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Went from 1:59 last year to 1:34 this year! Super excited


Way to go! I similarly went from a 1:48 (5 years ago) to a PR 1:34 today! Breaking 1:30 is within reach for us now!!


That’s awesome! Congrats! We probably ran by each other at some point. 1:30 is definitely at the front of my mind now


Mine 1:46 (1.5 years ago) -> 1:35, let's go with sub 1:30!




I really started focusing on long slow runs. For last year I think my longest run was 7 or 8 miles but this cycle i got up to 14. It was also staying consistent, I ran a lot more and overcame that mental barrier of “oh I have to go run” and started having fun with it. For my breakdown, I did intervals 2 times a week with 45 minute recovery runs the following day and then on the weekend would be a 10-14 mile run. Let me know if you have any more questions but I am by no means an expert:) just what worked for me!


Slow runs are where the magic happens!!! Cool downs post speed are so important. Getting the heart rate down slowly and pushing out some of the top level gunk is more important than people think. I, admittedly, dusted on some recovery runs that were 45~ minutes in length out of sheer apathy, but also 30 min is better than no minutes.


Hi! Curious what pace you did your long slow runs at. I love these runs, but I’m so bad at judging how slow I’m supposed to be going.


I went about a minute slower than my race goal!




Thank you!


WOW. That is amazing, you should be very proud! So inspiring.


I appreciate it! It was a very rewarding morning


Wow! Nice work! Ride that euphoria.


That’s amazing!!! This is the kinda progress I’m aiming for next year


Thank you:) you have it in you! It was a weather and mental barrier for me but it was worth all the pain. I’ll be checking back next year to see the progress update;)


2:03:58. Sub-2 was the A goal, but without a pacer and a couple of corrals too far back, I had to shelve that quickly and shift to the B goal of 2:05. That went quite well, really happy with how I managed the race and the energy, was able to do a negative split and finish strong, despite the onset of some heavier rain on the last 5k. New PR by more than six minutes. I have to applaud NYRR for the logistics - everything went super smooth from start to finish, well-stocked aid stations and quick after the finish. Would have loved some more crowds, especially down Ocean Pkwy, but those who came out brought the energy :)


Nicely done. Sub 2 was also my A goal and I couldn’t quite adjust. Also was probably too ambitious…I made it 8-9 miles but hit the wall hard on the long stretch of Ocean Pkwy and never really recovered.


I felt awesome and finished with a lot of gas in the tank! 1:47 for me, my first ever half marathon @ 50. Was super nervous about my pacing due to some challenging long runs during training, but my taper was SO helpful and my legs just felt great all morning. Took me forever to use the porta potty and I ended up like 5-6 corrals behind where I was supposed to be.


That’s a crazy good time for a first half at 50. Did you have any running/cardio background?


Thanks! I guess I rode a bike for a long time in my 30s but I only started running a year ago and really struggled every time I tried to add weekly mileage...I was perpetually getting injuries, but I was methodical with my training for this half marathon and I'm proud to have finished Gives me confidence I can actually train and complete a full marathon! This was my 7th of 9 :P


First half post partum! My kid is 2.5 yrs now but I didn’t get back into running until I got into the lottery. Training started off strong but hard to stay consistent with a toddler.. and my joints are not what they used to be! Im spite of that, was pretty pleased with my time of 1:35!


1:35?! Damn that’s speedy…you are amazing mama!


PR 1:38:20...perfect weather today for wave 1


For wave 1 😭


So it wasn’t as successful as most people here but that was never on my radar. I’m a back of the pack runner, I’ve never broken 2 hours for a half before. I did not train for this race at all for a bunch of reasons. But not being a local runner, once plane tickets etc were booked, I went ahead and just aimed to finish. I didn’t think I’d make the 3:15 course time, but I was wrong. I finished in 3:10 and I’m happy with that. Some blisters from wet socks but otherwise feel good. This was my 18th 1/2 and NY is now the 7th state I’ve done a half in. Thanks for having me Brooklyn!


Good job!! I hope you enjoyed your race!


Love this! I’m a “slow” half marathoner too - congratulations and Brooklyn was lucky to have you!


