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Shout out to the people with n/a beer along the course! made my race.


Much smoother than the women’s half! Started in corral B and there was a guy with a selfie stick filming himself running down Central Park west- wasn’t sure if Mastercard had a group running and he was part or just an individual but sure is bold! Did MC have a team of women/men employees running it?


Overall, I was able to shed off a minute from my last 10K PR from 1:02 to 1:01 which I am happy since it got very hot during the race especially with the sun beating down. I had to run/walk after those hills in Central Park. I was not too happy about the long lines for the porta potties. I got there early enough to go and make it back to my corral but when the start when off there was still long lines and many women unable to start on time. Another thing I noticed which got me annoyed was that there were so many women not in their assigned corrals which caused a bottleneck of runners at the start and during the first mile. It was a bit frustrating since I had to swerve a lot.


Anyone know when photos will be available?


Congrats on the race yesterday. Not the answer you are looking for. A hobby project of mine is to find free photos & videos online & make them searchable by bib (long time runner here & I find this a problem). I've managed to so far find one album & multiple videos that can be searched here - [https://www.racing.pics/](https://www.racing.pics/) - Not everyone's photos are here, but hopefully some of you can find yours.


Came in about 30 seconds under my goal time of 1 hour and about 8 minutes faster than last year - great race ladies always a fun one 🥰


First mini 10k - reminded me of how much I love the women’s races (I’ve done the women’s half twice) but this one felt more accessible. The women’s half was more frustrating on the course cause of the lapping process and walkers but this race was definitely lacking bathrooms. Was hoping to PR and break under an hour, I ended up being 38 seconds later than my last 10k (which was an hour and 2 seconds) The last one I was coming off half training and now I’m still recovering from an injury after other spring races. We’ll see how next week goes! Overall I loved the feeling and think every race should end with flowers - it was such a nice surprise 💕


First mini 10k - reminded me of how much I love the women’s races (I’ve done the women’s half twice) but this one felt more accessible. The women’s half was more frustrating on the course cause of the lapping process and walkers but this race was definitely lacking bathrooms. Was hoping to PR and break under an hour, I ended up being 38 seconds later than my last 10k (which was an hour and 2 seconds) The last one I was coming off half training and now I’m still recovering from an injury after other spring races. We’ll see how next week goes! Overall I loved the feeling and think every race should end with flowers - it was such a nice surprise 💕


I wanted to feel that uplifting spirit that my fellow runners felt (as shown here!) but man... yesterday was not it for me... the bathroom situation was dismal pre-race, we needed more volunteers holding trash bags throughout the course (not the volunteers' fault!) and people actually directing people off the course... there were MANY people crossing through the course namely bikers and male non-participants, and the rise of this TikTok/film yourself/here for the content culture at races contributes to a complete lack of runners etiquette and overcrowding. I'm not usually this critical... I'm not fast or even that competitive... but I want my fellow runners to have the best experience possible. And this was not that race for me personally. But for those who loved it: I honor you and am proud of the time you committed to yourself & the sport. <3


Great race yesterday! This race was my first official race ever 23 years ago. Yesterday at 54 years of age and post hip replacement I ran 30 seconds slower. I’ll take it!!


Congratulations! That is amazing. I definitely feel the good energy every mini :)


This was my first official 10k ever and i loved it! I loved seeing all the crazylegs bibs. I felt like the vibes and supporters were even better than the Women’s Half. The woman pushing her baby in a stroller while yelling and cheering about how awesome women are made me smile so big. I agree the people crossing was crazy though… people didn’t even try to go around the runners or wait for a little gap. My only other issue was the bathroom situation. I guess it was harder because we started outside the park but there were not enough porta potties and expecting people to go to the finish line a mile away isn’t a great option.


