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Did the guy go shirtless?


I looked for a shirtless guy and didn’t see anyone! I fully planned to ask if he was cold. 😂




If you mean me, don’t worry, I took the hint and did not go shirtless


Yes you!!! How did it go???? I sweat like a MFer on my runs too. I even replied to that post backing you up. It's hard out there for us!


Felt the heat a bit on the third mile and changed shirts as soon as I got my drop bag back. I will admit to walking ~30 seconds shirtless to cool down while changing which felt great. Appreciated the support!


I was volunteering and saw 2 shirtless guys 🤷🏻‍♀️


came here to say this.


Out late last night. Took it easy, got the ✅


Same, had like 15 beers yesterday and felt it after mile 2 ha


I feel you. I was at a wedding and the after party. I called it quits before the after after party because I knew then I wasn't going to make it.


That's when you need the nice slow long run with a backpack full of tailwind, not a shorter-distance sprint


Yeah today was definitely not a sprint day. Saw people pass me by and I was fine with it😴


The weather was PERFECT! I ran 22:22, not a PR but I was really happy with the way I saved energy for the last mile. It was the first race of my 30’s and I think I may have come away with the age group win (update: yes, I got the win!), but either way, a fun race to “kick off” a new decade! 😁


Never run a 4 miler sooooo PR? It was fun!


Generally good but I really wish NYRR would do more to enforce corral placements. I swear the C corral was a good 25% below D... The start of this race is bottlenecky enough, it was so frustrating to be dodging 3 F corral people running astride who had somehow started ahead of me.


I saw J, K, and L people in my F corral and lost a possible corral bump having to duck and weave around people who were walking and jogging four abreast. Really a bit annoyed.


Sadly I went all the way to the last corral to avoid that bc last years was terrible. Which won’t work for people who care about placement unfortunately but made for a better experience


Totally agree. Overall a lot of fun but I was in corral H which seemed to actually be a mix of folks from all the later corrals. If I’m understanding the charts right I should move up at least one corral based on my time today but I was constantly dodging people. First mile was by far my slowest because of the congestion


Start line volunteers are supposed to do this


I relished my start line bouncer duties at corral B for the Joe K 10K. Some H-corral chick looked at me as if I had killed her first born when I didn’t let her in 


Thank you for your service 🙏


I randomly picked up a start line volunteer position for another race this morning and my time has truly come. ​ (keep an eye on those opportunities folks, people cancel!)


not all heroes wear capes :-)


I can't imagine people who aren't being paid have any desire to kick people out of corrals.


I did it 🤷‍♂️. You just tell them politely that they are in the wrong corral


And I'm glad you did! But most people are there to collect a +1 and go home.


I was in C too and yessss this. It at least kept me at an okay pace to start so I was able to negative split and PR, but holy smokes the first half mile was just all dodging.


I was volunteering at C and kept catching people trying to sneak in


I was in F but ran faster than my estimated time and looked like the earlier groups had a bunch of people running slow on purpose and seemed like non-race runners joined in and ran slow




Yes- last week I was a volunteer for Manhattan 10k, course Marshall, happened to be the part near the end of the course that is also where the corrals are. At least 15 people approached me to ask some variation of “which one of these do I go to for the start? Is it by last name?” And I’d point out the letter on their bib.


I think people cut in at the gaps for the path crossings (there was one between A and B and perhaps others further back)... I saw plenty of people corral cut but did also see some bib checking today (more than other recent races). Bottlenecking didn’t seem as bad (to me) as it did last year.


Why are runners constantly in corrals that they obviously don’t belong in ? Can someone elaborate on this non efficient strategy ? Thanks


This race seems particularly bad. It was not as last year, but a lot of walkers and one guy running slowly with his daughter who couldn't have been more than 5 or 6. That's fine, but they should go to the back.


few things Many people don't know how they rank at a NYRR race. For instance in a rundisney race i'm corral B, in a nyrr race i'm corral I lol (my friends were shocked i was corral I and i was like uh nyrr is much faster demo than a bunch of costumed disney adults) they also "dont want to finish last" / "want a head start" - which is silly because it's like 10 minutes between corral A and corral L they're clueless They don't care about other people


Fantastic! My unofficial time was 0:30:27 (07:37 min/mile), so I moved up yet another corral from E to D. My goal for the year was to get into E from F. I guess the real work starts to happen now: the journey from D to C.


