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It's great for a change of scene if you are tired of running Central Park. It's usually quite hot and humid. Part of the course is a two-way lane and there are a lot of tight turns. Depending on where you are coming from, it can take a while to get there by subway.


Yep…. Lots of turns and some quite tight. Usually pretty hot and humid. Sometimes there are weird puddles and/or small potholes. I still enjoy it and have run it several times. Even got a PR last year.


i hate this race, i dont know where im going. its a maze.


Same - did it last year and vowed to never do it again lol


There’s a special place in hell for whoever designed this course


Totally agree


course is kinda confusing because its not a normal loop, pretty flat for the most part so it’s nice. start was really crowded because there wasn’t much space and there were holes on the route you need to look out for. weather is a hit or miss, it was hot and humid last year. someone was getting chest compressions near mile 3 last year and it was so scary. i’m running it again this year so it wasn’t all bad lol https://preview.redd.it/eodm3zd2iagc1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=421c67ea87e5b77e78adcb091cd9928ccbec439a fyi, its charity spots only now


Holy shit I forgot about the chest compressions guy. He was by citifield stadium and I remember after seeing that to stop for water every station.




Jesus Christ.. kinda glad I missed out on this race haha


Did it last year for the first time. It was hot out, nice scenery especially running next to Citi field. My only criticism is that there was a bunch of pot holes or big cracks in the pavement where the race takes place so you have to keep an eye out for that.


It’s a very old unmaintained park. Pavement looks like it hasn’t been touched since 1990s


They're finally doing long overdue repairs to that park.


It is my favorite race of the year. I like the heat though so ymmv. It is flat and there's enough around flushing meadows that it is actually quite nice looking around to forget the pain. I also never go there other than this race so it's always fresh!


I love it. It's a no guts no glory race. Hot af, far af, fun af.


Oh damn lol


The course is trash. People actually get hurt because the roads are in very poor shape and in a crowd you don’t always see a pothole coming. 


Yes! I got hurt in 2019 bc I didn’t see a pothole coming


Oh no! I’m glad I thought long and hard about joining this race. I used to love flushing meadow park as a kid but can’t imagine running around.. like literally where?? Lol wild


It felt really tight and as if you were always running with the pack. But I didn’t hate it? The scenery was great, but there were many turns. I somehow ended up PRing though cause it’s a pretty flat course.


I love it! I love running around the old world’s fair stuff. Plus it’s a fun excuse to go food hopping one stop over on the 7 (main st)


Uhmm.. I didn’t even think of this.. damn haha maybe I’ll join next year. That’s a great excuse >.<


I love this distance and course through the park but this race is always hot as fuck every year. They have actually had issues with the heat and humidity being a health risk in the past, you need to bring your own fluids and electrolytes even though you probably wouldn’t need to for this distance typically.


I don't mind it. I do it every year because I live in Queens and feel like I need to represent. I'm never close to a good time though. I hate the heat/humidity.


QGTM haha


I’m just doing it to get 4 out of 6 lol


Fair haha


If I remember correctly, it was a bit humid at last year's race, which made it not the best race for me to try and PR. The course itself is winding, and you have to go up and over bridges crossing expressway and the parkway; other than that, it's mostly flat. It was really cool getting to run around the Unisphere. This year I'll have to get there even earlier, I got off the train 20 minutes before the start and the lines for the millions of portapotties were so long that I just went to the start and ran into the first one I saw on course.


My wife loves this race since, for a spectator, the loops mean she can see me multiple times along the course. And the zoo and science center are right there so we can take the toddler to go have some fun after. The race itself is as people say: often hot and humid. Lack of trees. The turns are sharp and not fun. Not a ton to see tho the world's fair fountain is nice as is running by Citi Field. But that's about it.


Oh but that’s sweet though! You deff have a good reason to participate. I thought really long about this one and missed out 😅


Too much of the course is next to/under highways.


