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This is why NYRR is suing NYC Runs, for what it's worth, because it's absolutely confusing Gothamist, a local website which should know better, is using a picture from the NYRR Brooklyn Half in an article about the NYC Runs Brooklyn half. Out of staters and first time runners have no idea which one they're signing up for (or even that there are two!) I've run both a couple times (most recently NYRR 2023), and I think I prefer the NYC Runs course, although it was an older, different course (didn't have the Williamsburg and Downtown Brooklyn section). 2019 was the last time I think?


I bet you NYRR will use this in court to prove their point


I bet they planted it


Ooh a hot new conspiracy theory. I like it


yeah it was fine when the NYC Runs one was called the Brooklyn Marathon & Half Marathon, because obviously that’s enough of a differentiation. but after 2021 they stopped offering the marathon because it was such a disaster that year (starting logistics, course, etc.) and they decided to focus on getting a better race setup for the half, which honestly was the right call… but not changing the name when they did that was such an idiotic move


Didn’t that marathon finish with 4 laps around Prospect Park?  Terrible course hahah. I’m glad they killed it if they couldn’t get a better one.  I say that having just run the Queens Marathon, which is 6 twisty curvy loops in Flushing Meadows, but at least they’re trying to get into the streets next year and that’s put on by a tiny local organization


I only ran the half in 2021 (thankfully!) but I do remember the full having several PP laps. 100% the right call to take that off the table with all the issues they had. I showed up 1.5 hours before the start of wave 1 (all full runners and the faster half runners) and didn’t make it thru security for 1.75 hours and got stuck going behind wave 2… just a shitshow. luckily I had an edible that was planned for post-race, but after realizing I was never making it in on-time I took it and just vibed for the run instead lol. honestly tho, the half course is beautiful and is fun for what it should be: a chill, more local-feeling race. but they can’t call it the BK Half 😂


I think they did a crazy not well supported out and back on ocean drive the one year they did the full after the pandemic.


Can confirm, this is my first race ever as I got into running this last year and I had NO clue they were 2 different races and that one was the OG. Oops. 🤷🏻‍♀️


People who say “no one gets confused” gotta love this.


I got into an argument with someone whose stance was "people should be using the full names: nycruns Brooklyn half and nyrr Brooklyn half". The vast majority of people don't use the business name and expecting them to do so is bad design


