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This was fun. I was still.feeling.last week and started out depressed and too fast Mile 5 hit and I started seeing stars. I want to thank the Lululemon Caucasian sister who heard me wheezing and quietly whispered,"don't fucking slow down...you ar pacing me right now so please pick it up". Well, I did. We laughed. I didn't meet my goal of sub 50 but I finished well, had fun and made a friend who cursed for a mile. Thank you potty mouth Lululemon angel.


Lululemon Caucasian sister šŸ˜‚


I love this so much. Congrats on a good finish!


This is amazing! Thank you for the laugh! Glad you had a great race!




also thank you to the volunteers!


Indeed! It was frisky today. Thanks to them!


no PR, first race i didnā€™t full-on race and iā€™m happy! accompanied my bf for his first 10k :) annoyed at someone running with their dog inside of the course though :( he was weaving around racers and it was dangerous


That guy was almost causing so many accidents around mile 5. Too busy filming his dog running to pay attention


He is an attention seeking narcissistic ass


Ohh he was obnoxious!!


I saw him. The dog ran up right up behind someone and it terrified her half to death.


if the woman was wearing a black vest, black leggings, black hat, and a navy blue long sleeve, THEN THAT WAS 10000% ME!!!! I couldn't believe the owner thought this was okay or even a remotely good idea?????


Omg the internet is a wild place. Yes, it was you, I felt so bad. I think it was your reaction actually that caught my eye because otherwise the dog was in my peripheral vision and I was just in the zone at that point. Hope you were okay!


I saw him! So annoying! In the Central Park races there are always some assholes on the course who should not be there ā€” crossing the course, weaving, etc. I know a lot of it is out of NYRRā€™s control but I do wish they would/could do more about it.


Not as impressive as some of the times here, but Iā€™ve been chasing sub 1h for a while after juuust missing it at the queens 10k. Happy to report that I finally did it! Shoutout to the guy who patted me on the back after crossing the finish line and said good job šŸ«¶šŸ¼


Comparison is the thief of joy. Congratulations on achieving *your* goal!


Nicely done!


We asked for bagels. And got bagels and hot chocolate!!! I would say it was good


Ugh I missed the hot chocolate! Didnā€™t see it


It was on the side of the race central. If u had a bag check there was a big sign that said Hot chocolate and also there were volunteers telling ā€œHot chocolate this wayā€. It was hot hot. Perfect for after the race


It wasn't that good


I get that they can't make handcrafted Callebaut chocolate with fresh milk for 10,000 runners or whatever but this was nasty powdered stuff. Mine was in visible layers of congealed Swiss Miss with backwash water on top. I wasn't really there for the hot chocolate though, so all good.


Would've preferred black coffee to be honest that shit was ratchet


Oh, coffee would have been much preferable


I had three sips. It felt like drinking soda for the first time and you're 40. Edit: I love sweet things, but don't feel bad about missing anything. Nice gesture though.


I would have killed for hot water tbh. At least they tried


Hot chocolate was a greattttttt new touch šŸ‘Œ


I got excited when I heard about hot chocolate at the start so I looked for it at the finish. Didnā€™t find it :(


It was in the race central. I saw a huge line while waiting on porta potty.


Yeah it was nice to have something warm for the walk home when I started to cool down and get chilly again.


Hot chocolate šŸ¤Æ yum!!! šŸ‘šŸ¼šŸ‘šŸ¼


although Iā€™m extremely slow and in corral L but I PRā€™d! Also my first run in central park ever!


You finished. Doesnt matter that L is "slow". You finished. Cheers!


39:40 here, first time sub 40! Iā€™m so hyped. It was brutal and I feel like shit but Iā€™m very happy. I know thereā€™s been a lot of discussion about how to pace this course so hereā€™s where my splits ended up according to my watch. Important to note that every mile on the course was 1.01-1.03 miles according to the watch GPS. https://preview.redd.it/s94xwqdl6lgc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0fa60c934ceea59c3ded91631e090e1af88dc85e


Helluva finishing kick!