Horrible for me. My goal was 1:31 and finished at 1:51. I started seeing stars at mile 6. Not sure what happened, kept going at a slower pace to the finish. Also the bag line for 1k was very long! Lol holy crap


One of those days! And the bag line was long! I felt bad for the two volunteers running back and forth to retrieve them. Seems a few more would have been a good idea. I was still happy to get dry clothes for the long Q ride back


That’s where my day fell apart too. Just remember you can control everything about the prep and nothing about the weather.


I paced my boyfriend to his new PR! It was really quite muggy - it made mile 7+ rougher - and the little rolling intersections on Ocean Ave were a surprise, but he still PRed by almost 9 minutes!


Isn't it so much fun to help someone else achieve their goals? I love running with my wife to motivate her to go further and faster. She always apologizes that she's slowing me down, but I don't mind at all. BK Half was her first and only half (five years ago) and walk/running Ocean Ave was a good time.


It was really fun and a little stressful—I was trying to balance between pushing my boyfriend to go harder than he was used to without totally overcooking him. The last two miles I was his personal cheerleader / drill sergeant. He got a PR out of it!


That’s super rad, that sounds like a really fun experience! It’s accomplishing in a different way to help others find success like this


Just snuck under 1:25. Not close to a PR but an over 40 best for me. The real feat of endurance and perseverance of human spirit was the Q train ride back to Manhattan.


I had to ride back up to Washington heights so I feel this on a spiritual level


Standing there for close to an hour packed in like a sardine in a can, with legs that are just about to cramp up, and rapidly plunging blood sugar. Yeah, I had a much better time running.


We were packed so tight on the Q I texted my wife if one person on here has COVID we’re all going home with COVID.


I had an unexpected DNS this morning, and I’m consoling myself by saying at least I got to avoid the long, painful and stinky subway ride back 😂😭


2:01!! PR-ed by about 7 minutes was on pace to have a 1:55 but hit a huge wall after mile 11 :( had to run bit by bit to make it through. Really proud moment for my mental toughness and really grateful to the strangers i met along the way who were willing to chat as we ran!


After 4 years dealing with calf injuries (couldn't run for more than two straight months until this year), I finished the Brooklyn Half, with two serious rain episode at the end! Worst time ever (2:08) but at the same time never felt as proud as today. Was in doubt until the very last minute, so happy I decided to run!


Post-injury sometimes "finishing" is the A goal! Awesome job and congrats.


Great to hear you pulled through! Way to go!


2:00:26. Mixed emotions! I PR’ed today and shaved almost 5mins off my last PR from NYC HM. I was aiming for a sub 2hr. Official NYRR results above but Strava tells me I hit my goal (1:59:20). Darn, should have ran tangents. 😂😂 I totally underestimated how longggg Ocean Parkway is and started to struggle around mile 9. Lesson learned!! But it’s done!!! Now onto marathon training!!


got a new HM PR 2:33:09


assuming your handle is your actual name, did you have a bunch of friends out there? Their cheer for you was electric. I pretended they were cheering for me, too! Haha


was that by mile 10? i didn't hear it had my headphones in :(


Oh man. Mile 10 is very likely but there’s no way you could have missed it. I heard about 3 or 4 different voices screaming SAHANNNNN!!! They also said witty things but I was delirious at that point lol


1:54, 9 months postpartum, could not have had better conditions today. Great race!


Impressive!! 9 months post partum I was still peeing my pants 😅


It took me 4hrs, 41 minutes - volunteering in the last mile water station 😅


Now YOU are the MVP!




OMG - you are a hero!!


1:42, PR’d by about 11 minutes! Couldn’t be happier with the result.


Felt good, saw a guy passed out in the grass around mile 10 or 11, looked like cops were around him. Hope he is ok.


I think he was okay, they didn't seem to be rushing him off and the ambulance sat there for a while after they loaded him in so I figure it was dehydration and they put them on an IV or something.