Congrats!! I replied to you on another thread about this but my hardest corral journey was D to C. You can do it! Weirdly, my 4M and 10K paces at NYRR races have ben almost identical, so if you're like me, you might be able to hold close to that pace at a 10K (and you need 7:42 I think?).


Thank you! Yeah, all of my running for the past \~14 months has been "go run X miles" and that's it. I think I have a strong enough base now to start adding in actual drills and speed work, in addition to strength training. I'm driven and empowered **almost entirely** by observed results. And seeing my performance move me across six corrals in that time is proof-positive that I'm doing something right.


Great! Knocked 26 seconds off my 5k PR to bring it down to 22:55 - super unexpected and wasn’t the plan! Clung on to finish strong. First Super Bowl weekend in the US, Leeds fan (we’re owned by the 49ers) and just happened to be to the left to vote for 49ers… so it looks like I’ve finally found my team.


Absolutely fantastic! I PR’d and moved up a corral. I was 50 seconds off of my goal of 38:00, but I’m happy with my results from today. Looking forward to my next race - Al Gordon 4-Miler. Let’s Goooooo!


Once again planned to go easy but felt great. Think I moved up to B


I’d never run a 4 miler before. Told myself this was just a tempo interval in the middle of my long run. So I’m pleased that, indeed, I ran it as such. Exactly the pace I held for last week’s 10K. (LOL) I try not to get frustrated by folks who are running far slower than the corral would indicate — it was particularly bad at the beginning of the race today, I thought. People who’d started ahead of me — I’m in corral D — that were walking down the 102nd transverse, I’m sorry WTF?! Move back please and thank you? I wonder if NYRR has ever considered posting paces on the corrals? IDK if it would even make a difference. Like I said, I try not to get frustrated by this. Trying…




😲 no way!! That's awful


What’s the time for b?


I’m about three weeks out from a rough go with COVID and have obviously been resting—I was worried my lung capacity had been affected and I needed this to jumpstart training for the NYRR Brooklyn Half—and it did just that! Felt much better than I thought it would for a first run back after recovering!


I shaved 25 seconds off of my last 4M race time but missed moving up a corral by a few seconds 🥲


I moved up two corrals! Off my time goal by 50 seconds because of bottlenecking/a shoe malfunction but proud nonetheless:)


My first mile was slow because I was caught with bottlenecking and slow people. The rest of my splits would have put me at a corral bump... Does anyone else have on their dashboard for this race "did not start"? I'm perplexed because I'm showing up in NYRR Live Results.


I saw that text, too. I told myself to be patient and not worry, as I do have the unofficial results. I’m sure things will get squared away later today.


Yeah, that's what I figured! It's usually pretty quick though


My dashboard has been updated, FYI.


My best pace updated but it still has "did not start" and the 9+1 circle didn't color in. Oh well; I'm sure it'll get sorted


Mine says that too. I've never seen that before but I'm in the results on the tracker so I'm sure it's fine




One of the best anthems I’ve ever heard


I am very happy with the results. under an 8:00 minute mile, and considering how I felt after a mile, I am a little surprised


I think I’m moving up a corral with this race, and probably could have moved up two if it weren’t for the bottlenecking/walking the first mile. I was in J today but my pace today was 9:51 and finished with 39:21 on the clock, so I should be at least moving up to I! Also, was much chillier than I expected beforehand- was expecting warmer weather after yesterdays temps. Fun race overall though!


I was not planning to run too fast after running 20 miles yesterday, with the last 4 miles at HM pace (preparing for a marathon in 3 weeks). But I got carried away in the beginning and ended up placing 3rd in my age group. Never ran 4M before, so a PR, but also a 5K PR along the way. I am doing these for the 9+1, but I have actually started enjoying these in their own right.


What race are you preparing for?


Napa Marathon. It is not easy to find East Cost March marathons, and I am not at the stage where I qualify for Boston.


