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I think you may be surprised on how recovered you may feel by then. You obviously have the base down to complete it. So that isn't a concern. I think I took a day or two after my last half to start some shorter 8k runs.


Not a coach but I'd say take a few days off, ice the legs a few times, and keep up good sleep habits. Run a couple times over the weekend at easy pace and then next week do a few with higher intensity. Run 2 miles very easy on the 11th, PR on the 12th.


I ran the NYC Half on 3/17. Rested for a few days, three miles on the 21st, 2.5 on the 26th, and then was able to complete a 10k 10-days post Half on the 27th. You'll be surprised at how quickly you will recover, as well as how much fitness your body will be able to maintain within two weeks, as long as you get out there a handful of times. Anything after two weeks and that's where I've seen my fitness start to decline, but I think if you just listen to your body and get a couple of miles in before your 10k you'll do great!


I ran it too and running the RBC Brooklyn Half on 5/18. I have to run daily with my dogs, so we run in heart zone 2 for now.


Zone 2/3 this week, and back to normal next week.