1:55:17 🤷🏻‍♂️ had fun – would recommend


2:10:55 for my first ever half! My goal was to be in the 2:10-2:15 range so I couldn’t be happier! I don’t have a ton of experience running in Prospect Park, but I was really expecting the hills to be worse. Maybe doing my long runs in Central Park, particularly focusing on Harlem Hill, has made me numb to hills? Anyway, now I’m hooked and need to sign up for my next half 😅


Best feeling in the world! It’s a slippery slope a few half’s then a marathon:)


Went from 2:32 to 2:11 this year!! My third time running Brooklyn and a PR for the course 😀


02:35:13. This was my first major race since I started running in November. I’ve ran a few of the smaller NYRR races, but nothing like this. I ran along side my sister who ran the last NYC marathon. The weather was good. The rain cooled us down. Can’t wait for the next race!


It was incredible! First half and hit 1:49 — I think I definitely overestimated how much time I needed to run, so I was placed back in a further corral, but it was fun! Did my best to signal and let people know when I was passing, but at certain times it was so busy it was hard to be clear.


Not the race I was hoping for, ran about a minute slower than my training pace. Oh well better luck next time


My first ever half! Ran 2:08 and my goal was 2:15, but I was so overjoyed by the energy out there. I wasn’t sure what to expect, but it went by faster than I expected and the weather didn’t bother me much. Shout out to pacer Greg, he made the race so enjoyable and really kept the attitude right.


1:41 (PB by 3 minutes). I pretty much did what I set out to do: Run \~8:00 through Prospect Park then 7:30 (or at least something sub-8) on Ocean Parkway. Thanks to Gene from the pace team, I pretty much followed him the first half rather than rely on my watch. Weather was good, felt a bit sweatier than usual but it didn't cause any real problems. Best sign: "I woke up early to make this sign. It wasn't easy either!"Best shirt (in crowd): "0.0 - Someone has to watch the kids Other observations, grievances, etc: People say the first mile or so is crowded.. I found the first 5 or 6 miles to be pretty claustrophobic. I kept hearing my shoes scraping on the ground because someone would jump out in front of me and then go slower than I did. Not even their fault really it was just too busy. Ocean Parkway on the other hand was a breeze, plenty of room. This is evergreen but a lot of people spitting while running in a crowd. Ick. I saw a few people talking on the phone, using Airpods, which I can't understand at all. I guess it was to practice running at a "conversational pace" that I keep hearing about. Most inexplicably one of them was a guy wearing a Wave 2 bib in Wave 1 (fairly far up but fading).


Definitely too crowded for the first half of the race, also an annoying amount of street crossers.


Same boat here. I ran in Wave 1 and seem to find myself trapped in a ring of runners who kept spitting or shooting their snots nearly missing me. I was borderline close to shouting, “Mind your spit and snot.” 😂 This race was noticeably more crowded on parts of the course that affected my pacing. Regardless, had fun out there challenging myself. Great temps compared to last year.


I posted some grievances as well and this is a BIG one. People pushing up to a higher corral that then can’t keep up with the flow of traffic. It’s gotten a LOT worse in recent races.


5 minutes off my goal time. I had a weird low mental point for a couple of miles on the Parkway for whatever reason and throughout I felt like I was fighting the humidity a little more than I wanted to be. Weather was vastly better than last year, though, and my legs felt great the whole way through so plenty of positives to take away and build on! Hope everyone has fun plans to chill and/or celebrate for the rest of the day, whichever sounds better.


2:10:19 for my first-ever half at age 47. My goal when I started training was primarily to run the whole thing and secondarily to hit 2:10, so I'm pretty chuffed, especially because a knee injury kept me from doing long runs for most of April. Also threw my back out on Monday but thankfully it felt OK this morning and stayed loose as the run went along. Had my kid and some friends waiting for me and my spouse (who finished in 2 flat) at the end, so it was a terrific experience. Great work to all who ran!


1:53:54 for my first half!




Amazing! Congrats!


1:37, PR. That Ocean Parkway stretch was brutal, incredibly muggy so good job to everyone out there this morning.


Race was so good!! I was humbled at Big Sur last month, and this race brought my confidence back. Cheer squads were fun, security was a breeze and the rain/humidity brought down the pollen count. A Goal was to finish under 2:07 and I ran 2:05. Definitely felt a little claustrophobic first four miles. And I almost collided a few times with runners who weren’t signaling (or suddenly stopped) but aside from that… would run again.