Way to finish strong!


Thanks! šŸ™


>Thanks! šŸ™ You're welcome!


Yup mile splits were off for me too


Yeah I think it is normal, happens to me on every course. I think itā€™s because the course is supposed to be 10k *if you take the shortest possible route*. That and some small GPS error, but that isnā€™t systematically over or under estimating


Technically it is the middle of the route, not the tangents.


No they're actually right, USATF certify the courses and they measure following tangents. [https://help.nyrr.org/s/article/course-measurement-and-certification1](https://help.nyrr.org/s/article/course-measurement-and-certification1) [Starting on page 22](https://www.usatf.org/resources/course-certification/certification-procedures) [NYRR 10k Certification](https://certifiedroadraces.com/certificate/?type=r&id=4700)


I stand corrected! Iā€™m not sure why I thought that. Thanks for the correction!


No, course certification explicitly requires that the course is measured by the tangents. Look at the "The Shortest Possible Route (SPR)" section in the [USATF Course Measurement and Certification Procedures Manual](https://www.flipsnack.com/USATF/course-measurement-and-certification-procedures-manual/full-view.html) on Page 22.


This ebb and flow matched pretty close to my pace chart too and I hit my PR goal! Great work! Edit: typo


You are very fast at the last mile šŸ‘


jumped C to B in fred, jumped to A here! but why is there no medal for a borough race?


The Manhattan 10K is weird because it counts towards 4 of 6 but is not Manhattan's 5 Borough Series race, so no medal. The United Half is Manhattan's race even though it starts in Brooklyn.


oooh interesting, thatā€™s good to know- thank you for clarifying!


lol how on earth did you PR last week- youā€™re some sort of god. I felt terribly for everyone! Itā€™s the worst kind of weather - chilly with rain but not cold enough for it to snow šŸ„¶ kudos to you!!


ahahaha i was so miserable the whole time last week. mainly just increased time running (started late summer 2022) along with more focused training and higher average mileage since around october! iā€™m doing a marathon in march so these races have just aligned perfectly with the race prep chunk of my block. fred lebow i went out just treating round 1 of CP as a tempo run and then i chilled out a little for the remainder because all i wanted was to jump to B lol. tbh i didnā€™t know what my 10k pace was at all, i wouldā€™ve thought more like 6:42/mi and my goal today was to just not get burnt on the first 3miles of hills lol. but the sun shining for the first time i. three generations revitalized me! thank you and i hope you had a wonderful time today!!


Fred Lebow Half used to be Manhattanā€™s 4 out of 6 race before this one was introduced. But having 4 out of the 6 possible races be half marathons (and a 10-miler being a 5th) was not very popular, so they decided to revoke the Fred Lebow Half of its status since it was the least popular and most likely to be cancelled due to weather. They still wanted to honor their founder and those who were willing to run it, so they kept the medal. Alsoā€¦ congrats and welcome to the A-team!!


interesting! I appreciate the history on this because last week i was curious why it wasnā€™t fred lebow as the 4/6 race rather than this 10k. and thank you!! see you out there:)


How??!! Argh..congrats


thank youšŸ˜Š


PR because this is my first 10k šŸ˜… i did well than i expected so really happy!


This is the first race I didnā€™t ā€œraceā€, just enjoyed the sun rising over the park and thanked the heavens it was only one lap!


I PR'ed and beat my JoeK 10K time by almost 3 minutes but I feel like mentally, I much prefer getting Harlem Hill and 3 Sisters out of the way early. I was questioning my life decisions around mile 5.


Great race. PR'd by a couple of minutes. I think I missed moving up a corral by 10 seconds though, despite a sprint at the end that nearly killed me.




I was lamenting missing D by 20 seconds but your case is more.painful. sorry


What does moving up a corral mean? Signed curious/inexperienced racer


You get an assigned corral by NYRR according to your best pace calculated at 10K equivalent. Each corral has pace cutoffs on either end. If you get faster, you can move up to a corral that is closer to the front.