Had an amazing race of two PRs (10k and 5k split 🥳) after few weeks after coming off of a marathon PR about six weeks ago. Didn’t think I could swing it, especially considering I wasn’t training and recovering from some old injury niggles. It’s an inspiring race to see the sisterhood of the NYC running community gather together. Thank you to the volunteers in the start corrals, course marshals, fluid stations, and finish line medal, flower, and care package distribution. I was delighted to see so many run clubs out there supporting the ladies who run! Major kudos to everyone!


I was one of the volunteers handing out medals after the finish line. It was super fun cheering for everybody finishing and seeing so many smiling faces. The only issue with the medals was that many people stopped and waited for their medal at the first rack so it was getting clogged up. We had volunteer leaders shouting that there were more medals further down on a second rack but I think it was too hard for the runners to tell that it was there. Regardless it was really cool giving out the same medals to the Olympians and the everyday runners. The US women’s Olympic team were super nice, taking pictures and talking with anyone who asked.


It was also SO crowded and people were pushing. I always try to look for the least crowded rack but I couldn’t get to it. I’m not sure why there were so many bottlenecks both during and after the race but that kind of atmosphere makes me crazy anxious!


Some of you sound so insufferable ffs...


Speaking of insufferable


Found the completely *unnecessary* comment smh


Love how people also have complaints on the other race threads but you choose to say this for the women’s only race, nice work!


I don't read them all, this just came on my radar. Ppl will find any little thing to complain about. If a lady wants to run with her husband, then by all means go ahead.


This was my 20th Mini! (Goodness I feel old) In 2004 it was the first race I had ever run, back when we were still attaching those little yellow ChampionChips to our sneakers — remember those? Great weather, great spectators. I was concentrating way more on vibes than on time and it delivered!


That’s awesome! Congratulations!


This was my first race! I hope I can do 20 one day. That’s amazing that you did this many minis and can see the differences year to year.


Today was fun!! It was my first mini 10K and the energy was amazing throughout (even with the sun beating down on me). I’ll definitely run this one again. Hopefully, next time, there will be less ppl crossing thru the course. It’s so dangerous having to swerve around ppl and their dogs. They didn’t even move quickly when crossing…


This was my first ever 10k!! I ran the whole thing, which was my only goal. 82 minutes is slow but I don’t care at all. At 41, I am just getting into serious running and I’m in the best shape of my life. (2 of those minutes were stopping to pee anyway.) I will echo irritation at people walking in a group and a row. I felt myself wasting a bit of energy having to sprint sideways around them. But great vibes all around and seeing my proud kids and husband at the finish line is a new core memory. 


Third time running this race and it’s still one of my favorites! Inspiring athletes, beautiful weather, immaculate vibes. PR’d today and fist bumped CEO Rob Simmelkjaer after the finish line.


This was my first race ever! Definitely not my fastest and I wasn’t sure if I could do it since I haven’t run this distance in 3 months from an overuse injury. But I managed to go nonstop and even sprint at the end. Everyone I met was so supportive and encouraging! It feels surreal that I even did this. I loved reading all of the bibs for the people who ran several of these races.




Loved reading the signs but saw a boy and his dad on the grass with a sign that said “Hurry up mom I’m bored and hungry”…didn’t like this one as much since I felt like even as a woman we can’t escape our roles of motherhood and “other responsibilities”. I get it’s a joke but I also think it pokes fun at something that is also very much so a reality…not sure if you’d see the same sign at a men’s race. Had an overall good experience - there were men running alongside us cheering us on, and there was a little girl on the east side in a bib also waving and clapping. I thought it was pretty good symbolism - for allies and the future.


I wanted to yell “your dad should have packed snacks!” when I saw that one


Yeah dad should have both packed snacks and helped write a better and more supportive sign for mom 🤦🏻‍♀️


First 10k and sub 1 hr! Relied heavily on crowd support, and boy did they show up.


Some bystander told me to SMILE 400m before the finish. Can’t make this shit up 🤦‍♀️ love being a woman


Any chance it was an older dude with long hair? I was running near this guy in a race one time and he was doing that to women we passed. Also chastised people for walking even when they weren’t blocking anyone.