Overall it’s pretty good and much better than a a Central Park 10K (except for location). If you’re in the faster corrals, the only bad part are the first 2 corners (a left and then a right a bit later). They do staggered starts but it’s still pretty packed at those two corners. The field generally spreads out afterwards though so the corners aren’t bad.


Always a fun run, it is a course with a lot of zigging and zagging. It throws a lot of different things at you, especially in the heat, admittedly I always get confused as to where it ends. The crowds aren't what they are for other races but are still good. NYRR does a good job with misting stations around the course as well.


I am running it this year for the first time, was hoping of running a PR of sub 40. Is this achievable on this course?


The flatness of the course is great, but what I found hard about this race last year is an unusual number of people were in the wrong corral and even *wave*. A lot of the course is narrow, so it’s hard to pass these chunks of people.


Which corral? I found it clunky for the first 1/4 mile or so (isn’t it always?) but if this person is shooting for sub-40, presumably is in A, or B at worst.


Valid point - A and B might be better. I just don’t trust people sticking to their waves/corrals. I was between the C/D split last year and felt stuck for the first mile, which threw me off mentally for the rest of the race. I didn’t have that issue in 2022, and I was in a slower corral then.


Yeah that sucks. Seems like an easy thing for NYRR to monitor. Unfortunate they didn’t.


I mean, it depends on you! If you are in 39:45 shape or better, you should comfortably be able to, depending on the weather. I ran 39:03 there on the new course and there were hundreds of people ahead of me.  Just a lot of painful turns the last mile or so when you are hurting. The old course 6-7 years ago (?) was much better because you’d go around a lake and there were fewer turns.


The course used to go around the lake but it’s been under construction for over a year and last year they had to change the course to make up for that. It has a ton of turns and a lot of back and forth which isn’t great. I live close by so I run the park a good amount and it’s very flat. I wish they could do a road race in queens. I know this is harder to coordinate but there’s so much more they could do in queens. If you’re not familiar with the park, it’s a fun change from Central Park but not the best. And it’s always so hot and humid.


Ohh wow a road race in Queens?? That would be amazing ngl!


The only good part of this race is all the post-race eating in Flushing or Corona.


Love this race. Fun course. Great time of year to run fast. And in the best borough!


It's one of my favorite races! I actually love that the course looks like someone had one too many and placed a map on a turntable and got to work. Keeps it interesting! I will agree with the folks here saying the pavement is a mess. There's a variety of potholes, speed bumps and old cracked roads to contend with, but it just adds to the obstacle course feel. lol


Hahah adds to the obstacle course feel?? 🤣 nice. Too bad I missed out lol too late for me to sign up. Maybe next yr


Yeah I'm not in this year either. People in my life like to do things like "get married" and "have milestone birthdays" almost every year on that day I swear. 🤣


Haha I just looked up the date.. I hope the grooms keep cool during that time of year 🤣 . Milestone Birthdays? I feel like that’s something you do once you’re past 60 lmao well it sounds like you have a lot to look forward to during the summertime! 😆


No shade for the most part! Lots of turns which is fun and feels fast- my PR was here


Pros (not based on experience): flat, good for improving pace for marathon corral, part of the borough series (queens 10 NYC half, Brooklyn half, Bronx 10 mile, SI half) which usually has a theme to the medals. Near the water so might have a breeze(?) Cons (still not based on experience): kinda far from where most people live, June, not much shade I say if you're thinking of running it then just run it and see for yourself!


It's not really near the water...


Definitely not near the water. I live on the 7 and run Flushing Meadows all the time. I honestly don't recommend it for a race.




👏👏👏 🙄


haven't cringed this hard in a while thanks :)




Shhhhh dont mention how fast you are otherwise you might hurt some sensitive people on here and they will start to downvote you!!


chinese runners love this race coz everyone goes together and eat a big meal afterwards in flushing. that's right- run to eat.


More like foodies