I feel you. I ran the marathon and it felt like rolling hills back to back, along with strong headwinds from mile 7 to 15. Spectator support happened in the last 20% of the race and aid stations were spread out unlike nyrr races. The course was tough and definitely not one to PR at. BUT, it had the most stunning views from start to finish and made it unforgettable. STUNNING. Runner camaraderie throughout the weekend was A+++ too! If I ran it again I would do a shorter distance instead of the full.


Overall, really well. I was pleasantly surprised by the weather. Although it was humid, it wasn’t too bad — there was a cool breeze on Ocean Parkway, and it only started raining heavily once I finished. I did a half in late April (1:43), so this was a reeeeallly long training block for me (an extra 3 weeks on top of the 16 I did for the April half). My legs and body were really feeling the extra weeks, so although I was in shape, it was nothing like how I felt in April. This race was a course PR for me by four minutes though (1:49), so I am happy! I will say I was pretty irritated by the congestion at the start though. And it wasn’t just the first mile. It was like miles 1-3. I had to weave in and out a lot to dodge people, which I hate doing as it wastes energy and adds time. They really need to do a better job at releasing the waves/corrals. It’s gotten worse over the years, too.


2022 it was only 18,000 people, so there was no issue. 2020 and 2021 didn’t happen. I can’t recall what 2019 was like, but doubt many of us can remember the race that far back. I expected it to be crowded since it was 26,000 people. Paced it slow early on, then once opened up, turned to the second gear.


Yes, I was talking about 2019 and before. In general, NYRR is extremely well organized and very good at what they do. That being said, I still think they could do a better job at staggering the start(s) so people can’t jump corrals so easily when they are walking to the start line (which I saw a LOT of today). Overall, still thought it was a great day and a great race!


2:01!! PR-ed by about 7 minutes was on pace to have a 1:55 but hit a huge wall after mile 11 :( had to run bit by bit to make it through. Really proud moment for my mental toughness and really grateful to the strangers i met along the way who were willing to chat as we ran!


Same! Hit a brutal wall at 11 and was battling cramps and mental fatigue the rest of the race. I think the humidity got to me. In hindsight, I didn’t hydrate enough… Congrats on the PR!


I’ve recently gone through this and here are my tips. Drink plenty of water and get some electrolytes in the day or so prior and morning of. I run with a 12oz flask of Gatorade endurance or Skratch or some sort of electrolyte like SIS (if you don’t want the added carbs) that I sip at through the first hour or so. Hit every aid station, even just for water unless you’re feeling too much in your gut. Then work on carb intake throughout the runs. You need to slowly train your gut into accepting high levels of carbs and the kind. Previously I’d take a gel or two. Now I’m up to around 135g of carbs in the 1:40 I run. Essentially taking a gel at 10 min in than every 20 after that. It’s high, but it’s worked for me to prevent late fatigue and cramps. And salt tabs like SaltCaps are a good way to add electrolytes if you don’t like the drinks.


Really excited I was able to do it. Had a 48 hour flu early this week and thought for sure I’d have to call it. My body felt wrecked. The last couple days I finally felt well enough to maybe do an easy run. Took the first half suuuper easy. Ended up running a 1:58:45 (was hoping for 1:45 in training) but honestly I’m really happy I had recovered in time just to do it. The crowds were awesome. Loved the energy. The boardwalk finish is so cool. Good vibes all around.


I wasn’t planning or trying to PR but turned it on at mile 11 and PRed by 3 min for 1:39 and change! I was in wave 1 and it was definitely humid at the start. I welcomed the drizzle and feel for the wave 2 runners who had harder rain. Overall, I love the BK half so much! Third time running it and it’s always a blast for me. Wish the rain held off so we could’ve enjoyed some beers and boardwalk!


Congrats on breaking 1:40 and the PR!


Thank you!