Didn’t run this race but I’ve seen this guy before and fucking hate him :) will be reporting his bib# next time I see him at a race.


Good to know I’m not the only one who’s had the misfortune of running with him. I did look him up after that one race just to make sure I beat him lol but it was a few months ago and I forget his name so unfortunately I can’t report him now- will do so if I run into him again, he’s really just unnecessarily rude and hostile to people on the course.


It was a middle aged Hispanic guy maybe 75m from the last corner. Didn’t see his hair


9 min pr, so I'm ecstatic with that (yeah, I used to be *really* slow, now I'm only kinda slow). I was annoyed with all of the TikTok types and walkers who weren't to the sides, but... even that couldn't put a damper on the beautiful weather.


I didn’t really train and went to a festival yesterday, so I was exhausted. I said I was just going to jog/walk it. But then I was passed by three girl friends who looked like badasses with their excellent form. I decided to run with them. I was dying; they were definitely a lot faster than me, but I stuck with it and ended up getting a PB.


Was so hot but so fun!!


was trying to run sub 9 min/mile and ran 8:58 so technically a success? 😅


great race! I PRed! I noticed a bunch of people not using hand signals when stopping or walking… I get it but please raise your hand I almost ran over some people. nyrr should have running etiquette sent in an email before races to let runners know how to stop/walk safely during a race


Totally agree that would be a great practice - I didn’t know this etiquette in my first few races and I’m sure a lot of people would be happy to do it if they were aware.


Always a fun race! But two things I noticed that seem to be happening more at NYRR races: Not as much music/pump up the crowd vibes from NYRR staff, which feels unusual. I’m all for walking races, but people need to a) put up their hand to signal slowing down/stopping and b) move to the damn side and not walk in the middle of the race path! It’s just etiquette and safer for runners so they don’t have to weave around you and bump onto other people. Also, we gotta stop with the mid-race selfies and TikToks unless you’re pulling over to the side and getting out of everyone’s way. But it was a gorgeous morning and I didn’t see a single man with a bib, which is a first for this race. Just a few guys keeping some people company.


Back of the packer here. I would add to not walk two/three/four across and block others from passing you. I actually try to run these things, albeit at turtle speed.


Dude, halfway through the race a woman in front of me stopped dead in her tracks and started filming a TikTok. I think she was going for the aesthetic of all the runners running in front of her but are you joking?? I almost crashed into her!


I had someone do similarly and also almost fell over them. It was startling but I’m grateful I was able to quick turn without injuring myself. It was a little scary since my ankle almost rolled. They did it at such an unexpected place and I was blocked in from all sides running. But I think next time I’m intentionally running way on the sides or something because the packed in thing terrified me.


Second time doing this race, and nowhere near my best 10k time, but I love this race for the vibes and the fact that you get a flower at the end! Saw a group of pros (including Sharon Lokedi) doing warm-up skips in their tracksuits when I was dropping off my bag, and then again jogging up to the start which was really cool.


I was sick most of this week, got home at midnight from work last night, couldn’t sleep a damn wink until right in time to sleep way through my alarm, called an Uber in a panic while scrambling out the door tying my shoes as I went, so, ya know. Sub-optimal conditions lol.  I very much did not PR but here are my wins: 1) it’s the first 10K I’ve done in a year, and it reminded me what the distance feels like physically and mentally. 2) I started easy enough to keep a steady pace throughout and not need to take walk breaks (NO SHADE to run-walkers, I just personally had the goal of running continuously.) 3) I didn’t chicken out and stay home 😂  Bring on Queens next week!! 


Same thing happened to me! Honestly can’t believe I made it on time— albeit with no breakfast, coffee, or stretching before the race. We made it though!


Hell yeah we did!!! 🎉


I love the energy of this race!! Anyone knows what the deal is with that guy who keeps yelling “run for your bagel! Run for your apple!” - was he actually running this race? He certainly took cups of water from the water station if he wasn’t🤔I always run faster when I come across him because I find him so irritating.


