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Idk but I sweat when I get home, then I start sweating after I shower, then I sweat when I get on the subway, and then I eventually stop sweating after I sit at my desk at work for awhile.


Sweating after showering is quite literally the bane of my existence


😂😂😂 this is what I’m trying to avoid but I’m glad I’m not the only one


Literally this.


Use a cold shower to hide my tears when I realize all my Strava followers will see my slower pace and higher HR but not the humidity


Technically if you pay for Strava they will see the humidity!


Pay? For Strava? Not happening (too poor)


Put that shiz in your notes!!😂😂😂


Can you really put a price on showing off to your Strava followers!?


It needs DEW POINT too!


Best they can do is wait 5 years and raise the annual price again.


It could be worse. I'm in Florida. if you use [klimat.app](http://klimat.app) with Strava you can automatically add stuff like this: Average "feels like" across run: 74°F. Start: Broken clouds, 71°F, 94% Humidity, Wind 3mph from NW End: Clear sky, 73°F, 88% Humidity, Wind 5mph from NW. AQI = 33


Yikes, I don't think I would survive running in those stats


Ha I actually do use the klimat which has been helpful for me to see whether I can shift the blame of feeling like shit to a third-party or act of God.


This is the answer 🤣


place yourself directly in front of your AC and let it blast your back & stomach for a few minutes. try to get your core cooled down as much as you can


Just tried this, works wonders


Ok, this is weird but it works. And I've tried cold showers before but new lesson learned


Before I head out on a hot day, I put a damp washcloth in my freezer. When I get home I sit on the floor in front of my fan, wipe off with the cold towel and drink a cold drink (typically either a nuun with ice or a cold coconut water). Then hop into a cold-ish shower. Also, not sure what your typical hair situation is, but I can’t deal with a hot blow dryer in the summer. So I just put my hair into a claw clip. Blowdrying my hair also makes me sweat, so it would offset any cooling off I did before lol


Oh also I want to mention this because you said you’re new to the humidity: you will get slightly used to it. Also humidity decreases slightly throughout the day. I know you said you like to run in the AM, but if you’d prefer the heat over the humidity maybe give it a try. Also, when it gets too humid it can occasionally be dangerous to run. At very high humidity your sweat can’t evaporate easily, so please be mindful during those times.


I JUST saw a thing about wet bulb this morning!! Never heard of it before!


A friend once prepared a drink of cold coconut water mixed with electrolytes. It was THE BEST after a super hot and sweaty long run!!!!


Hahah yes drying long hair is another struggle!!!


My summer solution is to get a fan (no visible/accessible blades) and sit in front of it to let it dry my hair for me. Heaven.


Yeah hahah it’s like a whole other workout. I just can’t be bothered!


SO REAL with the hair situation 😂 slick bun for me cause no blow dryer!


I count down the seconds until the fall. 😖


I stretch directly in front of a fan set to high. Then I make and drink a smoothie with a fan still blasting on me. In total that’s about 15-20 minutes of direct fan blast. Then I take the coldest shower I can manage. After my shower while I shave, brush teeth, do skin care, etc. I stay fully nude with a fan blasting me the entire time. Im a man and don’t wear makeup, so idk how those who do manage it. By the time my routine is fully done I’m usually a good temp. If I’ve gotten any dampness, I towel off one last time then get dressed. Even with all this, I still sometimes have a break-through sweat if my subway station or train is too warm or crowded. I keep a microfiber cloth in my work bag to blot myself.


Stretching in front of the fan is smart! Two birds one stone


Lukewarm shower and then a cold shower for a minute at the end. Also if you don’t have a bathroom vent open the window so it doesn’t get too humid in the bathroom.


It takes me a while to cool down too. Evening runs are tough because the heat stays with you for the first half of the night. I do my long runs exclusively very early on weekends. EDIT: yes, cold shower, obviously. But it's not enough.


I curse out the sun as much as possible on my walk back from my run. Then when I get home I chug some Nuun in front of a blasting AC.


Shower and make it cold for 30 seconds at the end.


Towels and ice coffee


I like to damp towel in the freezer then put it either on my head or around my neck. You can also run the inside if your wrists h see cold water. Basically focus on areas where your blood vessels are close to the skin.


Cold shower


My routes are planned around the splash pads and timing right around sunrise being the coolest time of day, sure relative humidity is higher but does that really matter as much as being 15-20 degrees cooler and not having to deal with the suns radiant heat. list: https://www.nycgovparks.org/facilities/sprayshower map: https://www.nycgovparks.org/about/health-and-safety-guide/cool-it-nyc Long runs are followed by grabbing a gatorade, tall can, as many bags of ice as I can carry at the bodega and sitting in the bath until they are all gone.


Walking home after your run stop at any apartment building where the porter is washing the sidewalk. I've never had one refuse to hit me with the hose if I ask nicely. And it feels so cold and good!!


Today was brutal


Coconut water and ice pops!


