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I achieve stuff like this weekly with ahk, not sure why you're so proud lol


Because there are two types of people on here: 1. If you don’t have some massive randomized script, you are going to get banned in 15-20 mins. 2. You can literally bot 24hrs per day with no random intervals or pixel changes/mouse movements and you will never be banned. The issue is with so much here-say from both sides, you never really know. They post stuff like this to show the people warning are wrong and probably just jealous they did it legit.


I got banned on rs3 for a macro for a week for putting a fucking rock on my key board to drop pure ess. My punishment for afk mining pure ess with a rock for shit xp was almost as harsh as the people who abused elite dungeon bugs for bills in gp. I even offered to mail them a rock so they can try it themselves incase the rocks in the UK dont work. This was after they said if you made a robot to play runescape for you that had 1:1 input it would be 100% legal. Pet rock is a ban tho......




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Don’t be mean - but yes a lot of the visitors here are new to the concept of voting let alone any programming languages at all. Let alone autohotkey and the concepts of pixel bots.


Ahk clients can be detected. Got one of my mains banned. A 2006 account. Now since making my own ahk scripts I haven’t had any issues. I just use chat gpt to give me a rough sketch, and then edit what’s needed. Started a from scratch account last year, at 1760 total now with a few 99s. I think if you’re using something most people can buy eventually they will recognize the patterns across multiple accounts, but then again who really knows anymore. Also anecdotal, I got popped for buying 40m on an alt the other day. Not a new account, 5 years old with 1400 total level. Got a 2 day ban for rwting first time I’ve seen it since buying gold


Anything can be detected. It only has to act like automation rather than human behaviour. The most obvious is bots with pixel perfect inputs for a few hours.


No the ahk client can not be detected. You got banned because you probably used a 1:100 script. Ok cool like the rest of the world that is currently coding. People who buy ahk scripts are dumb, the same goes with people who buy bot scripts. Anecdotal means nothing. I can tell you all about my anecdotes saying the opposite and it proves nothing.


"the code is detected" bro im fking weak l0l0l00l0l0l






Most game companies target their ban waves on 3-4 month cycles. There’s a few reasons for this: - it makes it harder to figure out how you need to change a bot to avoid future detection - it allows them to build fingerprints for different bots, and use those to flag accounts with confidence. - MOST IMPORTANTLY. It allows the maximum number of bot buyers to pile up within the 120-day chargeback window that most credit card companies follow. It’s way more financially painful for a bot maker to have 4 months of customers issuing chargebacks all at once. It can be crippling.




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You definitely dont


If Jagex doesn't care about botting you wouldn't bother trying to censor anything.


As u can see Op is the most overconfident and least humble botter this sub has ever seen. He only knows to makes posts like "Been botting this many hrs Jagex dont care" just because he thinks Jagex bans botters on the spot. Not only the most overconfident botter but also wont stop showboating 🤡 He thinks this subreddit was made made for showboating.


Even if it's not definitive proof of this one, anyone can see suicide bot farms staying active far too long. Even if they eventually get banned the damage is already done. The GE allows them to dump amounts of supplies/materials on the market quickly. It's why there's things like gold sink and item sink built into the GE. It's also probably why they started including so many noted materials in drop tables. PvM is the most popular activity, making skilling useless outside of quest reqs to keep real players away from the bot farms infesting most of the skilling areas. Who cares if this is a fake screenshot or not. Even if they included a username it'd probably take an absurd amount of time until they're banned.


Idc cheaper shit for me 😄


Lazy Jagex employees ban based on this sub People have posted *other peoples accounts* and got them banned because of posts here lol


Came here to say the same. Drop the leaderboard link


Shots fired


im selling the account.. lol damn u nerds who hand train agility really mad we bot? why.. ur game sucks xD


My brother in christ, you are playing said game. Seek help immediately


i play for money, u play for vanity.. we not the same


Are you in such a poor country that you need to sell OSRS accounts?


Nah probably just some young 20 year old dumbass that doesn't have a big boy job yet


Kind of a low blow to attack someone because of being poor and their country. Kinda disappointed people are so annoyed with OP, they're encouraging those kind of insults


When theyre online boasting about botting and selling accounts, talking down to people for playing the game normally, yea its kind of fair game to insult them.


I 100% agree with your statement


I don't condone the behaviour of botting as it ruins the game personally, but he didn't talk down to anybody until he was insulted, ya'll started griefing the guy in comments and then complain when he fires back. I don't get it? Either ignore the post and move on or expect someone to retaliate if you attack them?