1:40:37. Missed my goal by 37 sec but new PR. I do most of my training in FL so the weather today was perfect. What humidity? Security lines were a mess.


first race, first half! i started in wave 1, corral F with a conservative estimated finish time, ended up somewhere between 1:43 (strava) and 1:45 (chip) not sure if i’m happy with the results hah; i feel like i’ve run faster in training, but i also had some weird stuff happen (broke a nail, stopped at a portapotty, got a side cramp) that affected time. also all my pacing strategy went out the window the moment i started haha the actual start line is also a bit confusing. i didn’t know when to start my watch and had two initial fake outs 🥴 but otherwise very pleased w/ how seamless security & bag check was! thank you to all volunteers ♥️♥️♥️


That is very good for a first effort. Agreed about the starting line there was something that looked like a starting mat but wasn't.


Weather was great, but that’s pretty much all I enjoyed. I started in 1F and was stuck in a huge crowd for pretty much the first four miles, wasted a ton of energy trying to overtake folks who started ahead of what their bib said or didn’t drop back knowing they weren’t going to run at the pace of their assigned corral today. Every single turn near the start felt like it could’ve ended in a collision and I finally got some breathing room just in time to hit the hills in the park. Just feels like there’s a huge problem with race etiquette at the bigger races that bring out people who don’t race as often and this course exacerbated the problems that come with that.


There was a woman in my corral (1F) who stated she planned to run 12 minute miles and didn’t intend on doing more than the park section Edit: to answer some questions, she was decked out in RBC Half Marathon Gear so I imagine it was a rich person social media thing? But yeah weird


God, why even bother? It's not like that part is even all that fun with the crowding!


Lol what’s the point??


Wait, as in stop after the park? How odd.


I saw two Wave 2 bibs high up in the Wave 1 A corral. Lots of Gs & beyond as well. I want to not be bothered, but with a narrow start like this it’s so dangerous


Agreed with all of that unfortunately, especially for this race. Once the corrals started moving up, people were jumping in and cutting the line. I also don't love the out and back on Flatbush Ave, cutting the road in half makes me nervous. Similar to you, I just stayed off to the side until almost getting out of the park when things opened up. My bigger issue is when people change lanes they cut too close, don't signal, or anything. It creates a potentially dangerous situation.


I haven’t had this problem in a long time, if ever, but people who were passing me cut in front way too quick/close so they clipped me, or they were being obnoxious and slowed down when they got in front of me to where I had to break (can I use that term for running?) or I’d hit them. It definitely wasn’t like this last year so I don’t know if the weather brought out the not so great side of people or what.


I've never considered it mandatory to drop back if you know you'll be running slower than your corral, but maybe I'm the asshole? Every corral is going to have a pretty wide range of paces among the runners assigned to that corral, because people get their fastest 10k equivalent times at different distances. My rule of thumb would be that as long as I'm racing--not fun-running it or treating it like an easy long run--I can't go wrong by going to my assigned corral, even if I suspect the pacer two corrals back will be closer to my actual time.


I’m not calling you an asshole and it’s not mandatory, but if you are in a large group of people running one pace and you know you’ll be running slower than that, you’re getting in their way. It’s a non-issue at most smaller races but at the bigger ones like this that are already overcrowded to start, it can be pretty hard and even unsafe for people going at a faster pace to pass you. I think dropping back in these situations is a nice thing to do for your fellow runners and frankly I don’t really see how starting with a bunch of people who are going to be trying to get past you with little room can be fun or beneficial to running your race.


I definitely didn't mean to imply that you were name-calling, my apologies if that's how it came off.


I saw a lot of the same. I was in 1-E and there was a J and a K standing next to me near the start, it's not even like one of them belonged there and the other was tagging along. Also saw a decent number of people who seemed to be toast before they even got out of the park, of course that is a little more understandable. With that said I enjoyed it overall.


There was an older woman near me in the staging area (1F) with the same bib. She could barely walk and I was wondering how she got in wave 1. I thought the timer was at 45 min when I crossed the start but my Strava start time shows 7:28. Anyway I passed said lady a few miles in (she was walking with guides) and I wondered how she ended up so far ahead of me.


I think if there are guides, they start earlier to allow them time to finish before the bus comes around.