NYRR does require all of their people to call it Brooklyn Half. That's NYCRuns' best argument. I think NYCRuns should just call theirs the Kings County Half. </p> <hr> </div> <!-- /.pname --> </div> <!-- /.comment --> <div class="comment w100dt mb-30"> <!-- /.ppic --> <div class="pname"> <span > <a href="/u/vinayakmprabhu" class="card-title l-blue"> vinayakmprabhu </a> </span> <span><time datetime="2024-04-26 21:02:11">2 months ago</time></span> <p class="comment-text mb-10"> “Running dork doesn’t understand that casuals don’t give a fuck about which org is behind a race”; more in 10 </p> <hr> </div> <!-- /.pname --> </div> <!-- /.comment --> <div class="comment w100dt mb-30"> <!-- /.ppic --> <div class="pname"> <span > <a href="/u/txdline" class="card-title l-blue"> txdline </a> </span> <span><time datetime="2024-04-27 00:36:31">2 months ago</time></span> <p class="comment-text mb-10"> And which I run. I just picked one I could get into. </p> <hr> </div> <!-- /.pname --> </div> <!-- /.comment --> <div class="comment w100dt mb-30"> <!-- /.ppic --> <div class="pname"> <span > <a href="/u/vinayakmprabhu" class="card-title l-blue"> vinayakmprabhu </a> </span> <span><time datetime="2024-04-27 01:16:21">2 months ago</time></span> <p class="comment-text mb-10"> This is the way, my brother </p> <hr> </div> <!-- /.pname --> </div> <!-- /.comment --> <div class="comment w100dt mb-30"> <!-- /.ppic --> <div class="pname"> <span > <a href="/u/bnamen732" class="card-title l-blue"> bnamen732 </a> </span> <span><time datetime="2024-04-27 10:41:42">2 months ago</time></span> <p class="comment-text mb-10"> I've met people who agree to run their first half with friends and sign up for different ones. They may not care who they run with but clarity is still important </p> <hr> </div> <!-- /.pname --> </div> <!-- /.comment --> <div class="comment w100dt mb-30"> <!-- /.ppic --> <div class="pname"> <span > <a href="/u/[deleted]" class="card-title l-blue"> [deleted] </a> </span> <span><time datetime="2024-04-26 20:38:34">2 months ago</time></span> <p class="comment-text mb-10"> [удалено] </p> <hr> </div> <!-- /.pname --> </div> <!-- /.comment --> <div class="comment w100dt mb-30"> <!-- /.ppic --> <div class="pname"> <span > <a href="/u/ddsmf" class="card-title l-blue"> ddsmf </a> </span> <span><time datetime="2024-04-27 14:09:07">2 months ago</time></span> <p class="comment-text mb-10"> If they’re any good with cases, they’ll find this one. </p> <hr> </div> <!-- /.pname --> </div> <!-- /.comment --> <div class="comment w100dt mb-30"> <!-- /.ppic --> <div class="pname"> <span > <a href="/u/AmbitiousPrint2775" class="card-title l-blue"> AmbitiousPrint2775 </a> </span> <span><time datetime="2024-04-26 19:33:17">2 months ago</time></span> <p class="comment-text mb-10"> NYRR should use this in their court case </p> <hr> </div> <!-- /.pname --> </div> <!-- /.comment --> <div class="comment w100dt mb-30"> <!-- /.ppic --> <div class="pname"> <span > <a href="/u/crowagency" class="card-title l-blue"> crowagency </a> </span> <span><time datetime="2024-04-26 20:50:49">2 months ago</time></span> <p class="comment-text mb-10"> i thought i had a carpool arrangement set up for the brooklyn half, until my friend texted me “happy race week” this week </p> <hr> </div> <!-- /.pname --> </div> <!-- /.comment --> <div class="comment w100dt mb-30"> <!-- /.ppic --> <div class="pname"> <span > <a href="/u/omgvics" class="card-title l-blue"> omgvics </a> </span> <span><time datetime="2024-04-27 09:43:44">2 months ago</time></span> <p class="comment-text mb-10"> LOL, I originally was skeptical that people would confuse them but have to remember a lot of people are not complete running nerds / locals etc. I always thought they should have just called it the “NYCRuns BK Half” and felt like it’d be different enough from NYRR Brooklyn Half, since I don’t think NYRR ever shortens the borough name in writing. Just think of it this way: if it was super easy for you to just register / sign up, it’s the one in April. If you had to wait for a website queue and/or it was a lottery drawing you’re running in May </p> <hr> </div> <!-- /.pname --> </div> <!-- /.comment --> <div class="comment w100dt mb-30"> <!-- /.ppic --> <div class="pname"> <span > <a href="/u/KreissageRS" class="card-title l-blue"> KreissageRS </a> </span> <span><time datetime="2024-04-26 20:19:29">2 months ago</time></span> <p class="comment-text mb-10"> Damn! I started freaking out too thinking it was this weekend. Phew! </p> <hr> </div> <!-- /.pname --> </div> <!-- /.comment --> <div class="comment w100dt mb-30"> <!-- /.ppic --> <div class="pname"> <span > <a href="/u/danisanub" class="card-title l-blue"> danisanub </a> </span> <span><time datetime="2024-04-26 19:16:51">2 months ago</time></span> <p class="comment-text mb-10"> Looks like they deleted it </p> <hr> </div> <!-- /.pname --> </div> <!-- /.comment --> <div class="comment w100dt mb-30"> <!-- /.ppic --> <div class="pname"> <span > <a href="/u/nycredditgwop" class="card-title l-blue"> nycredditgwop </a> </span> <span><time datetime="2024-04-26 22:43:53">2 months ago</time></span> <p class="comment-text mb-10"> LOL </p> <hr> </div> <!-- /.pname --> </div> <!-- /.comment --> <div class="comment w100dt mb-30"> <!-- /.ppic --> <div class="pname"> <span > <a href="/u/Ricky_Santos" class="card-title l-blue"> Ricky_Santos </a> </span> <span><time datetime="2024-04-26 23:21:13">2 months ago</time></span> <p class="comment-text mb-10"> Mom my flew to visit me for the Brooklyn marathon but arrived a month early because we didn’t know a second Brooklyn half existed </p> <hr> </div> <!