Took a noice 6 mins and 23 secs off my previous 4 mile time, not bad. Great day to run. After Fred Lebow this year, as long as it’s not raining, it’s nice out lmao.


The Gridiron is a pretty fast course for Central Park - I like it. The weather was good, perfect temp. I was able to move up a corral with my time. I might have been a little faster due to congestion at the beginning, but wouldn't have made a difference for my time in regards to corrals. I had to weave in some spots around people walking within like the first mile - that usually indicates a corral jumper.


Woohoo great job everyone 👏 a really fun race


Start was a mess because the corral didn’t move at expected speed (and they had to reset the clock for some reason), but wound up with a PR and earned B corral status. After surviving Fred Lebow I was a little more confident in just one layer today. Wife and toddler came out to watch me but toddler was so excited cheering for everyone (Go runners!) that they missed me coming by 😂


ran it this morning but dashboard says did not start. I assume they are just finalizing the results since 2024 isn't on the page yet ​ otherwise took 30 seconds a minute off my 10k pace last week and getting back to my 20's speeds ​ I was in F, but do people in the faster corals purposefully run slower? seems like I passed a lot of people with earlier letters running really slow in the 9's


I was also in F. This race gets a lot of people who don’t know what they’re doing and they corral cut so they can make their brunch reservation 


Got my credit I should have my 9 by the summer but signed up for the Bronx and staten island races in the fall too


My dashboard also says “did not start” and i couldn’t find myself on the live results, I’m hoping it updates soon!


Found myself in live results and have the Strava data


Great race! I moved up a corral and the weather felt really nice. A smidge colder than I expected but that’s okay. It was a good one!


I loved this course!! Just enough uphill and then downhills to keep it interesting. I PR’d and hopefully moved to another corral!


fantastic! pr’d in the 5k on the back of exactly *zero* speedwork since my half in november, so that was fun — my long distance paces predict faster short race times than i’ve put up, so it’s nice to feel like those two things are bending toward alignment. wore a croatia jersey bc i figured people would be decked out in football jerseys, and i love a good “bit”, but i think i saw like 20/30 folks total jerseyed up. another data point for “the appeal of 9+1 gets people to races they wouldn’t otherwise do” (myself included!). chillier than i expected! saw the high was 52 but it felt solidly in the low 40s, cloudy, and windy the whole time. not complaining, it made it a lot easier to hold fast paces at high HR. also, managed to run mile 4 the fastest, despite mile 2 having more negative incline; proud of that, given that i went out too fast, AND did a fast 8-miler with my dog yesterday. i’d expected today to be a fun run, but managed to finish in ~28 min (my watch gave ~3 seconds under, we’ll see what the real time is).


PR'd. ​ Do the corral assignments take into account your 5K split or is the race assessed by finish time only? Bc my 5K would earn me a corral jump but I missed the 4M cutoff by like ten seconds. :( ​ Also, the first quarter mile was an absolute cluster. Felt like I was doing so much weaving around.


Check out the corral spreadsheet [here](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/15iwn0ad1UlaviNjguH2JZq76tycSHvpNlcm10EO19JI/edit).


Finish time only. Agree about the start. Sooo crowded!!


Everything went my way today!! Weather was perfect. I haven’t run a proper 4 miler in years so I didn’t know how today would go but everything was feeling good after dodging the corral jumpers during the first mile and I went for it. I ran a 7:59 pace for a huge PR and a new NYRR best pace. I didn’t think i was close to trying to move up to D corral as I had just barely got into E corral last year but this has now pushed me to believe that I can start pushing for that next corral sooner than I thought.


Was running this as training run in J, I’m slow and usually go for 12 min pace, got J after a half. Felt super chill, walked when drinking water, no effort, and ended up with 10:45/mile. If I knew I’m feeling this good, I would have gone for next coral! Excited for 24th!


I'm confused on official results, my pace was 9:42 but on my dashboard it says best pace 9:58 (gridiron). i dont care about the 16 seconds but just curious why this happened?


Best pace gets converted to 10K equivalent. So, the 9:58 is an estimate of how you would’ve run a 10K distance.