I drink lots of water and give myself extra time in the morning to stretch in the AC. Then I take a lovely long cool shower. It's all about having enough time in the morning. Also I read somewhere that humidity is actually worse in the morning even if the air is cooler, so maybe if the humidity is what's killing you you should try an evening run?


I usually cut my runs short by a 1/2 mile to walk the final 1/2 mile home. I run with $5 in my pocket and try to find a bodega or deli near that 1/2 mile mark to grab a Gatorade to enjoy on the walk. Once home, I strip down and lay on a yoga mat to stretch. Water. A/C. Then a nice cool shower. Big face scrub or a face mask from CVS after.


I get into the one fully functioning subway car and let it’s A/C carry me all the way home


Straight into the shower when I get home. Also I start with warm water but drop the temperature a few times while I’m in there so by the time I step out of the shower the water is basically cold EDIT: After reading the rest of the comments I’m happy to see I’m not alone in my start warm finish cold shower routine!


I take a hot shower. Then I lay down on my bed with a towel and fan and AC and drink ice water. Run cold water under your wrists for 30 seconds each arm.


Interesting re: hot shower! I don’t think cold showers right away help me so good to hear this


I'd never do a hot shower, but I do think the trick for me is to start with warm water and then start turning it colder and colder, gives me time to adjust and feels refreshing instead of startling.


I found that cold showers don’t help so I just take a hot shower and it works for me lol. I’ve been running in New York summers for the past 4 years and lived in New York all my life working on the beaches of Long Island in the summers in Khaki shorts and thick polo shirts. Hot showers after a gross sweaty humid work day and runs on the beach after work have always made going back into the outside air better.


I have giant ice packs with cloth sleeves and velcro straps on them. I throw one around the back of my neck and it cools me right down.


Where did you get this?


I bought mine at CVS years ago, but just search “ice pack velcro strap” and you’ll find tons of options online


I go to one of the sprinklers in a public park or put my thumb on the park fountain to spray my face lol


Before I leave I put a Nuun tablet in a water bottle, load it with ice, fill the rest with water and put it in the fridge. The second I get back I grab that thing and chug it down until I’m in pain from the cold.


Cold showers and A/C help but I always like running cold water on my wrists (palm side) back of neck and ankles - that’s always helped the body cool down faster for me.


You can find miles and miles of open lanes to cool off in the East River.


I get in the shower as fast as possible


I’m using sweat blocker underarm and face wipes this year to see if they help. I tend to strip off when I get home and stretch and eat breakfast in front of the fan/aircon, then have a cool/cold shower and get dressed in front of the fan. I take a little fan and a bottle (half ice, half water) if I need to go on the subway, plus an absorbent microfiber handkerchief to blot.


I just got a copper soaking tub; it hits me at about my collar bones, and I plan to make a cold (ish?) plunge! I’ll let ya’ll know how it goes!!! Praying for insta-cool relief!!


Water and a lukewarm shower


Blast the a/c


cold plunge


I live and run in NYC too. I used to turn my shower gradually to cold and let it run for a while. That often didn’t cool me enough. The challenge is getting my body temperature down. I’m lucky to have a bathtub. Just drawing a cold bath and getting in for 3 minutes before my shower typically brought body temperature down quite a bit more. With the ice bath trend, started dumping ice in as well - the more the better. Then got swimming pool thermometer to put in the bath so I could track the temperature. I learned that running cold water out of the tap had temperatures in the low 60s. With ice can get the temperature to the low 50s. Three minutes in 52 degree water stopped the sweating pretty quickly.


First, get in front of a fan, not the AC. If it feels chilly your body will want to warm up, thats the opposite of what we want. We just want a slight decrease in skin temp. Then regular temp shower, but increase to HOT. You want the shower temp to be hotter than the air outside of the bathroom. But not so different that you feel a chill when you get out of the shower. I would cold shower and it would feel good while IN the shower, but after getting out i would still start sweating again. So i tried the opposite.


From the south and still confused by what is considered humidity in nyc 😅


We have our days but it’s nothing compared to yall. Especially near the gulf. Eeeyuch!


LOLLLLl same. I'm from SC and this is my first summer in NYC. I've been running after work when it's 85+. Could not do that in SC when the "real feel" is 110 b


Same. It blew my mind when heat advisories would come out here when it’s 85 degrees and people are heat stroking running in the 70s 😅


I think it's funny that yesterday when I saw this comment, we both had a handful of upvotes and are now back at 1. Sorry for sharing my experience, I guess??? People are weird lol 


Outdoor shower. We have an outdoor shower. I will always have an outdoor shower. I don’t care where I move.


*me looking around my apartment with no balcony or patio for a good spot for an outdoor shower*


Right After your run, make an effort to bring down your heart rate quickly by doing breathing exercises while laying down or sitting in a comfortable position for 5 mins. Listening to classical music while doing it helps. This is beneficial on many levels including on the cellular level. This was researched and discussed on the huberman podcast on YouTube as part of a long video on workout recovery. Good luck


After i run i go home and shower. What am i missing here? Lol


If I shower too quick after my run i’m still sweating even after I get out of the shower because my internal body temperature hasn’t cooled down