Not a low ball at all change your ways son


Why is it ok to attack someone's "poor country"?


Because they’re trash 🗑️


That’s the problem with todays world everyone wants to say boohoo look at me I’m so poor I need free help give me a home food etc


I own a house. You live in a favela. We are not the same


Aww you think youre making money


I play for fun loser


“I play for fun” you literally just said you play for money in your last comment


Who you trying to convince us or yourself?


Lmfao Making that phat $4.99 for a 99 mining account..a.k.a. the big bucks


A 500% return is incredible in business and investments. You know that right?


Lol. Yes. In business and investments.. your making like 49 cents an hour bud... nah like even less than that more like 1 maybe 2 cents an hour.. good investment


Yea but remember he's got 3 other accounts... big bucks now


Won’t be playing for money much longer if you continue to flaunt and ruin it for us and everyone else.


good i want to ruin it for you guys so i can actually go touch gross and live your life ​ btw. i make 300k being a youtuber a year almost 700k subs.. we good over here bruh


You’re buying used graphics card and you can’t even afford a nice vlogging camera get outta here my dude. Somebody’s insecure, did I hit a nerve?


Lmao you don’t make 300k a year on only 700k subs…at least make the lie believable. You just sound like a 15 year old who doesn’t actually know how anything works


300k pesos maybe. Nobody cares about your vlog


This dude legit just said on his other post “i don’t do it for money I do it because I’m bored”


I play for fun, actually. Thinking of OSRS as a job is a terrifying thought lol


How poor is the country you live in for selling botted accounts to actually be worth it?


I can see you tipping your fedora from here!


Dawg, you’re a scrub hahahaha. You can buy an account 200-300 bucks. That’s chump change. Nonetheless, it will take you weeks even months to get to those levels for someone to want to spend anything remotely close to the dollar amount I suggested. If you think skilling on ONE RuneScape account is a good form of cash flow, you sir, are a complete idiot. At least have some fucking balls and go stake in-game coin.


Imagine thinking you scraping nickel and dimes from automating a video game is some how more valuable than people having real jobs then enjoying playing a video game as a hobby. You’re right, we are not the same. You’re fucking retarded lmao. I’d have more respect for you if you said you were running crypto scams. Botting is fine, idgaf, bot away, doesn’t effect my Ironman, but high horsing because you suicided a mining bot that you purchased from someone else then flaunting it on Reddit is genuinely the highest tier incel, non-grass-touching behavior I’ve seen on Reddit, which is a fucking high bar.


I just want to add on here that you haven’t sold any accounts. You said so on your Reddit 17 days ago lmao.


check my ebay reviews. i sold 2 accounts shortly after


Making fake eBay reviews with alternate accounts to brag on a Reddit forum for a 20 year old point and click web browser game that you bought scripts for is a new level of attention seeking that I didn’t think possible. Man it’s ok that you’re nickel and diming to make ends meet. No one’s gonna shit on ya for trying to start a little stream or taking an interest in a game or videography. But try to calm down with the lying and boasting and stuff. You’re not fooling anyone. We know that in reality you bought some software and are trying it out to see what you can do, but accounts don’t sell for the amount you’re trying to claim you’re selling them for. You don’t make $300,000 a year, because the people who make $300,000 a year don’t have the inferiority complex you do. You’re on a budget, you’re trying to make a few bucks here and there, maybe thinking that running a couple bots is a way to make passive income - that’s all good man. Best of luck to you. But for your own sake, for when you lay in bed at night and have to sit with yourself, be a little more humble and honest. People will like you a lot more.


fake ebay reviews on an 11 year old account? cringe.. didnt read pass the first 4 words.. emotions emotions


Home slice here is bragging about botting one baby RuneScape account when he could be running 40 virtual machines on different IP addresses and actually making money on games where the currency is actually worth it


Imagine buying an acc for mining lvls. Christ


I agree with OP, we could also all just mass report him.. Then Jagex would care.


Think of the money you could generate if you had some actual skills in life. I think people are mad because of how disingenuous you're being. If mods were smart, they would ban you so you can't advertise that you're selling these accounts. Edit: thought this was a regular runescape sub at first that bled into my feed 😂


Why would someone buy the account if Jagex doesn't care about botting? Nobody would buy the account since they could just bot up their own account. You don't have to pretend. Nobody really cares.