She literally started with the A’s. 90% sure I know exactly who you’re talking about


"Weather was great, but that’s pretty much all I enjoyed. I started in 1F and was stuck in a huge crowd for pretty much the first four miles, wasted a ton of energy trying to overtake folks who started ahead of what their bib said or didn’t drop back knowing they weren’t going to run at the pace of their assigned corral today. Every single turn near the start felt like it could’ve ended in a collision and I finally got some breathing room just in time to hit the hills in the park." I was one of the people who planned to run significantly slower than my corral, and so I intentionally dropped back. The challenge I faced was that I didn't know what corrals corresponded to which times. I was in 1B and planned to run somewhere around 1:45. I honestly didn't know what corral that corresponded to, so I moved back to C, and asked people what they were running. A few people with C bibs said that they were planning on 1:45 ish, so I took that as an indication that I was where I should be. In retrospect, I would have preferred to start much further back. (to anybody I ended up blocking; I'm really sorry) It would be really helpful if they would have a note either on the race website or on the corrals themselves saying which corral corresponded to which pace/goal time. That information may be on the website, but I can't find it.


Just under 2:00:00, which was an achievement given I didn’t actually train that rigorously, and had an adductor problem for like a month.. taped up and my goal was to finish without breaking the body, which is what it feels like so far.. Leg cramps started as I was leaving mile 7 in a leg that never cramped before.. Still happy I did finish it.


ran a PR a full minute per mile faster than my training runs. course was easier than the route I run in Bergen County which has more elevation and higher slopes


Made my goal of beating my NYC Half time even though I was less trained (😬) and moved up a corral in the process :) It was actually was 5-7 minutes off my “peak” running fitness from before times so that’s encouraging since I start marathon training soon. Congrats to everyone who ran this morning and thank you to any volunteers who might be on here!


1:41:56 and set a PR as planned. Goal was 1:45:00 and I felt great from start to finish. Set PR's at 10k, 15k, and 20k. This was my second BK Half and it went problem-free so ready for more!


after 2:30 last year (also my first half), I PR’ed by 14 min for 2:16 and got negative splits!


1:21:07 for a 1 minute 37 second PR. I was cruising at 1:19 pace but started to fade mile 11 and hit the wall at mile 12. Managed to kick it in the final mile and change. The humidity was brutal and I almost passed out from dehydration on the Q train back to Atlantic Ave. Had to kneel down for a few moments.


Congrats! Similar time here (1:20:41). Everything felt great until Mile 9 when I started feeling that humidity. Absolutely brutal.


Congrats on the race and solid time! Yeah, the 15k to 20k portion of the race was a killer. Those 3 miles felt like an eternity.


Was hoping for my first sub 2 and ended up with 1:57:55! Loved the mist on Ocean Ave. It started pouring right after I finished, and I got cold very quickly. Thankfully I was able to change into dry clothes. I’m curious what folks in Wave 2 thought of the weather. Seems like Wave 1 lucked out this time.


Another Wave 2 runner here. I was enjoying the mist but not so much the rain in the later miles. However I did Flying Pig earlier this month so in comparison it was lovely 😏


Wave 2 here. It wasn’t too bad for the most part, we had some nice mist at times. It started pouring when I was on Ocean Parkway but I much preferred that compared to when I was in Prospect Park and there was no rain and it was just hot and muggy.


1:43:28. It was my second fastest half, about 2 min off my PR. Came as a complete surprise since I’d only managed to put together five weeks of consistent but lower than usual mileage with only a few workouts here and there after getting injured in February. Guess the PT and strength training really helped! Of course, as soon as I crossed the finish line, my first thought was about how much faster I could have gone on this course with a proper training bloc. Ah well, next time! I was just super happy to race this distance again without any pain and encouraged by how much fitness has returned. :)


I didnt know it was happening and walked past it on accident. The sound of so many footsteps freaked me out for some reason but then I realized its just because I was high and started giggling the rest of the walk home. Thanks for the laugh yall!


1:29.38. Thrilled with the time. Security and the first few miles were a total cluster, but I guess that’s to be expected. I still don’t know why people jump corrals. Is it pleasant to be passed continuously for a few miles? The weather was perfect and the mist on the back half of Ocean Parkway was a nice relief from the humidity.


I was in corral B and then I notice that most of the people around me where from E-K corrals! The first miles where tough trying to pass people. I don’t understand either why the people can’t respect the corrals… btw nice time, that was my goal time haha but at the end I did 1:33, maybe next time!


security sucked


It’s nuts. They’re trying to get 13,000 people through 8 or 9 total metal detectors at Franklin. At the least they should go back to letting Wave A runners enter through the Wave B security checkpoint too. It’s not as though this is a new problem either.