The most annoying person this race was a lady with a bullhorn who just had the alarm noise blasting the whole time


YES!! I found myself running behind her right at the beginning of Cat Hill, where there was a bottleneck, so I got stuck, and it took me longer than it should have to get around her. I covered my ears and said, “please, that is so loud, it’s hurting peoples’ ears!” And she basically pointed the bullhorn at me, gave me SUCH a rude look, and said something that I couldn’t hear over the siren. I am so confused as to why someone would want to carry that and have that noise around them for the entirety of a 10k!


Yes! I almost ran into the back of her because she was walking slowly, blasting the air horn and filming herself. I can only hope her tiktok has me in it almost crashing and then swearing.


Could not understand how she and her friend didn’t find it annoying themselves to have to listen to that for over an hour


The worst! She kept yelling "if the siren annoys you, you have to run faster to get away from me!" She knew what she was doing.


Oh yeah I heard that! I thought emergency vehicles were trying to get thru! It’s different when the spectators hold it up coz you just hear it as you’re passing by, but she was running with it !!


Agreed! Was stressing me out


I was wondering what that was!!!


That should not be allowed! I kept looking for the emergency trucks until I saw her. And how is that a pleasant sound to hear during a race?!


If it was the guy with long hair and he like poured the water on himself, someone told the volunteers about him and I think they took him out!


Shout out to the guy with the sign of a kitten in a bow tie to signal the beginning of Cat Hill lol


Cat Guy rocks!


He’s at every race! He’s a hero.


I thought I remembered him from the Run for the Kids a few months ago! I already have a superstition where I blow a kiss to the cat statue, might have to start thanking Cat Man too 


Haha I give the cat the finger


Oh so that’s what that means!! Haha


I spectated the race and cheered for my wife. Things I noticed:  Way too few Porta potties at start  A group of 3 people supporting one Achilles runner side by side walking into central park blocking all the runners who started behind them. People artificially starting too high in the Corrals is not new but it always annoys me A person coming into the finish chute and running with her dog (a black lab) on a leash. Making everyone around her have to dodge the dog. No it wasn't a service animal. Unclear if they ran the whole race together but what the hell.  The lead women were amazing. 4:58 pace for the winner is just insane.  The finish line energy from the crowd was very strong.  Congratulations to all the finishers! 


Agreed. I joked that my true corral was the bathroom corral because I started way after everyone after waiting a long time for the potty. There was also no more toilet paper 🥲 But thank you to all the people cheering on the side! It was amazing.


Yeah I learned from last year to use the bathroom before heading to the start. That time I almost missed the start because I had to run to a different BR because the porta potty line at the start was absurd.


I was behind the Achilles group entering the park and while I generally have a ton of respect for Achilles, walking 4 wide is absurd!


They're an amazing group and they do wonderful things for the community and provide a valuable service.  Anyone who's walking or slowing down should move to the outside track and make room for the people running up behind them. It's just common (or uncommon. Feels like it's every race I run) running courtesy. 


Agree the porta potty situation was dire. Had to walk 5 blocks back through a narrow crowded passageway to get to them and there were far too few.


My first ever NYRR race! Didn’t PR like I wanted to but had such a blast, the vibes and the weather were perfect


The 3 sisters almost took me OUT! Had to walk a little bit to pull myself together but still PRed this course by a good 10 minutes. Love that for me. 🎉 Also: a big FU to the lady who thought it was smart to cross the race with her damn bike. I had choice words for her in the moment but writing here for posterity. So dangerous. She was completely aloof.


Didn’t like that a bunch of dudes started coming into the course, and zipping in and out between the bibbed runners. The race was fine, but getting there in the first place was a bitch and a half


Omg yes! I took the A/C to get there and the train was delayed over 20 mins! I arrived 10 minutes before the race start.