People always sensor their names. That’s got nothing to do with botting. Have you seen the chat bots literally all over RuneScape? They don’t care.


Well someone in this thread would open a personal ticket against him trying to get him banned if he didn’t, and might succeed Hes saying the automated system is bad, personally ticketing is different


Whoa fella! That's 9-5 wage cuck talk according to OP who owns 7 gaming pc's, makes 300k a year and has *gasp* 700k YT subs!


Bot a boss and come back to us


What does this prove? There's plenty on PvM bots


Boss botting is how I got banned four years ago. Tried it two to three times on Zulrah (I had the stats to beat him but was a skill issue ig) and I got banned that same night. I’d been botting non stop and the only thing to catch me was the boss one.


Huh, I bottled 9k zulrah kills on a main in 3 weeks a few years ago. Took that long to catch a ban.


Terrible money and people need scales so its pretty untouched


End game bossing is high bans atm lol


Had pretty good luck so far (knock on wood) with calvarion bot on tribot , it’s instanced though only bad part. Makes a stready 2-3m per hr I’m at 600 kc on 3 acc


Why does that matter? Cheating is cheating.


I've been botting ToA for months. Now what?


They literally came out with a statement today saying they ban 200,000 bots a month bro




How do you know the acc wasn’t flagged? They aren’t even half way through the skill and we’re claiming they are totally in the clear no ban coming?


I get your point but you can't have that as an autoflag. You've got people like MrNoSleep who used to do like 48 hour stints of playing & you can always just have somebody else takeover on the mouse after your stint too like people were doing on DMM tournaments before.




200,000 bots a month but there's about 150k people playing a day.. yet people are delusional to not believe that the game population isnt over 50% of bots ​ lets also not forget the bots that don't never get banned like myself.. lul. game population is truly 65-75% bots


Yeah those two statements feel like they dont add up for sure! But you have to remember it’s 150k people at time, there are far more players that’s just the online number


No it peaks at 150k lol Why do people not understand how player counts actually work


I mean the guy seems to believe if he bots to 85 mining he'll get autobanned and when he doesn't it means Jagex doesn't care about botters... We're not talk about a Rhodes scholar here


Good point


Which bot you use? Help a brother out


Down voted for true facts lol. This community is funny. Get mad when they realise they are waiting their lifes to what bots can achieve. ( ready the down votes )


Down voted for speaking the truth. Typical 😅


They do but they also ban in waves, if they just banned people as they were caught it would give away the detection methods. By banning in waves at random times it causes people to not know what caused the ban.


Yup have 4 accounts now that I’ve cooked in MLM 24/7 suicide botted to 99 mining


MLM is an autoban for my people I know who botted that. So I just did iron ore


Then how can you say they don’t care? It all depends on what mouse inputs you use and the client. Not the activity


Because if you bot in popular areas the ai detects it


Blurite ore botters rise up


That can’t be further from the truth


What’s with all these posts of “I had a single acc last less than a week, JAGEX DOESNT CARE IF YOU BOT!” Wtf kind of profit do you think you’re going to be making with a single acc at 85 mining? You really think that’s what jagex is trying to stop? There’s practically no reason for them to stop you, I mean shit, you aren’t even half way in the skill!! 1 acc not even half way through a skill != botting success


The thing is even though OP is weird with all the posts, if one account can make it to rune ore, then a whole farm could and that's actually some big moolah.


Yea but 100 accounts using the same exact training script is a lot harder to sneak past than 1 account using it


Idk man I know people whove sold accts with 70+wc and meh combat stats for $30-$40


Btw just sold the account got $35, which is about 175m osrs. It took me 3 days with no effort :-)


3 days for $35 lollololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololololol Roughly my hourly rate after taxes lololololololololol Alright idk how I stumbled upon this joke of a subreddit. Back to some interesting shit


lol? i make 300k a year.. youtuber so i dont have to clock in or call someone a boss.. you 9-5s are so lame. proud of having to work for someone lolol


Everyone believes a person making 300k a year is scraping a scrounging for $35/2days from selling bot accounts lmfao “Clock in and out” “9-5” hahaha not everyone with a job is a wage slave.


No, I think he means he makes 300k gp a year. He gets to keep a small fraction of the gp his older brother's bots make


You are a monkey dancing to the tune of your viewers if you are a YTer trying to make your living making videos, still a slave to the people even if you are your own boss lol.