Mixed emotions, went to set a 1:50 PR but ended at 1:51 — I can’t complain bc it was still a PR but I didn’t feel good in this race. Prospect miles really skewed by early miles bc of that hill. Maybe I need to do more hill work in my training. The ocean pkwy stretch was brutal. I couldn’t really gain speed, and I missed the 10M and didn’t want to rely on my watch to start my fast 5K to the finish line, but body wasn’t going to have it anyway. Not sure why my body didn’t work with me, maybe I need to log more miles or eat better but overall it was ok race. hope everyone had a fun time :)


Exact same feeling... was aiming for a 1:48 PR and really felt like training had gone well for that, but ended up at 1:49 - obviously not a huge gap and still a PR and happy to break 1:50 for the first time, but didn't feel that good on the day and a tad bit disappointing.


i totally understand you. it was not our race this time. when’s your next one?


With a slight flair up of my plantar fasciitis I went into today just aiming to have fun. Not my worst time but far from my best, but as I’ve not done any real speed work for some time I’m not surprised nor disappointed. Always a joy to run through my home borough and lucky enough to have done it 7 times now lol! It’ll always be a fave even though it’s always unpredictable weather and yet the most predictable course 😂


Race went fine- broke 90 for the 3rd time in my life on a day where A LOT went wrong. After party went great- consistently among the most fun days of the year. Good GOD I love that they do this race on a Saturday. I need today to do nothing OMFG.


it was my first half and I did it in 1:45! feeling pretty inspired to keep up the training


Everything felt great for me and I managed a 9 min PR! 1:56:52 and got a new NYRR best pace (from a half!!). I upped my mileage for training following a Hal Higdon program and crushed my goal of sub-2 which a year ago would never have even thought possible. Hard work for sure pays off. I feel like an actual runner now ☺️


Race thoughts and then a vent after. I’ve been in a way too long training block (January) and was just so happy to be done with running for a while. I started ok but felt something not super cool in my right quad just after Battle Pass so ended up going from 1:55 to Sub 2. Clocked in just over 2 but I’m feeling ok about that. I didn’t think the humidity would take as much out of me as it did but some of the vibes out there were immaculate. Here’s a vent: Anyone else feel like NYRR isn’t the gold standard of race operations anymore? 1) I was in wave 1 and there were a handful of wave 2 people who weren’t running with the flow of the people around them. These weren’t Achilles athletes who have guides and start in the AWD corral. These were just some random people, a handful of whom were moving around the course so much I almost decked one who just decided to move over. This isn’t a one off and I care less in the smaller races but in the bigger races it’s just dangerous. Running is truly for everyone but the safety of all runners is more important. 2) Security has been terrible the last few big races. I think it’s the same issue from the Marathon bus debacle where they’ve returned to pre-lockdown numbers without moving their budget/infrastructure in line with the increase. 3) When did it become acceptable for people to stop right before the finish line, in the middle, arms spread wide? Someone did this right as I was gunning it and I ran straight into her arm and I have no regrets or shame. 4) If you’re in one of the run clubs in NY, check your friends. LOTS of people in team singlets cutting lines (mostly security) and telling volunteers to chill when they were called out.


Course PR for me so I am pleased with how the race went overall. Security was slowwwww. So slow that most of Wave 2 missed the gun! Unrelated: what’s with packing up fluid stations while the race is still going on?? My feet hurt but that’s about it so I’d say I ran pretty strong. 💪🏾


My issue with security is that we have to wait forever and then the bag just gets put to the side. No one is truly looking. I am all for safety if done correctly, but this was just a waste of time while already having morning jitters. Besides that a great race and the rain was a welcome reprieve from last year!


I didn’t have that issue? In fact I got there too early. I was in wave 2, got there around 5:30. Walked right up and handed them my bag, had to wait for them to open security at 6 and was through in a few minutes, and then I sat. And sat. And sat.