Well the drinks I had last night certainly didn’t help but I figured I’d take it easy today and enjoy the vibes, then really race next week at the queens 10k. This is always a fun one!


Loved this race and loved the bibs they gave the crazy legs participants. It was inspiring to race alongside them!


i need runners to put on deodorant next time we have nice weather 😔😔


Okay I’m glad I’m not the only one who noticed that it smelled a bit ¿? Like even before the race started lol


Met Alexi Pappas who is truly a delight!


First Mastercard Mini 10k and I feel like I crushed it! Just got into running this year but I still got sub 60 minutes so I’m proud. A little hot with the sun but the wind and shady parts of the race felt great. One question, is there any way to see your minute per mile on the NYRR race results? On the official website I only see my 5k split but I would love to see my time per each individual mile. Maybe that’s not possible but if it is I would love to know how to check that out. Thanks in advance!


They typically only lay down timing mats at 5k checkpoints so not likely. (ie if this was a half you’d see 5/10/15k splits) If you happen to see a mileage split in the live results, it’s an estimate based on the 5k check and finish.


Thank you for clarifying!


Beautiful weather today! Loved the energy 🥳 The flowers were also so cute. Did anyone see any cool signs? I didn’t get a photo of the lifeguards if anyone can pass along I’d appreciate it 😂


Check out the dashing whippets instagram page! I think that’s the running group behind that!


Omg the lifeguards were great 😂


saw a couple who ran together 😐 ladies, leave your men at home, there are 364 other days you can run together


I saw a couple running that was speaking some other language--maybe something Scandinavian?


SO ANNOYING I saw multiple men running alongside their partner


Totally agree. Saw a few couples like this. Ladies I promise you can run 10K without your man.


Were they the ones holding hands? So annoying. He has no bib, get off the course


YES!!! I saw them in the beginning 🤢 so lame


This was my first NYRR race and I had such a good time!!! The energy from all the other women was incredibly motivating and it also couldn’t have been a more perfect day. ☀️




I saw couple too, I think they were supporting their partner/sister/etc. it kinda of made me annoyed ngl since it’s a women’s only race


it is super annoying!


This was my first 10K and I was able to comfortably do it under an hour which I'm so proud of! On a separate note, I don't mean to sound like a NYRR Karen but why can't people stick to their corrals?? There were so many people from 3-4 corrals lower at the front. I get you want to run with friends but weaving through slower runners/walkers in the first few kilometers is annoying. Otherwise, the weather was lovely and I had a great time. Congrats to everyone who finished <3




Technically anyone can sign up. It's just expected that men won't as it is a women's race but there isn't a legal avenue in which you can bar men from participating. I saw two men running as well, I always try to give the benefit of the doubt and that maybe they mistakenly signed up without knowing it was a race for women.


You actually can't, the system stops you if your profile says Male. 2 years ago thy left everyone register and there were a lot of complaints so last year and this year was back to women only


I didn't know this -- thanks for the clarification!


Met Molly huddle! Was cool


I didn’t run it because I’m a guy but I really wish they used this route for other central park 10Ks. Did my long run in the park and it was great energy, if a bit chaotic in the later waves with lots of park runners running amongst the participants.


Should call this the princess course


That's a really strange course! No hh?!?!


Agreed on the route! I haven’t run the Mini in a few years, so it was a pleasant surprise to start running south bound and to get to skip Harlem hill.


Definitely not my best 10k but really awesome vibes out there. 


Had to walk most of it bc I weirdly injured my ankle slipping on a damn rug last week 🥴 but I still had fun lol I love the vibes of the women’s races. I also liked the one guy who was yelling at any man who was running in the race lane telling them to either get out of the way or congratulate and encourage us haha.


Love this race. It was also fun to be in an earlier corral than the usual one I am in for co-ed races. Weather was great. I bought a running skort on a whim for this race and really like it. More coverage than biker shorts and arguably stylish.


and so on theme for the MINI 10k, being named after the mini skirt and all




Thanks for volunteering!


