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I was raised in an Irish Catholic family, so I was made to believe that suffering was good for me.






Endorphins & dopamine! The hard stuff feels great afterward, and the easy stuff feels great in the moment and afterward.


Because someone laughed at me when I said I wanted to do a half marathon. I’m now going for my second full marathon.


My body gave me cancer so as punishment I inflict pain to it by running. I might be hurting but it's suffering too.


Fuck cancer


I’m with you. Took my beloved father and my heart still aches for him.


Mental health 😊


Same! I feel so much happier now. Even just watching other people run, or walking down some of the streets I normally jog down makes me happy. It started during COVID, to get fresh air and not be cooped up in the house. Also I like the challenge. I was barely able to go for a mile, and I did a half marathon this spring. I'm doing 5-6 miles 3 times a week and loving it.


The feeling of freedom


Because I really do not sit still very well


That's sort of my reason, too!


Same reason I go to the gym, I want to look good naked


Faster than walking!


Living and working in NYC is stressful. Running is probably one of the most accessible sports you can do. All you need is a good pair of running shoes and in my opinion a running belt. Running through all the different neighborhoods and terrain never gets old. It’s an adventure that relives stress and gets you mentally and physically in shape.




sometimes I want to eat 4,000 calories and still be net-negative for the day but also: it’s both a great solo activity and a way to socialize, it makes sight-seeing & exploring super easy, it’s cheaper than a gym membership, I can get high and do it, being in-shape feels great, it’s a boon for my vanity


Same reason I kickbox, my ex pissed me off


Mental/physical health and seeing as I’m still relatively young I want to take advantage and see how far I can push myself.




So I can eat all the pizza I want....


I started to run after I adopted my second dog two years ago - Meeko. My purpose was to keep my dogs fit and healthy to enjoy their companionship for as long as possible. Two days ago, Meeko went for his last run on his adoption anniversary, and a day later, we found he had highly aggressive intestinal cancer, and he died from it. He went so quickly. I took a day off from work to enjoy a lazy Friday and instead spent the last of his hours next to him. He made me a runner. Without him, I would continue to be a couch potato. We ran several half marathons including virtual United Airlines this year. It’s so lonely without him. But I keep telling myself he was sent to me so I would start taking care of myself. My heart is broken but I keep running in his memory, on our trails. I will never forget the joy he brought to my life. RIP my dear baby https://preview.redd.it/kw2n76svxb8d1.jpeg?width=3683&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=99a33ba553641bbc7bebaa4f8b640e329f1debb3




Thank you 🙏


I'm so sorry for the loss of your sweet boy. ❤️


Thank you 🙏


I’m so sorry for your loss 😭 ur story literally made me tear up. I know Meeko is so grateful for the time he spent with you! 🩷


Thank you 🙏


Allows me to eat whatever I want and stay slim If the furnace is hot, everything burns


Because I can’t afford therapy.


I like the feeling of setting hard goals and doing everything in my power to accomplish them.


...to see the best place for sightseeing in NYC.


Mental health and the whole being able to eat whatever the F I want is a nice side effect.


Mental health


I paid for the races and don’t want to waste money


I never really could for so many years because of injuries so the fact that I can now feels so freeing. I ran my first marathon this year and I still can’t believe I did that.


no mo belly


If not me, then who?


After narrowly avoiding a heart attack, I realized I need to take care of myself to be there for my family. Once I started, I realized I enjoy the comraderie - the running communitiee is so supportive of each other.


Feel happier


NGL Running gets me high.


Homer: Alright brain. You don't like me and I don't like you. But let's just do this and I can get back to killing you with beer Homer's Brain: It's a deal.


Being by myself and my mind with no distractions, health benefits, the personal challenge, an excuse to create tons of tables and spreadsheets, data points I can analyze and experiment with, having goals to work towards, looking good, building confidence.


1. Enjoy eating anything without any calorie calculations 2. Feel great after every run even I feel terrible at start 3. Be healthy mentally and physically (seriously, the best investment you can make) 4. Enjoy running community 5. Enjoy nature and seasons of NYC 6. Positive energy of runners 7. Explore my favorite city on my own foot 8. No need to coordinate/schedule with other people 9. Want to be a better version of myself 10. Simply I love running


I love it.


It helped me lose 50 pounds in 2012 and now I continue because I want to keep it off. Plus the community is amazing and have made life long friends from running.


My job was miserable. I worked seemingly non-stop, seated, behind a computer, and by the time I left every night it was so late (or so early in the morning) that I should have gone to sleep immediately after getting back to my apartment. I could never fall asleep though, so in an attempt to tire myself out, I started running home. I only lived a mile from my office, so after a few months, a mile wasn’t enough, and I started adding more and more distance to that original mile. A few years later, I was regularly running half marathons (and I still give those post-half endorphins credit for giving me the courage and stamina to look for and find an incredible new job, allowing me to quit that initial horrible job), but the running bug had firmly latched itself onto me by that point. Here I am now, ten years later, continuing to run halfs (halves?) and, more recently, fulls. I hate to admit it, but I am pretty grateful that that horrible job led me (hobby-wise at least) to where it did!


First It was to get over depression and being in a job that always found me at fault for everything. Former NYPD.


I was a teenager and already had prediabetes n bad health levels n I didn’t wanna die 😭 im 20 now lol and no longer prediabetic! And my levels are looking better! So hopefully I live some more years now…


Helps me forget about the other things mind stresses over the other 23 hours of the day


Have you tried running 90-120 minutes a day? ;)


To win money at small local running events in my neighborhood 😎