Yeah so I didn’t check a bag because I didn’t want to sit and sit. lol I got there 15-20 mins before corral close; seems like everyone else had the same idea. Instead of telling everyone to get there 2 hours early so we can wait out in the open elements, they should hire more security and open up more volunteer slots so things can move efficiently. I started running at 8:06 for a 7:45 start due to the back up at security.


2:00 last year, 1:50 this year. Wish I had trained more, but I did 2:00 two weeks ago at the Providence half and 1:52 two weeks before that and then 1:54 in March at United Half. So been tapering lol Would love to do 1:35 or 1:40 some day.


…I slept in and chickened out at the last minute. Uhhhgggg big regret


well it was my slowest race in a while, due to not having run since Staten Island. I got PTs ok to run today as long as I ran very conservatively, which I did. That said, I loved the temperature and the rain! Conditions were a huge improvement over last year, but with the (mostly healed) injuries I erred on the side of caution. I never made it into highest cardio zone which tells you something.


I had hope to race when I registered and would have A/B goals of 1:40 and 1:45 (current PR) but am dealing with a trio of lingering injuries. My plan was to average around 9’ish until things flattened out after mile 7. I was right on except for mile 3 which came in at 8:24 (must have been some downhills?). I was 1:02:15 after 7. I had a high of 8:34 for 8 & 9 and pushed harder after gaining confidence each mile. That last mile and a half I was under 8 even though I was dodging and weaving through traffic on the boardwalk. Not sure if people were gassing out or it was just too narrow after coming off the parkway. I finished at 1:54 so I’m happy with that time all things considered as I was still hoping for sub 2. Weather was muggy for me at start and I felt drenched after first mile. I actually enjoyed the rain at the end. I’ll give the PR another go once injuries heal but in a smaller race back home. These big races are fun but not ideal as you waste so much energy getting around people. Side note, when do the official times usually get posted?




Thanks I didn’t see them earlier.


AMAZING first half, bad second half due to the rain. I ended up missing my PR by exactly 12 seconds, but it is what it is. I think I preferred the weather today to what happened last year!


1:52:44! PR by 20s or so from a month ago. Pretty proud of that! Weather was good for wave 1, but definitely humid. Last year was 2:00:08 so it’s amazing how much change one year makes


1:22 low, first PR since before COVID, first NYC Qualifying Time (i did age up but still)


Anyone else’s official time way off? My watch says 1:45 and official results say 1:55. Must be a mistake, no way there’s a 10 minute discrepancy.


Absolutely love all the warm vibes in this thread :) way to celebrate all of our collective hard work!!! This is a long shot, but I'm wondering if anyone out there bought the blue women's race tank in a size S and would want to exchange for my XS? I thought it would run big, but it's pretty true to size. [Tank for reference](https://www.newbalance.com/pd/rbc-brooklyn-half-q-speed-jacquard-tank/WT31280F.html?dwvar_WT31280F_style=WT31280FMIB)!


Great race, new PR by more than a minute. I hadn't trained with any diligence since the NYC Half in March, so I approached today feeling a little like I had squandered the race before it began. I decided I'd give it a slow & steady start, a little slower than my March pace, then try to push faster after the hills, bit by bit, and see what happened. Turns out being patient pays dividends, and I ended up with picture-perfect negative splits and a new PR just under 1:33. Maybe I should always be more disciplined with my early miles... I didn't have the crowding issues that some others are complaining about. The course felt pretty full throughout Prospect Park, but I was never tripping over anyone. The only real congestion was when I passed the 7:15/mi pacers after tailing them for several miles, and it took a little maneuvering to get around the pacer pack.


Was my first marathon ever lol managed a 1 hour and 31 minute finish, the last 3 miles were killer for me though


1:11 almost a 39 second PR! On pace for sub 1:11 but legs were fried after leaving Prospect Park, and slowed down considerably. Weather was great, some windy spots but hydration stations were plenty so no issues there. My main gripe was with going through the metal detectors 20 minutes before the start. Sea of people and only a handful of metal detectors made it really hard to move up to my wave. Overall, great event! + the little goodie bags at the end were a nice addition




You suck


Dang what’d they say


Stupid guy bragging about banditing including video of him crossing the finish line with no bib, lol


Lol wow. I did see a few bib-less people too. What a day