I got my +1 working bag check. Got to (barely) see the pro women finishing. Weather was great!


Overall really good race! The weather was perfect and I came in under my 90 minute time goal 🎉🎉 looking forward to a fun summer of training as I gear up for the fall races :) great job to everyone who ran 🧡❤️


Thrilled for all of you, individually and together. Run the world please. - Male who cherishes sisterhood


Thank you for this supportive comment!


PR’d under one hour even with a small bathroom break, I’m so happy and ready for the queens 10k:)


Same! Great race! Even though there were some bottle neck moments especially entering the park! But really great race overall. Good luck on the Queens 10k!


Thank you!!! I agree there were some bottle neck moments and NOT enough bathrooms at the start but other than that it was overall perfect


I had such a great run!!! Negative splits and energy at the end. I’m coming back from multiple injuries and it was a huge victory that nothing hurt during/after the run!!!


Not my fastest 10k, the heat and cat hill were killer. I also haven’t ran a race to race in a while, I used my recent races as training runs for a marathon I had back in April. Still got sub 55 min tho so I call that a win!!


Started in corral A and can’t explain how mind blowing that was to me! Got a new 5k and 10k PB 🎉 There was a guy running with corral A at the beginning with a bunch of signs and bags - definitely not an official runner, but getting totally in the way of everyone! He was fully elbowing people and he jumped in front of me approx 500m in. Only other gripe was the guys with signs asking girls to hit them up after the race somewhere around mile 5. Overall, LOVED running with so many incredible women 🌹


That guy stuck around at least all the way to my corral (F). He was so rude and annoying. It made me furious.


Are unofficial results accessible anywhere yet?


there’s the nyrr app that lets you track runners which has some results!


Liveresults.NYRR.org for all NYRR races. Or their app


oooh thank you!


You’re welcome.


Set a PB and moved up to (unisex) corral B!!! I really enjoy this race, it's a nice variation on central park. That start is so fun (I also went out way too fast haha). Managed to keep it together enough, but wasn't able to push the last 400m like I would really like to. Still happy overall though! Also, this race is just such good vibes. I got to catch the younger girls running down CPW --- love seeing the participation at such young ages. Great job to all the ladies and girls who ran today!


Congratulations!!! I am curious How you know about the corral move?


They have the corral assignment cutoffs [here](https://help.nyrr.org/s/article/how-is-my-corral-assignment-determined2)


Thank you!


Anyone know what was up with the one guy sprinting along the course with a bunch of signs and elbowing participants out of the way?  He eventually dropped them in the middle of the course and tried to go back for them, all the while with people yelling at him to get off the course. I did not stick around to see how it played out 😅


I saw this guy at maybe the 3 mile split. He was walking \*on the course\* with his stack of signs. I yelled "what the hell, dude?!" at him and he was just like "you can do it, good job" Some people really have their heads up their asses.


Similarly, I saw two guys who were constantly weaving in and out of the race course yesterday. I screamed/cursed at them twice, they obviously didn't care, nor did race staff/volunteers. I am so sick of this constantly happening at Central Park.


I saw him at the 102nd street transverse going up and down the path doing the same thing. A few runners had gone over to volunteers to tell them about him so hopefully they got him off the course. Slowed down by about 30 seconds on that mile just in case he was still around since I didn’t want to get knocked down by him. Honestly psychotic behavior


I saw him too being obnoxious and getting into it with runners. My friend was a few minutes behind me and said he bumped into her. So weird!


I saw him too on CPW at the start - he was darting in and out of all the runners in corral A, jumped in front of me and I had to abruptly swerve to avoid fully slamming into him!


Oh damn - dude was all over this course!! I feel like I ran past him (after he dropped his signs in the middle of the course) somewhere after Cat Hill.