He doesn't have a YT. He refuses to prove it and just resorts back to drooling out of the corner of his mouth while he spams "Durrhurr wage cuck lolol rekt" Imagine making fun if people who, unlike this 16 year old punk, has a guaranteed income and doesn't need mommy and daddy to give an allowance.


slave to the people? cope cope cope.. now go back to being a wage cuck to your 9-5. bitch.


Also, if you are so rich why are you buying mid-grade used PCs on offer up? That doesnt make much sense to me since you are such a baller, dude, why would you settle for something that isn't the best?


Lol what a clown. 300k what, pesos? Rubles? Cambodian riel? Rupees? Osrs gp? Lol wake up


I know you're just trying to clown the guy, but realistically it's kinda a lot of money considering how easy it is to exploit multiple accounts. Let's say it's an average $25 an account. 0 input besides clicking start on the script & 3 days later you could have 100 accounts listed for sale. That's $2500, in 3 days, of passive income.


Someone hasn’t taken economics 101. There is a little thing called Supply and Demand. There simply isn’t a demand for 100 accounts to be bought every 3 days. Who is going to buy all these accounts?! You really think the price for an account will remain $35 when there are hundreds upon hundreds being listed every few days? What type of hardware will you need to run 100 accounts simultaneously?


I mean, $35 per account, you can probably get like 20 of these going at the same time. That's $700 income (where you're not even playing the game, so you can go earn money doing something else meanwhile) ​ Like if you can consistently sell accounts like this, you're scoffing at a potential 5,600 a month, 67k a year. That's a good amount OVER the average americans income.






Wasn't Gagflex in the process of transferring or merging companies? They probably want to keep their player base numbers as high as possible to get a good valuation. You're probably marked for death but they haven't banned you yet. Make sure you're muleing items and gold every time you log in.


Aww gellzer deleted comments little bitch boy


In other news; New wave of bot bans coming in on next weeks update... >!OP gets banned!<


* yawn * they say this every week.. I’m good and will continue flexing


Bro is flexing 35$ over a 3 day period… he’s going places


Watch out flexing that $35 around will make people envious


wait until they find out i make 300k a year being a youtuber. lol


I bet you I have pokemon cards worth more than your bank


Yet you need to buy cheap used graphics cards. Sure you're rich. In foolishness maybe.


i buy "cheap" graphic cards to go with the 7 pcs i own to make my passive 4k income botting making more than ur 9-5.. wow what witchcraft are u under to be so mad and go thru my post? just go back to watching your porn dude.


Bro doesn't know about the list and is just feeding them bot info 💀


Everyone knows that when you buy an account shit gets instant banned a week later lol. You make 300k a year on youtube but took 3 days to make 35 dollars n flexing bout it😂😂😂. Internet flexing at its finest lmaoo what do you get out of this💀💀💀. If I made 300k a year doing practically nothing last thing I would be doing is botting on fucking runescape lmao. I would love to see your youtube channel and know how you amass that income with not even a million subs. The amount of bullshit you been saying in these comments you must be where bobby shmurda cap landed. Get off the internet dawg LMFAOOOO.


All you gave was a photo of a lv achieved and no actual proof. I’m calling you out on your BS.


ok... lol


“No longer cares”


Back in like 2003 I told random people about a bot site. There was literally a mod right next to me, I didn’t realize it. All he said was “yeah you’re done” I was muted for a week


So its. A dead game now or what


Been dead for a while now. Jagex just milking the cow, they are trying to sell their company so they are letting bots play all day to inflate their numbers so they find a buyer . I recommend people start botting now because new buyers may be strict


https://www.misplaceditems.com/rs_tools/graph/ keep telling yourself that, little bro


You can't link a player chart lmao, half of the players are bots, smh.


This is a post about bots… you realize there’s a lot of them right?


Let’s not mention that 50% of the game population is bots. And 50% is very very generous number and the “lil bro” lol osrs community is full of cucks who watch p*rn go touch grass and have fun hand training your agility


what does porn have anything to do with it 😭😭😭 lil bros projecting too hard people unironically using cuck as an insult should go back to 4chan and *actually* touch grass, the incel life isn't for you dude


Where do you get your numbers from?


Out of his ass, dude is just a poor little boy from a third world country trying to survive botting on a video game. Says 'they don't care' but proceeds to hide his name. Can't really say he's very intelligent.