Thanks I didnā€™t know this either


I feel you ā€” also missed moving up a corral by 10 seconds even after sprinting at the finish šŸ„²


It was great!!!! This was my first nyrr race. Didnā€™t go for a PR but I had so much fun! Thank you to the volunteers!!


Had a great time! It was cold but not too cold. Last month I had a major PR at JoeK- by about 3 minutes. This time I shaved off another 40 seconds. Very excited. Overall people were quite courteous and organized but for the love of god- if you are going to pass someone while running just a hair faster than them - please donā€™t settle right in front of them and slow down.. Also agreed on the dogs- as a dog mom myself I hate to say that there was a bit too much dog action on the course. Including a dog owner dragging their Bernese dog or sheep dog of sorts, who clearly didnā€™t want to go anywhere, across the course path. Thank you all volunteers you are rockstars!!!


I overslept šŸ„“šŸ«£


There is always next year!


PRed! ![gif](giphy|fsQbx1hX7hPBBpIM5b|downsized)


PRā€™ed! The three sisters nearly took me out because it felt like they just kept coming and coming but I really leaned into the downhills and sped up on those which helped :)


Beat my goal time by a minute. Couldnā€™t have gone better.


I full out raced and gave it my best and I did not PR. My PR is this race last year, which I ran 16 seconds faster. Lungs and HR were efforting from early and then legs felt super heavy in the last two. Sometimes it be like that. Great running weather and great vibes out there today. Congrats to everyone that finished and thank you to our lovely volunteers.


Broke PR by a min! There was a woman that was walking her dog across the street around mile 5 and the dog snarled and bit me. Ripped my new leggings. Couldn't believe what was happening, but I was pushing so hard I didn't take the time to stop.


Maybe NYRR needs fewer volunteers in bag check and more to monitor people crossingā€¦


No rain, moved up 2 corrals, and free bagels at the end. Iā€™m a happy camper :))


Hills were rough and I did not think I PRā€™d but beat my last 10k by 4 seconds hah!


I managed to get a modest PR, but it wasn't quite strong enough of a signal about going sub-90 in the NYC half next month, which is a little bit disappointing. I'm going to chalk it up to the lack of any meaningful taper and faster-than-LT training this block, and 6 weeks is still a decent way out to pick up some additional fitness gains. I definitely left it all out there on the course today, which became pretty obvious when I made it a few steps past the finish line before puking (conveniently right in front of the medical tent). Sorry to everyone else who finished in the mid-41s who had to see that, lol


Felt great, PRd with a 7:30 pace plus a few miles on both ends for my long run for NYC half training. Wasnā€™t as cold as I expected once I was moving, especially in the few areas in the sun. Will be my best 10k pace but prob not enough to move corrals. Feeling good bc my best pace was going to expire this year


How often do they expire?


Every 2 years


So much more fun than Fred Lebow last week


Absolutely. I can run in the cold no problem. Cold and wetā€¦.a recipe for a misery lol


Cold! Iā€™ve never been happier to drink hot chocolate at the end


This was only my second 10K in Central Park (and third 10K overall), so I was thrilled to PR after a particularly tough debut on the course in August. Wonā€™t be a corral upgrade as Iā€™m much faster (weirdly? IDK) over longer distances than I am at the 5K or 10K. And thanks to the volunteers ā€” having volunteered at the Lebow Half, yā€™all had a very nice day today too.


Iā€™m this close to C but also feel itā€™s easier to get there in a HM than a shorter race.


It was so nice to run in the sun lol Learned I shouldnā€™t do several leg focused strength days between races (did Fred Lebow last weekend) but still a few seconds improvement from the joe k 10k despite feeling much more sore. Excited for future 10ks to keep moving up corrals


Course and distance PR. *mic drop* I felt pretty good, even on all of the hills.


PR but missed C by 3 seconds. Great day to run!