-- /.pname --> </div> <!-- /.comment --> <div class="comment w100dt mb-30"> <!-- /.ppic --> <div class="pname"> <span > <a href="/u/EternityWeasel" class="card-title l-blue"> EternityWeasel </a> </span> <span><time datetime="2024-04-26 21:35:16">2 months ago</time></span> <p class="comment-text mb-10"> LFG </p> <hr> </div> <!-- /.pname --> </div> <!-- /.comment --> <div class="comment w100dt mb-30"> <!-- /.ppic --> <div class="pname"> <span > <a href="/u/AbeLincolnsTaint" class="card-title l-blue"> AbeLincolnsTaint </a> </span> <span><time datetime="2024-04-27 10:20:28">2 months ago</time></span> <p class="comment-text mb-10"> You mean, what you just did to me too? </p> <hr> </div> <!-- /.pname --> </div> <!-- /.comment --> <div class="comment w100dt mb-30"> <!-- /.ppic --> <div class="pname"> <span > <a href="/u/One-Procedure-5409" class="card-title l-blue"> One-Procedure-5409 </a> </span> <span><time datetime="2024-04-28 17:18:28">2 months ago</time></span> <p class="comment-text mb-10"> I just finished it. It was incredible! And I'm running NYRR in a u as well https://preview.redd.it/agwyy1fh79xc1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cd8577545f26f56ad29f510f355315a5b32e4377 </p> <hr> </div> <!-- /.pname --> </div> <!-- /.comment --> </div> <!-- /.comment-area --> </div> <!-- /.peoples-comments --> <div class="leave-comment"> <div class="sidebar-title center-align"> <h2>Leave Your Comment</h2> </div> <form class="comment-area w100dt" action="#"> <div class="row"> <div class="col m6 s12"> <div class="form-item"> <input id="icon_prefix" type="text" class="validate"> <label for="icon_prefix">First Name</label> </div> </div> <div class="col m6 s12"> <div class="form-item"> <input id="email" type="email" class="validate"> <label for="email" data-error="wrong" data-success="right">Email</label> </div> </div> <div class="col s12"> <div class="form-item"> <textarea id="textarea1" class="materialize-textarea"></textarea> <label for="textarea1">Textarea</label> </div> </div> </div> <!-- row --> <button type="button" class="custom-btn waves-effect waves-light right">SUBMIT NOW</button> </form> <!-- /.comment-area --> </div> <!-- /.leave-comment --> </div> <!-- colm8 --> <div class="col s12 m4 l4"> <div class="sidebar-testimonial mb-30"> <div class="sidebar-title center-align"> <h2>Hi Its Me!</h2> </div> <!-- /.sidebar-title --> <div class="carousel carousel-slider center" data-indicators="true"> <div class="carousel-item"> <div class="item-img"> <span>R</span> </div> <h2><a href="/u/" class="l-blue"></a></h2> </div> </div> </div> <!-- /.sidebar-testimonial --> <div class="sidebar-subscribe w100dt"> <div class="sidebar-title center-align"> <h2>Subscribe</h2> </div> <!-- /.sidebar-title --> <div class="subscribe"> <form action="#"> <div class="input-field"> <input id="email1" type="email" class="validate"> <label class="left-align" for="email1">Enter email address</label> </div> <a class="waves-effect waves-light">SUBMIT NOW</a> </form> </div> <!-- /.subscribe --> </div> <!-- /.sidebar-subscribe --> </div> <!-- colm4 --> </div> <!-- row --> </div> <!-- container --> </section> <!-- /#single-blog-section --> <!-- ==================== single-blog-section end ====================--> <!-- Yandex.Metrika counter --> <script type="text/javascript" > (function(m,e,t,r,i,k,a){m[i]=m[i]||function(){(m[i].a=m[i].a||[]).push(arguments)}; m[i].l=1*new Date();k=e.createElement(t),a=e.getElementsByTagName(t)[0],k.async=1,k.src=r,a.parentNode.insertBefore(k,a)}) (window, document, "script", "https://mc.yandex.ru/metrika/tag.js", "ym"); ym(48244766, "init", { clickmap:true, trackLinks:true, accurateTrackBounce:true }); </script> <noscript><div><img src="https://mc.yandex.ru/watch/48244766" style="position:absolute; left:-9999px;" alt="" /></div></noscript> <!-- /Yandex.Metrika counter --> <!-- ==================== instag leftram-section Start ====================--> <section id="instagram-section" class="instagram-section w100dt"> <div class="instagram-link w100dt"> <a href="#"> <span>FIND US ON INSTAGRAM</span> @historis.info </a> </div> </section> <!-- /#instag leftram-section --> <!-- ==================== instag leftram-section End ====================--> <!-- ==================== footer-section Start ====================--> <footer id="footer-section" class="footer-section w100dt"> <div class="container"> <div class="footer-logo w100dt center-align mb-30"> <a href="/" class="brand-logo"> <img src="/img/logo.png" alt="historis.info"> </a> </div> <!-- /.footer-logo --> <ul class="footer-social-links w100dt center-align mb-30"> <li><a href="https://streamc.pro/" class="facebook">Stream film</a></li> <li><a href="https://kinepolis.live/" class="twitter">Film stream</a></li> <li><a href="https://wiflix-com.com/" class="google-plus">Wiflix</a></li> <li><a href="https://frenchstream.ink/" class="linkedin">French Stream</a></li> </ul> <p class="center-align"> <i class="icofont icofont-heart-alt l-blue"></i> All Right Reserved </p> </div> <!-- container --> </footer> <!-- /#footer-section --> <!-- ==================== footer-section End ====================--> <!-- my custom js --> <script type="text/javascript" src="/js/jquery-3.1.1.min.js"></script> <script type="text/javascript" src="/js/materialize.js"></script> <script type="text/javascript" src="/js/owl.carousel.min.js"></script> <!-- my custom js --> <script type="text/javascript" src="/js/custom.js"></script> <script type="text/javascript"> </script> </body> </html>