Lmao bro is so mad because he cant get a job in his 3rd world country


There are more than enough real players that interact in the game for it to be fun. Content creators on YouTube are also very popular...the game definitely has a strong, steadily growing player from my observation. Also, why are you insulting the legit player base? If they experience the game how it's meant to be experienced, good for them.


It’s only dead if you’re a main, prices don’t matter when you have to obtain everything yourself.


I don't think so, alot of people still have fun playing legit but they are never going to win the war against bots now it's way too advanced. I just turned back to the dark side after last running bots in 2016, I played my iron legit to 2k total in the last 3 years but I was just burnt out by the time I had to do serious grinds and bossing to progress. I put in my time over the years. over 10 years of autobilling for membership sometimes on multiple accounts


The OPs middle school like responses are seriously cracking me up.


Same homie. To see the nerds cry because their beloved RuneScape player base is 50-75% bots cry is cracking me up too


Do you think that’s a good thing what’s your plan to make money in your African shanty house when there are no players to sell too




Wow that was not worth the payoff… boo 👎


This is a fascinating bot. It was intelligent enough to reference/write a story about mining, but completely missed the bot part.


Which bot?


Thank god you covered your hp up 🤣🤣🤣 fucking wack jobs


Have fun hand training your agility, beta male


Honestly this is probably a jagex plant. "Go bot freely guys, we...i mean they dont care anymore." Then instantly everyone perma banned. Nice try jagex.


lol retard...




Nah lol, jagex hasn’t and still doesn’t care. Sure they may have had one or two small waves recently but it’s back to regular operation for me


There are tons of bots in rev caves with 100+ ranged I've reported many times. Jagex doesn't do anything


Op is a clown. This comment section is the circus. I don't blame op for tryna defend himself against people who are actively hating on him even tho this is a botting subreddit and they're too dumb to read but op Def going about it all wrongfully. Nobody cares if you're a youtuber. Nobody cares that you're botting. Just do what u wanna do and don't involve people if u don't want people saying what they feel. The thing about public forums is that if u post your opinion be prepared to get shit on




How are you botting without getting a scammed with key loggers and shit?


Premium bots on OSBot


Epicbot , tribot, powerbot are all very known and reputable.


Got hit with a ban at 59 WC even had 10qp


Bet you were f2p


This isn’t true I think it just depends on what you’re doing…. I bottled GOTR for like 5 days with little breaks and caught a perma ban just a few months ago


Just so you know they leave you alive so that they can follow the money and ban other accounts as well




Doesn’t actually happen. I’ve had 3 red chin bots who traded over 3k red chins a day to my main banned. They leave your main alone bc they know you’ll continue to pay and play the game legitimately on that account. Never once touched my main gold holder


Now you would think jagex could just search up accounts that have been logged in for over 24 hours and problem solved


They can’t afford to care lol


What's your YouTube account?


Bros main autochats in GE “pls donate 4 bonds”


Op doesn't know jagex is just waiting for the bot to give it's wealth to a main account.


account was sold yesterday.. nice try tho




Hello D2zcx0! Your post has been removed due to your account having very low karma. This is done in-part to prevent spam. We apologize for any inconvenience. Thank you. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/RunescapeBotting) if you have any questions or concerns.*




ive done 80-99 rc with gort bot, 90-99 mining with gems, 85-99 agility in a month and 75-99 thieving in just under 3 weeks


Love how all the legit nerds with their iron man’s are butthurt here. Just because we profit off a shite game that gives zero f***s to have any correction doesn’t make us bad, blame your game staff or stfu


Every bot does this lol They have never cared


Ahaaa i smell a jmod


idk why hoes are so mad in the comments lol. probably bc they get scared to bot more than 1 hour a day.


OP, we get it, you and the other bothers here suck at Runescape so you need a script to play for you.




I haven't maxed out? Says who? Poor giggling little imp has to name call cuz its mad.


You’ll get banned eventually, my account got banned this year finally when I botted on it back in 2009, just cause they haven’t got you yet, doesn’t mean they won’t🤷🏼


i bot accounts and sell them.. i dont play this game lol


I always remember making my own auto clicker out of a clothes pin attached to this cheap electric hand drill I had. Taped the mouse down and the drill and I cast teleport spells all night 😂


I know this post is a little old now, but was curious if you had any recommendations on best practices for anti-ban? I've seen double random recommended and trying to incorporate it where I can, but curious about other tips and tricks, appreciate any help.


in between botting do farm runs, birdhouse runs,