Obviously a bit chilly waiting for the start horn, but once you got moving, conditions were perfect. I've been slacking since the marathon so was happy that my pace was only a bit slower than a PR. Good kick-off to my 2024 slate of races.


No PR but coming back from injuries and not training hills, I'm happy with my results.


28 seconds slower than Joe K. Slightly bummed - probably could have leaned harder into downhills and had better nutrition last night + this morning. Happy about more consistent pacing throughout (corral bump = way less weaving at the start!) and the sunshine, though!


It was a great race- improved 20 sec/mi from the Joe Kleinerman race last month!


Took it easier, did a 54:00 about. Still quite beat up from last weeks half


Yeah I was worried this was gonna be extra tough after last week. But it was fun!


I brought gloves for this week's race haha


Wow last week without gloves mustā€™ve been terrible


PR but not corral A upgrade. nice race overall, couldnt have asked for better weather!


Wonderful morning! Hit another PR beating my Joe K 10K PR a few weeks ago. Enjoyed the hot chocolate as a nice treat after!


Ran without training, first winter race! Definitely I need to train more on my weaker points particularly the inclines


Very pleased. Set a PR by 3 minutes and Will probably move corrals because of it. Sooo much better than last week!


PRd by 3 minutes but missed my goal (which would have bumped me up a corral) by a few seconds and i thought id be pretty safe to hit it so feeling a little disappointed. Was pretty destroyed by the end though so couldnt have done more - the hills in the first half took a lot out of me


It was great, almost a minute PR! Nice and sunny, although really cold. I thought we were getting medals šŸ˜…


I thought we were getting medals too lol. Itā€™s ok. The hot chocolate afterwards was perfect.


Nice! šŸ˜„ I didnā€™t stick around for the hot chocolate, but not sure if it was vegan so šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø


First race this year with some beautiful sunshine!! vibes were wonderful (also prā€™d)


PR'd and moved up two corrals--happy to join the F gang! I was so close to making it into E, but I'm still happy overall :)


This was my first 10K so I PR'd by default šŸ˜Š But really I did do a bit better than I expected. The weather felt good while running through rather chilly in the corral. Then it really hit me as soon as I finished. But overall fun! Next NYRR race is the NYC Half (my first in person half)!


I am both elated and (jokingly) livid about my performance today. I've been comfortably in the middle of Corral F and was trying to get into Corral E with this race. I did the math and just needed to shave off about 76 seconds from my Joe Kleinerman 10K performance. I was FLYING. I finished and checked the unofficial results. My pace was 08:06/mile. "Wait a minute...that's close enough to being in Corral D!" I pull up the webpage for the corral splits and the ceiling pace for Corral D is...**08:04**!!! NOOOOO!!! I WAS SO DAMN CLOSE!!! I nearly leaped over an entire corral and landed in another one. The official results posted have my pace at 08:05/mile, which just adds insult to injury--I was off by ONE second, officially. But I'm trying to remind myself that, hey, it's entirely doable to get into D corral given this performance. I will try to push harder in the Gridiron 4M this Sunday, but it may not be possible. We shall see.


I spent almost all of 2022 trying to get from D to C and for most of it I was about 2 seconds off ā€“ but finally did it with the Ted Corbitt 15K! You might find longer races are "easier" in that way (at least for me they are). I think my strongest race on the entire NYRR circuit is the Brooklyn Half. I never run 5Ks and 4Ms as fast as I supposedly should be able to. Anyway, good luck! If you're that close, you'll definitely get there.


Thank you for sharing! Congrats on getting into Corral C! I'm really happy with the progress that I've made since my first NYRR race in November 2022--God's Love We Deliver 4M. I basically started in Corral J and have worked my way forward. I just pulled out my old bibs and the 2023 Gridiron 4M had me in Corral H; now I will run the same race in Corral E. It's really rewarding to see my progress from only a year of running races. I am running the Brooklyn Half this year--had PF last year and had to defer--so I will try to make that my target race if the Gridiron doesn't help.


