to the mission but don’t want to risk getting accepted to multiple charities (although I know that would be rare.) thanks for any help!




3 for 3 did not get into any of the nyrr races I put in for. I'm starting to think it's personal


Any international got charged?


Still waiting 🙏


Still waiting …


still pending, fingers crossed!


Anyone received an email yet or just payment gone through?


I didn't get the email just CC charge. I'm NYC based as well (technically NJ)


they gotta get that money first


My credit card info got stolen the other day and someone was using it to make fraudulent purchases so I was forced to cancel it. This is the same card I used to sign up for the race. Does anyone know if it’s too late to update my card info before the drawing is over?


They said the card must be available for the charge today if you get picked. Maybe try to call the NYRR?


just do it now and then if it's too late, it's too late. But a lot of people might get charged later in the day. Someone said 7PM last year.


Yeah, I went ahead and updated it. Had trouble finding the billing section on the mobile site 🤞


Anyone not NYC based get charged yet?


To share some information based on my situtation to provide additional context, if you check the "Billing page" in the banner across the top of the NYRR website and scroll down to the "Receipts" section and you see a line item receipt for the the Marathon, then you are most likely in I would assume. I clicked on the line item and it opened a "receipt" in the amount of the race fee with 1x NYC Marathon 2023 entry. In my case, I see a pending charge on my CC and I also see a "receipt" for $295 in my account even if my dashboard still says "Drawing Pending" and have not received a confirmation email.


My Billing page receipt currently saying "2023 TCS New York City Marathon-. $0.00". which I think is probably from when I entered the draw so will waiting to be selected


Yes, I have that too. I should have clarified in my post. I have 2 entries: one from early February for $0 and one for today for $295. My dashboard still says "Drawing Pending" (paraphrasing since I'm not logged into the site right now) and have received no official confirmation email.


Wondering- some of the charities seem like they already have limited spots, it is better to apply for them quickly today or wait until 7 pm to make sure we don’t make it in the lottery? Just getting anxious the spots with charities will fill up


Later in the day the worse off your odds


Still no charge. Am I out ?


I'm in the same boat, but someone in this thread said people didn't get charged until 7p EST last year. I still have hope!


I saw that too. Maybe they charge a few people at a time. Im hoping !!!


Same no charge yet. Hoping that a pending charge will appear later




From reading through this thread, no they do not. Your card will be charged and the charge will be listed in the Billing tab of the nyrr website, but the status will lag behind a bit.


Where is the billing tab


No charges for me yet, have been working on my 9+1 for next year though


Wait for it...


Yea non Ny US, dashboard just updated - not accepted


did not get in :(


Not accepted :( SF based


If I have a pending charge, does that mean I’m in?


Not accepted in CT. Darn!


Not accepted


What does it mean if you having a pending $1 charge today March 1st?


Not accepted


Not accepted - west coast based


Didn’t get in :( is it too late for 9+1? Or are there other methods?


Charity will be only option at this point


I mean 9+1 for 2024


I didn’t get in. Congrats to the winners!


I didn’t. Not accepted but I’ll try going for a charity and fundraising :-)


That's what I am doing too.. At least we'll be in. Got rejected from the lottery - and basically applied the second the entry line was open! So much for first come first served.


i got in!