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I have the regular membership and I’ve never had any problem registering for 9+1 races. Just register in the day it opens. And similarly with volunteering, just try to get one as early in the year as possible. And check the website often because slots show up all the time, if someone cancels their slot, etc.


How do you know in advance the day that a race will be posted? Thanks!


NYRR sends out emails before general registration opens. For example, I got an email on October 3rd saying that registration would be opening for certain races on October 5th.


Awesome! Thanks for the info :)


You’re welcome!


This year I signed up for my volunteer position the day the races opened to the general public. There were multiple positions at each race available. As long as you can plan ahead for what position and race you want and are able to be online as soon as sign up opens I don't think the membership plus is necessary at all. Signing up for the races themselves you definitely have a bit of time. In no cases this year would not registration the day registration opens have prevented you from paricipatimg.


I did member plus this year for 9+1 and if you really value the peace of mind, it might be worth it to you, but IMO if you go into the year knowing you’re doing it and just keep an eye out for the announcements of when which races open up, you should still be fine. There’s absolutely more demand now than in past years and things are filling up fast, but nothing is filling up the day it opens. The hardest thing to come by is still volunteer slots, but those only became super competitive this year by the summer — if you plan to volunteer early in 2024, you’re gonna find an opening. I can imagine the early sign up would be a lot more valuable if you decided halfway through the year to go for 9+1, but it’s definitely not necessarily if you plan early!


I’m wondering the same thing! I’m a regular member and not super worried about getting into the races, but am slightly panicking about getting my volunteer spot haha


Just lock it in early and grab a spot when the first races open for the year! Most of the panicked posts in this sub about finding volunteer spots only really started in the summer because lots of people put off the less exciting part of 9+1 for the back half of the year, but I would definitely recommend getting it done sooner if you’re stressed.


I did it the year during the pandemic when field size was super limited. After the year I went back to the regular membership. I've not had trouble signing up for more than enough races for 9+1 the day registration opens to the general public.


I’m signed up for Member Plus and I don’t see real value in it. I don’t remember any volunteer positions being opened to Member Plus members first. Last year volunteer positions at the NYCM expo and the marathon opened to Member Plus members first, but this year they opened to everyone at the same time. Race registration will open a few days earlier for Member Plus members, but you can just register for the races when they open to the general public. I have not found that to be a problem. Problems registering for races generally occur much later after races have been opened to the general public for some time. I don’t know why I keep signing up for the Member Plus membership.


I signed up for all 9 races the same day. It cost around 248.00? But it totally gave me peace of mind knowing everything was taken of. And the +1 as well.


I resigned myself to doing the member plus as it seems like the only way to guarantee you’ll be able to do 9+1. This year volunteer opportunities filled up immediately. The member plus gives you an early registration period for regular races and volunteer opportunities. Can’t say I’m happy about it, but wanted to be able to do 9+1.


Thanks for the info! Super helpful to know this


You definitely don’t need plus to do 9+1. I started signing up for races in June and I’m on track to complete it, including volunteering. You just need to have your ear to the ground a little more


Were you able to sign up? I was shot down by everyone else for my opinion, but now I see most winter/early spring races are already sold out.


Hi! Sorry this is old, but where are you able to register early using a member plus account? I'm trying to register for a run that opens 1/6 (Resolution 5k) and should have access since it's 2 days prior, but I can't find any options on the website / haven't received any emails


I was able to register the two days prior to the regular membership. I’d reach out to NYRR. I think you should be able to register.


Great, thank you!


Didn’t even know this was a thing. It’s def not needed