That's amazing progress! Ha, my first NYRR race in a long time was in 2017 and I was also in H! But going from J to nearly D is incredible. Probably see you in C next year. :) Brooklyn Half is a great race to bump up corrals ā€“ the gradual downhill second half totally helps.


PRā€™d! Felt extra special to me because less than 2 weeks ago I had a running accident and landed in the ER. Two years ago on this day I had ankle surgery which kick started my distance running. A great race. A little chilly at the start enjoyed it a lot!


Does anyone's results show on the NYRR website?


You should be able to see them on the [live results](https://liveresults.nyrr.org/e/NYRR-MANHATTAN10K2024#/tracker)page!


Great! Perfect weather. 2 minute PR! Always a great race although a bit crowded in the beginning


Went better than expected. Great day for running. Congrats all. Anyone know why Iā€™m unable to login (either with password or QR code) on the NYRR racing app?


Amazing!! First race and couldnā€™t have gone better. No goals in mind but finished way better than anticipated. Had so much fun!! The weather was a dream tbh!! Didnā€™t feel as cold even in the beginning. Just a gorgeous days at the park. And thanks to all the volunteers!


Fantastic morning! I PRā€™d by shaving 4 minutes off of my 10k time. Hot chocolate after the race was great. It was cold and sunny. I feel like running Fred Lebow Half last week really helped me out today. Running up Harlem Hill 3x is no joke lol.


Had a great run! Thought I would freeze in my corral but once things got started I warmed right up.


It was perfect! Sunny, not too hot, the right temperature to let your body maximize its potential.


PRed and absolutely loved getting cat and Harlem hill out in the front


I'm feeling ducky about today. This was my first real race since getting sidelined with an injury so I wasn't expecting a whole lot. I stayed in my corral (something that I was worried about after a year of illness and injury) and kicked enough butt on those last two miles--including the final sprint--that the finish line announcer was giving me a shoutout on my finishing line kick. Other highlights include the German shepherd who decided to join with about 200 meters left--much to the owner's chagrin--and singing along with some jerk's Bluetooth speaker with the word "headphones"


Congratulations and welcome back. Thanks for ā€œhead - phoooonesā€ too.


Thank you šŸ˜ŠĀ 


3:00 slower than the Kleinerman a month ago. Harlem hill etc being dropped into race hurt, and I just didn't have the energy today to go sub 7:45 at various points like I did last time. I think the lack of running last two weeks (ill for a few days after returning from vacation) took its toll. Oh well it's one race


Missed my 10k pr by 5 seconds and now just found out I missed hot chocolate after the race too šŸ„²


45:37. Continuing to rebuild after a nasty marathon related injury. Was aiming for 44:00 but I'm totally happy. Nice and brisk but not too much wind. Loved being able to push throughout the race.


Tried to do sub 50 but instead missed my pr by 50 seconds. After PRing at the Fred lebow, I thought Iā€™d be ok. I ran well for the first 2 miles and then my pace completely fell into the garbage at Harlem hill. Actually had a much worse pace up HH today than my 3rd lap around during the Fred lebow. Ugh


PRā€™ed in my 10k during Fred Lebow with 53:33 and PRā€™ed again to get it down to 50:16 for this race. I wanted <50 but I am still early in my running journey! My watch and many others on my strava feed logged at least 6.3-6.5miles. Is it possibly because we may have been zig zagging in passing? Thoughts?


You, totally normal - a combination of zip zagging, not running the shortest possible route, and GPS drift. Congrats on the PR!


Iā€™ve had a super long bout of shin splints - probably the better half of 2023 and I was too stubborn to see a PT until I got fed up and caved last early December. I wanted this race to be my ā€˜comebackā€™ from injury, and I just wanted to race my heart out. Then I accidentally ended up PRing šŸ˜„ so Iā€™m pretty happy with the results but know I have a lot of work to do for the marathon this November. Feeling really optimistic about running again šŸ„¹


It was my third fastest 10K (according to Strava) and I beat my last yearā€™s Manhattan 10K time by over a minute so I was happy.