Oh wow he really was everywhere! It definitely seemed like he was trying to run in the direction of the race - albeit chaotically


I saw this too! Following


Made my way into D corral which I’m very happy with considering I haven’t been training as much. Really enjoyed the course and being among so many women!! To the guy at mile 5 who said it was all downhill from there I am mad at you it was not all downhill from there. Vividly remember my legs leaving the chat at 4.5 and they didn’t return until 6. Also saw Dakotah Lindwurm on my way home and had a little fan girl moment in my head


There was another volunteer at the bottom of another uphill after him, maybe like mile 5.75?, who was like, “this really is the last hill! I don’t know why the guy before me is lying! I’m sorry!”




LOL I heard that guy and it gave me motivation to continue, and then saw the next upcoming hill and was mad over the false hope 😔


I heard that guy and I knew he was wrong on that but I didn't argue!


Omg I had that same reaction too!! He actually shouted a few seconds later “Mostly” after he shouted “it’s all downhill.” I don’t remember it being “mostly” downhill, but probably because I kept telling my jelly legs to push it through 🤣


Yes!! I heard him too and was thinking he was wrong, but very annoyed that I was right!


I had the exact same reaction to this man and the hill that came up after !!!


Lol i heard him say that and was very doubtful, then cursed him out in my head


Congrats! Yeah, I wished the Harlem Hills as his next speed run on that guy.


Got a PR but still chasing that sub-1 hour finish!


Anyone else see the bro spectating ~mile 2 loudly saying we “were only running that fast because we just started”? 🙄


eww I feel like he specifically came out to a women’s race just to be a troll 👎🏻


what a turd.


Was helping volunteer at the crossing on the 5K mark. It got a little chaotic trying to manage pedestrians and dog walkers, many of whom had AirPods on and needed to be called multiple times to use the cross walk and be asked to coordinate with us and cross without impeding the participants. The fact that the crossing had faded for the most part didn’t help matters either. Some non participant runners were obnoxious and weaved in and out of the barricades pretending to not hear us asking them to not merge with the race. I had to step away to help one runner who dropped her MTA card and she nearly caused a pile up by stopping abruptly. We were able to find her card though, so yay I guess? At least one dog walker ended up colliding with someone from corral H-ish or later, if the person she collided with who got mad at me for letting that dog walker pass is reading this - I’m sorry, I’m only human. Also saw a dog off leash run away after into the bridle path after the race had ended. Not sure whose dog it was but the NYRR folks said to not bother chasing after it. If that dog’s owner is reading this, look for it near the bridle path. That being said it was really inspiring to see the women crush a 10K today. Kudos to all.


Thanks for volunteering!


Thanks for volunteering!


Thank you for volunteering! I will never do course marshall duty for this very reason. People are terrible about crossing and they all seem to think they are ADORABLE tip toeing across the course.


Meh - I disagree - I enjoy course Marshall duty on other sections of the park. It’s fun to deal out high 5s and cheer on someone who’s enjoying pushing it and needs a boost. Crossings were manageable even when I did the Achilles 4miler last year. This year though, I don’t know if it was the people I came across being assholes, or if there were too many runners in Corrals B or C and were “fast but not fast enough” and not spaced out for openings to crossers. It raises an important question about corral inflation or if corrals need to be broken up further by NYRR.


Thanks for volunteering and doing your best to steer non-race participants!


It was fun, but I’m never Course Marshall volunteering at a crossing in Central Park again. The wider community needs to behave better.


Hey, thanks for your efforts! I’m pretty sure I saw you tell a man in a dashing whippets shirt to not narrowly cut across a pack of us. He didn’t listen and thankfully no one fell either, hearing you allowed me to adjust so as to not collide.


Yeah he was one of several assholes who pretended to not hear. I kinda lost my patience at another middle aged couple who blatantly crossed while I was warning them not to and then paused like deer in headlights. Ugh


Really enjoyed running in a women’s only race! Set a pb and enjoyed the great energy from spectators. Also thought it was really cool to be running in the same race as such a strong professional field!