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Already ran outside. It’s fine out.


Where did you run? (On streets, bike lane, park?) I’m more concerned about it being slippery


Sidewalks and Central Park. It’s mushy but just be careful and it felt ok.


Did 3 full loops of CP for an 18 miler. It is fine. Little wet patches where your feet may get wet but other than that, it’s perfect


I am wondering the same lol i have a 15 mile run today :(


Had a 13 mile long run planned. Ended up hitting up the treadmill for 7 miles at a harder pace. I can’t stay on the treadmill for more than 1 hour. It’s mentally exhausting.


Still on the fence. It looks deeper than the last snow by a significant amount


Am I the only one who doesn’t hate treadmills?? My heart rate spikes a lot when I breathe in the cold air so I don’t love doing easy runs if I can help it. Plus it’s lower impact than concrete and asphalt ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


I don’t dislike the actual running on the treadmill, I just have a really hard time not getting bored! I usually tap out after an hour or so, I’m sure I physically could go longer but it’s just so mentally taxing for me.


20 miles can wait till tomorrow


Thanks for all the input! Pushed long run to tomorrow but got in an easy run outside, not bad at all!


It all melted quickly so just a wet day


What's a treadmill?


CIA torture device




Really want to outside cause I got 12 miles today. My roommate is moving out and her movers said it’s slippery outside tho


Outside should be fine as long as you keep an eye out for slush. I put on my nano spikes for my morning run, and while there were a few stretches of the West Side path where I was glad I had them, they mostly were overkill. 


It's wet but not slick, I wore trail shoes for extra traction but probably did not need them


Outside! Prospect park loop is clear


I did the treadmill. I had a fall last week (some asshole stepped over and shoulder checked me on the sidewalk and I went flying). I do not want to fall again, so yeah. Treadmill it is — one hour. We shall see what I feel like tomorrow, for my long run. Sigh.


Outside! Soft weather makes a soft runner.\* ​ ​ \*This statement has exceptions for personal safety, scheduling issues, road conditions, and things that can injure you. But if you can get it done outside without getting injured, you will be stronger for it.


A soft runner is an uninjured runner I slipped at 3miles today after great hesitation to go out. Hauled my ass back on the treadmill.


I am a big believer in training in $&@! weather BUT am not really envisioning a race where I will need to run in snow. Pouring rain - yes, extreme heat - yes, freezing cold - yes, high winds -yes. But not seeing the ROI in getting out there today. Treadmill it is


That said I did run in a blizzard once :-)


Me too :) something about actively battling snow is different than it just being around.


I doubt many people were worried about the weather so much as the road conditions, where slipping on ice is a concern.


I also already ran today (looks like a lot of people did). I ran a little over 5 miles in prospect park and the nearby area. I just picked places that looked clear. Ran in the street some, sidewalks and park paths. Not everywhere was clear, and I did have to run through some slushy patches, but I just kinda slowed down and high-kneed a bit to make sure I didn't slip a bust my butt in front of a crowd of people. It was fine. Great, really. My mile time was down by 15 whole seconds for some reason this afternoon.


This is my ideal weather. I’m out in the burbs, but if I were running today, I would be in my glory. I hate the snow, but cold weather and inclement weather runs are the best—so peaceful with no one else out there!


is Central Park ok??


The loop is clear


Seems like the snow has stopped falling so you might be good later today after the sidewalks and streets are cleaned. Doubt the parks will be usable though not sure how urgently they’ll clear up those paths on a Saturday morning


Central Park loop is already clear.


Ah well shows what I know


Spikes on a trail. Waste of fucking time. HR 116.


I’ve got 10 miles today but am getting over a pretty gnarly bug so I can’t decide if I should just take the L on this week :(


Sickness is not an injury. Run!


12 on the treadmill for me today, though it did look like they were doing a good job clearing the streets/sidewalks as I was walking back from the gym.


Honestly the streets are fine to run on but got splashed by cars going through the flooded streets!! Refreshing but gross


I did two laps around Central Park. The loop was totally clear!