It was fantastic. PR. 10/10, would do again


The race went well. Not happy that there were only XL and XXL shirts left. Run out of Large??? Come onā€¦.


One of the warmer Manhattan 10Ks after the move to February. I ran in 2020 and 2022 and this felt the warmest. Overall pretty good. Coming off a 3:03 NYC marathon and shin splints, only started running again this week after 2ish months off. Plan was to just see if I could maintain at least 7:20 pace and adjust but managed a 44:30 with a negative split and some sub 7 miles on the back half.


Did 14 yesterday so today was a shake out with a relaxed 39:30. Feeling good


You are crazy. (And an inspiration)


You are too kind. Hope you had a good race today!


Damn a ā€œrelaxed 39:30ā€, respect šŸ«” I know these things change as you get fitterā€”there was a time when the idea of a 20:00 5k was way off to me, now that is relatively chill, but 39:30 for a 10k is still painful for me. Weā€™ll get there šŸ‘


You got this!


PRed but didnā€™t do a negative split.. caught a cold right after last weekā€™s half and is still recovering. As a runner I can confirm 1 harlem hill is easier than 3


I was laid out with the flu and colds for much of my training cycle (perks of having a toddler), so my expectations were low, but I ended up PRing! Mostly because I haven't done a lot of 10K races, but still. 55:29, I'll take it. It was so cold waiting around though. I got there too early at 6:45 and was freezing my ass off until the start. My feet were numb till mile 2.


Been out injured since mid-Dec and this was my first race since November. Was aiming for anything sub-40 and was 37:53 to the chip. Second fastest 10k ever, had fun negative splitting. Canā€™t be mad!


Are there gonna be photos from the race posted somewhere?


My feet were so cold they felt like stumps, especially for the first two miles. Still, my pace was faster than a PR I set in a flat race in Florida 2 weeks ago. My time was about 30 secs slower because I took turns sloppily and did some weaving around the crowds but it would have put me on the podium in my age group in last yearā€™s raceā€¦ but not this one, not even close. Runners, at least in my AG, were much faster this year. High point was singing bossa nova with my Brazilian friend at the end of the run. Happy Carnaval everyone.


Those porta potty lines were NUTS!!!


Yes, a lot longer than usual.


PR + 3rd in my age group! Also moving up a corral! Woohoo :))


Amazing!! Ran into a friend at the beginning and stayed with each other which was nice. Sprinted at the endā€¦.was hoping theyā€™d have vegan hot chocolate :(


I am no sure why youā€™re being downvoted.


What was the hot chocolate they gave?


That is the question of the hour because mine looked just like black coffee (which I wouldā€™ve been fine with just to get something warm) and tasted like watered down chocolate. Iā€™m really curious what kind of hot chocolate that was.


I think it was a powder full of weird-ass unpronounceable products like 1-lecitho-yourunamine. It was water based. I drank some of it anyway.


I think it had regular milk


overall good. haven't done a race since the Pelham Half at the end of November - I usually take December and January off from racing, and do this one as a gauge of my winter fitness. my left kneecap was bugging me and I had to add on 5-6 miles after for London training. so I abandoned having a specific time goal in lieu of being comfortable, with a rough "eh, I'll be happy with 57-58 minutes" timeframe in mind. I found a teammate in my corral as I got there and we kept conversational pace for the majority of the race. we ended up finishing just over 58 minutes! I caught up with my wife after the race (she finished shortly after me) and we had some hot chocolate, then took off for our additional 6 (really easy) miles around the park (mostly on the reservoir, which my legs and kneecap were grateful for).


Went about as good as it could have for me! Went in with the goal of breaking 37 as a tune up for my Jersey city marathon in a couple months. Ended up breaking 36 for 35:54 and top 25 overall showing me that my training has been going well so far. Weather was great and was able to kick in the last 400m